Group Assignment 4 2010-02-16 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 1 Group Assignments Group assignments: Adding Value Service production & Launch Making it Happened & Exams F2F 2 F2F 3 F2F 4 F2F 5 Threat From Substitutes Beta Learning (a) Beta Learning (b) Case-based Examination Introduction Business Environment F2F 1 Inventory of competencíes 4-action framework 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 2 Assignment 4 BetaLearning Context BetaLearning is a new product area within an established ICT company. The product area – an e-learning package – can be sold to the customers directly, or it could be kept on BetaLearning’s servers (ASP solution). The package is offered as a service, customized for each client, based on a generic platform. The target customers for BetaLearning are global industrial companies such as: Atlas Copco AB, Volvo Truck AB, ABB AB, with a particular focus on training needs among sales forces and service engineers. Typically those companies use BetaLearning’s E-learning tool for increasing key personnel’s product knowledge when a new product is to be launched. 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 3 Assignment 4 BetaLearning, cont. Challenge The challenge BetaLearning face are to identify the value this product creates for the customers and to establish corresponding price models. As the service is new to the market, no established praxis regarding price models exists, and BetaLearning knows that the initial decision they make will be very hard to change in the future. On the basis of your decisions taken in your previous exercise, Your task is to answering the following questions: • In order to deliver the service suggested in the previous exercise – what would your organization do? • What would partners do (specify them)? •What would the customer(s) do? • What is in it for each partner? • How do you share the (economic) value generated with each partners? 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 4 Final report • The final report should present your findings (answers to the questions) including an analysis and argumentation for your findins • The length of the reports should be 4-5 pages + cover page 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 5 Group Assignment 4 APPENDIX 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 6 Customer Value Satisfaction of Needs • Customer Value = ------------------------------Use of Resources (Time, Money, Effort) 3/22/2016 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 7 Describing a Service: The Customer Interaction Process Customer/User Technical Interface Visibility Line Front Office Personnel Technical Infrastructure 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 8 8 Flexibility – The Shamrock organization Co-suppliers Core personnel Customers Temp workers Core personnel: Maintain the core competence of the firm, difficult to substitute, high requirements on work and working hours, high salaries, few managers. Co-suppliers: Firms or freelancing individuals, paid by result – not time, mainly core activities Temp workers: Part-time or project employed personnel, mainly service activities, often a ”portfolio of jobs” 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 9 McKinsey: Matching People and Jobs Human capital: Who are the most crucial employees? Top Executives Knowledge Workers Middle Managers Skilled Workers Less-skilled Workers Bureaucrats Complex Services 2008-09-05 Simple Services Complex Distriutio n Complex networks Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio Complex Production Simple Productio n Governm ent Nonprofit 10 Matching People and Jobs, cont. Engage Deploy Plan Develop Reward Key Requirement Top Executives Develop succession and riskassessment plan Knowledge Workers Deploy workers to achive maximum utilization Middle Managers Link compensation to individual and group performance Skilled Workers Plan workforce size and requirements; share bestpracticee Less-skilled Workers Reduce turnover cost Bureaucrats Deploy workers around annual budgetary constrains 2008-09-05 Kent Thorén and Matti Kaulio 11