Student Pool (total Illinois 18 year olds) US Census Bureau April 2008 Enrollment 2011 2158 enrollment Enrollment enrollment 2158 Enrollment and ACT Scores ACT score 26.49 UIC College of Engineering – Technology Center Preparing our students through Corporate Partnering Engineering Tech Center Revenues Tech Center Clients Past Current Akerman Senterfitt Arryx, Inc. Baxter Blue Cross Blue Shield Gabriel Inc. Spring '07 Hoover Materials JSC Kanvin (fall '08) LA-CO Industries Lisle Technology Partners Material Sciences McAndrews, Held & Malloy Motorola - Corporate Labs Motorola - Mobile Devices Northrup Grumman PC Tel Sargent & Lundy Servo Tech., Inc. UOP (On-Campus) Venture Gain Blue Cross Blue Shield BP Gate Gourmet Indie Energy LA-CO Motorola Mobility NAVTEQ PC Tel Water Reclamation (On-Campus) Faculty old Faculty Status • 119 Faculty, 19 female • 50 Fellows of Societies, IEEE, ASME, ASCE, ACM • 24 NSF Career Award, NYI, PYI Awardees • One member of the National Academy of Engineering Faculty Promotions Promotions to Full Professor Sudip Mazumder (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Promotions to Associate Professor with tenure James Patton (BioEngineering) David Eddington (BioEngineering) Randall Meyer (Chemical Engineering) Daniela Tuninetti (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Faculty Recruiting Two new faculty members joining this fall Jingjing Li, Zheng Yang, PhD University of Pennsylvania Dec. 2007, Postdoctoral Research Associateat Hewlett Packard Research Labs prior to joining UIC's ECE Department asAssistant Professor. PhD Univ. California, Riverside, Jun 2009, Postdoctoral Research Associateat Harvard University prior to joining UIC's ECE Department as AssistantProfessor. Update on Selected Faculty Awards (since May - September 2011) Urmila Diwekar (Adjunct Professor in BioE) First woman to ever receive the Lawrence B. Cecil Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Recipient of the 2011 Ernest Thiele Award of the Chicago Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Natasha Devroye (ECE) Received the Best Paper Award at the conference CROWNCOM, Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, for the paper “Receiver-side Opportunism in Cognitive Networks”. Appointed Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Danilo Erricolo (ECE) General Chairman, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium/USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting Chicago, IL, 2012. Lead Guest Editor, Special issue International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, approved in August 2011. Shantanu Dutt (ECE) Lead Guest Editor for New Algorithmic Techniques for Complex EDA Problems in the VLSI Design Journal. Paper by ECE Michael Stroscio and Mitra Dutta in Semiconductor Science and Technology, a high impact journal published from the UK picked ten of the highest quality published articles from the United States of America in the past two years. Alan Feinerman (ECE) One of ten selected out of 220 submissions to go to the CTSI Defense Energy Challenge. UI patent awarded. Advanced to semi-finals of Clean Tech Open for their north central region. 2011 University Scholars Jason Leigh (CS) Isabel Cruz (CS) Leland Wilkinson (CS) Elected Fellow of AAAS. The FODAVA Distinguished Lecture, Georgia Tech. "The Mathematical Foundation of Analytic Visualizations." Appointed to the Panel on Developing Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators for the Future at the National Academy of Sciences. Dale Reed (CS) Receives UIC INSPIRE Award Sol Shatz (CS) Appointed as the UIC Interim Executive Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Dan Bernstein (CS) Google Adds Possible TCP Replacement Developed by UIC CS Research Professor Dan Bernstein To Chrome Recent Grants Recent Grants Christos Takoudis “Novels Synthesis And Characterization Of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells” National Science Foundation, $474,966 (2011-2014) James Patton “Midwest Regional Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems: Innovation Approaches to Improve Cognition, Function, and Common Living” Rehabilitation Inst. Research Corp. $32,560 (2010-2011) James Patton “Error-Enhanced Learning & Recovery in 2&3 Dimension” RIC $177,810 (2011) Recent Grants Jie Liang “Collaborative Research ABI Development Algorithms and Software for Discovery of Non Sequential Protein Structure Similarities” National Science Foundation DBI $613,803 (2011-2014) David Eddington “Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics” Chicago Biomedical Consortium $301,254 (2010-2012) Recent Grants Sohail Murad “Geothermal Energy Project at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago” Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, $175,000 (2011-2012) Randall Meyer (with Robert Klie, Physics) “Understanding the Active Sites in Selective Alcohol Synthesis with Promoted Rh Catalysts” National Science Foundation, $300,000 Recent Grants Craig Foster “Planning Visit For Numerical And Experimental Investigation Of Geothermal Heat Pumps” National Science Foundation, $6,127 (2011 – 2012) Didem Ozevin “BRIDGE: Preventing Immenent Failures Of Pipeline Networks Via Real Time Damage Detection And Location System” National Science Foundation, $173,559 (2011 – 2013) Recent Grants Isabel Cruz “US-Based Students To Attend The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference On Advances In Geographic Information Systems 2011 (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2011)” National Science Foundation, $25,691 (2011-2012) Isabel Cruz “Visual Analytics For Ontology Matching” National Science Foundation, $150,000 (2011-2013) Recent Grants Bhaskar Dasgupta - Jie Liang (BioE) “Collaborative Research: ABI Development; Algorithms and Software for Discovery of NonSequential Protein Structure Similarities” National Science Foundation, $408,140 (2011-2014) Thomas Moher “HCC: Medium: New Technology Supports For Learning In Embodied Science Inquiry Contexts” National Science Foundation, $373,880 (2011-2015) Jakob Eriksson “A Real Time, Context Aware Transit Navigator” Transportation Research Board, $80,000 (20112012) Recent Grants Philip Yu “TC: Small-Robust Anonymization On Social Networks” National Science Foundation, $495,935 (2011-2014) Philip Yu “PIRE: Training And workshops In Data Intensive Computing Using the Open Science Data Cloud” University of Chicago, $85,409 (2010-2011) Recent Grants Peter Nelson & John Dillenburg “Gateway Traveler Information System and Travel Midwest Website” IL Dept. of Transportation (IDOT), $4,234,028 (2011-2013) Lenore Zuck “Distributed, Verified, and Trustworthy Protocols for Mobile Spacecraft Coalitions” DARPA, $255,000 Lenore Zuck Co-Pi Venkat Venkatakrishnan “TC: EAGER: From Development Tools To Secure Web Applications” National Science Foundation, $228,175 (2011-2013) Recent Grants Venkat Venkatakrishnan (with Information & Decision Sciences (Business), Communications (LAS), Biomedical & Health Information Sciences (Applied Health Sciences) “Electronic Security and Privacy: Technological, Human, Enterprise and Legal Considerations” National Science Foundation IGERT, $3.2 Million (2011-2016) Venkat Venkatakrishnan “CCS Workshop Organization Supplement” National Science Foundation, $29,369 (2011-2012) Recent Grants Tanya Berger-Wolf, Co-PIs Bhaskar Das Gupta, Ashfaq Khokhar (ECE), Mary Ashley (Bio) “Collaborative Research: Scalable Kinship Inference in Wild Populations Across Years and Generations” National Science Foundation, $1.2 Million, UIC share $955,000 Recent Grants Bing Liu “Comparing Consumer Sentiments In the USA and China For Business Intelligence” Hewlett-Packard Co, $60,000 (2011-2012) Bing Liu “Collaborative Research: Using Multi-Modal Digital Footprints to Infer Public Sentiment” National Science Foundation, $450,000 Leland Wilkinson “Anomaly Discovery through Visual Characterizations of Point Sets Embedded in High-Dimensional Geometric Spaces” NSF/DHS FODAVA, $185,000 (2011-2014) Recent Grants Leilah Lyons and Andy Johnson (with Moira Zellner, Urban Planning and Policy) “CI-TEAM Demonstration Project: Enhancing Stakeholder Participation in Environmental Planning with Visualization Tools that Support Complex Systems Learning and Spatial Thinking” National Science Foundation, $250,000 Million Leilah Lyons and Thomas Moher (with Susan Goldman, Psychology) “Climate Literacy Zoo Education Network” Brookfield Zoo (Chicago Zoological Soc.), $433,099 (2010-2012) Leilah Lyons (with Josh Radinsky, College of Education) “CoCensus: Collaboration Exploration of Census Data in a Museum” National Endowment for the Humanities, $50,000 Recent Grants Daniela Tuninetti, CoPI: Daniel Graupe “Adaptive Closed-loop Control of Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders” National Science Foundation, $330,001 (2011-2014) Sudip Mazumder “Universal, Programmable and Affordable Power Technologies for Underwater Vehicles” Naval Surface Warfare Center (via Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI)) $170,000 (2011-2012) Recent Grants Mike Stroscio, co-PI: Mitra Dutta “Multi-functional UV-Visible-IR Nanosensor Devices and Structures” AFOSR grant, $451,380 (2011 – 2015) Mitra Dutta “SBIR Phase II Nanotechnology enhanced High Efficient Miniaturized Energy Harvesting System” ELORET Corp., $85,000 (2011 – 2013) Recent Grants David He “Oil Condition Monitoring” NRG Systems Inc., $55,278 (2011-2012) David He “Conditioned Based Maintenance Technology - Mechanical Diagnostic And Prognostics Using AE Sensors” Vertical Lift Consortium, $44,000 (2011-2012) Recent Grants Lin Li“GOALI/Collaborative Research: Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency Management of Sustainable Manufacturing Systems.” National Science Foundation, $424,000 Recent Grants Sabri Cetinkunt “Real Time Control for Automated Wheel Lodor Functions and Power” Caterpillar, $60,000 (2011) Farzad Mashayek “MRC Master Agreement” Enabling Energy Systems Inc, $40,000 (2011) Recent Grants Steffen Mueller & Kenneth Copenhaver “Domestic Land Use Change Analysis From Biofuel Production” IL Corn Marketing Board, $45,000 (2011) Steffen Mueller “In-Season Corn Grain Availability Assessment” IL River Energy, $15,000 (2011) Kenneth Copenhaver “Energy Assurance Planning ARRA” IL Dept of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO), $589,153 (2010-2012) Research Funding Trends 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 YTD%Cha 2010-11 nge ERC $3,033,099 $2,389,361 $1,149,409 $1,855,848 $2,432,493 31.07% MIE $3,019,612 $2,606,271 $2,905,039 $2,485,919 $3,188,998 28.28% BioE $2,486,506 $3,230,575 $3,230,697 $4,216,812 $3,933,843 -6.71% CS $6,155,029 $6,606,428 $6,298,929 $7,500,199 $6,650,458 -11.33% ChE $933,980 -15.31% CME $1,357,408 $1,509,740 $1,644,798 $2,105,432 $2,273,404 7.98% ECE $3,657,565 $3,447,529 $3,673,253 $3,485,711 $3,284,289 $20,805,58 $21,051,80 $20,169,36 $22,752,74 $22,697,46 8 3 5 2 5 -5.78% College $793,066 $882,219 $1,186,908 $1,102,821 -0.24%