Nicole Screenplay Written by Nathan Ross Freeman Based on the Novel Corporate Defiance Written by Anthony Ford FIRST DRAFT WGA Contact: Anthony Ford: Nathan Ross Freeman: 1 Nicole FADE IN: EXT. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. NIGHT. INSERT: Mississippi River. NICOLE WALKER(Black (27)) organizes volunteers to sand bag flood line. As she stacks bags she types notes on her laptop. EXT. WEST AFRICA. DAY. INSERT: West Africa Nicole and several other information technologist stand on the periphery of a locust storm with electronic equipment, take measurements. For whatever reason Nicole begins to walk, alone, into the midst of the swarm. She raises her arms as locusts’ stinging splats cover her body. Nicole then joins the villagers, grabs torn fabric, flails at the swarm and beats the brush. EXT. BOTSWANA. DAY. INSERT: Botswana. Nicole plows with FARMER in his field. When they are finished she leads him to a tent, shows him how to log the work he has done on a computer and calculate the weight of his crops against market prices around the region. When they come out the tent the farmer’s family and villagers surround Nicole. Food is brought out. They eat and dance. A range rover pulls up. They all shake her hand and embrace her. A SANGOMA WOMAN looks at Nicole suspiciously. Nicole mounts the range rover and waves as she leaves the village. 2 EXT. DESERT. DAY. Nicole, disheveled, dressed in torn rags, breathless, struggles to walk along a dune. She searches frantic for something or someone. The sand whirlpools and sucks her down into a sink hole. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. Nicole falls torches. She Arab descent bloodied. He to the floor of a desert cavern lit with hears SCREAMS. Suddenly a man’s face of appears before her face. His face is screams in her face. Nicole screams. INT. NICOLE’S APARTMENT BEDROOM. NIGHT. Nicole wakes with a start. body is wet with sweat. She breathes hard. Her NICOLE (To face in dream) What are you doing there? are you? Who SARAH WALKER (Black, 52), Nicole’s mother, opens Nicole’s door. SARAH At it again? Every time you traipse around the damn world. Same one? (No response) Big day tomorrow. Don’t sit up with it. Sarah leaves, closes the door. NICOLE Somebody’s there. There was never anybody there. 3 EXT. UNIVERSITY GRADUATION GROUNDS. DAY. INSERT: MAY, 1990 Sarah and KOBIE WALKER (Black, 55), Nicole’s father and Nicole’s best friend, FELECIA SHARP (White, 27), sit amidst the family and friends of Nicole’s graduating PhD Classmates. Nicole’s aisle of classmates rise and proceed to the stage to receive their diplomas. Each classmate stands at the bottom of the steps to the stage till their name is ANNOUNCED by the CHANCELLOR to cross the stage to receive their diplomas. On the stage Department Deans and Professors, all dressed in cap and gown, are seated along either side the Chancellor’s podium. Sarah watches Nicole get closer to the stage. SARAH (To Kobie) Look at her. Even the way she stands. So direct, yet elusive. At once an introvert and extrovert. The consummate Only Child. Felecia laughs heartily at Sarah. INT. LITTLE NICOLE’S BEDROOM. NIGHT. FLASHBACK. LITTLE NICOLE (6) and her friend, LITTLE FELECIA (6), walk to the window with their dolls. Nicole suddenly stops, stares at the moon. She is in a trance. Felecia shrugs. FELECIA Oh brother. I’ll wait. 4 Felecia sits on the floor. inaudibly in her trance. Nicole begins to mumble NICOLE (mumbles) Crawl bellies hurt hungry thirsty hide hide big men fire shoot shoot ugly dog all the same all the same the same … Felecia! dry chase float all Felecia startles, jumps to her feet. attention next to Little Nicole. Stands at LITTLE NICOLE Felicia, We have to stop it. We have to save them. Little Nicole takes her doll and places it on the window sill. Little Felecia does the same. The sun bad men the sky protect LITTLE NICOLE is killing them because tore up the earth and has no eyelids to us from God’s hot eyes. LITTLE FELECIA I know. So at night we have to catch as much of the dark as we can … LITTLE NICOLE So we can live through the day. And save their lives. FELECIA Amen. EXT. UNIVERSITY GRADUATION GROUNDS. CONTINUOUS. Nicole reaches the top step on the stage, the next to be called. KOBIE Why is she taking that trip to the Sahara by herself. 5 SARAH She’s no tourist. She always goes alone. She irrigates Africa, measure famines. How she stirs poverty and infrastructure together is beyond me. KOBIE Then, Felicia, why aren’t you going? FELECIA FEMA is sending me to Florida. The only reason she keeps me around is because an only child must have an invisible friend. An it’s usually the kid next door. INT. LITTLE NICOLE’S BEDROOM. DAY. Sarah sticks her head in the room. SARAH Nicole, time to work. LITTLE NICOLE Okay, now, we gotta figure out how to put together my new puzzle. It’s the Sahara. Little Felecia marvels at the floor that is entirely strewn with a hundred puzzle pieces to a Sahara Caravan. LITTLE FELECIA It would be easier just to go there. LITTLE NICOLE Stuck in the desert with no water, all alone. God’s eyes burning me to death. 6 Nicole takes a boy doll and girl doll and puts them back to back. LITTLE NICOLE Mommy said my ass is too young to have a boy friend. LITTLE FELECIA Yuck. LITTLE NICOLE Too young for love. EXT. UNIVERSITY GRADUATION GROUNDS. CONTINUOUS. FELECIA But that’s not why. For this trip she has to go alone. Like in her dreams. SARAH Her visions. FELECIA God, she was always so smarter too. SARAH Invisible friends are often wiser. Stay close as she’ll let you. CHANCELLOR (Announces) Nicole Walker, Doctor of Philosophy, Global Management Information Systems. Nicole Walker has become noted as a global information and communication specialist and consultant pioneering Information Technology as a tool for disaster relief and infrastructure infusion for Developing Countries. 7 Sarah, Kobie and Felecia stand, yell and applaud. Nicole glides over to receive her diploma. KOBIE Should be a boyfriend here. Never a boyfriend, not one. SARAH She’s still young. KOBIE She’s 27. SARAH She’s had lots of dates. She’s a both prodigy and a child born for true love. Double whammy. We’re a tough act to follow, don’t you think? Kobie gloats. Sarah notes. SARAH Right answer. Nicole receives her diploma. KOBIE (Shouts to Nicole) That’s my baby! (Whispers to Sarah) Do you think she’s gay? Nicole drops her diploma at the feet of, MAJOR ROBERT GERSHOM (Black 35), Department of Naval Science. Cool, Nicole stoops to pick the diploma up. Robert beats her to it. Their eyes meet. moments. Then … They hold each other’s glance for ROBERT Are your parents here? NICOLE Why? 8 ROBERT My name is Robert. I think it would be proper to meet them. He hands Nicole her diploma. Expressionless, Nicole glides off the stage. She looks back at Robert as she descends the steps. The sky is full of caps and tassels. Classmates, families, etc. fill the grounds, share congratulations and shoot photos. Nicole glides over to Sarah, Kobie and Felecia. FELECIA It’s time too … Felecia and Nicole do a very well crafted STEP DANCE to their chant. NICOLE & FELECIA (Chant) No time to fool around We bettah get movin’ ‘round Dah world, girl. Do the books, buy a hook Grab a hold to all the crooks put it all back We know what they took Save dah world, girl, Save dah world. Sarah hugs Nicole. Nicole suddenly snatches a glance at the sun. She smiles. SARAH You feel okay. NICOLE I am fine, mom. SARAH You sure. It’s very busy out here. NICOLE Mom, I am fine. Mind over mud. 9 KOBIE Oh, let your mother nag while she still can. At least get your share. Come show me some love Kobie embraces Nicole. KOBIE You are fine wine, daughter, way before its time. You know the rule. Faith is more than a wish it must needs be an activity. Fermented minds that waste away in the wine cellar fair no more than the taste buds of drunken … NICOLE Dad, dad. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, not today. Robert approaches. ROBERT Wonderful philosophy, Ms. Nicole Walker. Nicole is startled. Felecia smiles and blushes. Kobie looks confused. Sarah acts guarded. Robert extends his hand, Kobie shakes it. ROBERT Mr. Walker I presume. KOBIE And you are? Robert. ROBERT Major Robert Gershom. FELECIA Major? 10 Robert pulls up his gown and flashes his uniform. ROBERT Yep. Honest to God Major America at your service. SARAH (sarcastic) Oh, Lord. Nicole looks embarrassed at this corny humor. Felecia giggles with obvious genuine appreciation. Kobie just stares at him quizzically. Robert takes Sarah’s hand, kisses it. ROBERT Mrs. Walker, I am honored. I found your daughter on the floor of the stage … SARAH I saw you. ROBERT And right then and there I thought we should not continue our relationship … KOBIE Relationship? SARAH He’s being … ROBERT Not glib, mam. Overwhelmed. (To Felecia) Mam, you look like a friend whose help I may need at times like these. FELECIA Everybody does when it comes to Nicole. I charge. 11 Robert suddenly turns to Nicole. ROBERT I am sorry, Nicole. Gershom. My last name is Gershom. KOBIE You told us. Major Gershom. ROBERT Department of Naval Science. I mean I teach it. Here. (To Nicole) Are you hungry? SARAH Well, I sure am. You treatin’? Robert keeps his eyes locked on Nicole. ROBERT Well I sure am. FELECIA I gotta get a picture of this. Major, find a way to fit in. Robert Poses with Nicole and her parents. He stands at attention and just before Felecia clicks the camera he puts his arm around Nicole’s waste. ROBERT For posterity. Felecia clicks the camera. Kobie takes the camera. KOBIE Nicole and, ah, Major, the two of you, please. Just in case this is a One Day Stand. In the photo Robert looks adoringly at Nicole. Nicole looks straight ahead, perplexed. 12 On Kobie’s second snap, Robert has the same adoring glance while Nicole tries to keep from busting out laughing. SARAH Give me that camera, Kobie. Major, come get this camera and give your tax payers some service. Robert takes the camera and shoots the four of them. Another photo shows Robert with his head bowed as Sarah looks up at him in reprimand. Another photo shows Kobie with a cigar in one hand and his other arm around Robert as Robert looks at Nicole with a “Your Daddy likes me” expression. Another shows Felecia with her arms through Roberts. She looks at him like he is so hot. Another shows Felecia as she takes a picture of Robert on bended knee taking a picture of Nicole alone. Nicole stares off in a distance, expressionless. They each take turns with the camera and shoot tableau after tableau the way folk do at graduations. INT. RESTAURANT. DAY. The party of five chow down at a seafood restaurant. Platters and buckets of lobster, crabs, shrimp, oysters and clams crowd the table. They all crack, suck and shuck like veterans. Kobie and Robert smack, finger lick and their bibs are generously spotted, and occasionally grin and grunt at one another. Sarah scolds them with her looks. Felecia giggles. Nicole and Robert occasionally exchange glances. 13 EXT. RESTAURANT. DAY. Nicole and Robert walk together alone. and Felecia walk some distance ahead. Sarah, Kobie ROBERT I come from a long line of black men who fought for this country and sent me on point to make sure it all counts for something. I am clumsy, diligent, and know how to match my clothes. I am 35 years of age, heterosexual, yet, suspiciously, have never been married, no children, lots of dates, I can get affidavits. Do you believe in soul mates? NICOLE When did you retire from military intelligence? ROBERT What makes you think … NICOLE We geeks here at the university run wild in our imaginations about how those who can’t, teach. In your case Naval Science? Then, I imagine you a moth balled special ops warrior awaiting your last hurrah. Plus, your eyes. They take so much in. The eyes of a spy. Robert stands at mock attention ROBERT My name, Evolution of Warfare. My rank, Evolution of Amphibious Warfare, My serial number, Senior Naval Science Seminar Facilitator. I’m no spy. I am a school teacher. I have no recollection … 14 NICOLE I build infrastructure for those unfortunately not in power. Things outside National Security interests. We work different turf. My enemies are disease and Poverty. Mostly caused by war. ROBERT How do I get you … I mean how do I get to know you? NICOLE Soulmates. A misnomer. My soul is my self. I am my soul mate. However, I do believe two people can have lives as strangers in dreams. Entwined. I meet people in my dreams I don’t know and only see them in my dreams. But I don’t recollect you. ROBERT Then dream that I know you. Plus, your eyes take so much in. You saw that I have always known you. Now tell me how I can find out more about what I know. NICOLE Thanks for lunch. I have to go. Nicole walks to catch up with her parents and Felecia. Robert watches her walk away. He turns and walks the other way. NICOLE Hey? 15 Robert turns around and Nicole is literally in his face. NICOLE I am taking a summer trip I have been planning since birth. You like Puzzles? Of course you do. I will leave a message on your voice mail. I will hang up if I hear your voice. I will leave some clues. Come find me. We’ll have dinner. Be on time. What’s your number? Robert, clumsy, frantic, finds pen and paper, writes down his number. Nicole takes the number and takes off running like a little girl to catch up with the others. EXT. HOTEL LA FIBULE DU DRAA, ZAGORA, MOROCCO. DAY. Nicole argues with a Camel Trek Guide, ANIQ. NICOLE I want to go alone. tourist. I am not a ANIQ But, Madame, the rules. It at least must be 2. 2 guides, 2 people … or more. My name is Aniq. Nicole stares in the direction of the desert. She walks in that direction. An Englishman complete with accent, AARON SHARPNER (White (30), appears. AARON I come here to meditate. Find the punch line theories. The dreams in the chips. If you are not a tourist, and if we can both guarantee our mutual solitude, then we can buddy up. Do you meditate or levitate? Nicole surveys this stranger. 16 EXT. SAHARA DESERT. DAY. Nicole and Aaron ride a camel each, lead by Aniq and his fellow trek guide on a camel each that carry the tents and supplies. EXT. SAHARA DESERT CAMP. NIGHT. It’s sunset. Nicole, Aaron and the guides set up camp, build fire, fix dinner. Occasionally Nicole stares out at the dunes, expectantly. AARON (To Nicole) Plan to discover anything devout on the mound? NICOLE I didn’t come here to believe in something. AARON I found in certain constellations, that you can only see in a desert night, certain patterns, connections. Have you ever thought one day computers would be made of our own neurons, synapses instead of silicon chips and wires. A million times, faster, much, much cheaper, eternal memory. The most illiterate, impoverished of us could know anything we want to in the blink of an eye. Literally. I am here to dream of that day and be one of the pioneers in it. NICOLE Oh, God, don’t tell me I am out here stranded with another IT geek. What are the odds? 17 Aaron extends his hand. AARON Systems Development. Nicole shakes his hand. NICOLE Global Information. AARON Global? Did you say global. What are the odds indeed. You see I came here not to pray to the God of zero and one. To be here in Africa, the final frontier, free range country where the final battle over everything will have it out. Nicole stares out at the dunes. Aaron moves quick, quirky about the camp, fixes coffee, throws wood into the fire. The two guides chew food drink coffee, look at Aaron as if he is loose in an asylum. AARON Global information systems, not arms, will be the force that will exalt or defeat. NICOLE Africa. Garden of Eden and the horses of Apocalypse. You better make sure this organic computer has a soul if it’s going to be cousin to a species that kills in the name of God. And right now, Africa is the killing field. Time out. AARON Pardon me. NICOLE Timeout. 18 Oh. AARON Sorry. We promised. Quiet. He puts his finger to his lips. AARON Shhh. NICOLE I am here to solve a riddle that does not begin but ends a dream. Aaron heads out for the dunes and climbs the highest one. He lies on his back, meditates on the stars. INT. SAHARA DESERT CAMP. NIGHT. Nicole tosses, turns, sweats in her tent. EXT. DESERT. DAY. Nicole shades her eyes from the sun. The sun blinks its eye lid. Night falls. Nicole is pulled down through the sand sink hole. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. Torches, align the cavern wall. Nicole hears SCREAMS. The Arab’s face appears very close to hers again and screams. INT. SAHARA DESERT CAMP. CONTINUOUS. Nicole awakes with a start, breathes heavily. EXT. SAHARA DESERT CAMP. DAY. It’s barely dawn. Aaron and the guides prepare breakfast. Nicole bursts out of her tent and heads for the dunes. She walks for nearly a mile before she selects one. She climbs the dune. She sits. She waits. After some time she stands abruptly. She goes into a trance. She flails her arms, screams at the top of her lungs. Frantically she digs, digs, digs, till, exhausted, she falls over. 19 TIME PASSES: Nicole awakes with a start. She looks around, dazed. The sun is a dull red. She begins to chuckle, then laugh, then cackle. NICOLE It’s gone. You are gone. You are nothing. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nicole rolls around on the dune like it’s a soft bed that cares only for her. EXT. EDGE OF ZAGORA. DAY. It’s around sunset. arrive at Zagora. Nicole, Aaron and the guides AARON Thank you for being a stranger in need. NICOLE You are welcome. AARON I will leave my information at the desk just in case we find some common fortune to network our craft. NICOLE Battleground Africa. AARON Yes. NICOLE I think I can do that. But for just now, for awhile, I think I am going to piddle around in a world all mine. 20 AARON From the sound of your voice he is a very lucky man. INT. NICOLE’S HOTEL ROOM. NIGHT. Nicole sits on the edge of her bed, stares at the phone. She has a hand written note in her hand. Hesitantly she picks up the phone, dials. INT. ROBERT GERSHOM’ S APARTMENT. NIGHT. Robert’s phone rings. He picks it up. ROBERT Hello. He hears a click. He slams the phone down, furious. He gets a drink of something, positions the chair just so, sits and watches the phone intently. INT. NICOLE’S HOTEL ROOM. CONTINUOUS. Nicole still has her hand on the phone. She looks at the phone, fiddles with the note. Nicole dials the phone. INT. ROBERT GERSHOM’S STUDY. CONTINUOUS. Robert stares at the phone. The phone rings. Robert reflexively reaches for it, then snatches his hand back. The ANSWERING MACHINE picks up. ANSWERING MACHINE I have been waiting. Talk slow. NICOLE V.O. It’s 2100 my time. I will be kind and give you the latitude instead of the longitude. 21 Robert snatches a pen and pad. NICOLE V.O. Latitude 30 22 N. I sit now on the back porch at the end of the line of a long hypnotizing valley. Robert puts down the pen and pad without writing. ROBERT Morocco. Interesting. NICOLE V.O. Tomorrow at 1800 I have dinner reserved for two at the nomad’s tent, a cool spot where you may think you are entering through the Paris Arch of Triumph, and, yet, dwell in a courtyard lined with Cuban palms. ROBERT Nomad’s tent. Ah, La Fibule Du Draa. NICOLE V.O. Please be prompt. Robert makes a call. ROBERT Georgiou. I need a hop. Roger that. I know, I know. Stow me, man. Classified. Morocco. Close enough. When is the next out? What else can I get? Full tank of gas? See you in a few. 22 INT. MILITARY TRANSPORT JET. NIGHT. Robert in a suit and tie climbs aboard a marine transport jet, sits among MARINES dressed for combat. He has a bouquet of flowers. The marines try not to note or react. MARINES ON PLANE (Greet Robert) Huuuaaah! ROBERT Huuuaaah. EXT. HOTEL LA FIBULE DU DRAA. DAY. It is almost dusk, but light enough to show the splendor of the courtyard of La Fibule. Nicole sits at a table. It is 5 PM. Robert appears at the entrance to the courtyard with bouquet. Nicole rises. She is still. Robert does not move. They just take each other in. INT. HOTEL LA FIBULE RESTAURANT. NIGHT. Nicole and Robert dine. NICOLE And what about war? ROBERT I have been in it. Please don’t ask me if I have ever killed someone. Every child born knows war is wrong. Period. NICOLE Would you go to it again. ROBERT If someone I fought side by side with came and got me. NICOLE And what about jealousy, possession? 23 ROBERT It has eluded me. I think, though, I may have found what all the fuss is about. Yes, I could want to possess your every moment and I am jealous as hell right now of that chair you sit on. NICOLE What would you do to the chair? ROBERT When you go to the ladies room I will sit on it before it cools. When you get back I will get up and offer you my warmth. My chair. NICOLE I think you are clairvoyant. Please excuse me. Nicole leaves the table for the ladies room. Robert sits in her chair. The CONCIERGE appears at the entrance. Robert nods to him. The concierge nods back and disappears. Nicole returns. She stands very close to Robert. Her eyes search his. He gently palms her face, offers her, her seat. She sits. He returns to his seat. ROBERT Now tell me about the desert. NICOLE It’s been quite a playmate. All my life. I came all the way here to find out that I don’t know who or why. We said goodbye today. The desert has a face that only laughs and screams. Nothing in between. Do you believe in … 24 ROBERT Yes. I don’t know how many lives I have lived, that I might be living. Parallel universes, sixth sense. Hell, seventh, eighth sense. I believe in everything. The WAITER comes, offers wine to taste. chooses it. The waiter serves, leaves. Robert ROBERT Falling in Love. NICOLE It happens really only once. When you are born. And you decide to live with yourself. What’s incredible to me is that two wee ones would become adult and promise to be together till one dies. That’s what true love means. A vow to live long enough to bury your lover. Would you? ROBERT Bury my lover? NICOLE Promise to bury me. ROBERT Why would I even want to think about the end of you? NICOLE Answer me. Robert sloshes down his glass of wine, glares at Nicole intently. ROBERT Yes. I promise you, now, here, tonight that I will not die on you. 25 NICOLE I am a virgin. ROBERT I know. They search each other’s eyes for moments. The waiter whispers in Robert’s ear. Robert finishes his wine. ROBERT It’s time to go. NICOLE Where? ROBERT Come with me. Robert leaves money on the table, offers Nicole his arm. Nicole takes his arm. EXT. HOTEL FIBULE DU DRAA. NIGHT. Robert escorts Nicole to the courtyard. At the same spot Nicole met with her Trek guide. She sees the same Trek guide now, with one camel. NICOLE There’s only one camel. ROBERT His name is Jeb. I am so glad he can still work. NICOLE I know that guide. The name he gave me was more complicated than Jeb. ROBERT The camel’s name is Jeb. NICOLE How do you know? ROBERT He’s an old friend. 26 They reach the guide. NICOLE I thought you said we had to have two camels. Aniq, right? Aniq bows to Nicole. There stand sort. hands ANIQ is just one camel, but you before two guides, of a I will leave you in the of this trusty one. The guide hands the reigns to Robert, smiles, winks and leaves. Nicole looks totally confused. She stares at Robert. NICOLE Who are you? ROBERT Who are you? You have me track you down to find you in my old stomping grounds. You’ve been following me. Robert checks the straps and supplies. ROBERT The military used to have me tap dancing up and down the borders of Algeria, Libya, Niger. Robert pauses, stares out towards the desert. ROBERT I don’t believe I am doing this. How you tourists walk out there, strut so easily on sand … NICOLE I am no tourist. ROBERT And I am not a peeping tom. Not anymore. So, let’s be … let’s … 27 NICOLE What. Robert mounts the camel, extends his hand to Nicole. ROBERT Show me what makes the desert laugh. I’ve only heard it scream. NICOLE How loud? Nicole takes his hand. desert. Both mounted they head for the EXT. DESERT. NIGHT. Nicole and Robert climb a dune. The night is moonlit. Robert carries a blanket. Nicole carries a torch. She searches. She sees the same spot on the same dune she visited the day before. Here. NICOLE This will do. They plant the torch, spread the blanket, sit some distance apart, take in the sky. NICOLE I’m an only child. ROBERT That is so very obvious. NICOLE How? ROBERT Takes one to know one. NICOLE Then what of children, then? 28 ROBERT If there are going to be more than two we better get started real soon. NICOLE My virginity has nothing to do with sex. It has nothing to do with the first time. It has to do with finding the man who will stay until he buries me. Understand me? Their eyes search intently. ROBERT Come here. Nicole slides over to Robert, trembles. Robert takes off her shoes, takes off his shoes, digs his feet in the sand. Nicole digs her feet in the sand. They do stupid playful things with their feet. On cue they awkwardly pick at each others clothes till they are nude. In their lovemaking their eyes are glued to the other’s. They bend and clutch, laugh and … both cry. INT. HOTEL FIBULE – NICOLE’S SUITE. NIGHT. Nicole swoons in the shower. INT. HOTEL FIBULE - ROBERT’S SUITE. NIGHT. Robert swoons while he undresses. INT. HOTEL FIBULE - COURTYARD. DAY. It’s early the next morning. Nicole and Robert meet in the Courtyard from separate entrances. NICOLE Time to go. ROBERT Me too. I can’t miss my hop. 29 NICOLE I can’t go back without souvenirs. ROBERT Thought you weren’t a tourist. NICOLE Touché. What about you? No family obligations? ROBERT Gone. All dead except an obnoxious uncle who takes the Greyhound bus from one asylum to another. (Several Beats) But I do owe buddy favors for the ride here. If I bring you something will you stay a few hours longer? NICOLE Only if you will allow this tourist to bring you at least one memento. ROBERT We two pumpkins will meet back here 1200 sharp or, better still, let’s go together? NICOLE No. EXT. ZAGORA MARKET. DAY. Nicole shops for fabric, mosaics, sculptures. At a more clandestine area of the market Robert knocks on several certain doors and shops for desert gear, men’s toiletries, military opticals, travel snack condiments, tobacco, liquor, girlie magazines. Nicole finds an outdoor jewelry concession. She stares at all the jewelry. Robert approaches, sees Nicole and ducks behind a wall and watches. Nicole 30 just gets a glimpse of Robert before he can duck away. Nicole urgently cloaks her actions so he cannot see her purchase. Nicole finds what she wants, stuffs it in her bag, rushes away. Robert sees Nicole leave. When she is out of sight he approaches the jewelry concession. Selects an item, pays and stuffs it in his pocket, leaves. EXT. HOTEL FIBULE. DAY. It is 1200 PM. Nicole and Robert meet in the courtyard with packages in hand and suitcases. eye each the other with suspicion. They NICOLE I saw you today. ROBERT Then me first. NICOLE No. Me. ROBERT You know. NICOLE I know. Nicole clumsily fumbles through one of her bags. She pulls out a ring. She kneels on both knees. She places the ring on his right ring finger. She pulls him down to his knees, looks him in the eyes. NICOLE Understand me? Nicole extends her left hand, expectant. Robert takes a ring out of his pocket, places it on her left ring finger, reaches into one of his bags, brings out a Military Tri-fold shovel, unfolds it, holds it up like a flag. ROBERT Yes. 31 They both look so serious for several moments. Then, Nicole looks at Robert holding the shovel and bursts out with laughter. She rolls around on the ground with laughter. Robert looks indignant. ROBERT Do I look that stupid. NICOLE Yes. Yes you do. So stupid our grandchildren are rolling around giggling right here, right now, right along with me. Oh, wait till I tell them. ROBERT I love you. Nicole is quiet. She strokes his face. NICOLE That’s not fair. to go first. I was supposed ROBERT I’m waiting. NICOLE I love you, Robert. They kiss. NICOLE The desert laughs. EXT. SARAH & KOBIE’S GROUNDS. DAY. INSERT: AUGUST, 1990 Sarah and Kobie’s grounds are luxuriously decorated for Nicole and Robert’s wedding. Everybody awaits the Bride. 32 On Nicole’s side of the aisle we have the typical generations of family and friends of all persuasions. On Robert’s side we have students, navy buddies, some off-beat, off-shore mercenary, clandestine folk and on the front row all by himself his lone family member, the OBNOXIOUS UNCLE, who occasionally mumbles to himself and snaps looks at everyone with his paranoia. INT. SARAH & KOBIE’S PANTRY. DAY. Sarah puts on the finishing touches on Nicole before she walks outside and down the aisle. SARAH I don’t mean to bring it up again, but this is your last chance. Has he seen it? NICOLE No. The desert is gone. SARAH Is it? You treat them like they are seizures. NICOLE That’s what the book says. SARAH I am your book. Read me and do your exercises. They don’t know a damn thing. I love you. NICOLE I love you. SARAH Now, go jump the broom. 33 EXT. SARAH & KOBIE’S GROUNDS. CONTINUOUS. ON WEDDING: It’s a typical American wedding. Nicole glides down the aisle. Kobie steps out to await her. She puts her arm through his. He walks her to the altar, gives her away. What’s atypical is that there is a Catholic Priest, a Baptist Minister, an Imam, and Rabbi who administer the vows. They all deliver a short relevant prayer as Nicole and Robert approach for vows. Nicole ends her vows … NICOLE Till death do I part. They jump over a broom. ON RECEPTION: Glimpses of the reception. Robert and Nicole dance, guests join. Felecia cuts in on Robert and dances with Nicole. Kobie talks with Robert. KOBIE Iraq invades Kuwait. What happens next, soldier? ROBERT Hell just opened another franchise. KOBIE What can we expect? ROBERT Does your vehicle have good gas mileage? Kobie notes a STRANGE MAN by the punch bowl. KOBIE Who is that fellow? yours? One of 34 ROBERT Never seen him. Should I ask? KOBIE No, no. Plenty of cake for everybody. Nicole joins Robert to cut the cake. NICOLE (Whispers to Robert) I found us a house on the edge of a forest, on the bank of a lake at the foot of the mountains. ROBERT Sounds like a major fault line. NICOLE A sanctuary. Let’s go home. Finally Nicole throws the bouquet over her shoulder. All the women try to catch it, except Felecia. Felecia ducks. The Guests throw rice on Nicole and Robert as they head for the antique Roadster. Robert opens the door for Nicole. Nicole stops, stares straight up in the sky in a trance. Sarah looks expectant, Kobie and Felecia look guarded. The guests all look at her bewildered. The Strange Man takes note of her behavior. NICOLE Quick. Felecia. Felecia runs to Nicole. Nicole pulls her aside. They embrace for dear life. NICOLE It’s back. 35 FELECIA No more puzzles, Nicole. No more wonder. Go do some far out living. Stare down the damn sky. Don’t let it claim you. NICOLE There’s someone else in the desert. Sarah walks towards Nicole. Felecia sees Sarah’s approach. Felecia firmly ushers Nicole to car. FELECIA Go love that man. I got your back. I will come from around the world to slap your ass into happy when you need it. Felecia hurries Nicole in the car, closes the door just as Sarah gets to the car. Nicole throws Sarah a melancholic kiss. Robert jovially waves goodbye. Kobie stands at the top of the steps, stoic, concerned. The roadster pulls off. The Strange Man walks alone down the street. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S/DEN. NIGHT. INSERT: September, 1990 ON TV: CNN UPDATE OF 82 BRITONS HELD HOSTAGE IN IRAQ. Unbeknownst to Him, Nicole reverently watches Robert grade papers. Robert talks to the paper he grades. ROBERT (To himself) Tech is wonderful. Punch card artillery. Numb fingers instead of numb nuts. Night vision. What happens when everybody can see everybody in the dark? Never lose touch with the stars, son. Sometimes the night is just a welcome a blanket to pull over your head. 36 INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/HALL. NIGHT. Unbeknownst to her Robert Lovingly watches Nicole bathe. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/GARAGE. DAY. Unbeknownst to him, Nicole lovingly watches Robert work on his bike with delicate precision in the garage. EXT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/PORCH. DAY. Robert approaches the porch dressed in uniform, carries back pack. He startles as Nicole bursts out the front door, sweat shirt and shorts, jogs past him with a brief wave. Robert watches her till she is out of sight. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/HALL. DAY. Unbeknownst to him, Nicole watches with great curiosity as Robert whispers, argues over the phone with someone. ROBERT Yes, I know. But that’s when I didn’t have a life. I know. Please, please. For God’s sake, I have a home now. What the hell are you laughing at … Nicole tries to choke down a laugh. to an expression of solemn wonder. The giggle turns NICOLE (Whispers to herself What the hell am I laughing at? 37 INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/KITCHEN. DAY. INSERT: October, 1990 ON TV: NEWS REPORT ON EFFECT OF SANCTIONS AGAINST IRAQ FOR HOSTAGES AND KUWAIT INVASION. Robert serves lunch while Nicole reads letters from corporations inviting her to select them for application for executive positions. Wow. NICOLE I should be honored. Nicole throws them all in the trash. Robert stands with platters in hand, watches her. Nicole stares at him. NICOLE Is it too early for a cocktail? ROBERT Not for me. You want one too? INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/OFFICE. NIGHT. Nicole notices a sealed classified envelope on Robert’s desk. She flops down in his desk chair. Robert appears at the door. She searches his eyes. He walks over, picks up the envelope, puts it in a drawer, locks the drawer. ROBERT I ain’t goin’ nowhere. Nicole notes the locked drawer. NICOLE I use the trash can. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME. DAY. Robert notices a stack of unopened corporate application mail for Nicole on the foyer table. 38 INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/BEDROOM. DAY. Nicole and Robert awake entangled after having fallen asleep kissing. They awake, pull their lips apart. They both cover their morning breath mouths and quickly exit on opposite sides of the bed. NICOLE (Mouth covered) How do we do that? Smacks his lips. ROBERT Definitely your morning breath. How does mine taste? Nevermind. INT. UNIVERSITY/ROBERTS OFFICE. DAY. Nicole comes to Robert’s office with a picnic basket. He is not there. She looks out the window. He gets in his car. She runs. EXT. UNIVERSITY. DAY. Nicole tries to catch Robert. She runs to the corner. She notes that he turns and drives down the street that leads to his old apartment. He enters his apartment. She watches him turn on the light. She walks away. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOME/KITCHEN. NIGHT. Nicole slams kitchen utensils and cabinet doors to fix a sandwich while she talks with Felecia on the phone. NICOLE Felecia, he still has his apartment. No, he didn’t. Well, no, I didn’t ask, but … Felecia. I don’t care. He still lives somewhere else. 39 NICOLE (Cont’d) I watched him go in and out several … Yes, and I am not ashamed of it. Well, he doesn’t stay long. No, and I never even thought that. I am not mad, I’m scared. INT. ROBERT’S APARTMENT. NIGHT. Robert turns the key, enters the apartment, turns on a light, jumps with a fright. Nicole sits at his desk in a very slight dress. ROBERT How’d you get in here? NICOLE It’s a secret. ROBERT It’s nothing. Really. NICOLE Right here, right now you will fix me a candle light dinner, make sordid love to me and I will sleep in your bed tonight with you till morning. I will fix you breakfast, then, I will leave here, alone. And I will never return. The candles are melted down. Wine glasses half filled on the night table. Nicole and Robert make … sordid … love. 40 INT. ROBERT’S APARTMENT. DAY. The next morning Robert, finishes his eggs and stares out the window at Nicole as she walks to her car. Nicole stops along the way, turns and hollers up to Robert. NICOLE Last night. I’m pregnant. I know it. Mixed feelings about it happening here. Bastard. Now go home to your wife. EXT. PARK. DAY. INSERT: November, 1990 Robert rides his bike beside Nicole who jogs. travel for some distance in silence. ROBERT What beastie corporation has to kiss your PhD behind to get you to open the mail. NICOLE Wow. How did you know I had a life? ROBERT I know you have a degree. What about this Maywell corporation? NICOLE Sad little poor corrupt sugar daddy countries subcontracted by big merge monsters while the headless horse UN turns the other cheek. We are about to globalize sweat shops and these corporations want us, geeks, me, to help turn hell hole countries into telemarketers. Have you ever done telemarketing? I have. They 41 ROBERT I was scared. NICOLE Scared? ROBERT Scared to know too much. About you. Never ask too much. People die. Family dies. Too soon. Soldiers. Classified deaths. That’s my portfolio. I have to ease my way into … NICOLE Getting to know what you know about me. ROBERT Thanks for giving me another momma and daddy. That’s where courage comes from, you know. NICOLE I don’t want to know too much about you. You want a boy or girl. Which one would scare you? ROBERT Walls. I hate walls. There is something always inside crawling. Closing in. So, can I cremate you instead? They ride in silence for some distance. ROBERT I hope it’s a girl. scared of no girl. I ain’t Nicole snarls at him. Robert startles, falls off his bike. Nicole playfully kicks at him. Robert gets on his bike, flees. Nicole chases him. The chase is fast. Fast. 42 INT. ROBERT’S APARTMENT HALLWAY. NIGHT. Two malevolent Arab men completely wrapped from head to tow in black cloth drag Robert down the hall. He kicks and screams to the top of his lungs. He snatches away from them and uses all his military hand-to-hand combat techniques to fight and keep them from taking him away. INT. NICOLE AND ROBERT’S BEDROOM. NIGHT. Nicole awakes with a start in a sweat. Robert does not awake. Calm, Nicole stands up in the bed in a trance. She sees the Arabs drag Robert. She swings her hands to mirror Robert’s combat. Robert awakes. Nicole continues to fight. NICOLE Leave me be. I have a home. I have a home. Leave me be. I have a home. I have a home. Leave me be. I have a home. I have a home … An on and on she fights and chants. Robert sits, calm, watches her with concerned curiosity. He marvels at how she is so correct in her combat techniques. At some point Robert lightly touches her feet. Nicole immediately stops everything, awakes from her trance, looks down at Robert, continues to stand up in the bed. She breathes hard. NICOLE My arms ache. What was I doing? Are you okay? (several beats) I didn’t keep this from you. I knew this was the way you had to find out. ROBERT It’s the second time I saw it. First time was at the wedding. At the car. 43 NICOLE You never said anything. ROBERT I knew this was the way you had to know I knew. Together, alone. I looked it up. Dissociative Trance Disorder. NICOLE Sorta. ROBERT Demons? NICOLE No. ROBERT Voices? NICOLE No. ROBERT Personalities … NICOLE No, schizophrenia, no depression, no. don’t worry. No exorcism for me, bro. I got a rare one and only version. ROBERT When were you diagnosed? NICOLE My mother is an experimental and behavioral psychologist. She caught me baying at the moon when I was two. She is very protective of my future. Health and wellness are private family matters. 44 ROBERT Are there meds? Nicole kneels, looks intently at Robert. NICOLE It’s more like Astro traveling, clairvoyance and meditation in a single dose. I would be worshipped in India. Monks and mendicants consider my condition the cure. A magic carpet. Growing up I used see the beauty of the human spirit in colors beyond the spectrum of light. It freezes me till my sensations are raw. Chills up and down my spine. Nicole takes Robert’s hands and pulls him out of the bed to the window. NICOLE Now mostly I see pain, danger. Nicole points out the window in a direction. NICOLE Your apartment is right over there. Not the address. I see its reach. It pulls. You push. Tonight I saw you. Somebody is coming to get you. You have to fight. Harder. They stand at the window and hold each other. Occasionally Robert rubs Nicole’s stomach. They stand at the window together till dawn. 45 EXT. WALKER PHYSICAL THERAPY AND WELLNESS CENTER. DAY. INSERT: December, 1990 Nicole sits outside her father’s wellness center. She watches toddlers of every ethnicity play in a gated playground area of the center. All of the toddlers are in therapy for some injury or defect. INT. WALKER PHYSICAL THERAPY AND WELLNESS CENTER. DAY. ON TV: NEWS REPORT: IRAQIS FREE BRITISH HOSTAGES Nicole enters Kobie’s office door. KOBIE Here comes my bourgeoisie daughter using her nepotistic privileges at her father’s healistic joint to get in the pool, no doubt, and no doubt I gotta cradle you and that child you carry in my arms and swing you round and round for all my therapists to shake their heads and proclaim, “Mmm, mmm, mmm, I don’t know who them Walkers think they are.” This ain’t no Spa, Nic! INT. WELLNESS CENTER POOL. DAY. Kobie hums a lullaby to Nicole, who he swings around and around, slowly, gently, in the pool. NICOLE It’s a boy. KOBIE And? NICOLE He’s afraid of boys. He had to follow in the footsteps of a hole history full of boys. Black boys who had to prove themselves. Soldiers. 46 KOBIE Black boys will always have to prove themselves. NICOLE Almost as much as Black women. KOBIE Yeah, but, when black boys have to prove themselves there is usually fist-to-cuffs involved somewhere along the way. Fightin’ with them or against them. Battleground or prison yard. NICOLE Keep it to yourself, daddy. I’m going to try keep him guessing. KOBIE Well, don’t keep your mother guessing. She says it’s time for a session. NICOLE Do you know what we do in those sessions, daddy? KOBIE Capture fate. Whup its ass. Kobie hums another lullaby. EXT. SARAH AND KOBIE’S BACK YARD. DAY. FLASHBACK. Kobie hums the same lullabye, swings Little Nicole around and around with his hands under her waist. Little Nicole looks up at the sky that whirls in a circle around her father’s head. She giggles. INT. WELLNESS CENTER POOL. CONTINUOUS. Nicole looks up at her father. He switches lullabies. It so soothes Nicole, she reclines fully, gives her swirling relaxed maternity over to her father’s arms to float, swing, nurture in soft water. 47 And, yes, somewhere in the background, therapists shake their heads and smile at their director playing with his daughter and concepted grandson. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. DAY. Nicole, in sparse exercise outfit, meditates while she reads yet another piece of mail from Maywell Technologies. She notes Aaron Sharpner’s signature. The phone rings. She answers it. She SQUEALS with delight. INT. CLUB. NIGHT. Nicole, Felecia and her huge, muscular Iranian friend, AKBAR (25-30), enter a funky dance club. The club is loud with hip hop funk and jumping. AKBAR (To Nicole) My home is Iran. FELECIA Akbar’s name means big. I thought Robert was coming. NICOLE He said he would. He better. He had to do something. They mix in the crowd and all three begin to dance. INT. ROBERT’S APARTMENT. NIGHT. Robert sits in a chair, prominently set to face the door to his apartment, with a drink in his hand. He waits. There is a knock at the door. ROBERT Enter and sign in please. 48 Two men dressed in Naval uniforms enter. Robert stands, faces them. They hand him an envelope. They wait for him to open it. He opens the envelope, reads, tears off a receipt, gives it to them. ROBERT Let’s get wet. The navy men salute and leave. Robert set’s fire to the orders in the kitchen sink, pours a generous amount of liquor in his glass, drinks it down, watches the fire, pours another, downs it. He watches the ashes burn. INT. CLUB. CONTINUOUS. Nicole, Felecia and Akbar dance on the raucous dance floor. There is commotion by the entrance, the crowd parts at some disturbance. They hear a man HUM THE BEAT at the top of his lungs. Its Robert. Robert is drunk. He stumbles through the crowd, finds them. He does his best to dance with them. ROBERT (To Akbar) Yo, sir. Are you a foreign student, medical intern, corporate spy, prince ... NICOLE Robert! FELECIA Get the hell off him! ROBERT Iranian. Means big. (several beats) You know, seems we always wind up fighting our friends and making friends with our enemies. Time to dance, Mr. big. Time to dance. 49 Nicole drags Robert over to a table. NICOLE I have never seen you drunk. Robert looks long and hard at Nicole. He gently strokes her face. One tear falls from his eyes. Nicole grabs his hand. NICOLE What is it, baby? home? Wanna go ROBERT Hmmm. Home. Mittens. Is it time for mittens? Kittens. We are having kittens. Three you said. Hurry. We gotta really hurry. Felecia and Akbar approach and sit at the table. ROBERT Sorry, Akbar. AKBAR I understand you teach military science. ROBERT Shhh! AKBAR I feel for all men. East men. All men. we are about to do. West and For what Robert is in Black Out. He gets up as if he and Akbar are the only two in the room. He pushes away the table, Akbar Stands. Robert pushes him back down in the chair. Puts a choke hold on him. Begins to interrogate him. ROBERT Do you know anything? 50 FELECIA Robert, what are you doing, for God’s sake? ROBERT Huh? FELECIA He’s a friend, a colleague. ROBERT (To Akbar) What do you know? FELECIA Major, you have your hands around a UN Peace Keeper. ROBERT What? FELECIA Nicole! Nicole, frozen, stares at Robert. ROBERT (To Akbar) What! What’s going happen?! What?! Felecia jumps on Robert’s back. FELECIA Nicole, get your man. He’s blacked out. (To Robert) You got gum on your back. ROBERT (To Akbar) What is going to happen? The music stops, the crowd stares at Robert with Felecia on his back and Akbar expressionless offering no resistance to the headlock. 51 Security guards approach. From out of nowhere Nicole slaps Robert. Robert calms. Felecia slides off his back. Robert stares at Nicole, gently strokes her face. Nicole steps in front of the security guards. Felecia tends to Akbar. Robert goes over to Felecia. Kisses her on the cheek. ROBERT Told you I would need you, friend. Not like this, though. (several beats) Akbar, sir, you owe me an ass whupping. Nicole leads a hapless, limp Robert through the crowd, across the dance floor and out the front entrance. Felecia and Akbar watch them leave, bewildered, frightened. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM. NIGHT. Nicole sits on the floor beneath Robert who snores stretched out on the couch. There is a knock on the door. Nicole cautiously peeps out, then opens the door. Felecia steps in. Nicole walks listless back to the couch, sits on the floor. Felecia stares at them, turns to leave, hesitates, turns back to Nicole. FELECIA I have to go back tomorrow. Just in case I don’t … Well, make sure I am the God Mother. Nicole does not respond. the door behind her. Felecia exits, gently closes 52 INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/BEDROOM. NIGHT. INSERT: December, 1990 Nicole tosses and turns. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. Nicole is crouched in a corner in the torch lit cavern. She hears SCREAMS. She looks up. NICOLE No. No. No. No … INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/BEDROOM. CONTINUOUS. Nicole wakes with a start, breathes hard. She reaches for Robert. He is not there. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/FOYER. DAY. Nicole sits in the foyer, faces the front door. She waits. There is a knock at the door. She does not answer it. Robert unlocks and opens the door. Robert is dressed in Naval uniform with two suitcases. NICOLE You didn’t sleep with me last night. ROBERT No mam. NICOLE Where do you think you are going? Can’t say. ROBERT Couldn’t say. NICOLE Are you leaving now? ROBERT Yes, mam. 53 Right now? NICOLE This minute? ROBERT Yes, mam. NICOLE You Judas. ROBERT Yes, mam. NICOLE I will not ask when you get back. ROBERT Yes, mam. NICOLE Stop that shit. Stop it right now. Robert places the suitcases down gently. He slowly approaches Nicole. Nicole stops him with a gesture. NICOLE I had the wrong damn desert. All my life, the wrong puzzle. Last night, I saw you. I saw you and the desert screams. You scream. (several beats) Stay! Robert stoops to hold her. She fights him off. He forcibly grabs her and holds on for dear life. She continues to flail at him until she is subdued. ROBERT (Whispers) I will be back. Robert releases Nicole. She falls limp. He picks up his suitcases, walks out the door. He leaves the door open. Nicole watches him till he disappears. 54 INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. DAY. INSERT: January 10, 1991 Nicole sits in bed, watches the news. ON TV: LAST DITCH EFFORTS TO AVOID GULF WAR. Nicole jumps around on bed. Yes! Yes! can do it. NICOLE Come on, Bush, you INT. SARAH AND KOBIE’S HOUSE/DEN. DAY. INSERT January 16, 1991 Nicole sits cuddled between Sarah and Kobie in the den. They watch the news. ON TV: OPERATION DESERT STORM SARAH Have you heard anything? Anything at all from Robert. NICOLE Dad, I can’t anymore. Tell her. KOBIE He’s classified, Sarah. SARAH You mean we actually will not hear from him till … NICOLE He’s back. Nicole goes to her old bedroom, takes on of her dolls, sets it on the window sill, peers out the window. Nicole MUMBLES UNINTELLIGIBLY. 55 INT. DOCTORS OFFICE. DAY. INSERT: January 30, 1991 Nicole sits in the waiting room of the doctors office. Reads newspaper. ON NEWSPAPER: MARINES KILLED AL KHAFJI. EXAMINE ROOM: Nicole is examined. The DOCTOR indicates with a smile all is well with the pregnancy. INT. KUWAIT, GREEN BERET BRIEF BACK ROOM. DAY. INSERT: February 22, 1991 INSERT: NEWSPAPER HEADLINE: BUSH THREATENS IRAQ WITH LAND WAR. Teams of Green Beret pack for Iraqi insertion. EXT. IRAQ, HIGHWAY 8. NIGHT. INSERT: February 23, 1991, Highway 8 between Basra and Baghdad. Helicopter inserts two teams of three Green Beret along Highway 8. The teams split up. Each member of the teams carries 175 pounds of equipment. One team runs with struggle for 100 yards to a certain point. REGGIE pulls out a map and indicates to the other two Berets that this is the rendezvous point. They rapidly dig a 3’ by 5’ hide hole 6’5” deep for the three to stand hunched together to conduct surveillance. Once dug in and hatched they peek, search, wait. TIME PASSES: 56 They hear someone WHISTLE. Reggie WHISTLES back. Robert, dressed in Arab garb and his Iraqi guide, HAFEZ, crawl to the team. ROBERT What took you so long? REGGIE What took you so long? HAFEZ (Smiles broadly) What took you so long? Robert pulls a map from his pocket, shows it to Reggie. ROBERT (To Reggie) You have a village two clicks from here that has refugee’d out. You will communicate any troop movement coming from the North on Highway 8. We cut all power in and out of the vicinity. They are looking for me. So, let’s make this quick. They hear someone call out in the distance. what sounds to be a guns firing. They hear ROBERT This place is crawling with shepherd locals looking for bounty and that would be you. If you are spotted word will get to the enemy faster than you can run. You will be evac-ed at your insertion point in five days at 0500. They hear SHOUTS. Robert closes the hatch, sees IRAQI SHEPHERDS in a pack. They search in another direction. They turn and begin to meander in the Berets’ directions. Robert stealthily lifts the hatch. 57 ROBERT Soldier no matter what do not attempt to blow your cover. No matter what. I do not exist. Do you read me. I do not exist Go to sleep. Now. That is an order. Reluctantly Reggie closes the hatch. Beret 2 and 3, lock and load. They hear the shouts drift away. Hafez and Robert are at some distance in the midst of the Shepherds. Hafez points in a direction away from the Beret’s position. The Shepherds begin to travel in that direction. One shepherd stays behind and looks at Robert suspiciously. The Shepherd SHOUTS at Robert and Hafez and CALLS to his comrades. Robert and Hafez walk away fast. The Shepherd SHOOTS A GUN in the air. Robert and Hafez begin to run. A grenade lands near them. They dive between two furrows. ROBERT Our business is over, Hadi. Get to your family. I will be okay from here. HAFEZ My name is not Hadi. I give you that name for it is name for guide. My name is Hafez. It means protector. I protect my family by fighting. So I am not through. We will die together. ROBERT Stop that martyr shit and keep up. As of this moment I am on my way home. You need to go to yours. They jump up and run. The shouts seem to surround them. Bullets whiz all around them. A grenade launcher launches. Hafez screams at the flash in his eyes. 58 INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. An Arab face screams at Nicole’s face. It is Hafez’s face. His is the face she has dreamt all these years. Nicole screams. She backs into a corner. She looks up in horror. Nicole sees Robert in the Cavern covered in blood. NICOLE No. No. No. No EXT. IRAQ, HIGHWAY 8. CONTINUOUS. Robert and Hafez are blown into the air and disappear within the blast. INT. DESERT CAVERN. CONTINUOUS. Robert falls to his knees, stares at her, reaches, strokes her face, leaves a blood trail on her face. Robert falls forward flat on his face before her, lays silent and dies. EXT. IRAQ, HIGHWAY 8. CONTINUOUS The Berets struggle to stay put. Beret 2 goes to lift the hatch. Reggie restrains him. Reggie peeps out of the hatch. All is clear. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. CONTINUOUS. Nicole wakes from her trance, opens her eyes, furiously, stares at the ceiling. INT. NICOLE & ROBERTS HOUSE. DAY. Nicole opens the front door. A uniformed NAVY WOMAN is at the door. All Nicole hears is … NAVY WOMAN … missing in action and presumed dead. By all accounts he is a hero mam … Is there anything I can … 59 Nicole waves her away, slowly closes the door. wanders in a daze. Nicole ON TV: BUSH DECLARES GULF WAR OVER. Nicole see news flash on TV. NICOLE Uh, uh. INT. ROBERT’S APARTMENT. DAY. Nicole stands in the middle of Robert’s apartment with an incredulous look on her face. The place has been gutted. No furniture, no dust, nothing. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. NIGHT. Nicole talks on the phone to an MIA ADVOCATE. MIA ADVOCATE V.O. We survivors of MIA’s are only versed in regular military. Your husband disappeared the moment he got his assignment. NICOLE I know it’s classified. I saw his apartment. I’m not classified. What is the first step? MIA ADVOCATE V.O. This is not the first step, but in your case, Nicole, it’s the only one. You must find someone who witnessed his last moments. 60 EXT. PARK. NIGHT. Nicole sits alone on a bench by a pond in a park. REGGIE approaches. REGGIE I am Reggie. Let’s walk. He offers his hand to help her up. declines. They walk. NICOLE You were there. Where? Nicole politely How?. REGGIE Mam, your husband was a ghost. Excuse the notation. What I mean is … I know. NICOLE Classified. REGGIE We’re all classified but some soldiers are absolute secret. We fight behind enemy lines, but your husband has to be the enemy, climb right inside their gun barrels. No one can know where he came from, where he goes or where he went till it’s all over. And in his situation … well, look at it this way … When it comes to possible living MIA’s Korea, Viet Nam still ain’t all over. NICOLE They found clothes, blood, but no body. Just torn bloody clothes. 61 REGGIE Wow, they found something? I don’t mean to be ungracious, mam, but from what we heard and saw it’s amazing they found … He was surrounded by a bunch of shepherds. Shepherds! I saw a grenade flash and your Husband disappeared in the blast. Reggie hears something. nothing. He looks around. He sees REGGIE Our Commander-In-Chief has closed the store and closed the door. We are officially out. I say officially. If the major is POW more than likely he is in a very special place. Could be there is a chance they will keep him alive. US intelligence officer. He is money. But they will hide him good. Good chance he will not be with population. Harder to find though. He stops suddenly. Reflects. REGGIE That’s it except he had an Iraqi guide with him. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. FLASHBACK. The Arab’s face screams at Nicole’s face. EXT. PARK. CONTINUOUS. Nicole goes into a semi trance. the sky for something. REGGIE Mam, are you okay? She looks around in 62 She begins to laugh and laugh and cry. Reggie looks apprehensive, uncomfortable. Nicole jumps up and down and twirls around and around. NICOLE He’s alive! Nicole takes in a deep breath and throws herself into a trance. REGGIE Mam, I am going to step over here for a moment. Let me know if you need … Reggie sits by a tree faces away from Nicole. Nicole stands in her trance stance, smiles up at the sky. Her smile slowly turns down into a frown of terror. NICOLE (To Robert) Oh, baby. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. DAY. Robert and Hafez are being beaten all over their bodies with sticks and bats by a congregation of Iraqi soldiers. They scream until they are unconscious. EXT. PARK. CONTINUOUS. REGGIE They won’t stop lookin’ for him, mam, unless he’s verified KIA or … NICOLE Or what? REGGIE He’s still working. And until it’s all over. I mean all over. In the distance Strange Man stands inconspicuous. watches for a moment, walks away. He 63 INT. SARAH’S PSYCHOLOGIST OFFICE. DAY. It pours rain outside. Nicole sits literally directly across the room from her mother. They face each other so perpendicular. SARAH My God, it’s raining. to it. Listen NICOLE No. SARAH Suppose he is dead. NICOLE He’s not. SARAH Then what will you do? NICOLE He’s not. SARAH It’s raining very hard. Concentrate. The way you control it is give in, then learn to bring it on. You know how. You have not exercised. That’s why the sky takes you by surprise. NICOLE I don’t feel like it. SARAH You are afraid you might see him dead. NICOLE If you say so. SARAH Well, it’s your life. 64 NICOLE You home schooled me, home spun me, groomed me for some championship but hid me like a cripple. Till now. Why all of a sudden you are hell bent on kicking me out of the nest? (No response) I have been getting a lot of fan mail from corporations. SARAH Yes, I have been interceding. I have been. I am your mother. I intercede. I do not interfere. Have you heard from Maywell Technologies. NICOLE Yes, several times. It’s run by a man who wants to pirate computers, sell them like dope, create sweat shop telemarketers overseas. Danner. His name is Danner. Why would you even think … SARAH Aaron. Aaron Sharpner. sound familiar Name NICOLE He works for Danner. I met him in the desert. The night before … Nicole begins to breathe hard. She turns to the window, stares at the rain, closes her eyes, forcibly turns away, stares at her mother. SARAH Go ahead. You are right there, damn it. Why did you stop it. Do it. Do it. 65 NICOLE I am not fighting it. I just won’t fight for it. SARAH If he is dead you have to see it. NICOLE Enough! SARAH Aaron Sharpner. He is Maywell’s Vice President of technology or something that has to do with … NICOLE Making computers organic. SARAH He wants to bring you aboard. Sarah pulls a note off her desk, reads it. SARAH He, says, “It’s almost time for Africa. We need a queen on board to get there.” NICOLE What about Danner? SARAH Suppose Robert is Alive. Wouldn’t you want to see that? See him? NICOLE Someone is trying to kill him. Sarah looks out the window. SARAH Oh, shit. It’s stopped raining. What about the child? You need a damn job. 66 Nicole laughs at Sarah. NICOLE My mother. The cussing psychologist. On that note I think I need to get the hell out of here. The child. SARAH Show me the child. They sit for moments in silence, very still, glaring at one another. It begins to rain. Nicole stands, goes to the window, takes a deep breath, strokes her stomach, goes into a trance. She mumbles unintelligibly in an abnormal, animated soothing octave what she see in her trance. She sees sections of limbs, head, eyes, movement of her baby in her womb. Sarah gets up, jumps around in a joyful rain dance. SARAH That’s my girl. Go baby. NICOLE Sexypahpah … INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. DAY. Robert and Hafez scream in excruciating pain as they have their genitals and feet electrocuted. INT. SARAH’S PSYCHOLOGIST OFFICE. CONTINUOUS. Nicole snaps out of the trance, turns to her mother in a rage. NICOLE See what you made me do! Sarah freezes as Nicole approaches her menacingly. 67 NICOLE When he drops to his knees at my feet, strokes my face, falls flat on his face he will be dead then! That’s the way he dies. SARAH What did you see just now? What? Nicole runs to the restroom, vomits. the office, slumps in a chair. She returns to NICOLE Woman, I am the desert. I am the desert he has to cross to keep from dropping dead at my feet. Nicole slumps in a chair. NICOLE I made him … (To Robert) Oh, God! I am so sorry, baby. No, baby, you do not have to live through that. I am so sorry. I didn’t know. Die if you want baby. Don’t do that for me. SARAH Just now, what did you see? NICOLE He’s Alive! Nicole storms to the door, opens it leaves and slams it. Hard. Sarah stares at the door. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/FOYER. DAY. Nicole enters her home. the stairs. Felecia appears at the top of 68 FELECIA You just lost your guest room. I’ll stay to midwife the baby. Time to cry. Nicole begins to well up, then sobs a helpless childcry. Felecia descends a few stairs. Nicole gestures for her to stay where she is. Felecia goes back to the very spot she stood at the top of the stairs. Nicole cries long and hard. It is the very first time Nicole has cried since she was told Robert was missing. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/GUEST ROOM. DAY. Nicole is in the guest room, now turned maternity ward. Her legs are propped. She is in the midst of delivery. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. DAY. Two IRAQI GUARDS approach a room size freezer. They open the double doors. Robert and Hafez are chained naked and frozen to the back wall of the freezer. IRAQI GUARD 1 takes Roberts trembling hand, eases off his wedding ring. He taps Robert’s face. A warm tear carves its way down Robert’s frosted face. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/GUESTROOM. CONTINUOUS. Nicole feels her wedding ring. There is a NURSE ATTENDANT and Felecia. She screams in the last agony. Felecia pulls the baby out. There is no sound. Felecia cuts the umbilical, cleans the infant. Still no sound. NICOLE What’s wrong? FELECIA Whoa! NICOLE What! 69 FELECIA Nothing. Nothing. Gosh what eyes you have Robert Junior. ROBERT JUNIOR utters a quiet gentle joyous coo. NICOLE You better give me my baby, girl! Felecia lays Junior on Nicole’s chest. him. Nicole sleeps. Nicole cuddles INT. SARAH & KOBIE’S HOUSE. DAY. Robert Junior in his bassinet is surrounded by Sarah, Kobie, Felecia, Nicole, many guests and gifts. Nicole is silent, melancholic. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM. DAY. ROBERT JUNIOR is three months old. Nicole nurses him on the sofa. She stops. She postures him to look at family pictures of Kobie, Sarah, Felecia. He looks at them oblivious. Finally she shows him a picture of Robert. Junior suddenly perks up, reaches for the picture, grabs hold to it and coos. NICOLE Oh, my God. I thinks you’ve got it. Too. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. DAY. Junior is a toddler. Nicole stands at the window in the nursery. She is in a trance. Junior plays with toys, looks at Nicole, walks over, stands beside her, imitates her trance posture. Junior enters his first trance. Nicole wakes from her trance, looks at Junior in his. Nicole swats him. NICOLE Stop that! 70 Junior swats her back. He returns to his toys. Nicole stares at Junior with an expression of intrigue and fear. EXT. BOTSWANA. DAY. INSERT: THREE YEARS LATER. Nicole revisits the farmer’s village with Robert Junior. The village greets her with food and celebration. The village flourishes. The farmer shows Nicole how he has upgraded to ecommerce and how it manages his crop. They laugh. The farmer bounces and plays with Junior. The Sangoma Woman watches from a distance. She whispers to a villager. EXT. HOTEL LA FIBULE DU DRAA. DAY. The entire Hotel staff of Hotel La Fibule comes to greet Nicole. Robert Junior (6) now walks with his own gait, assured brisk. The same Trek Guide, ANIQ, smiles at the end of the court yard. He has one camel. Nicole nods to Aniq. Aniq. NICOLE So good to see you. Nicole walks up to the camel. ANIQ This is Jeb Junior. NICOLE (To Camel) Hi, Jeb Junior. (To Camel and Aniq) This is Robert. Robert the Second. Aniq bows to Junior. Junior imitates and bows to Aniq. Jeb Junior grunts. 71 EXT. EDGE OF ZAGORA. DAY. Nicole and Junior ride the camel. Aniq walks. EXT. SAHARA DESERT. DAY. Nicole and Junior are at the exact same place she and Robert made theirs. Nicole points to a dune. NICOLE Robert, you go over to that one. I am going to do my exercises on this one. Just for a short while. Nicole climbs her dune. Junior climbs his. Junior skips and plays in the sand. Nicole goes into a soft trance. She twirls and behaves in this trance as if it is a dance of plea. She mumbles gibberish. She reaches a pitch. She flops to the ground, exhausted. Junior, still skips and plays. He shouts to her. JUNIOR Did you see Daddy? NICOLE (Stunned) What?! JUNIOR I know where he is. They both stand in utter silence for moments. Suddenly Nicole marches in a quick step down her dune towards Junior. She reaches him, snatches his hand, without missing a beat marches him back toward camp. EXT. DESERT CAMP. NIGHT. Aniq has built a fire and prepares food. He over hears the conversation between Nicole and Junior. Junior goes into his trance. 72 JUNIOR Daddy’s in somebody’s basement. Somewhere. In jail. NICOLE Is he in pain? INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. NIGHT. Hafez laughs. Hafez and Robert tend each others wounds, stretch each others muscles. Without Sound (MOS) Robert suddenly hollers at Hafez. Hafez fusses back at Robert. They both shove at each other. Gradually they deliver playful slaps. Laugh. EXT. DESERT CAMP. CONTINUOUS. JUNIOR They’re laughing. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. CONTINUOUS. Robert and Hafez exhausted by laughter, grimace from the pain of their play. Robert, furious, pounds the wall. Robert gets up, looks to see the coast is clear. EXT. DESERT CAMP. CONTINUOUS. JUNIOR He is not happy. it’s very hard. He walks like INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. CONTINUOUS. Robert carves “1997” on the wall. He takes out a stone from some hidden place. He stands, gestures for Hafez to watch the door. He stands on Hafez’s back squints out the small window at the top of the cell, makes a frame with his fingers, looks at the stars in the sky, jumps off Hafez’s back, scribbles encrypted math figures on the wall. He brings Hafez over to look at the figures. They both sit side by side and mumble silently over and over to memorize the figures. They fall asleep. 73 EXT. DESERT CAMP. CONTINUOUS. JUNIOR (Hollers at Robert) He sleeps a lot. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. CONTINUOUS. Robert startles awake, looks around like he heard something. Roberts slumps. He begins to make signals in the air of hearts and kisses. He writes Nicole’s name in the air. EXT. DESERT CAMP. CONTINUOUS. JUNIOR He makes signs in the air. you, mommy. To Some feeling passes through Junior. Ooo. ROBERT JUNIOR That tickled. NICOLE Robert, honey, are you actually there? With daddy? You are there, aren’t you? Junior imitates the signals of hearts with his hands and kisses with his mouth. JUNIOR Do you ever feel them, mommy? The kisses. NICOLE No, Robert. I don’t. JUNIOR How come? NICOLE Mommy’s too mixed up. too angry. Mommy’s 74 JUNIOR I’ll send a kiss to daddy for you. Junior postures, puckers, sends a kiss to the sky. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. CONTINUOUS. Robert jumps up, acts like he hears something, feels something pass through him. Robert trembles with joy. EXT. DESERT CAMP. CONTINUOUS. Junior comes out of his trance. NICOLE What does he say? JUNIOR I can’t hear words, mommy, you know that. I just know what he knows. I think he knows me. It’s like a dream. It is a dream. Are dreams real? NICOLE Yes. They are the most real thing ever. ROBERT JUNIOR Why does daddy stay in that place? How’d he get there? NICOLE I told you the story about daddy. ROBERT JUNIOR I know. Tell me again. Maybe we can get him if you tell me more. Nicole grabs Junior. They embrace. Aniq stares hard at Junior while he talks speaks to Nicole. 75 ANIQ Madam, tell Robert, Jeb misses him as do I and all he makes safe. He bows slow and deep Junior. Junior does the same. INT. SARAH’S PSYCHOLOGIST OFFICE. DAY. Nicole enters Sarah’s office. Sarah stands there with Aaron Sharpner. Nicole looks at the two incredulously. Three statues. NICOLE Dr. Walker, come with me please. SARAH Nicole … NICOLE Now, mother … please. Nicole opens the door. hall. She and Sarah exit to the NICOLE What do you think you are doing. SARAH Aaron tells me the CEO of Maywell, Danner, has been demoted. Aaron, my dear, is now the CEO. He has come for you. Something about a pact … NICOLE A pact? SARAH You made in Africa. Plus, baby, it’s really time you … NICOLE Not one cliché out of your mouth. Not one. 76 SARAH You’re ass is not going to baby sit that child and make him the victim you have become. You are gonna get your ass some daylight and I don’t care if you Info Global, tie dye, clam dig, shuffle cards, wash windows, dig graves! Yeah, I said it. Dig graves. Dig the man a grave … NICOLE Right now I would bury him alive if you could. I see it, momma, every time they throw him in a tub of dung, feed him worms, stretch his skin, cut his eye lids. The screams. SARAH Nicole, if Robert is in some torture, no matter how much he loves you it will kill him if he is to die. The will to live goes up against anyone, anything unless you just want to die. If Robert is alive it’s because he is alive. I am sure you are his reason to live. You keep him sane. But you do not keep him alive. His life does not belong to you or him. His life belongs to life. Sarah primps Nicole. SARAH Now get your ass in there. You are being rude. I going to get a pastrami. You want one. 77 Nicole stands there, a child spanked for pouting. Sarah glides over, holds her with some small bit of affection. SARAH If Robert is alive we have to go get him. Simple. No mustard, right? I don’t know how you have a pastrami with no mustard. What shall I bring Aaron? NICOLE Tea. Nicole steps back into Sarah’s office. stand for a silent awkward moment. She and Aaron AARON Do we meditate or levitate? INT. HELICOPTER. NIGHT. Nicole and Aaron take in the skyline of New York City. AARON Ty Danner and I have been at it since they hired me as VP of Maywell Systems Development. He is among the majority of CEO’s in this new world order who would use outsourcing to neocolonialize countries with cheap labor under the guise of help the poor. INT. LUXURIOUS HOTEL SUITE. NIGHT. TY DANNER (60ish), big thick cigar toting egg shaped man in his briefs and undershirt, lollygags with bighair, but shapely CAROL MULDANE(40ish) his mistress, dressed burlesque. They roll and tumble, drink, laugh and cabaret all over the suite. 78 AARON V.O. But the man is a veritable marketing genius and has entire countries in his hip pocket. Danner staggers around the room, slumps on the bed. He SINGS some Irish tune while Carol massages his shoulders. AARON V.O. But the dinosaur that he is, his answer to the new world order and internet marketing was to rush product to market, quality control took a dive, and no amount of tech support could handle damage control. Danner and Carol make midriff love. AARON V.O. Then like some caricature in a bad Bogart movie he skims funds, no doubt to keep his, obsession, his concubine, Carol Muldane, in silks and Maywell in the tabloids. The phone rings. Danner picks it up. He throws the phone to the floor. Carol tries to comfort him. He lays his head in her lap and weeps. AARON V.O. The ship springs a leak and like a well bred rat he dumps his stock a bit early for the SEC to ignore. But he dodges the bullet, blackmails Maywell to keep him on. 79 INT. MAYWELL BOARD ROOM. DAY. Danner stands, humble, at the head of the table. All the board members are there. DANNER I have been with this company for 30 years, hand picked by Francis Maywell himself. Boy, could I tell you all some stories. He begins to arrogantly walk over to the huge boardroom window. DANNER Hell, I could tell you a lot of stories about each one of you. We all know a lot about each other. I am not going to mince words, ‘cause we all do know each other. Intimately. So with measured authority I appreciate your welcoming me back and I congratulate you, Aaron. Aaron sits at the other head of the table. AARON V.O. I would just as soon hold his head under water and rake sewage for a living. The board begged me to take the helm and steer us into the new world of micro chip and nanotech and retrieve old man Maywell’s integrity for his company. Danner sits in his chair at the head of the table. DANNER Marketing Consultant for Overseas Development, am I? Sounds like ambassador to the cow pasture. But what you do is send Bre’r Rabbit to the 80 DANNER (Cont’d) briar patch. I mean, the USA … is … overseas. And the pasture is wild for gleaning. So, Aaron, I am honored we are still engaged. Friendly, friendly. Globalize me. INT. HELICOPTER. CONTINUOUS. AARON It was surreal. Like watching a movie classic, him parading about like Citizen Cane. At that moment I said I need an ally among these hostages. NICOLE Why me? AARON Well, the work you’ve pioneered, IT infrastructures, roving solo around the globe, forecasting locust storms, taking farmers by the hand, slinging them into cyberspace. Nicole coldly looks at Aaron. NICOLE There are so many more, more able and dedicated who invent everyday, all day. I sit at their feet, so again, why me? AARON I will never forget this one day in Morocco I met this woman who wanted to go out in an African desert alone. Unarmed. In the dark. For a solution. Nicole and Aaron land on the roof of Maywell Technologies skyscraper. 81 INT. MAYWELL MEDIA CENTER. NIGHT. Nicole and Aaron enter a very, very high tech media room. Aaron goes to a console pushes buttons and walls slide. Wall to wall monitors come alive with blue screens. They sit in a quaint, veritable living room lounge area with fire place in the midst of this wall to wall communications dream suite. Aaron plays with the remote, and a bar appears out of nowhere. NICOLE Tonight I better hydrate. AARON In that case I better double my scotch. He hands Nicole a tumbler of water and fixes his scotch. He toasts to Nicole. AARON Long live the Queen. NICOLE Do you live in England. AARON When I can. I have a lovely wife and two wee ones. And with Danner out for me I am a true Stagger Lee harmony. And young Robert is now … NICOLE Six. Aaron dims the lights. The TV monitors come alive with separate streams of media footage from different parts of Africa. AARON World War Three will be between the haves and the have-nots. There is precious little time to mediate this showdown. 82 Aaron flips channels to show the protests around the world against globalization, devastation of AIDS, white slavery. AARON Information is the new currency, the new diplomacy, the new weapon, and if we are lucky, the new grace. There are two sides in this war. Those who will kill and plunder the village against those who will love and strengthen the villager. Technology will be the hatchet and the dove. Aaron shows global footage of cheap labor sweat shops, telemarketers around the world. AARON Maywell like every corporation worships the god of profit. My commitment is to earn Maywell’s profits from the salt of the earth. Danner’s commitment is to plunder. Simple. Aaron shows footage of all the despotic governments in Africa. Africa. Both mother lode and final frontier, still a virgin queen of untapped resources despite the imperialism of strangers and home grown despots. For as goes Africa, so goes condemns or redeems the world. Alpha Omega. Aaron turns off the monitors. Nicole stands to leave. NICOLE One last time. Why me? AARON It was no accident we met that fateful day in Zagora. 83 NICOLE My mother sent you there! AARON Yes. NICOLE Why you? AARON She reads the papers and your applications. We had an internal war the I won against Danner. Your mother wanted the proper corporate home for her daughter since you reign above all of use in ethics and ingenuity. But, Nicole, I had to be sold on you too. So, again, I will never forget this woman … NICOLE She figured her only child could use another invisible friend. Nicole is about to leave. AARON You will set up Maywell’s throughout sub-Saharan Africa owned and run by villagers. Nicole looks at Aaron incredulously. NICOLE How do I get past puppet regimes. I will have to have diplomatic powers beyond G7 heads of state. 84 AARON It will take years, decades to make a dint. It will take thankless hopeless deeds to win the war of the dove. While you set up the globe I will be working on molecular Technology. Let the chips fall where they may. NICOLE Who else is on the team? AARON Just me and you. Well, the board has given me carte blanche … NICOLE As long as you clean up the image, expand the market and still turn profit, which means … AARON We have a quorum. NICOLE Danner. AARON We will offer VP of Marketing and Global Systems Development. As a consultant Danner only answers to the board. Whoever sides with him or me gets the board. Simple. NICOLE What’s he look like? AARON Serious middle age midriff. Good. weak. NICOLE That means his knees are 85 AARON We meet Monday to vote you in. They will go over every inch of your life. Do you have anything to hide? Nicole looks at Aaron to see if she can notice from his expression whether or not he knows about her condition. Aaron keeps a poker face. NICOLE I have nothing to reveal. AARON I hear that. Then shall we have a go at it? NICOLE I am sort of focused right now. AARON Your mother has kept me apprised of your determination to find Robert, Senior. NICOLE Damn, that woman has been in my business since way before I was born. AARON Like I said, I have two wee ones and a wife I worship and adore. So I understand your focus. Tell me all about Robert and Junior. NICOLE We begin in Rwanda. AARON Rwanda? Every nation on this earth has stuck its head in the sand when is comes to Rwanda and countries of the like. 86 NICOLE Have you ever stood in a swarm of locust. AARON No. NICOLE Whelps. Like being slashed with a catty nine. Then, after you tear ligaments waving them off, beating the brush, you find one plant uneaten, one child still alive, you know that is the most you will ever accomplish in life. Nothing will mean more. AARON Yes, but there are countries where we can get an immediate foothold, viable enough to … NICOLE I dare you. To make a dint we are going to have to step in countries where your capitalists left off, left folk to die. NICOLE I dare you. If it’s going to be grace then let’s back ourselves against the wall and do work in hell holes that will only allow grace. Epidemic villages. Lost cause refugees. That’s my deal. I dare you. INT. MAYWELL RECEPTION ROOM. DAY. Nicole sits alone in a very ornate reception room adjacent to the Boardroom. She waits. Danner enters the reception room. DANNER Ah, Ms. Gershom. Big day. 87 Nicole merely nods. Nicole. He HUMS. Danner takes a seat opposite INT. MAYWELL BOARDROOM. DAY. The entire board is assembled. head. Aaron sits at the AARON We have exhausted our perusal of Nicole Gershom’s life, portfolio, vitae. We agree she will be an impeccable addendum to the Maywell family. Let’s vote. BOARD MEMBER Danner has petitioned our audience before we take a vote. It’s been motioned and agreed. The Board Member opens the door to the reception room. Danner goes into the board room. The Board Member closes the door. Nicole stares suspiciously at the door. TIME PASSES: Aaron enters the reception room. Nicole’s hands. He takes both AARON Danner has some questions. Seems, your first task will be to survive corporate espionage. INT. MAYWELL BOARDROOM. DAY. Nicole enters the boardroom. Aaron gestures for her to stand at the head of the conference table. Aaron sits. DANNER Please don’t think us snoops. AARON This was your undertaking alone, Danner. Claim it. 88 DANNER Dissociated Trance Disorder. Are you acquainted with that term Ms. Gershom? NICOLE Go on. DANNER On two occasions you were witnessed, in public, having what appeared to be a seizure. The first time was at your wedding when your friend, Felecia, had to calm you. The second was in a park where you rendezvoused with a handsome young man, not too long after your husband was missed in action I might add. NICOLE Don’t mention my husband’s name, please. DANNER It was reported that you were jabbering and twirling about with such dementia the poor lad crouched beside a tree in obvious confusion. Maybe fear. The question the board must entertain is what are the prospects of such attacks in the midst of some, open, transaction with our clients? God forbid a Maywell picnic. NICOLE I was never diagnosed. DANNER Yes, but … 89 NICOLE I was never diagnosed for anything. I have never tendered an application to be here. I was recruited. Now, if you will excuse me, it seems a mistake has been made. AARON Nicole, please stay a moment. Please. Danner, thank you for your input you may be excused. DANNER But … AARON Thank you. Danner leaves the boardroom. Aaron goes to the door to the reception room, closes it behind Danner. He goes to another door that leads to another room. He opens it. Sarah walks in. She carries a brief case. AARON Nicole, please forgive the debilitation. A formality our charter would not allow us to avoid. Aaron escorts Sarah to a seat, pulls it out for her. Sarah indicates she wants to stand. AARON I would like to introduce the board to Sarah Walker, Nicole’s mother, and a noted and formidable experimental and behavioral psychologist and parapsychologist. I invited her here in anticipation of a ploy served by Mr. Danner. For, indeed, we snoop. 90 Sarah opens the brief case. She puts two separate stacks of folders on the table. One stack is pink, the other is blue. SARAH (Points to the pink stack) This stack explores her rearing, education, achievements and social behavior from conception to high school. (Points to the blue stack) And this stack explores her diagnosis, and exercise history over the same period. From conception to adulthood. Sarah speaks to the board but looks at and walks towards Nicole. SARAH You will find no pathology in either stack. Quite the contrary. You will find a strength of psychology our Western science knows well of but cannot endorse except in X-Files and applications practiced in hidden Para psychological schools for the specially gifted. Sarah takes Nicole’s hand, searches her eyes. SARAH I was not about to put my child in a rats cage to do a dance for the military industrial complex. So I studied to be a psychologist to prepare myself to prepare Nicole to engage the world on her terms. Sarah leads Nicole by the hand out of the board room. 91 SARAH (To the Board) Now hurry the hell up. Yawl have a lot of reading to do. We will give you two days before we take our damn business else where. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. NIGHT. Nicole are in the middle of an argument. They whisper loud to keep from waking Junior. Junior lies awake upstairs in his bedroom. every word they say. NICOLE Oh, mother what’s the difference. A cage is a cage. Your cage, their cage, and, oh, speaking of the military. Robert. Did you recruit him? What is going on? Is every minute of my life predestined? SARAH Everybody’s life is. You think I planned all this? NICOLE It all started when you gave me that puzzle of the Sahara. SARAH From a dream you had of the desert. NICOLE It was the wrong desert. SARAH Forecasting Destiny is like forecasting the weather. You know it’s going to rain. But you don’t know quite how much or exactly where. He hears 92 SARAH I followed your dreams, vision by vision, and you are more potent than the rest of us. But your looking glass is smeared with fear of loss. A worrier. NICOLE How did I get this thing. SARAH You are a Seer, daughter. And so was my mother and her mother, etc. We don’t see the future, or throw bones. We sense a life’s destiny and bits of that life come to us in puzzle pieces. NICOLE And Robert Junior. SARAH The first boy in the family to get it. But he is more. He actually goes there. NICOLE How did you know? SARAH He told me. We talk. He wants to know why you are so frail. NICOLE He sees joy. SARAH Thank God and don’t spoil it for him. NICOLE I want my husband. damn about … I give a 93 SARAH Rwanda? NICOLE Danner gave me an out. SARAH You still may have it. We gave them two days. NICOLE Oh, I know you, mother. When we left that room I felt sorry for the lot of them. They have little idea who they are buying into. They think it’s me. SARAH You really don’t get it. If you did your damn exercises more you wouldn’t be so confused. What makes you think that anything at all in life isn’t vitally, vitally connected. NICOLE Robert is not in Rwanda. Maywell has nothing to do with Iraq. SARAH Oh yes he is and yes it does. NICOLE What do you mean? SARAH You tell me. I don’t know. But you better figure it out. ‘Cause he is going to need your worrisome ass and my grandson’s joy to get him out. NICOLE I will not bring little Robert near any of this. 94 Sarah laughs sardonically. SARAH Whew, you are thick. All your life has prepared you for the first day of the rest of it. Don’t oversleep. Sarah gathers her things to leave. She stops at the door. SARAH Anyway. Tomorrow night we are having an affair to celebrate your Maywell thing. NICOLE The board won’t decide till the day after tomorrow. SARAH I thought you said it was in the bag. Seven o’clock, sharp. At my house. Bring the boy. NICOLE Mom, I said … SARAH (Scolds) Bring the boy! (Calms) Do not invite anybody else. And don’t worry. This will be my last party in your destiny. Sarah walks down the drive to her car. SARAH Tomorrow I will be out of the cage to finish my own destiny. My looking glass has the look of love. Ask your father. Sometimes when we are right there I let him 95 SARAH look at what I see, just before he lets go. You and Robert don’t know what you’re missing. You damn children. All the same. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/BEDROOM. NIGHT. Nicole tosses and turns in her bed. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. Nicole is in a corner. She has the blood on her face from Robert. Robert kneels before her. The tunnel of the cavern is consumed by a flood of water. Hafez is pushed by the water till his face is before Nicole’s. Hafez screams, Nicole screams. Robert falls flat on his face and is washed away by the water. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE/BEDROOM. CONTINUOUS. Nicole wakes from her trance. NICOLE Vitally connected. EXT. BOTSWANA. DAY. FLASHBACK. Nicole plows with the Farmer. EXT. IRAQ, HIGHWAY 8. NIGHT. FLASHBACK. The shepherds surround Robert and Hafez with their guns. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. Robert reaches for Nicole’s face. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. NIGHT Robert write Nicole’s name in the air. 96 EXT. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. NIGHT. FLASHBACK. Nicole stacks bags on the flood line of the Mississippi. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. Water floods the cavern and drowns Robert. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. CONTINUOUS. Nicole jumps out of bed, goes over to window, looks up at the sky. NICOLE Africa. “Alpha Omega”, he said. Felecia, …”the midwife,” she says. Technology, then, the midwife of Alpha, destiny, outcomes, choices. Soulmates. My farmer frees, his shepherds capture, my desert his prison, my locust his war. I fix the flood but he drowns … It’s not worries, mother. It’s warnings. The water. Of course. The final solution. I have to stop the water. Where? How? Nicole heads towards Junior’s room. NICOLE Our child, Robert, who sees joy entwines us. Omega. ROBERT JUNIOR’S BEDROOM: Nicole enters Junior’s bedroom. She wakes Junior. NICOLE Baby, mommy is sorry. I need you to go to daddy right now. ROBERT JUNIOR I’m sleepy, mommy. 97 NICOLE I need to know if you see any water, baby, please. Junior goes into a trance. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. DAY. Robert has a fever. Hafez nurses him with a cup of water and a wet rag. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. CONTINUOUS. ROBERT JUNIOR Yes, mommy, there’s water. NICOLE Oh, God. Is your daddy under it. Under the water. ROBERT JUNIOR No. Daddy doesn’t feel good. His friend is giving him water from a cup and wiping him. Daddy doesn’t feel good. Nicole relaxes. NICOLE Keep an eye on him, baby boy. He’ll get better. Nicole tucks Junior in, walks to the door. NICOLE (To herself) We’re running out of time. ROBERT JUNIOR What, mommy? NICOLE Do you know where he is? Whisper to daddy the word latitude. ROBERT JUNIOR What is latitude, mommy. 98 NICOLE Just do it baby. He will know mommy is trying to reach him. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. DAY. FLASHBACK. Junior recalls Robert who looks up at the day light coming through the ceiling grate. He acts as though he sees someone. Hafez looks up at the grate as if to wonder who Robert sees. Robert keeps his attention on the grate as he stealthily walks over to a corner, stoops and scratches numbers on the wall. He looks up at the grate nods and taps his finger on his head. INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. CONTINUOUS. ROBERT JUNIOR 354015. Nicole approaches Junior. NICOLE What did you say? ROBERT JUNIOR 354015. NICOLE Did you just get that? ROBERT JUNIOR No. I told grandma way before now. She said she would tell you. NICOLE Wow. INT. SARAH & KOBIE’S HOUSE. DAY. Sarah, opens the door. Nicole and Junior enter. Nicole stops when she passes the foyer and enters the living room. Seated are Aaron, Reggie, Felecia, Aniq and Kobie. Sarah takes Nicole and Junior by the hand and lead them to a sofa. Aaron stands. 99 AARON Nicole, exercising clandestine powers awarded my position, I have been able to gain audience that stretches to the E-Ring of the Pentagon. We have been campaigning for months. When Junior brought us the coordinates validated by intelligence we got authorization to scout the area. It gave us the green light to access a volunteer team to extract Robert. They sent us Reggie. You know him, of course. Reggie stands. REGGIE It is a pleasure and duty to serve you, mam. Latitude 35 N, Longitude 40.15 E is a very remote town in Iraq in the Syrian desert, very near the Syrian and Jordanian Border. Ar Rutbah. ANIQ We have verification from border intelligence that your husband and an Iraqi named Hafez are being held in an isolated underground detention cell. REGGIE Many of Saddam’s special prisons are booby trapped. INT. DESERT CAVERN. NIGHT. FLASHBACK. Nicole sees Robert float in water, dead. 100 INT. NICOLE & ROBERT’S HOUSE. CONTINUOUS Oh, know. water. NICOLE water. It will be INT. SARAH & KOBIE’S HOUSE. CONTINUOUS. ANIQ Ar Rutbah is a wet spot. A rarity for Iraq. Plus it lies on the Haifa pipeline. Both a water and oil depot. Well guarded. Robert is in a pit. A square pit. Saddam is known to booby trap his prisons so that any attempt to free prisoners will kill them. REGGIE The only way to get him out is to pop the ceiling grate. FELECIA My Iranian friend, the UN guy you met at the club, has help arrange for Reggie to infiltrate the area wearing UN uniforms. Two UN vehicles will also be made available. NICOLE Daddy. KOBIE My job is to bathe you and my grandson in my thermal pools till Robert’s daddy gets home. NICOLE Mom. SARAH I finally get to faint. 101 KOBIE This is your team, daughter. I insisted you give the go ahead. REGGIE We must all make a pact here, now. The world and History must not every know what we are about to do. Success or not. As the major would say, we are ghosts. Nicole takes Junior aside. NICOLE Baby boy, you want to join? I need you. ROBERT JUNIOR What are you talking about. I am joined. You gotta follow me in there to get daddy ready for the water. NICOLE How? ROBERT JUNIOR You gotta smile, or he won’t see us. They rejoin the team. NICOLE I need more details. REGGIE Nicole we will set your post in an abandoned apartment not too far from here. NICOLE Bet I know the address. 102 INT. WALKER PHYSICAL THERAPY AND WELLNESS CENTER. DAY. Kobie twirls Nicole and Robert around and around in a thermal pool. EXT. EUPHRATES RIVER, IRAQ. NIGHT. INSERT: Iraq, Ar Ramädī Navy Seal team crawls out of Euphrates River at Ar Ramädī, ditch their wet suits to reveal UN uniforms. They go to a rendezvous, get two UN Vehicles, Drive to Ar Rutbah. EXT. SYRIAN DESERT. NIGHT. INSERT: Syrian Desert Outside Ar Ruţbah Reggie’s same Green Beret team, plus three new younger commandos, are dropped by helicopter in the Syrian Desert just outside Ar Rutbah. EXT. AR RUTBAH. NIGHT. The Berets converge on water pipelines that affect the area around the prison. EXT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. NIGHT. The Seals grab weapons from and ditch the UN vehicles, approach the underground prison. The take out the guards quietly by slitting their throats and snapping their necks. EXT. AR RUTBAH. CONTINUOUS. Just as the Berets get to the pipeline valves Iraqi guards detect and fire on the Berets. The Berets are force evac the pipe and set up a perimeter. EXT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. CONTINUOUS. Suddenly the Seals hear weapons fire near the Berets’ positions. 103 EXT. ROBERT’S APARTMENT. NIGHT. Nicole and Junior hold hands, together in trance. Nicole smiles. Junior puckers his mouth, holds his breath. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. CONTINUOUS. Robert acts as though he listens to some voice. Robert reaches to touch something unseen. The Seals approach the cell on the double. Seal 1 calls down to Robert. SEAL 1 Major Robert Gershom, sir we are here to evacuate you, sir. Please take cover, we are going to blow the gate. ROBERT Wait! Wait! Robert runs around, looks at the floor, sees the drain, tears his shirt off and covers the drain, sees cracks along the base of the floor, strips his pants and tries to cover them. Weapons fire above increases. SEAL 1 Major we have blow the gate. Take cover. Robert sits on the drain. He pulls Hafez down on top of him to put weight on the drain. The Seals set a charge on the grate and blow it. Water trickles in from the seams of the floor. The water tries to geyser up from the drain. Robert and Hafez’ weight hold it down for precious second. The drain collapses and the force of the water tosses them. Robert takes a deep breath, holds it. The water surges very, very quickly. Robert snatches Hafez, gestures for Hafez to hold his breath. 104 But Hafez is too panicked. The water quickly surges over their heads. Hafez quickly takes in too much water. He stops breathing. Robert holds on to Hafez, attempts to pull him to the surface. Seal 1 Jumps in, grabs Robert. Hafez gets separated from Robert. Seals pull Robert out of the cell, Seal 1 Climbs out after they pull him up. The Berets have now formed a collapsible perimeter around the cell. The Iraqi guards have been joined by regular soldiers. Bullets flail. Robert looks around dazed, bullets whiz by him. He notes Hafez is not there. Robert jumps back in the cell. SEAL 1 He is gone, sir, we must evac now. Robert pushes Hafez up. The Seals grab Hafez. sinks to the bottom, out of air. Robert SEAL 1 Damn it to hell. Reggie turns, watches Seal 1 jump into the cell again. Reggie runs, jumps in the cell too. swim him to the top of the cell. Reggie and Seal 1 Hafez has been revived and is mobile. Reggie and Seal 1 carry Robert, the teams fight their way toward the UN Vehicles. One Beret takes a hit. A Seal grabs him. The Seal takes a hit. Both teams now drag and fight their way to the two vehicles. Seal 1 Reaches into one vehicle, pulls six machine guns and a bunch of grenades, throws them to the others, they spray and throw grenades at the approaching Iraqi’s. The Iraqis are forced to take cover. The teams mount the vehicles and take off. Reggie performs CPR on Robert. 105 EXT. DESERT CAMP. NIGHT. FLASHBACK. JUNIOR (Hollers at Robert) He sleeps a lot. INT. UNDERGROUND IRAQI PRISON. FLASHBACK. Robert startles awake, looks around like he heard something. Roberts slumps. He begins to make signals in the air of hearts and kisses. He writes Nicole’s name in the air. EXT. AR RUTBAH. CONTINUOUS. Robert gasps for breath, looks up at Reggie, looks around at the Berets and Seals who all CHEER. REGGIE Time to go home sir. Robert recognizes Reggie. difficulty. Robert speaks with ROBERT I thought I ordered you not to blow your cover, soldier. You are in trouble. Robert passes out. Reggie listens to Robert’s heart. REGGIE Damn it. Come on, Major. Reggie Pounds Robert’s heart once and resumes CPR. INT. ROBERT’S APARTMENT. NIGHT. Nicole and Junior sit in Robert’s empty apartment, on the bare floor. They face and door and wait. Nicole hears someone WALK UP STEPS. Someone knocks on the door. Junior looks at Nicole. Nicole nods to Junior. Junior tentatively walks to the door, opens it. In steps a MAN IN BLACK who looks up and down the hall before he closes the door. 106 Nicole stands. The Man in Black takes of his hat. MAN IN BLACK Mrs. Gershom, Major Robert Gershom expects you for dinner. He said he would go easy on you and give the Latitude instead of the longitude. Latitude 49.45. He said you would locate him under your own recon. The party is over. Everyone got home just fine. Permission to be dismissed, Mam. Nicole glides over to the Man in Black, embraces him, stands before him. NICOLE Yes, you may. The Man in Black exits, closes the door. Nicole and Junior twirl about in the dark empty apartment. INT. LANDSTUHL MEDICAL CENTER, GERMANY. DAY. INSERT: LANDSTUHL Medical Center, Lundstuhl, Germany. Nicole and Junior stand at the end of a hall and wait. From around the corner, at the other end of the hall appears Reggie and a uniformed orderly on either side of an emaciated Robert attached to an IV stand. Robert sees Nicole and Junior, snatches away from the orderlies, limps down the hall towards them, drags the IV stand with him. Robert reaches Nicole and Junior. He grabs Nicole in his weak arms. They collapse to the floor. ROBERT Nicole, Nicole. I take back my promise. Let’s both live forever. How about it. We can do it. I know we can. Robert turns to Junior. other’s eyes. Robert and Junior search each 107 ROBERT I know you. I know you very well. ROBERT JUNIOR We grew up together. You’re my daddy. My invisible friend. They are a pile of hugs, smiles and tears. EXT. BOTSWANA. DAY. MUSIC: INDIGENOUS. INSERT: Botswana: ON HEADLINES: 2000 DEVASTATING FLOODS: MORE THAN 60,000 ARE MADE HOMELESS. Nicole, Robert Junior step out of the Rover in the village of the Farmer. The village surround and greet them. INT. FARMER’S HUT. DAY. It is dawn. Nicole sits with the Farmer in the dimly lit hut. The FARMER’S WIFE pours the three of them some tea. She shows the farmer’s wife three pictures. Nicole speaks in Setswana. NICOLE This one is Serwaa, who is almost 4. And this one is Soyini who is just 2. This one is my husband, Robert. I have given back to the earth what it has asked of me. And I am thankful for the gift it made of me. And now we, you and I in the coming years will have much to do to fight the worms of disease and ignorance. 108 EXT. VILLAGE. CONTINUOUS. There is much commotion out side. Nicole and the Farmer exit the tent to see what it is. Junior runs, excited, to Nicole. The villagers look up in the sky at two huge C 130’s that prepare to land at the distant airport. NICOLE (To Farmer. Indicates the planes) I brought gifts from Maywell. There are so many more where that came from. Now, let’s get back what the flood has taken. I have been laboring in Rwanda. It’s turning around. FARMER Take care, sister. EXT. AIRPORT. DAY. Nicole, company employees, villagers, military unload, stack, pass out food, clothing, tools, load fabricated housing and, of course, computers onto truck. All throughout the day Sangoma Woman takes note of Nicole and Junior. She whispers to other villagers and they begin to give special attention to Nicole and Junior. They all work until dusk. EXT. VILLAGE. NIGHT. The Farmer’s village is festive with food, drums and dance. Sangoma women approach Nicole. They feel her forehead. Their voices shrill. They feel Junior’s forehead. Their voices shrill. They pull Nicole and Junior to the center of the space. The villagers, become their chorus and instigators and form a circle around them. The drums become very disciplined yet free, erratic in their rhythms. The Sangoma women lead Nicole and Robert in the dance of Bingela. A Trance dance. 109 Nicole and Junior dance until crazed. They dance in trance until dawn among those who would be kin to their consciousness. FADE OUT: