Mughal changes and continuities project



Elana : Economic Questions, Bibliography, some social questions, Timeline

Carl : Technology Questions, some social questions, Timeline

Connor : Political Questions, Summary Questions

Jenna : some social questions, Study Guide


Science and Technology:


Science influenced our empire, though it was not the most important aspect of our empire.

We were big on astronomy, and believed that we could learn things from the sky. We also developed technologies to help make life easier, such as war technology.

20 . Our empire created the first multi-shot gun by adopting gunpowder, and we adopted moveable homes. Our Empire also created rockets to be used in war. We had many breakthroughs in metallurgy. We invented the seamless globe and celestial globe , two of the biggest metallurgy break through’s of all time, along with around twenty other globes.

21 . Our empire’s military goals were hindered by all of the regional powers surrounding our empire, that expanded into our territory. We were helped greatly by rocket that were invented for war purposes, but regional powers continued to take our empire’s land away and our empire was not equipped to stop them.


Our empire does not have many resources, and it is less powerful than our neighboring empires. We do not have access to resources like Europe does, partly because we are not as wealthy as they are. Our infrastructure was not terrible, we used movable homes to our benefit, but our infrastructure was still nothing compared to Europe’s.

23 . A technology change was our work in metallurgy, a seemless globe had never before been created before our empire. A continuity was the use of gunpowder in war, and another was the practice of astronomy. Gunpowder was used consistently across the globe, so any empire that did not use gunpowder did not stand a chance against those who did.


12 . The Mughal Empire had a upper, middle, and lower class in their society. The upper class consisted of Kings and Nobles who lived very rich exquisite lives. Middle class was industrialists, merchants, and other professions, which had a very nice, relaxed lifestyle. Lower class consisted of low paying jobs, and they often went without food and reasonable clothes.

There really is no moving up, you were born into your class, and it was hard to move out of your


13 . Diversity was not regular in the Mughal empire

14 . Women were very equal in most areas, and often gave advice to their husbands. They are treated well, and had choices to fight in the military and own property. They were educated, but it was still a patriarchal society.

17. Some social problems that our empire faced included disputes between Hindus and

Muslims. Akbar struggled to try to create social harmony, and his marriage showed everyone that he wanted Muslims and Hindus to unify. These were ways the problem was solved.

18. A continuity was that there was consistently tension between Hindus and Muslims. A change was that Hindus and Muslims were beginning to come together. Globaly, Hindus and

Muslims coming together in the Mughal Empire showed everyone else that religious acceptance could be successful.


*24 . Trade was an important part of the economy, and the success of Indian trade led to many imports and exports. Some exports included manufactured articles, as cotton cloth was in great demand, indigo, spices, woolen and silk cloth, salt, and beads. Cotton became a primary export, and was being sent to eastern Africa, Arabia, Egypt, Southeast Asia, and Europe. The main imports were bullion, horses, raw silk, amber, precious stones, luxury textiles, and perfumes.

However, in return for these goods, Indian merchants insisted on payment in gold or silver.

25 . The manufacturing of cotton goods became such an extensive industry that in addition to supplying cotton to just India, the Mughal Empire sent cloth to almost half the world, such as the east coast of Africa, Arabia, Egypt, Southeast Asia, and Europe. While the textile industry was established during Akbar’s reign, it continued to flourish under its successors, and with the help of Dutch and English traders, India was brought into direct contact with western markets. This resulted in a large demand for Indian cotton goods from Europe, which then increased production at home. Also, shipbuilding was another key industry, and the Indian shipbuilding industry was almost as advanced as the European. The Mughals maintained a small fleet that mainly carried pilgrims to Mecca.


Since most of the wealth was controlled by the elites, wages for manual labor were very low. Slavery was limited to mostly household servants, yet in some areas manual labor held a high status in society.

*29 . Along with the Mughal Empire, they brought many changes to India, such as establishing a centralized government that brought together many smaller kingdoms. Also, Persian art and culture, as well as mixing Persian language with Arabic and Hindi to create Urdu. They brought a new style of architecture, such as that of the Taj Mahal, and a system of education that incorporated the pupils’ needs and culture. From the establishment of the Mughal Empire, trade was an important economic system, and it continued to support the empire throughout its reign.

In particular, the cotton and textile industries flourished, and remained main exports of the empire.
