Healthy Skepticism

Healthy Scepticism!
Health Cover Up – Vaccines, Biowarfare.
Suppressed Cancer Cures,
Suppressed Energy Medicine.
In this presentation, we will attempt to look at the
general health cover up which has been in operation
for about 100 years.
We will touch on:
Programmes and substances designed to deliberately
harm health such as most or all vaccinations.
AIDS and Cancer
The 2009 Swine Flu Scam – this is where I did write
letters etc and get some interesting answers from the
Department of Health!
Cheap, effective treatments/cures for cancer
Effective dietary treatment or diabetes
“Energy medicine” techniques such as those
developed by Royal Rife
Other forms of healing such as Matrix Energetics
There is too much information to pack in!
I am not a Doctor, nor am I a
Health Expert!
My background is in Software Engineering
and Education!
I am presenting this information because
it is what I have come across in looking at
the other cover-ups such as 9/11,
Weather Modification and the UFO/ET
cover up.
You are encouraged to do your own
Research too!
I have used quite a few video and audio
clips here, rather than try to describe all
these things myself!
AIDS – A Bio-warfare
And what is its relation to
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Boyd Graves and AIDS
Boyd Graves contracted AIDS and then
did some research into the origin of
the disease. He eventually filed a
SAN DIEGO - International AIDS
Activist, Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. will
re-file the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the
United States for “full disclosure”
of the formerly secret U.S. Special
Virus Program (1962 – 1978).
According to medical experts, any
review of this formerly secret
federal virus development program
will solve and end HIV/AIDS.
Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. was a graduate
of Annapolis and law school
AIDS and the “Flow Chart”
Graves found that something like AIDS
appeared to have been developed as part
of the DoD Special Virus Program – which
is shown in a flow chart which was part of
documentation about the program.
AIDS Cure Patented! (“Tetrasil”)
United States Patent 5,676,977Antelman October 14, 1997
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices
The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver
tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4) is utilized for destroying the
AIDS virus, destroying AIDS synergistic pathogens and immunity
suppressing moieties (ISM) in humans. A single intravenous
injection of the devices is all that is required for efficacy at levels
of about 40 PPM of human blood. The device molecular crystal
contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing"
electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and
ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device
electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and
ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation
mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and
bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are
completely non-toxic. However, they put stress on the liver
causing hepatomegaly, but there is no loss of liver function.
Inventors: Antelman; Marvin S. (Rehovot, IL)
Assignee:Antelman Technologies Ltd. (Providence, RI)
Appl. No.: 08/658,955Filed: May 31, 1996
Graves received Tetrasil
In 2001 Dr. Graves became the first American and African
American to receive an injection of Tetrasil, the U.S.
Patented Cure for AIDS (Patent # 5676977). Almost
immediately, Graves health began recovering from years of
damage inflicted by the 'special HIV virus' and he became
an outspoken proponent of the Tetrasil treatment
demanding immediate clinical trials and world wide
accessibility for people living with HIV and dying of AIDS.
Soon afterward Tetrasil was recalled by the patent
owner/manufacturer, Dr. Marvin Antleman and Antleman
Technologies, Inc. without public explanation. Graves took
his experiences and requests to the Congress, General
Accounting Office, the Centers for Disease Control, United
Nations, World Health Organization, and several Ministers of
Health around the world with varying degrees of success
including China, the UK, and several African countries
where he was widely revered and respected as the 'Man
Who Solved AIDS'.
Graves died in 2009, but the cause of death was not given.
Mycoplasma and AIDS
Donald Scott is the President of The Common Cause
Foundation in Ontario, Canada.
He earned a BA from University of Toronto - 1952;
MA from Laurentian University - 1973; M.Sc. from
Guelph University - 1976.
He taught at the high school and university levels from
1957 until 1982, when he retired from teaching.
Elected Commissioner of Ontario Teachers’ Pension
Plan 1971 - 1976. Elected Governor, Ontario Teachers’
Federation, 1976 - 1978. bounder and President of
Ontario Teachers’ Retirement Villages, 1978 - 1982.
In 1995, he began fulltime study of the scientific basis
of neuro/systemic degenerative diseases.
In collaboration with William Scott, he wrote The
Extremely Unfortunately Skull Valley Incident (1996)
and The Brucellosis Triangle (1998) published by
Chelmsford Publishing.
He discovered a link between AIDS and Mycoplasma
while trying to help someone suffering from Chronic
fatigue syndrome.. Here he is on Black Ops Radio from
about 2004.
Are Vaccines used to
spread Viruses?
If it happened with Hepatitis
B, has it happened again?
Dr Leonard Horowitz on AIDS
Horowitz a Harvard Graduate was
originally a dentist who was asked
to look into issues of hygiene related
treating dental patients with AIDS.
He too discovered some odd things
about AIDS and Vaccines – which he
describes here in an edited clip from
a video made in the 1990’s.
Dr Andrew Wakefield
and MMR
Dr Andrew Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath, is an academic
gastroenterologist. He received his medical degree from St. Mary’s
Hospital Medical School (part of the University of London) in 1981,
one of the third generation of his family to have studied medicine
at that teaching hospital.
He pursued a career in gastrointestinal surgery with a particular
interest in inflammatory bowel disease. He qualified as Fellow of
the Royal College of Surgeons in 1985 and in 1996 was awarded a
Wellcome Trust Traveling Fellowship to study small-intestinal
transplantation in Toronto, Canada. He was made a Fellow of the
Royal College of Pathologists in 2001. He has published over 130
original scientific articles, book chapters, and invited scientific
In the pursuit of possible links between childhood vaccines,
intestinal inflammation, and neurologic injury in children, Dr.
Wakefield lost his job in the Department of Medicine at London’s
Royal Free Hospital, his country, his career, and his medical
Here he is on a Coast to Coast program from 09 June 2010 talking
about another vaccine which had to be withdrawn.
Doctors Speak out Against
Dr Andrew Wakefield appears with
other doctors in this video speaking
about Vaccine dangers
Another Story Linking
Cancer, Viruses, Vaccines
A monkey and…
Dr Mary’s Monkey – Cancer
Viruses & JFK Assassination
Edward T. Haslam was born in Kansas in 1951. Soon afterwards, his
father was appointed to a teaching position at Tulane Medical School
in New Orleans. As a child he got to know one of his father's
colleagues, Mary Sherman.
Haslam was educated at the Jesuit High School in New Orleans.
Haslam had teachers, classmates and friends whose family members
were involved in the investigation carried out by Jim Garrison. As
Haslam himself points out this gave him an "insider perspective" of
these events.
In 1990 Haslam began to investigate the death of Mary Sherman and
her relationship with David Ferrie. In July, 1995 he published Mary,
Ferrie & the Monkey Virus and in 2007 he published Dr. Mary's
Monkey. In the book he looks at the connections between Mary
Sherman, Alton Ochsner, Patrick J. Frawley, Ed Butler, David Ferrie,
Guy Banister, Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of John F.
Swine Flu (2009) –
Looking at Evidence
Déjà vu anybody?
The 2009 Scare - 1
The scare seemed to start with reports of
an outbreak in Mexico on Apr 17th 2009.
Health bodies claimed “this was expected”,
but don’t really give a good reason why.
It was slightly less than 3 years since the
“Bird Flu” (Avian Flu) scare had been
hyped up – which never got very serious
in Europe or the USA anyway
SARS also failed to become a real threat
Who Knew it was coming?
Almost 1 month before the outbreak, on 19 Mar
2009, ‘Medical News Today’ reported that a
French Pharmaceutical Company, Sanofi Aventis
‘Invests 100 Million Euros In New Facility In
Mexico To Produce Seasonal and Pandemic
Influenza Vaccine’.
On 6 Apr 2009 - 11 days before the first Mexico
case appeared - Derby Telegraph held an article
entitled ‘Flu pandemic could kill up to one in 80’.
The Derby Telegraph article discusses the stock
piling of surgical masks and gowns. The paper
stated they were working on
guidelines/information provided by the Health
Was the Virus Engineered? - 1
‘According to the World Health Organization (WHO)
and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta,
Georgia, the so-called “Swine Flu” infecting and killing
human beings in Mexico and North America this spring
and summer, is “a new subtype of the A/H1N1 not
previously detected in swine or humans. This novel
H1N1 influenza (swine flu) virus is a triple
recombinant including gene segments of human,
swine, and avian origin.”’
Source: National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Some would say this was only possible if the virus had
been genetically manipulated in a laboratory.
Was the Virus Engineered? - 2
Alexander S Jones, former employee the US National
Institutes of Health (NIH), has analyzed the genome
sequence of the virus.
“BLAST sequence homology of 'swine flu' indicates both the
Hemagglutinin (HA) surface protein as well as the Nonstructural (NS1) interferon Inhibition proteins are novel
recombinants previously unidentified in nature. Both these
influenza proteins, based on the genetic sequences released
Friday May 1st by the U.S. Centers of Disease Control
(CDC), share their closest genetic identity with turkey
(avian) and pig (swine) strains from multiple continents
including North America as well as Asia. Even the closest
matches indicate 5% previously unidentified genetic
He concluded that we “must seriously consider a laboratory
origin for this virus”.
Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to
European Labs by Error
 reported:
Feb. 24, 2009 -- Baxter International Inc. in Austria
unintentionally contaminated samples with the bird flu
virus that were used in laboratories in three
neighboring countries, raising concern about the
potential spread of the deadly disease.
The contamination was discovered when ferrets at a
laboratory in the Czech Republic died after being
inoculated with vaccine made from the samples early
this month. The material came from Deerfield, Illinoisbased Baxter, which reported the incident to the
Austrian Ministry of Health, Sigrid Rosenberger, a
ministry spokeswoman, said today in a telephone
Jane Burgermeister files charges
Jane Burgermeister is a dual Irish/Austrian journalist who has
written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, and American
In April 2009, Jane filed charges with the Austrian Police against
Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology. The charges claim
that Baxter acted to cause a future bird flu pandemic intentionally
to in order the profit from its flu vaccine demand.
In addition, she has filed charges against WHO and Baxter among
others concerning a case of exploding "swine flu" vials meant for a
research lab on a busy IC train in Switzerland.
Further evidence points to the work of an international crime
syndicate. The apparent motivation being the huge financial
rewards through the mass vaccinations of the population with the
vaccines that the criminal elite create to ‘fight’ the pandemic
which they created.
Swine Flu - Questioning
Information from Official
Don’t believe the hype
NHS Leaflet Delivered to all UK
Never done for a
vaccination before.
Posters and notices
in Workplace etc
A Psychological
operation? (Psy-Op)
Contains false,
alarmist information
i.e. “No one will
have immunity to
the virus”
1986 AIDS Leaflet – Delivered to
all UK Households…
Ahem – More déjà vu?
Is/Was the Swine Flu Even a Real
The symptoms of supposed swine flu so
far, are indistinguishable from regular flu
or from the common cold. It does NOT
cause death anymore often than the
regular flu causes death.
Many media reports seem to have
deliberately hyped up what has happened
– sometimes not naming people. Also they
have mentioned the victim’s “underlying
health problems”.
Swine Flu - The Treatment
and the Vaccine
Are they safe?
Who makes the Tamiflu, one of
the Suggested “Remedies”?
Tamiflu only treats the symptoms, it does
not get rid of the virus.
In 2005, CNN ran a story “Rumsfeld's
growing stake in Tamiflu” – Rumsfeld is
former US defence secretary.
Researchers have also noted that the
“shelf life” of Tamiflu - one of the so-called
treatments for those who have supposedly
succumbed to the Avian virus – is 3
Similar – Gardasil –
Conflict of Interest?
Daily Telegraph, 11 Jul 2008
GlaxoSmithKline executive resigns as
Ofsted adviser
A senior pharmaceutical executive
has been forced to resign his position
as an advisor to the schools
inspectorate, just one month after he
was appointed, because of alleged
potential conflicts in the testing and
use of drugs on children.
Is the treatment, Tamiflu safe?
Numerous reports from Japan and other
countries are showing that Tamiflu (and a
related drug Relenza) can cause
devastating, tragic side effects, such as
hallucinations, delusional behaviour, loss
of contact with reality, convulsions,
nausea and vomiting, psychosis, suicidal
behaviour, death of both adults and
Some of these issues seem to have been
hyped up in the media recently
Is the Vaccine Safe?
Ingredients in seasonal vaccines can include
Egg proteins
including avian contaminant viruses
known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are
usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin
Polysorbate 80 can cause severe allergic reactions, including
(Tween80™) anaphylaxis
known carcinogen
Triton X100
a strong detergent
table sugar
known to cause allergic reactions
an antibiotic
mercury is still in multidose vials
Are Vaccines Safe? - 1
Each person should have the choice as to
whether they will be vaccinated or not.
Most doctors believe that vaccination is a
good way to deal with diseases and they
claim that it reduces the risk of a
pandemic. The basic principle is, that the
virus fragments in the vaccine are injected
into the blood to stimulate the production
of anti-bodies
Are Vaccines Safe? - 2
What doctors don’t normally tell you
is that most vaccines contain other
toxic substances (sometimes even
Sometimes they contain other animal
organ tissue and blood cells and
other viruses, aluminium compounds
and antifreeze!
Dr Carley on Vaccines
Dr Carley trained as a surgeon.
Her son was inoculated and ended up brain
Dr Carley had her son taken away from her by
the courts, due to her fight to expose the damage
done by vaccines.
Edited Extract from “City Talk FM” interview on
July 27th 2009. The Doctor defending vaccination
admits injection of Mercury for Syphilis was “bad
Swine Flu - A Look back
in History
1918 – Spanish Flu
1976 – Swine Flu in USA
1918 Pandemic - 1
All the doctors and people who were living at the
time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say
it was the most terrible disease the world has
ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day
would be dead the next. The disease had the
characteristics of the black death added to
typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox,
paralysis and all the diseases the people had
been vaccinated with immediately following World
War 1. Practically the entire population had been
injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases
— or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made
diseases started breaking out all at once it was
1918 Pandemic - 2
That pandemic dragged on for two years,
kept alive with the addition of more poison
drugs administered by the doctors who
tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as
I could find out, the flu hit only the
vaccinated. Those who had refused the
shots escaped the flu. My family had
refused all the vaccinations so we
remained well all the time. We knew from
the health teachings of Graham, Trail,
Tilden and others, that people cannot
contaminate the body with poisons
without causing disease.
BBC News, 7 October, 2004
“Killer flu recreated in the lab”
“Some experts believe a flu
pandemic is overdue Scientists
have shown that tiny changes to
modern flu viruses could render
them as deadly as the 1918 strain
which killed millions.”
Why re-create it in a lab?
Notice how “the experts” are
usually un-named.
1976 Swine Flu Propaganda
The hyped up 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Never
On his website, Dr Mercola points out that the
last time the public has been warned about swine
flu was in 1976 - it resulted in the massive swine
flu vaccine campaign. Within a few months,
claims totalling $1.3 billion had been filed by
victims who had suffered paralysis from the
vaccine. The vaccine was also blamed for 25
It was stated by American Officials that Mary
Tyler Moore had taken the vaccination. She did
Swine Flu - Health Bodies
Answer Questions
Can they address the
Questioning Health Bodies
On 26th June 2009 I wrote to
Derbyshire Health Authority (also
known as Derbyshire PCT – Primary
Care Trust) with a list of 17
They responded on 19th Aug 2009
and, for additional answers, they
suggested I contact the Dept of
Health (DH).
I wrote to DH on 24th August 2009
Answers from Derbyshire PCT - 1
I asked if they were aware of that an
Austrian Journalist, Jane
Burgermeister (who has previously
written for the UK Guardian
Newspaper) has filed criminal
charges (in Austria and the USA)
against Baxter Pharmaceuticals (and
others) for Bioterrorism for
distributing live avian flu materials to
18 countries?
They were “not aware”.
Answers from Derbyshire PCT - 2
I asked
 Can you state clearly why Swine Flu is
perceived as being so threatening - when so
far no symptoms other than those of “normal”
flu seem to have been reported?
The UK has been preparing for a possible flu
pandemic for the last three to four years. This
has been on the basis that historical patterns of
infection suggested that a pandemic would
emerge in this generation . These preparations
were predicated on the potential threat posed by
Avian Flu (Influenza type H5N1)
Note: The avian flu threat/SARS threat
never materialised!
Answers from Derbyshire PCT - 3
I asked
What efforts will you be undertaking to inform
the public of the serious side effects reported
by some of those who took tamiflu/releanza?
We have no specific plans to inform the
public of the side effects of any individual
medication. This information is readily
available for patients in consultation with
their GP and is contained as part of
general information leaflets contained
within all medications
Answers from Derbyshire PCT - 4
I asked
Are you concerned that there is inaccurate and alarmist
information in the leaflet distributed to millions of UK
homes? [It said “no one is immune from swine flu”.]
General fitness and good health does not provide
immunity to new infections, but may promote a
faster recovery period . Influenza Type H1N1 is a
new strain of flu which people in younger age
groups will not have experienced previously and
will therefore not have immunity
But the leaflet said “no one” would be immune
not “young people”.
Good health and diet promotes a good immune
Answers from Dept of Health - 1
Re Jane Burgermeister:
I can confirm that the Department of
Health has received a copy of a
document entitled 'Criminal charges
regarding flu pandemic as a
biological weapon with Intent to
produce genocide', attributed to Jane
Answers from Dept of Health - 2
I asked
 Can you state clearly why Swine Flu is
perceived as being so threatening - when so
far no symptoms other than those of “normal”
flu seem to have been reported?
Swine flu poses a threat because is a new type of
flu virus that few, if any, people have full
resistance to . In most cases the virus has
proved relatively mild, as you suggest. However,
around the world, thousands of people have died
and it is not yet clear how big a risk the virus is .
For this reason, and because all viruses can
mutate to become more potent, scientists are
advising a cautious approach .
Note: No referenced evidence provided as
to why a pandemic was imminent!
Answers from Dept of Health - 3
I asked which companies were
producing the Vaccine. They
 The
Government has contracts
with two companies to supply
the swine flu vaccine. They are
Baxter Healthcare Ltd and
Answers from Dept of Health - 5
I asked “Are drug companies in the UK immune
(no pun intended) from prosecution by those
people that experience any serious or debilitating
side effects after having the vaccine? (As
happened in 1976.)”. They replied:
The Government signed the advance purchase
agreements for the vaccines in June 2007 and accepted
liability for their safety as a contingency. All
governments signing up to an advance purchase
agreement were expected to provide an indemnity for
the vaccine, and neither manufacturer would sign the
contracts without it.
Of course it’s ludicrous to go as far as suggesting that, in some way, the
pharmaceutical companies held these governments to ransom over the issue.
WHO Advisory Checklist - 1
In WHO document entitled “WHO checklist for influenza
pandemic preparedness planning” (Ref:
‘During a pandemic, it may be necessary to overrule
existing legislation or (individual) human rights. Examples
are the enforcement of quarantine (overruling individual
freedom of movement), use of privately owned buildings for
hospitals, off-license use of drugs, compulsory vaccination
or implementation of emergency shifts in essential services.
These decisions need a legal framework to ensure
transparent assessment and justification of the measures
that are being considered, and to ensure coherence with
international legislation (International Health Regulations)’.
WHO Advisory Checklist - 2
Hence, I asked DoH
“Is Britain a signatory to this “checklist”
or is EU, UK or other legislation in place
which would mean that this “checklist”
can be applied to UK citizens?”
They replied:
The WHO document to which you refer
is simply intended as guidance to assist
member states in their flu pandemic
“Fear the Virus! Fear the Vaccine!
There is NO ESCAPE!”
With scare stories in the media relating to both
the virus, the vaccine and the anti-viral drugs,
perhaps the object is simply to put people in a
state of fear and uncertainty.
It’s like a health-based 9/11 terror attack – based
on an orchestrated incident, with a false story
unquestioningly promulgated by a (thoroughly)
Corporatized, Corporate-controlled and corrupt
Alternative Media have also helped promulgate
fear and misinformation…
How Vaccines Are REALLY made?
This video explains it all!!
Infowars Leaflet
…Such as this leaflet
which was circulated in
This is one example of
scare tactics in the
alternative media.
Also, mandatory
vaccination has been
talked about a lot in the
alternative media, but it
has already been
No one has yet been
arrested for not taking a
Swine Flu - Summary
No compelling evidence has been presented that a
Swine Flu pandemic is a real threat.
UK Government made “vaccine deals” with
Pharmaceutical companies in 2007
UK Government has accepted liability for the those
companies’ vaccines.
Pharmaceutical companies seem to have been
involved with “accidentally” releasing contaminated
Vaccine has still not been properly tested.
Vaccine contains a number of toxic substances.
Much better and non-toxic alternative treatments are
Swine Flu scare is part of a larger set of engineered
scams to scare and control the general population. 55
Suppression of Safe,
Effective and Cheap
One of many books to
document them…
“Politics in Healing”
This book by Daniel Haley, first published in 2000
documents in considerable detail how
comprehensively many of these therapies have
been perniciously suppressed.
It has a foreword by Senator Berkley Bedell who
had his cancer treated with alternative therapies.
8 chapters are about Cancer treatments!
Other chapters cover Di-Methyl Sulfoxide
(DMSO), Colostrum and Hydrazine Sulfate
It was this book that woke me up to the story of
Harry Hoxsey…
Harry Hoxsey
"The Hoxsey therapy was started in
1840, when it was used on a horse with
a cancerous sore on its leg. This formula
was passed down through the Hoxsey
family and has been used internally and
externally on humans for more than fifty
years. Mildred Nelson, R.N., now
operated this clinic [Bio-Medical Centre],
which has been in Tijuana since 1963
and formerly was run by the late Harry
Hoxsey." (Fink 1997)
Hoxsey was "convicted three times in the
1920s for practicing medicine without a
license. In 1930, he was permanently
enjoined from violating the Iowa medical
practice act. In the 1950s, the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration forced him to
stop seeing patients." (CA 1993)
Harry Hoxsey
Hoxsey's treatment for cancer was based on a
formula of ten weeds growing in a field where
Hoxsey's grandfather's horse had grazed and been
cured of a reported leg cancer. (Janssen)
After being prosecuted for violating the medical
practice laws of several states, Hoxsey set up a
'clinic' in Dallas, Texas. (Janssen)
Hoxsey developed prostate cancer in 1967 and
treated himself unsuccessfully with his tonic. He
eventually underwent conventional surgery. He
died in 1974. (Hafner)
“Politics in Healing”
- Hoxsey
It includes one particular section about one of
Hoxsey’s trials – where the FDA and its head Maurice
Fishbein admit, in court that the Hoxsey treatment
cures external cancer - Page 34/35
Fishbein made one very momentous concession
during the trial which has never received appropriate
attention. As the Hoxsey side was presenting cures of
external cancer, Fishbein’s lawyer stated
“We’ll admit you can cure external cancer. We’re
not arguing about external cases; it’s internal
cancer we’re interested in”.
It was a tremendous admission by the one-time head
of the AMA, that the Hoxsey treatment cures external
cancers such as melanoma and basal cell carcinoma.
At the conclusion of the three-week trial, the judge
handed the jury 34 issues to decide; all 34 were
decided in Hoxsey’s favor.
G Edward Griffin and World
Without Cancer
G. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer
with many successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who’s
Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for
researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear
terms that all can understand. He has dealt with such
diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history,
the Federal Reserve System and international banking,
terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S.
foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy,
the Supreme Court, and the United Nations.
Mr. Griffin is a graduate of the University of Michigan where
he majored in speech and communications. In preparation
for writing his book on the Federal Reserve System, he
enrolled in the College for Financial Planning located in
Denver, Colorado. His goal was not to become a
professional financial planner but to better understand the
real world of investments and money markets. He obtained
his CFP designation (Certified Financial Planner) in 1989.
Vitamin B17/Laetrile
As long ago as 1977, G Edward Griffin
made a straightforward documentary and
book about the use of Vitamin B17 in the
treatment of Cancer.
It occurs naturally in seeds of many fruits
– the highest concentration being in
apricot kernels.
The synthesised/concentrated form is
Laetrile which is often banned from sale,
even though it has proven effective.
Even the science behind B17 seems to be
fairly well understood.
Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
on Latrile/B17
Why people with cancer use laetrile
 Some people with cancer use laetrile because
 They think it can improve their health, energy
levels and well being
 They want to detoxify and cleanse the body. They
hope it will help them to live longer.
 Some people want to use it if they are told that
their cancer can't be cured with conventional
cancer treatments because they hope that laetrile
will be able to control or cure their cancer.
 There is no scientific evidence to support any of
these reasons for using laetrile.
UK - 1939 The Cancer Act - 1
In the UK it is ILLEGAL for anyone outside
the medical profession to claim they have
cured cancer!
Herefordshire 'healer' fined for cancer
Adrian Pengelly was fined £600
A man describing himself as an
"international healer" and "world
famous" has pleaded guilty to
offences under the Cancer Act.
UK - 1939 The Cancer Act - 2
Man convicted over cancer 'cure'
A Manchester man has been convicted of advertising
a "natural cure" for cancer on the internet.
Andrew Harris, 49, of Sale, advertised "Triamazon" on two
websites as a natural alternative for treating all types of
He was convicted under the Cancer Act of 1939 of taking
part in the publication of adverts offering to treat people for
He was given a two-year conditional discharge by Trafford
The 1939 act made it illegal to offer a cure for cancer or to
offer advice on how to treat it in any advertisement outside
the medical profession.
Energy Medicine and
It started to be used over 100
years ago – but fell into disuse
once the popular pill-popping
paradigm was in place!
Radionics – Likely the inspiration
for Rife’s Energy Treatment
Radionics was one of the early
examples of “electro medicine” or
“energy medicine”.
It basically means using electricity or
magnetism to induce changes in cells
rather than using chemicals.
Of particular interest was the use of
high frequency electric current (low
current and high voltage).
Rife Microscope and Treatment
Basically, Rife invented the world’s
most powerful optical microscope –
capable of magnifications over
10,000 times.
He was able to study tiny living
organisms and the effects of
treatments on them.
Some Evidence
Relating to Diet
“Live Food” / Raw Food
and More
Elaine Hollingsworth's book titled
"Take Control Of Your Health",
Processed Foods P59
Virtually everything you eat has been
chemicalised somewhere along the line; your
body, if you use processed foods* will have to
deal with emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes,
artificial flavours, humectants, drying agents,
artificial sweeteners, bleaches, neutralises,
disinfectants, thickeners, ami foaming and
anticaking agents, alkalisers, deodorants,
extenders, gasses, conditioners.
hydrogenators, hydrolisers, maturers,
sulfites, sulphur dioxide, fumigants,
antifungal preservatives, stabilisers,
texturisers, antibiotics, steroids, and even
Vitamin D
He is one of the people who
points out the importance of
certain vitamins and food
supplements in keeping healthy.
He notes here how
recommended dosages are far
too low.
Also, Vitamin D is not a
Mushrooms can be a good
source of Vitamin D!
Diabetes and Diet –
Gabriel Cousens, MD
Tree of Life and
Gabriel Cousens, MD
Experience an individualized medicallysupervised nutritional therapy at the Tree
of Life Rejuvenation Center.
21-Day+ Reversing Diabetes Program
• Reverse Diabetes Naturally
• Get Off Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemic
Medications Within 4 Days
• Return to a Blood Sugar Level Below
100 in 3 Weeks
• Regain your Life Force Energy
• Discover a New You on Every Level
Diabetes and Diet – Testimonial
Part 1
In conversations with a friend, he told me he had
been put on high blood pressure medication
(hypertension) and he had started to develop
He was really very concerned about this.
I sent the information about Gabriel Cousens and the
live food programme.
I can't thank you enough for this info. When I
received your email I bought the three books by Dr
Cousens from Amazon. They arrived a couple of days
later and I started following the programme straight
away. Within a week I had dropped about 2 stone in
weight and had come off all of my medication for
blood pressure and diabetes, neither of which were
controlling the conditions. Without medication my
blood pressure has now come down to that of an 18year-old and my blood sugar has plummeted.
Diabetes and Diet - Testimonial
Part 2
I saw my doctor a couple of weeks ago and he was
amazed. He advised me to continue taking my thyroid
medication, just to avoid too great a shock to my body, but
I have since stopped taking that because I think that he's
wrong, as the blood test revealed that this condition has
now gone the other way and continuing with it could
actually be very dangerous. Received medical wisdom is
that there is no cure for diabetes or auto-immune
conditions, but my diabetes and auto-immune
hypothyroidism seem to have been sorted.
I want as many people as possible to know about and
benefit from this. Unfortunately, most people I tell confuse
the programme with a fad diet. I would also say that it is
not easy or cheap to start the programme. I needed to do
something about this and become quite desperate, so I had
to make it work. Also, I could not have done it without an
amazing level of support from my wife. On the other hand,
I think if people just go and buy Dr Cousens' book they will
see such an amazing array of information and research and
different ways of improving their conditions in a natural way
that it will inspire them.
Other Non Toxic Therapies
and Techniques
Matrix Energetics, Healers,
Emotional Freedom
Matrix Energetics
Dr Richard Bartlett – ND
It’s about changing your perception of an
illness or injury – and moving that
perception backwards in time to create a
new time line
Sounds bizarre – but people have seen it
Healers – Are They Also Doing a
Kind of Matrix Energetics?
Matthew Manning – had psychic and
poltergeist experiences during his teens
– keeps a low profile now and does (or
used to do healing work).
Lorraine Ham – a healer who was based
in Yorkshire featured in 2 “Strange But
True” Programmes in the Early 90’s.
Here is a clip from the 2nd one.
Emotional Freedom Techniques
This is similar to acupuncture, but uses a
technique simply of tapping on various
points on the body, whilst defining
whatever problem is at hand.
A friend I know said it was the only thing
that worked in the treatment of his Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which
was a result of his all expenses paid trip to
SE Asia
(He was a Vietnam navy Seal team
Safe Treatments Suppressed,
Toxic Therapies Promoted
There are almost too many of
each to list!
Toxic Treatments Promoted
Pharmaceuticals such as fluoxetine
which pass into the water supply
Safe non-toxic therapies often
Research repeatedly shows how many therapies
are suppressed even when clinical studies and
volumes of anecdotal evidence show they are
effective. These include
Ozone Therapy
Oxygen Therapy
Colloidal Silver
Vitamin D
Vitamin B17 for cancer
Miracle Mineral Supplement
Hydrogen Peroxide
Diatomaceous Earth (again, contains minerals)
Rife Treatments
Violet Ray
Finally - Are You Afraid?
Don’t be Afraid!
Don’t give in to the fear game.
Consider not giving any more money to
cancer or AIDS charities. Instead, send
them leaflets or booklets and explain why
you don’t give money any more.
Inform yourself
Make your own decisions
Pass the information on to others (but be
aware of the reactions that you’ll get).
Leaflets and DVDs available here if you
wish to take them…
Further Information