University of the West of England Tender Name: XXXXXXXX Tender Number: UWE/0XX/20XXE PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services CONTENTS PAGE NO Instructions for completion 3-4 Introduction 5 A. Company Information 6-12 B. Financial Information 13-45 C. Mandatory Exclusion 15-16 D. Insurance and Risk 17-18 E. Technical Capacity and Resources 19-24 F. Health and Safety 25 G. Equality and Diversity 26-30 H. Sustainability 30-34 I. Declaration 35-36 -2- Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION The information disclosed in this form will be used in the selection of tenderers. Please note that whenever used in this questionnaire, the term organisation refers to a sole practitioner, partnership, incorporated company, co-operative, charity or analogous entity operating outside the UK, as appropriate, and the term ‘officer’ refers to any director, company secretary, partner, associate, trustee or other person occupying a position of authority or responsibility within the organisation. Answer the questions specifically for your organisation not for the group if you are a part of a group of companies. Where, however, group policies, statements etc. are normally used in your firm, please answer accordingly. Where a question requests a YES/NO answer please make it clear which answer is indicated and include further information necessary to clarify that answer. The University may interpret any ambiguous replies in its favour. If you are proposing to tender as part of a consortium, you will need to lodge a statement explaining the corporate or other structure under which the consortium will tender. Each participant must complete a questionnaire and you must demonstrate which participant will be responsible for which part of the contract. You should also note that the University will only accept bids from consortia where all participants accept full joint and several liabilities for the whole contract. Where the spaces given for any answer is insufficient then please continue your answer on a separate page, again clearly marking your firm’s name, the tender reference and the question to which it relates. This questionnaire must be fully completed even if you have previously submitted a questionnaire to the University. It is not acceptable to cross reference to earlier or other questionnaires. Applicants should note that they may be asked to clarify or provide additional information before the University is able to determine its select list of tenderers, and that the provision of false information may disqualify an applicant from inclusion. Also, that in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, the name of a person dealing with an application will be a matter of record. Non UK based organisations should attempt to answer each of the questions in this questionnaire substituting where relevant the appropriate legislation, code of practice or professional qualifications which are applicable within their domestic jurisdiction. Guidelines on completing the questionnaire can be found on our website Please complete all parts of this questionnaire fully providing all the necessary supplementary information before returning it to us by no later than the date on the PQQ. -3- Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services The provision of false or misrepresented information will result in your tender being rejected. This is covered under The Fraud Act. Please ensure all information is provided, we are unable to chase up any missing information and it may invalidate your tender. o See court case JB Leadbitter & Co Ltd v Devon County Council You should complete all of the answers in the questionnaire. You should not refer to general promotional literature or policies. Nor should you include these unless the University has specifically asked you for them. Accreditations – please ensure that all accreditations cover the office that is providing the service and the service for which you are applying. Selection Process This questionnaire is the first stage in a possible three stage process. The questionnaire will be analysed and assessed on receipt and the University will produce a short-list of applicants. All applicants will be advised of their status and those short-listed will be advised of the requirements and timescales of further stages. Short-listed applicants will then enter the next stage of the selection process, which will require the completion of a more specific tender document. After this stage, a final short-list of applicants may be then requested to provide a presentation or to support a site visit from the University’s evaluation team to support the tender submission. Contracting Parties Suppliers should note that the primary customer of this contract is the University of the West of England. However, this contract may also be used by any local authority in the South-West region of England, a list of which can be found at, including educational establishments and Hartpury College. It may also be used by the Avon and Somerset Constabulary, the Avon Fire and Rescue Service, the University of Bristol, the University of Bath and NHS trusts in the Bristol area, a list of which can be found at -4- Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services INTRODUCTION Every year the University of the West of England spends millions of pounds on various works, goods and services. The University wishes to use that spending power to select the best suppliers to provide those goods and services. It is looking to secure, best value for money, not just in the short-term, but also via longer-term benefits for the University and/or students. The University requires that a supplier demonstrates its ability to carry out the work applied for, and recognises its responsibilities in respect of: Standards of Work That it will be done well and both supervised and carried out by suitably qualified, competent personnel. Health and Safety Commitment including the safety policy statement of intent, organisation and arrangements to meet the policy and agreement to comply with legislation, codes of practice and safe working systems. Your previous record will also be taken into account. Business Continuity The University requires that suppliers providing essential services are able to maintain service in the event of a major emergency. Sustainability The University is committed to improving the environment and quality of life in the work it does and the services it provides whether itself or through others. Equalities The University is committed to ensuring that our students and employees are not discriminated against because of age, disability, sex, sexuality, race, colour, ethnic origin or religion. This commitment extends to suppliers working on our behalf and we expect suppliers to promote equality and remove discrimination, providing services for all. If you work with the University you will be expected not to discriminate and to comply with all statutory obligations such as under: The Sex Discrimination Act 1975, as amended 1986 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended 2005 The Equal Pay Act 1970 The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 The Employment Equality (Sexual Discrimination) Regulations 2005 The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 The Equality Act 2006 The Race Relations Act 1976, as amended 2003 Or equivalent legislation if you employ staff in any other country -5- Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services BACKGROUND Insert here some background to the tender. INCLUDING MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS 1. QUESTIONNAIRE UWE/0XX/200XE TENDER To be returned by: Insert date and time Which of the following services / sizes of project do you wish to be considered for? (Please tick relevant boxes) Lot 1 – Description 1 Lot 2 – Description 2 A. COMPANY INFORMATION A1. Name of firm/company making application. A2. Trading name if different from above. A3. Contact Details: Name: Position within organisation: Address: Telephone: Mobile Phone: Fax No: E-mail: Web Site: -6- Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services A4. Registered office (if different from A3). A5. Are you or is your organisation a: Sole Trader? Partnership? Private Limited Company? Public Limited Company? Registered Charity? Other? Please specify: A6.1 Date of the organisations formation (please provide brief history on a separate sheet) Date A6.2 Date of incorporation in UK if different from 6.1 Date A6.3 What is your organisations VAT number? A7.1 Is your organisation registered under the Data Protection Act 1984? -7- Yes: No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services A7.2 If you answered yes to 7.1, please state your DPA registration number A7.3 Please enclose details of your organisation structure, e.g. organisation chart. A7.4 Is your company a subsidiary (as defined by the Companies Act 1989) of another company? A7.5 If you answered yes to A7.4, please provide the name and registered office address of the holding or parent company and the ultimate parent (if applicable). Yes: No: Please also state which of your employment policies are determined by you and which of the policies apply to all firms/organisations within the organisational structure. A7.6 Is your company affiliated or associated with any other company which would be capable of tendering for these Services? A7.7 If you answered yes to 7.5, please provide the name and registered office address. A7.8 Is your parent company or ultimate holding company prepared to guarantee the performance of your company? -8- Yes: Yes: No: No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services A8.1 Please give the number and locations of the premises from which your organisation provides services similar to those required by the University (continue on separate sheet if necessary). Number of Offices: Head office address : Address service to be provided from: A8.2 Please give the names and responsibilities of the Executive Directors/Partners of your organisation: Name: Responsibility: Health and Safety Name: Responsibility: Equal Opportunities Name: Responsibility: Sustainability A9.1 Has any person involved in the management of the Company: 1. Been on the Board of Governors of the University or employed by the University in the last 3 years? Yes: -9- No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services 2. Have a relative who is either on the Board of Governors of the University or is employed by the University at a senior level? Yes: 3. No: Have any involvement in other firms that provide services to the University? Yes: 4. No: Have any involvement in other firms that provide similar services to those for which you are applying? Yes: A9.2 A9.3 No: If you answered yes to A9.1,2,3 or 4, please give details (maximum 150 words): Is the applicant in administration or subject to bankruptcy proceedings at the present time, or are the directors/principals aware that this is likely to be the case? - 10 - Yes: No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services A9.4 If you answered yes to A9.3, please give details (maximum 150 words): A9.5 Has either the organisation or any directors, partners, associates or the company secretary been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of their business or professions, or committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of their business profession? A9.6 Yes: If you answered yes to A9.5, please give details (maximum 150 words): - 11 - No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services A9.7 A9.8 A9.9 Have any of the senior members of the firm (e.g. sole trader, partner, director or company secretary) been involved (in a similar position) in a firm that has been liquidated or gone into receivership? Yes: No: If you answered yes to 9.7, please give details (maximum 150 words): As the Government has set targets for the amount of business that the public sector places with SME’s we need to be able to indentify if your business is an SME in accordance with the definition contained in sections 382 and 465 of the Companies Act 2006, i.e. A small company is one that has a turnover of not more that £6.5 million, a balance sheet total of not more than £3.26 million and not more than 50 employees. A medium sized company has a turnover of not more than £25.9 million, a balance sheet total of not more than £12.9 million and not more than 250 employees. Based on the above definition how would you class your company? Micro <10 Small <50 Medium <250 - 12 - Large 250+ Public Body Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services B. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Please indicate the annual turnover as defined in your accounts in (£ sterling) of your organisation over the last 3 years. If your organisation is part of a group, please give figures for both your own organisation and the group. B1. Organisation: B2. B3. Year Annual Turnover Profit 20__ £ £ 20__ £ £ 20__ £ £ Year Annual Turnover Profit 20__ £ £ 20__ £ £ 20__ £ £ Group In the last full year, what proportion of your organisations turnover refers to the supply of the services which you now propose to the supply to the University? % B4. Please enclose a set of the last 3 years full audited accounts for your own company and the holding and/or ultimate parent (if applicable). (Or for the period of your incorporation or trading if less than 3 years). Modified balance sheets, without trading account summaries and details of turnover are not acceptable. - 13 - Enclosed? Yes: No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services B5. Please give details of your Bankers: Name: Branch Address: Account Name: Account Number Sort Code: Number of years account has been open: May bankers be approached for a reference? No Yes B6. Please provide a brief outline of how your organisation would obtain any required funding for this contract (only insert if third party finance is being specifically provided for this contract). - 14 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services C. MANDATORY EXCLUSION The new public sector and utilities procurement Directives, as implemented by the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, include a mandatory requirement for contracting authorities to exclude economic operators (suppliers, contractors and service providers) from public contracts where they have been convicted of certain offences. C1 Please indicate whether your organisation, or any of its directors, partners or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control, have been convicted of any of the following offences (including those which are spent within the meaning of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974): C1.1 Conspiracy within the meaning of section 1 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 where that conspiracy relates to participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2(1) of Council Joint Action 98/733/JHA C1.2 Corruption within the meaning of section 1 of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906; C1.3 The offence of bribery; No No No - 15 - Yes - details enclosed Yes - details enclosed Yes - details enclosed Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services C1.4 Fraud, where the offence relates to fraud affecting the financial interests of the European Communities as defined by Article 1 of the Convention relating to the protection of the financial interests of the European Union, within the meaning of – No Yes details enclosed (i) the offence of cheating the Revenue; (ii) the offence of conspiracy to defraud; (iii) fraud or theft within the meaning of the Theft Act 1968 and the Theft Act 1978; (iv) fraudulent trading within the meaning of section 458 of the Companies Act 1985; (v) defrauding the Customs within the meaning of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 and the Value Added Tax Act 1994; (vi) an offence in connection with taxation in the European Community within the meaning of section 71 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993; or (vii) destroying, defacing or concealing of documents or procuring the extension of a valuable security within the meaning of section 20 of the Theft Act 1968; C1.5 Money laundering within the meaning of the Money Laundering Regulations 2003; C1.6 Any other offence within the meaning of Article 45(1) of the Public Sector Directive as defined by the national law of any relevant State. - 16 - No Yes – details enclosed No Yes – details enclosed Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services D. D1. INSURANCE AND RISK Please provide details of your organisation’s insurance protection in respect of: Insurance Category Insurer Indemnity Value (£) Public Liability Employer Liability Professional Indemnity Cover Please include valid copies of all Insurance. A minimum of £5million is required for each insurance category If less than < £5 million please confirm if you are willing to increase this Yes/No D2. Have any claims in excess of £50,000 been made under your organisation’s Employers, Public or Professional indemnity policy within the last three years? Yes: If yes please give details (Maximum 150 words): - 17 - No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services D3. Please provide details of your organisation’s policy in respect of Business Continuity/Risk. D3.1 Does your organisation have a risk register which identifies the main operating risks to your business? Yes: No: D3.2 Does your organisation have a business continuity plan? Yes: No: D3.3 Does the plan detail how the risks identified will impact on your business and how you will mitigate their impact should they occur? Yes: No: Yes: No: D3.4 Have you tested your plan? D3.5 Please add here any further comments relating to your organisation’s Business Continuity/Risk Policy. D4. If your insurance does not currently meet the minimum requirements of Bristol UWE (as stated above) please confirm whether you will be prepared to increase the levels accordingly to meet these required levels in the event that you are appointed to this framework? Yes: No: Please note that evidence of such insurance being in force will be required by the University prior to any appointment to this framework. - 18 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services E. E1. TECHNICAL CAPACITY AND RESOURCES Please indicate below the principal areas of business activity of your company (not geographical) and how long you have been undertaking them. Activity E2. Period Please provide names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 relevant references (for each lot that you are applying for) who may be contacted by this University for contracts in excess of £XXXX. Wherever possible the referees should be public bodies. Each referee should be a named individual, giving both forename and surname. Lot 1: XXXXX Referee 1 Referee 2 Contact Name Organisation Name Full Postal Address E-mail Phone number Annual value of contract Title/Description of Contract: Type of Goods, Services or Works provided. Contract start date Length of contract - 19 - Referee 3 Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services Lot 2: XXXXX Referee 1 Referee 2 Referee 3 Contact Name Organisation Name Full Postal Address E-mail Phone number Annual value of contract Title/Description of Contract: Type of Goods, Services or Works provided. Contract start date Length of contract E3. Please state the number of similar contracts that are current or have been carried out within the last 3 years. Name of Client Type of Contract Extend this section as necessary - 20 - Value of Contract/Annual Value of Contract Under £250,000 £250,000 to £1,000,000 Over £1,000,000 Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services E4. E5. Please describe on a separate sheet (maximum 400 words), your previous experience of providing services similar to those required by the University Has your organisation: E5.1 Had penalties, default notices or liquidated damages awarded against it during the last 3 years in respect of comparable services. Yes: No: E5.2 Had either a contract terminated or its employment determined under the terms of a contract during the last 3 years in respect of comparable services. Yes: No: E5.3 Had a contract that was not renewed for failure to perform to the terms of that contract. Yes: No: E5.4 Withdrawn from a contract after the contract award but before its completion. Yes: No: If you have answered yes to any of the above please give details: (Maximum 150 words) E6. Please confirm whether you are or have been or are currently registered on any select lists or any OJEU pre-tendered framework agreements. Awarding Body: E7. Expiry Date: Number of staff employed within the company providing the service: Permanent: Casual: - 21 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services E8. Of the staff detailed in E7, which hold the following skills: Company Wide Number of staff in the proposed office to service this contract Management/Supervision (i.e. Chartered, Degree or membership level of professional institution) Clerical/Support Operational Directors Project Managers Admin & Clerical Technical Other E9. Please give details of staff turnover as a percentage of your workforce for the last 3 years. % E10. Do you run, or are you willing to run CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checks on all your staff, including employees and sub-contractors? E10.1 Already run E10.2 Willing to run E10.3 Not applicable - 22 - Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services E11. Do you have any evidence of quality assurance accreditation that your company holds e.g. BS EN ISO 9001 or equivalent standard? Please list and include copies. Enclosed? Yes: E12. If no accreditation held, please attach an outline of your quality assurance policy. No: Enclosed? Yes: No: E13. Please detail how you measure your performance, maintain standards and report this to your customers. This should include measurement of response times and set targets. E14. What other procedures do you have in place to ensure that the products/goods/services/works are delivered to agreed quality standards? - 23 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services E15. Please detail how you seek to measure customer satisfaction and improve your services for customers. E16. Please list details of all professional or technical certification / association or guarantee schemes of which your organisation is a member (e.g. CORGI, NICEIC, or equivalent etc). Please include Occupational Safety groups. Note: copies of relevant certificates will be required. E17.1 Do you propose to sub-contract any part of the delivery of this service? E17.2 If you answered yes to E17.1, please detail which of the services will be sub-contracted and how they will be managed. Yes: No: E17.3 Please include details of your subcontract procedures even if currently they are not proposed for this contract.. - 24 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services E18. Tender specific questions F. HEALTH AND SAFETY F1. Is there a Health and Safety Policy in place at all relevant locations in the supply chain and is appropriate training provided? F2. Please provide a copy of your organisation’s Health and Safety at Work Policy (not the Policy Statement). F3. Are written risk assessments and method statements in place for areas of significant risk? Yes: Yes: No: No: N/A F4. How many accidents (that should be notified to the HSE) have you had in the last 3 years? YEAR NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS Year 20XX Year 20XX Year 20XX F5.1 Have you had any enforcement notices or prosecutions by the Health and Safety Executive or Environment Agency (or similar bodies in countries in which you operate) in the past 3 years? - 25 - No: Yes: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services F5.2 If you answered yes to F5.1, please provide details: F6.1 What external safety accreditations do you hold? For example CHAS, Safe Contractor OHSAS18001. F6.2 If not accredited to SAFE Contractor are you willing to become accredited? Yes: No: G. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Please note that supporting evidence will be required for all the questions in section G G G1. Is it your policy as an employer to comply with your statutory obligations under the Race Relations Act and Amendment Act 2000 (which applies in Great Britain) or equivalent legislation which applies in the countries in which your firm employs staff? Yes: No: G2. Do you observe as far as possible the Statutory Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment (2005), or a comparable code or statutory guidance issued under equivalent legislation in another member state? Yes: No: G3. Do you comply with the following UK legislations or equivalent in the countries in which you employ staff: G3.1 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (Amended 1986) - 26 - Yes: No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services G3.2 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 G3.3 Equal Pay Act 1970? G3.4 Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006? G3.5 Employment Equality Regulations 2003? (Religion or Belief) G3.6 Employment Equality Regulations 2003? (Sexual G3.7 Employment Equality (Sexual Discrimination) Regulations 2005? G3.8 Equality Act 2006? G3.9 Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007? Orientation) Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: G4. Is your approach on race relations and racial equality set out in recruitment advertisements or other literature? Yes: - 27 - No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services G5. Are your members of staff with managerial responsibilities required to receive mandatory training on equal opportunities? Yes: No: G6. Please provide details of any social or ethical procedures/information you have to ensure your products come from socially and ethically responsible organisations (e.g. organisations avoiding the use of child labour, etc). G7. Do you have a process in place to allow for tailoring your offering of goods and services to meet the needs of different racial/social groups? G8. Do you consider your company to be an ethnic minority business, which is defined by the Commission for Racial Equality as “a business 51% or more of which is owned by members of one or more ethnic minority groups, or, if there are few owners, where at least 50% of the owners are members of one or more ethnic minority groups”? For this purpose, ethnic minority means groups other than “white British”. Yes: No: G9. Please provide examples of up to three equality and diversity initiatives that your business has undertaken in the last 12 months. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 - 28 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services G10. Please detail what workforce monitoring you have carried out ( Not health surveillance ) G11.1 Are there any courts actions and/or industrial tribunal hearings (including environmental enforcements) outstanding against your organisation, including any findings of unlawful racial discrimination, equal pay, sex or disability? Yes: No: Yes: No: G11.2 If you answered yes to G10.1, please give details: G12.1 In the last three years has your organisation been the subject of any formal investigation, court action, industrial tribunals and/or environmental enforcements, including alleged unlawful discrimination in the employment field? G12.2 If you answered yes to G11.1, please give details: - 29 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services G13.1 In the last 3 years has any contract with your organisation been terminated on grounds of you failure to comply with either or both of: Yes: a) Legislation prohibiting discrimination, or b) Contract conditions relating to equal opportunities in the provision of goods, facilities or services? No: G13.2 If you answered yes to G12.1, please provide details of each occasion and state the corrective action you have taken. H. SUSTAINABILITY H1. Does your company have a sustainability policy? Enclosed? Yes: No: H2. Please provide details of any environmental accreditation, e.g. IS014001, EMAS. If no accreditation held please provide a copy of your environmental policy. Enclosed? Yes: No: H3. Please provide details of any environmental accreditation, e.g. IS014001, EMAS. If no accreditation held please provide a copy of your environmental policy. - 30 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services H4. Does your company produce a public document, which reviews your company’s recent environmental performance? Yes: No: H5. What are the key environmental impacts of the services that you would offer and what action have you taken to minimise these? H6. Please describe any special arrangements you have for waste disposal which ensure minimisation of environmental pollution (if none, state ‘none’). H7. Please describe any measures taken by your company to preserve or protect natural resources (if none, state ‘none’). H8. Do you use environmental standards to assess your suppliers & contractors? Yes: - 31 - No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services H9. Do you give preference to suppliers who meet environmental standards? Yes: H10. No: How do you design in ‘sustainability’? Please provide supporting evidence. H11. Can you provide any of the following for a good or service potentially being procured: H11.1 A relevant Carbon Reduction Label for the good or service? H11.2 A certified product carbon footprint, for example PAS2050 or equivalent? H11.3 Another form of product carbon footprint? H11.4 No product carbon footprint? Please enclose copies/details for all answers in H11 - 32 - Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Yes: No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services H12. Does your company have a carbon management policy? Yes: No: If you answered yes please attach a copy and detail how you apply this policy to achieve carbon reductions. If you answered no please detail how your company will comply with the carbon reduction commitment (CRC) (For further information see Please also see ‘Carbon Management a Practical Guide for Suppliers’: H13. Please provide details of your carbon footprint for the last 2 years Year Tonnes per unit* Year Tonnes per unit* *Please confirm your unit of measurement H14. Has your company developed a community investment strategy? Yes: - 33 - No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services H15. If you answered yes to H14, please state the form of investment (e.g. cash, staff time, gifts in kind, management time). H16. Does your organisation have a fair wages policy? Yes: No: If yes, please enclose a copy H17. Please identify any social or poverty associated impacts relating to the provision of this product or service The following questions are applicable to companies who have supply chains extending beyond developed countries: H18. Does your company have a supply chain policy (or similar policy) that requires your suppliers to uphold minimum commitment relating to labour standards which meet core ILO Conventions on Labour Rights? Yes: No: H19. Do you monitor your suppliers’ operations/facilities to assess their compliance with your supply chain policy or directly with the ILO Conventions on Labour Rights? Yes: - 34 - No: Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services H20. If you answered yes to H19, please state how you monitor. H21. Does your company have plans in place in the event that labour rights concerns are identified in your supply chain? Yes: No: Is H22 relevant to companies with supply chains beyond developed countries?...think it applies to all. H22. The University is committed to paying correctly rendered invoices on 30 day payment terms and to ensure the sustainability of our supply chains we are keen to ensure our suppliers adopt a similar policy. Please confirm the following: A. Current Payment Terms for your suppliers: Days B. Can you comply with our requirement for 30 day payment terms for your supply chain – connected to the University: All suppliers SME & Local Suppliers Yes: No: Yes: No: The Universities fair payment charter is available at: See also Payment terms clause - 35 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services I DECLARATION Do you agree to abide by the contract under UWE standard Terms & Conditions (a copy is available on our website)? YES NO I certify that the information submitted within and appended to this questionnaire is correct. I understand that the information will be used to assess my organisation’s suitability to become a prospective supplier to the University of the West of England and that the information will be held on computer and manually for this purpose in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. A director or other authorised senior representative of your organisation must complete this declaration. By completing this declaration, you are agreeing with the comments above. DETAILS OF PERSON COMPLETING THE DECLARATION: NAME POSITION FOR AND ON THE BEHALF OF TELEPHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE DATE Please insert here any general comments you may wish to make: - 36 - Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for Services ENCLOSURES Please check that you have enclosed the following details with your completed questionnaire: Details of organisational structure. (see A7.3) Set of audited accounts for the last 3 financial years (where applicable). (see B1.4) Copies of valid insurance policies (see D1) Details of quality assurance accreditation and/or policy. (see E1.0) Statement of previous experience. (see E15) Health and Safety Policy. (see F2) Information on procedures ensuring any products are obtained from socially and ethically responsible organisation (see G6) Environmental accreditation/policy (see H1) Thank you for completing this questionnaire. The information it contains will be held in confidence by the user for the purpose of determining your suitability for meeting our general requirements for the provision of the Services. Further assessment and short listing may be required before any indication can be given on the success of your application for inclusion on our tender list. The Pre-Qualification Questionnaire should be returned as a hard copy to the following address: Helen Baker Head of Procurement University of the West of England Frenchay Campus Coldharbour Lane Bristol. BS16 1QY All information contained in the document and supporting information will be covered by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Submissions MUST be limited to one A4 ring binder and must be double sided. FINAL NOTE Failure to supply information by the pre-qualification questionnaire deadline will invalidate your response. Please take time to check your submission thoroughly. - 37 -