Quitman County Schools Georgetown, Georgia Three-Year Technology Plan July1, 2012 – June 30, 2015 Technology Plan Creation Date: June 14, 2012 Superintendent Allen Fort Quitman County Schools Page 1 Table of Contents I. Vision for Technology Use……………………………..……………………...……3-5 District Mission/Vision and Access………………………………….....3-5 II. Current Reality………………………………………………………………….….5-9 Access to Technology/Data Sources……………………………………5-6 Technology Uses………………………….…………………………….6-8 Gap Analysis……………………………………………………………5-9 Goals, Strategies, and Benchmarks …………………………………………..9-24 III. Communication and Marketing……………...………………………………….25 Communication/Marketing………………………………….………..…25 Integration/Coordination with Long-Range Initiatives…………………25 IV. Professional Development…………………….……………………………..26-27 V. 8th Grade Technology Literacy…………………………………………………..27 VI. Appendices………………………………………………………………….. Acceptable Use Policy……………………………………………….28-31 Interoperability and Redeployment…………………………….………..32 “CIPA”………………………………………………………….……….33 Internet Use Policy………………………….…………………….……..34 Technology Use Policy…………………………………………..………35 Internet Network Access Agreement…………………………..…….36-37 Laptop Agreement Form………………………………………..…….…38 QCS Technology Survey……………………………………….……39-43 Computer Software Inventory…………………………………………..44 Software Application Form……………………………………………..45 Software Evaluation Criteria……………………………………………46 Quitman County Schools Page 2 I. Vision for Technology Use Compose an overall mission and/or vision which describes the steps the LEA is taking to ensure all students/teachers have increased access to technology. Include a list of specific vision statements for system educational improvement over a three year period The mission of the Quitman County School System Technology Department is to provide and support an environment in which all stakeholders — students, educators, support staff, parents, and the community — use technology as a tool in all facets of the educational process. Technology will be utilized to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have an equal opportunity to access technology, to graduate high school, and to be successful in an information-driven, global society. Quitman County School System wants to be recognized as a world-class school system that holds a vision of excellence for all students with a 100% graduation rate with successful student progression at each level. The district's mission: To ensure the academic success of each child, each day, no excuses. It is imperative that education remain relevant to the age in which we live. The ability to gather, manipulate, and present data using technology as the medium is a required skill in the emerging global community. Technology promotes the development of essential higher-order thinking skills in a life-long learning model of education. The use of computers and other technologies for problem solving has been identified as an integral component for a student’s success in higher learning and in the new workplace. The Quitman County School District’s vision for technology is that students will be fluent in the use of technology so that its application becomes commonplace for them. Technology can captivate and engage students thereby impacting academic achievement. In order for technology to have maximum effect on academic achievement, professional learning for teachers is imperative so that they feel competent in the ever-changing roles of technology thus enabling them to fully implement the resources available to them. Our intranet facilitates training and technical support to all district employees. Technology trainers provide professional development opportunities focusing on available technologies with a student-centered focus. Technology is a resource for expanding and creating new options in education. Teachers utilize technology in two ways: for the delivery of instruction and as a professional tool. In Quitman County, integration of technology into the curriculum is expected, and, as more teachers are becoming comfortable with computers and software, this is becoming a reality. As the district works toward providing students with an integrated curriculum relevant to their needs, technology becomes an essential component in instruction. Believing that, uniform technology integration standards will be implemented across all grade levels to develop progressively more sophisticated levels of technology use. Teachers will integrate technology on a daily basis with an increased focus on student uses to promote higher-order thinking skills Quitman County Schools Page 3 and performance-based assessments. Students will use technology resources to access and apply information to solve problems, communicate ideas, and reinforce academic skills. Students will use interactive devices such as whiteboards, instant assessment devices, scientific probes, laptops, and calculators to conduct experiments, present information, manage data, and demonstrate understanding of concepts. Handheld technology items will accelerate the implementation of research-based best practices in instructional technology. In addition, this technology will support rigorous evaluation of programs, particularly regarding the impact of these programs on student academic achievement and the Georgia Performance Standards. Although past expenditures have introduced students, teachers and leaders to basic technology, future purchases will not only allow students, teachers and leaders to compete with more affluent areas, but will also prepare students, teachers and leaders to compete internationally. Professional development to integrate technology will not only be given to the teachers but the students as well. In order to support the delivery of instruction, the focus will remain on maintaining and increasing the accessibility of technology in all schools. We will continue to increase the number of 21stcentury classrooms. As a standard, all new construction will be wired for 21stcentury capability. Existing classrooms will be upgraded to include the minimum of a ceiling-mounted projector and an interactive whiteboard device. Teachers will increase the utilization of stationary computer labs, mobile wireless laptop labs, handheld devices, interactive whiteboards, instant assessment devices, and video-streaming to provide meaningful instruction and curriculum enrichment. Administrators will provide leadership by modeling confident and effective uses of technology and telecommunication tools. Key administrators such as principals, counselors, and school resource officers will be provided mobile computing devices that will afford them increased productivity and immediate access to critical information. Administrative efficiency will be enhanced through the use of PowerSchool, a web-based student information database; web-based instruction; professional development; system-wide email; and video conferencing via the Internet and intranet. Administrators will use online and software-based testing resources to disaggregate data. This data will be used to focus instruction and strategies to enhance learning for targeted subgroups. In an effort to improve community perception, a high priority is placed on home/school communication. Power Teacher Parent portal will be effectively utilized FY13. Student grades, assignments, and attendance will be available to parents through secure logins to the system. Email presently serves as an important communication tool between parents and teachers. Links to teacher email addresses are provided on all school websites and will be available from the parent portal in PowerSchool. Our school website is an instructional resource for parents, teachers, students and the community. Every teacher in Quitman County School District have their own website to provide resources and information regarding homework, assignments and other activities going on within the classroom. Information is offered to parents concerning emerging technologies in education, Internet safety, and Internet resources. Parents will receive training and information through various formats to understand and assist students with homework, test taking strategies, and technology applications. Our students are able to utilize the Georgia Online Assessment System, Study Island, Quitman County Schools Page 4 and EdOptions from home. The Georgia Online Assessment System and Study Island provides students with CRCT and GHSGT practice exams. The EdOptions system is utilized as a credit recovery, summer school and remedial resource. The school system will continue its efforts to educate parents and community members on opportunities to utilize technology to raise student achievement. II. Current Reality Identify your data sources. What data does your technology inventory survey tell you? Compose a narrative analyzing the gap in access to technology across the district. Address the following groups—instructional, administrative, parent/community, system readiness/system support—personnel/resources. A. Access to Technology/Data Sources The school and the system maintain inventories on all hardware, software and peripherals. The state hardware survey conducted each fall is examined to determine areas of need within the schools. State QBE, local technology, and applicable federal funds are used to fill in the gaps so that all students in all schools have equitable resources. Within the schools, resources are distributed so that all teachers and students have access to technology and Internet access. All technology purchases are made based on the instructional value to meet our goals of increasing student achievement. Media centers and computer labs are scheduled flexibly so that students and teachers can access resources quickly and easily. Media centers have 14 up-to-date computers for use with the Alexandria circulation/catalog system in addition to the computers used for Internet research and other software applications. Video distribution is installed in every school and is linked to every classroom. All classrooms have at least two computers. The majority of our classrooms have mounted projectors and an interactive whiteboard. LCD projectors and digital cameras are available for teacher and student use in the media center. In addition to the video streaming curriculum resources offered by PeachStar, the schools also have Galileo another on-line resource. The District has two instructional computer lab and three mobile labs. According to the 2011 Annual School Technology Inventory Survey, the Quitman County School System possesses 157 computers; 135 are used for instructional purposes and 22 are administrative computers. There are 375 students in the system so the ratio of students per student computer is 2.0963. The school system has a local area network (LAN) in place consisting of 2 schools and a central office. Land Line – Fiber connects the district demark and schools at a speed of 1000 using Ethernet WAN topology. A 802.11a wireless system is also implemented. For security purposes the system uses NOD32 for its virus protection on workstations and servers. The e-mail server uses Fortinet Anti-virus program and Barracuda to scan emails for spam and viruses. Fortinet is the systems’ content filtering device that protects the system from would be hackers and also keeps students and employees from accessing inappropriate websites. Everyone that accesses the school systems network is required to login with a user id and Quitman County Schools Page 5 password, and must agree to the acceptable use policy before permissions is granted to access the network. Students have access to basic application software (Microsoft Office), basic multi-media software (PowerPoint), and other independent content-related software programs. An online typing tutorial is available through InfoSource and an online Microsoft Tutorial is available through SimpleK12. Various networked software is available for instructional use, tutorials, simulations, and monitoring of student achievement, i.e. MAP, Study Island, Voyager Reading and Math, Accelerated Reader, STAR, etc. Students with disabilities have access to software that assists them in various other areas. Assistive/adaptive peripherals are available to meet student/teacher needs. The system maintains a web site that provides up-to-date information regarding school activities, calendars, and general information. Parents may find information about their child’s school on the school’s individual web site, linked through the main system web site. In addition, parents may contact teachers and administrators through email. B. Technology Use – Instructional uses of technology The Quitman County School District provides many ways for teachers to use technology in the classroom. Projectors, sound systems, multiple computers in the classrooms and instructional software packages are just some of the means the system offers to ensure teachers have every tool necessary to effectively educate their students. Teachers can communicate with students and parents through the school system’s website, and through email. This helps to get parents involved in the education of their children which is extremely important to student success. In order for teachers to use the technology effectively, the school system has provided high speed network with drops and switches in every classroom that allows full connectivity to the school systems network and to the Internet. Students and teachers have access to servers to store and retrieve data. Wireless access is also available throughout our system for teachers and students to utilize. Along with this, the school system provides a technology director that is capable of attending to all the technology needs (troubleshooting, installing, maintaining, etc.) the system may have. Administrative uses of technology The Quitman County School System provides all Principals, Department heads and other administrators the technology that is needed for them to effectively do the work required by the board of education, parents and students. Each person is provided with a computer, or computers, and all software they need to do their work. Servers that are very capable of handling the school system’s needs are setup and maintained by the Technology Director. PC Genesis, the accounting program, is used for all financial aspects of the school district. This program is a client-server based DOS program written in COBOL. Access is limited to central office employees only. All district financial, personnel, and Quitman County Schools Page 6 purchasing information is controlled and managed through the PC Genesis program. Quicken is used at the school level. PowerSchool, the student information software, is setup so that schools can input all student data record information quickly and accurately and is supported by the SIS coordinator, who is also our Technology Director. The Counselor and SIS Coordinator input all student data into the program. Microsoft Exchange Outlook is the email system the entire school system uses for effective communication between parents, students, administrators, teachers and other individuals that are involved in the day to day operations of the school system. SEMS is the software package of choice for the Special Education Department and it is used efficiently and effectively to write IEP’s and specialized student reports as well as tracking due dates for student evaluations. Microsoft Office Suites are provided to every teacher and administrator for everyday creation of documents and spreadsheets as well as Power Point presentations. EBoard is an online program used by the Board of Education to provide parents access to online board policies. School Insites is the hosted choice of our school Website. We have three websites: The district, elementary/middle school and the high school. All of our teachers have their own personal page to distribute valuable information and resources to parents and students. Wireless access to our system’s resources and guest internet connection is widely available throughout the system assisting in e-mail access and presentations. All teachers maintain an electronic grade book called PowerTeacher which is a component of PowerSchool. Schedules and student demographics are populated in teacher grade books as part of the integrated student information relational database TimeForce Time clock finger print reader is used to enhance the accounting and payroll responsibilities for use with all personnel. Parent/Community uses of technology Technology is an essential part of parental and community involvement. The Quitman County School System utilizes the following technologies to keep stakeholders informed: The Quitman County Board of Education utilizes eBoard to post online board policies, on the Internet; The school system has a website at www.quitman.k12.ga.us that contains information about the schools and the district; Quitman County Schools Page 7 Progress reports may be generated through the teacher grade book program, and these reports may be emailed to parents as needed; in addition parents can received daily, weekly or monthly reports via PowerSchool Parent Portal The school system utilizes School Messenger an automated rapid-calling system, used to notify parents of upcoming events, closings, and other important information; and The school system utilizes email and telecommunications to remain in two-way contact with parents. C. Gap Analysis Instructional uses of technology QCS will continually evaluate their usage to ensure that the existing systems are being used to their fullest extent. Outdated hardware and equipment is a concern district-wide. A short-term budgeting goal will include replacing outdated and obsolete equipment that can no longer function within the network and utilize necessary instructional programs. This process is a crucial component of maintaining an effective and modern student-to-computer ratio. All of our high school teachers, administrators and coaches have laptops in their possession; however, this is not the case for our elementary and middle school teachers. Laptops are issued on a first come first served basis within our elementary/middle school personnel. Because of limited funding the district does not have much leeway as to purchase laptops for every teacher. However, as the need for these teachers to have their resources with them has increased, the need for additional laptop computers has also increased. The school system is currently reviewing a variety of acquisition options, including three- year lease possibilities, to ensure modern and effective equipment is available to these personnel. Majority of the classrooms lack many components of a 21st Century classroom. The state defines a 21st Century Classroom as one that includes a mounted projector, an interactive whiteboard, a teacher laptop, student response system, student laptops, digital photography equipment and editing software, and podcasting equipment, most educators lack the training needed to implement these items fully. Furthermore, funding limitations make purchasing these items for each classroom almost impossible. The system should evaluate instructional needs and plan accordingly for the acquisition and deployment of this equipment. Furthermore, as 21st Century trends indicate increasing use of mobile wireless technologies, such as student laptops and mobile labs, universal school-level wireless access and support in both schools will be needed. Administrative uses of technology As with the teaching faculty and staff, certificated administrative personnel also must have met the state's technology competency requirement for certification. Once again, this minimum requirement does not address the fact that administrators and administrative support personnel in the school system may lack the necessary skills to utilize existing administrative applications. As with the teaching faculty and staff, ongoing professional learning is needed to ensure that users take advantage of existing equipment and applications. Building- and district-level administrators have a growing need for technology literacy in terms of data management. The use of data as the foundation for instructional decision making continues to increase, and Quitman County Schools Page 8 administrators must be able to assimilate and utilize data on demand and in real-time. Ongoing training and support is required to make certain that data is used effectively. The PC Genesis program is the school system's oldest administrative system; it is quickly becoming obsolete in its current form. Only the central office staff members have access to this program. All purchase orders must be processed with the information from the requisition being reentered into the PC Genesis program. A joint evaluation is performed between the finance and technology department to assess the continued use of this program. The website offers a variety of tools and resources that will effective communication from our teachers to the parents. However, it is not being used to its full potential. Monthly training classes will be held with faculty/staff regarding their individual pages until they are comfortable making changes on their own. The Increased training and support for faculty and staff will guarantee they have the skills necessary to utilize the school system's website in a manner that maximizes benefits for parents and the community. Parent/Community uses of technology While the school system's website features basic information about upcoming events, calendars, menus, and pages for each of the schools, there is a need to expand its use. Ideally, individual grade levels, departments, and/or teachers should be able to post information. Increased training and support for faculty and staff members is needed to guarantee they have the skills necessary to utilize the school system's website in a manner that maximizes benefits for parents and the community Online access to a secure parent portal — has not been available for parents. This access to information was once considered novel by some but is quickly becoming a standard expectation of parents. Ongoing support from the school system is needed to ensure this procedure be put in place and once it is in place continue to be offered and remain functionally reliable. Training opportunities should be provided, as needed, so parents understand what will be available and how it may be accessed. The District is currently re-engineering the district website to a more streamlined, easy-tonavigate portal. The district also needs to incorporate accessibility into the website for convenient access by people with disabilities. As part of the overall re-design of the district website, accessibility will be addressed and tested to ensure conformity to standards. GOALS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS The purpose of technology is to enhance and support curriculum, instruction, communication, and professional learning. QCSD has established the following goals for the instructional use of technology, the use of technology as a data and resource management tool, and as a tool for both internal and external communication. The objectives of the district improvement plan are reflected in the following goals. Quitman County Schools Page 9 Goals: Instructional Uses of Technology Goal 1: Student will be competent in essential knowledge and skills. Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Annual subscription to SimpleK12 online assessment system – Technology Director and classroom teachers Elementary students will: develop an understanding of the basic functions of computer keyboarding, Internet navigation, and program applications. By the end of 2013-14 school year, Assessments will be administered at the end of 3rd, 5th, 8th and 12th grade students. 50% of 3rd grade students will be competent. $6,500.00 (students) $3,000.00 (teachers) 90% of 5th grade students will be competent. Title I ARRA and local funds Middle grade students will: develop mastery of an office suite of applications, begin to produce digital products, and develop skill in navigation of Internet resources By the end of 2014-15 school year, 100 % of 8th grade students will be competent. The state 8th grade technology literacy test will be administered. By the end of the 2014-15 school year 100% of 12th grade students will be competent. The district will also use Simple K12 tools to assess student’s learning and comprehension High school students will: build upon the mastery of an office suite of applications, produce more creative and higher-level learning products including the use of Internet resources and different types of multimedia resources Quitman County Schools Page 10 Goal 2: Utilize technology to support professional learning endeavors to maximize student learning Strategies Increase number of personnel trained to support teachers’ use of instructional technologies Benchmarks FY 10 – An increase of 3 technology –related PL courses will be made available to staff FY 11 – An increase of 2 technology –related PL courses will be made available to staff Evaluation Plan Annual locally conducted gaps analyses Budget Responsibility List Local funds Principal Professional learning funds Technology Director SimpleK12 assessment Tool - $3,000 FY 12 – An increase of 2 technology –related PL courses will be made available to staff Quitman County Schools Page 11 Goal 3: Provide appropriate access to hardware/software for teachers and students. Strategies Create 21st Century classroom Elementary Benchmarks Annually – August 20122015: Equip 4 classrooms with Mimo and mounted projector, selection based on teacher applications. Evaluation Plan -Student/teachers surveys Budget 2012-2015 estimates of purchased costs: $6,200 annually Project contingent upon federal funding (Title VI Part B, Title IID, QBE, SPLOST). Middle Grades Annually – August 20122015: Equip 1 classrooms with Mimo and mounted projector, selection based on teacher applications 2012-2015 estimates of purchased costs: $4,600 annually Project contingent upon federal funding (Title VI Part B, Title IID, QBE, SPLOST). High School Annually - August 2012 2015: Equip 6 classrooms with Classroom Response Systems and Wireless Slates 2015- estimate of purchased costs: $18,000 SPLOST FUNDING Quitman County Schools Responsibility List Asst Superintendent Principal Technology Director Page 12 Goal 4: Continue to update, expand, and improve access to 21st Century Technologies Strategies Continue to provide LAN/WAN and expand wireless access capable of handling streaming applications and other highbandwidth uses Benchmarks FY 13- Research wireless technology solutions and begin E-rate application process Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Annual State Technology Inv Local Funds $10,000 Erate $265, 000.00 Technology Director FY 13 Complete E-Rate application process FY 13 – All classroom will continue to have high speed access to online resources and the entire district will be wireless by 2013 Install new switches and severs FY 13 – Installation will be completed Technology Inventory Local Funds $15,000 Erate $82, 110.37 Technology Director MTC Consultants Protect all computers with Anti-virus software No viruses ESET NOD32 Installed Ongoing Assessment survey and network management software Local Funds $2,500 Technology Director Provide additional bandwidth for internet AT&T FY 13 Request through E-rate Technology Inventory and survey Local funds $ 3000 AT&T Technology Director Superintendent Quitman County Schools Page 13 Goal 5: Utilize technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, promote creativity, and improve student academic performance & technology literacy Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Acquire and utilize student response system to assist in students in preparations for state testing Student passing the CRCT will increase 10% in all subject areas over the next three years CRCT results and other assessment data Instructional/Title 1 $15,000 Principal Superintendent Technology Director Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding on the GA 5th & 8th and 12th Grade Writing Assessment by 7-10% over 3 years CRCT results and other assessment data PTO donation Local funds $10,000 Technology Director K-3 will increase comprehension scores on CRCT and local school assessments CRCT Kindergarten Assessment School Assessment Media and Title 1 $3,000 RTI Coach Media Specialist FY 15 Acquire and utilize student software to assist students in preparation for state testing: Study Island Brain POP EdOptions Accelerated Reader Acquire listening centers to promote fluency, comprehension and awareness of appreciation of children’s literature Quitman County Schools Page 14 Goals: Administrative Uses of Technology Goal 1: Technology will be used administratively to gather, access, and transmit demographic. Fiscal, and assessment data and any other data required by state and federal agencies. Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List The school system will continue providing training for all personnel on the use of emerging technology as it applies to system-wide management PowerSchool and its Classroom, Period Attendance, Spec. Ed., and Test History modules will continue to be implemented, and appropriate personnel will be trained as appropriate by FY 2013. FY 2013, observe the ability of personnel to maintain accurate student and/ or financial transaction records and to prepare and submit required state reports in a timely manner will be examined. Local Funding $6,000.00 Technology/SIS Director Administrative Staff FY 2013, observe teacher ability to electronically access information and tools relevant to their administrative tasks. Transportation routing/field trip software, bus maintenance/troubleshooting software/hardware will be implemented, and appropriate personnel will be trained as appropriate by FY 2015. Quitman County Schools Local - $12, 000.00 – Annual Projected Amount, Estimated Asst. Principal Bus Shop Supv Technology Dir Page 15 Goal 2: Improve the technology skills of all teachers and develop their capacity and desire to facilitate engaging learning experiences for all students. Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Teachers/administrators will use teacher utility programs to increase efficiency and productivity. Training will take place on a quarterly basis or sooner if needed. Power Teacher will be used to produce report cards every 9 weeks and progress reports every 4 ½ weeks. Local Funds $6,000 SEMS Web application for writing IEPs (August 2009) IEPs will be posted on SEMS Web application. Local Funds – $2,500 Technology Director Power School Personnel Special Ed Director Newsletters to parents Principal Annual needs assessment Teacher/staff annual surveys Continue us of fingerprint readers and timeclock software for personnel Quitman County Schools Annually make recommendations for purchasing software support Hardware/Software inventories Timesheets Maintenance and Customer Support Local Funds $3,000.00 School Secretary Technology Director Page 16 Goal 3: Increase the application and use of technology equipment and applications to enhance job performance and productivity Strategies Benchmarks Provide in-depth training for all personnel using administrative software through SimpleK12 distance learning online software and will be evaluated on the proficiency of use FY 13 33% of teachers will be competent on Integrating Technology in the Classroom with WEB 2.0 Tools Evaluation Plan (CIP) Curriculum Integration Plan Budget Local Funds $3,100 Responsibility List Superintendent Principal Technology Director Online Assessments FY 14 66% of teachers will be competent on Integrating Technology in the Classroom with WEB 2.0 Tools FY 15 99% of teachers will be competent on Integrating Technology in the Classroom with WEB 2.0 Tools Evaluate needs and assess options for replacing or updating PC Genesis FY 14 - Evaluate use of PC Genesis related to program needs and goals and r e s e ar c h options for replacing or updating PC Genesis FY 15 - Implement replacement or updating of PC Genesis Quitman County Schools Locally conducted gap analyses Finance Officer Technology Director Superintendent Survey of financial officer Local Funds $20,000 Page 17 Goal 4: Improve the overall performance of the enterprise network in order to minimize disruptions to the learning process Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Enhance tools to manage the enterprise network Acquire solution to manage the enterprise network Completed FY 13 Performance statistics of the LAN/WAN SPLOST $20,000 Technology Director Streamline the deployment of file servers throughout the schools All eligible servers will be centralized or virtualized Completed FY13 Implementation of server consolidation SPLOST $10,000 Technology Services, Data Communication Enhance skills of technology director End-user feedback is positive Ongoing training Faster response times minimize classroom downtown General Fund $2,500 Offices of Accountability, Technology and Strategic Planning and Professional Development Surveys and Help Tickets Evaluations Quitman County Schools Page 18 Goal 5: To promote student learning we will increase administrative proficiency and use of technology Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Publish homework assignments on the web for student access beyond the school day Staff development Observation Begin implementation in FY 13 and continue throughout the next 5 years None Classroom Teachers Principal Technology Director Continue to utilize software with student achievement tracking features Entire School Will be review on an annual basis Local funds $5,000 Technology Director Principal Classroom teachers Continue to utilize SIS attendance feature data Entire school Ongoing basis None Principal Classroom teachers Secretary Office Asst. Counselor Graduation Coach Continue to utilize the electronic grade book, parent portal and School messenger to facilitate communication with parents Entire School Ongoing Annual Subscription $3500 Classroom Teachers Principal Quitman County Schools Page 19 Goals: Parent/Community Uses of Technology Goal 1: Ensure that all parents and stakeholders have the opportunity to remain informed Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Utilize school system Internet-based web portals, automated calling systems, and email communications to keep parents and stakeholders informed. FY 13 – Teachers and administrators will increase use of Internet-based portals, automated calling systems, and email to keep parents and stakeholders informed by 20% FY 14 – Teachers and administrators will increase use of Internet-based portals, automated calling systems, and email to keep parents and stakeholders informed by 30% Website Visits Budget Local Funds $4,500 Responsibility List Technology Director Email Logs Principal Faculty/Staff Superintendent FY 15 – Teachers and administrators will increase use of Internet-based portals, automated calling systems, and email to keep parents and stakeholders informed by 40% Quitman County Schools Page 20 Goal 2: Enhance the relationship with parents and the community and access to information through the use of technology Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Written communication will be sent home with report cards on tips to improve student achievement with the use of technology Student technology use will increase on technology survey by 10% per year Technology student survey $0.00 Technology Director Counselor Principal Present Parent Technology Night to introduce parents to the various technology tolls available for them to use with their students Technology awareness and use will increase on Parental Portal and technology surveys September 2012 Training evaluation survey; Annual parent technology survey $0.00 Technology Director Principal Parental/Involvement Coordinator Allow for community members to utilize computer and Internet access in the Media Center by appointment Technology knowledge will increase on parent and community technology surveys Annual parent/community technology survey $0.00 Technology Director Principal Media Specialist Goal 3: Increase access to and awareness of technology resources for students, parents, educators, and community Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Increase resources that are available online for remote access FY 10- Study Island Education City Voyager Reading and Math AR Parental Portal of PowerSchool Website Parent Survey September 2012 Local Funds $3,000 Renewal Fees Technology Director Media Specialist Literacy Coach Provide accurate easily located academic and extracurricular activity information to parents via the school website. FY 13 Redesign of website begins and updates made to current website are made more frequently Parental Feedback Local Funds $1,000 Technology Director Quitman County Schools Page 21 Goal 4: Parents and/or guardians will have online access to their child’s attendance record, grades, and assignments and the ability to communicate via email, telephone, and voice mail with their child’s teacher(s) and school administration Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List The school system will provide a homeschool connection via telecommunications and emerging technology in conjunction with local city/county government and industries. The number of parents accessing student information online will increase by 25% each year from FY 2013 through FY 2015. At the opening of each school year host a parent’s night at each school at which online access is demonstrated Communication between parents and teachers will increase 30% each year from FY 2013 through FY 2015. Parent Portal Log Parent Surveys Local Funds Technology Director Counselor Goals: System Readiness (Staff technical competencies/attitudes) Goal 1: Use technology to support the professional growth of all staff, resulting in maximum learning for all students Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Teachers and staff will receive training implementing technology and using technology equipment Technology will be integrated into the curriculum as a tool SimpleK12 online assessment form Professional Development $3,100 Technology Director Principal Teachers and staff will receive training in technology use as an instructional tool in the classroom, and various learning styles associated with it. Technology Director will work with the teachers and help them integrate technology into their lessons Principal Walkthrough Observation $0.00 Technology Director Classroom Teachers Principal Quitman County Schools Page 22 Goals: System Readiness (Staff technical competencies/attitudes) Goal 2: System and school level personnel will demonstrate readiness for effective technology use Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Collect and review data to determine instructional and administrative use and competency level in using technology FY 14 – All certified staff will meet the technology competency requirement for certification Quarterly review the data from SimpleK12, listing teachers who do not meet the requirement QBE $3,100 Responsibility List Principal Technology Director LoTi assessments FY 13-15 As new teachers are hired, they will be required to meet the technology competency requirement. Goal 3: The district will provide training on the SIS (PowerSchool) Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan PowerSchool training will be provided to facilitate support for the district. In-depth training will be provided quarterly for new personnel. Quitman County Schools Support will be ongoing through the technology director as well as online professional development Class evaluation will be performed at the end of training Teachers and Administrators will complete through PowerSchool to determine effectiveness of training Budget Local Funds Renewal Fee $6,000 Responsibility List Training provided by Technology Director and other staff members that are efficient with the application. Page 23 Goal 4: Ensure that all personnel and stakeholders are educated and involved with the implementation of the goals and the vision for technology use. Strategies Benchmarks Evaluation Plan Budget Responsibility List Implement a “train the trainer” model to better implement the vision of the use of technology FY 13- Use train-the – trainer model to increase knowledge of school system’s vision for technology use with 30% of teachers and staff Ongoing review of the school system’s website for teacher pages, newsletters and other technology-related products generated by teachers, and training sessions Local funds Professional learning funds $8,000 Technology Director Principal FY 14- Use train-the – trainer model to increase knowledge of school system’s vision for technology use with 60% of teachers and staff FY 15- Use train-the – trainer model to increase knowledge of school system’s vision for technology use with 90% of teachers and staff Quitman County Schools Page 24 III. Communication and Marketing Describe strategies to share system progress, disseminate evaluation results, encourage broad stakeholder involvement, and market the role technology can have in helping students achieve in innovative ways. How are we sharing what we are doing? How can we show that the way we are sharing is meeting our needs? How are we encouraging more people to be actively involved with the system? A. Communication/marketing The school newsletter and news broadcast will be used as a vehicle to disseminate the technology progress of students and teachers for workshops completed, multimedia projects, and website design. The classroom and corridor walls, the media center and lunchroom will be used as display areas for students work. Survey and test results will be given to teachers and reviewed at the Media/Technology and Leadership and Faculty Meetings. The technology director will display a “Technology Competency Chart” for each classroom (as per grade level), for viewing by students, staff, and visitors. The Media/Technology Committee will develop a competency check-off list for students as per grade level to insure exposure to and experience with the technology competencies required for their grade level. All instructional staff will post within visual sight of a computer a copy of the Internet Use Policy in classrooms and other areas of the school where computers are used, as a reminder to users of technology guidelines for use. Students who effectively meet the Technology Integration Standards for third, fifth and eighth grade will be posted in a conspicuous area of the school and awarded a certificate of competency to be signed off by the technology director. The technology director will report to the local area newspaper information and school website regarding new technology for the system, access to the system by parents, workshops, and the results of technology activities and performance by students, including those awarded with certificates of completion. The community will be informed of any computers placed in public areas for access to the school via website. Parents will be informed at PTO meetings about training for computers and the Internet. B. Integration/Coordination with Long-Range Planning Initiatives Recognizing that the role of technology is increasing and becoming more intertwined with the overall fabric of instruction, the principal and technology director work collaboratively to plan and implement instructional efforts that utilize technology. These efforts are formulated based on the needs of the district identified within the district school improvement plan and the Comprehensive Local Implementation Plan (CLIP). These plans are continuously updated by the district- and school-level leadership teams to reflect the needs of all student learning populations within the school system. Quitman County Schools Page 25 IV. Professional Development Describe how the local educational agency will provide professional development and ensure that specific funds like E-Rate and other sources are spent on scientifically and/or evidence based practices in relation to the purchase of technology and technology tools. A. Professional Development Research regarding technology integration should be utilized to make sound educational decisions regarding the type of technology-based professional development needed for maximizing student learning. It is also needed to support all decisions regarding the types of hardware and software applications needed for classroom use. The focus of these decisions should always be to ensure all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed as they master the performance standards. A critical component of a successful technology program is the availability of quality training coupled with ongoing support. The integration of technology with the curriculum requires faculty and staff members to acquire new skills and to explore alternative approaches to the delivery of the curriculum through the use of universal problem-solving skills within new contexts. Professional learning programs are clearly developed to provide ongoing training on critical systems and concepts. The Quitman County School System Technology Director participates in and assists with the planning and implementation of professional learning. New application and product purchases have a portion of funding dedicated to professional development. Every new district-level software product that is purchased includes either locally- or vendor-provided orientation or operation training. Workshops, in-services, classes, and reflective activities are designed to develop effective and useful strategies that support the school district’s improvement goals especially in the area of student achievement. Chattahoochee Flint RESA, in conjunction with other continuing education centers, offers professional learning workshops and activities that help to address curriculum areas and school improvement goals. Self-directed learners are provided the opportunity to participate in on-line courses through SimpleK12 to enhance authentic connection to their specific individual needs. Quitman County School District provides specific learning activities tailored to the student population and individual school improvement plan. Professional learning funds are allocated to ensure the proper support for and quality offerings within the development programs. By focusing on assessment and proper implementation of the standards, the school district is able to further identify areas of strength and weakness as plans are made for the professional learning program for each upcoming school year. Involving parents in technology integration at the school level is of utmost importance to Treutlen County Schools as parental technology literacy and support for instructional technology integration are imperative to Treutlen's students’ academic success. We believe that technology literate parents that support the integration of instructional technologies into the curriculum are a true asset as parents play a key role in a student’s academic success. Quitman County Schools Page 26 Internet connectivity has become an essential component of instruction. Connectivity now supports instruction and communication throughout the schools and between the schools and community. A reliable, high-speed network, managed by robust connectivity switches, servers, and other hardware, which is connected to the Internet, is essential for the effective operation of the modern educational program. E-Rate funds are a crucial part of the overall funding necessary to acquire and sustain all connectivity endeavors. All software applications relate directly to education with an emphasis on student learning and success. The district instructional and professional development programs assist teachers in targeting and improving their professional practices through the use of technology to promote student mastery of the performance standards. V. 8th Grade Technology Literacy A. 8th Grade Technology Literacy State and federal mandates require 8th graders in the State of Georgia to be technology literate. The recent administration of the eighth grade literacy test through Learning.com indicates that out of 23 students; 2 were proficient, 15 were basic and 6 were below basic. It is our goals that all of our students reach proficient or advanced level on the technology assessment. The majority of our students lack essential computer skills. To close the gap the technology director has begun to define technology benchmarks at each grade level, support teachers in the implementation of these skills and assist students and teachers in developing electronic portfolios. These strategies will provide the district with a comprehensive evaluation of students’ technology literacy skills at each grade level. Ongoing professional learning will be implemented to ensure that users take advantage of existing equipment and applications. Access to modern equipment is essential; however, the access to and effective use of technology in the classroom is not measured by the presence of a computer. The faculty, staff, and students should be able to understand and embrace technology during the course of their daily activities. Meaningful professional learning will better enable faculty and staff members to use, explain, and demonstrate technology applications to their students. Many times our teachers have, in their heads, creative lesson plans that integrate the use of technology, but they are not comfortable with operating the hardware or software involved to be willing to put their ideas on paper and try them. To overcome these obstacles, the school system needs to offer teachers long-term professional development activities that (1) address the technology literacy standards for the GPS and clearly communicate the expectations for students’ technology literacy at each grade level, (2) address thinking skills, (3) provide examples of student-centered activities that require higher order thinking skills, (4) allow teachers to develop their own lesson plans that require students to employ age-appropriate technology literacy skills, (5) provide the opportunity for teachers to practice the technology literacy skills necessary on their part to make the technology connection, (6) address troubleshooting techniques for the technology involved , (7) provide the opportunity for teachers to teach these lessons to their students with the assistance of a mentor, and (8) with the assistance of the mentor, include an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson. Quitman County Schools Page 27 ACCEPTABLE USE & INTERNET SAFETY GUIDELINES QUITMAN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Quitman County School District is pleased to make available to students access to interconnected computer systems within the District and to the Internet, the worldwide network that provides various means of accessing significant educational materials and opportunities. The School District has made a significant investment to ensure that every classroom and student has access to the Internet. Access to the School District’s computer systems and the Internet is provided for educational purposes and research that is consistent with the school district’s educational mission and goals. In order for the school district to be able to continue to make its computer network and Internet access available, every student must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access and practice Internet Responsibility. Students must understand that the use of the school district’s computer network and Internet access is a privilege, not a right. Misuse may jeopardize those privileges and subject the student to potential disciplinary and legal action. Quitman County School District will enforce the following Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Guidelines. Upon reading the guidelines, each student must sign the Internet Network Access Agreement before they will be given the opportunity to enjoy Internet access at school. If a student is under the age of 18, his or her parents or legal guardian must also read and sign the agreement. The school district will not provide access to any student who fails to obtain the required signature on the agreement. Below are the provisions and guidelines you agree to comply with and uphold. If you have any questions about this provision, you should contact the Technology Director. Anyone violating these guidelines shall be subject to, at least, the revocation of privileges. I. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY The act of signing the Internet Network Access Agreement signifies your agreement to follow not only the rules in these guidelines, but also your agreeing to refrain from any other misuse of the computer network that is not included in the guidelines but has the effect of harming another or his or her property. Students and their parents will be responsible for compensating the school district for any losses, costs, or damages incurred by the district relating to or arising out of the misuse of the school’s network. II. TERM OF PERMITTED USE A student who submits to the school, a properly signed agreement and follows the guidelines to which she or he has agreed will have computer network and Internet access during the course of the school year only. Students will be asked to sign a new agreement each year during which they are students in the school district before they are given access to the Internet. Quitman County Schools Page 28 III. ACCEPTABLE USES The school district is providing access to its computer networks and the Internet for only educational purposes and research consistent with the school district’s educational mission and goals. If you are unsure about whether a particular activity is educational or consistent with the school’s mission, you may consult with your teacher to help you decide if a use is appropriate. IV. UNACCEPTABLE USES Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of the guidelines are the following: A. Accessing, sending or posting materials or communications that are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Damaging to another’s reputation Abusive Obscene Sexually oriented Threatening Contrary to the school’s policy on harassment Illegal B. Using the network for any illegal activity, including violations of copyright or other contracts or transmitting any material in violation of Federal and State laws and regulations C. Using the network for private financial or commercial gain D. Wastefully using resources E. Utilizing any software having the purpose of damaging the school district’s system or other user’s system F. Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities G. Invading the privacy of others H. Using another user’s password or account I. Posting material authorized or created by another without his or her consent J. Posting of anonymous messages K. Using the network for commercial or private advertising L. Forging of electronic mail messages Quitman County Schools Page 29 V. VI. M. Attempting to read, delete, copy or modify the electronic mail of other system users and deliberately interfering with the ability of other system users to send or receive electronic mail N. Using the network while access privileges are suspended or revoked O. Using the network in a fashion inconsistent with directions from teachers and other staff and generally accepted network etiquette P. Making use of Internet chat lines INTERNET SAFETY A. Individual Responsibility of Parents and User: All users and their parents or guardians are advised that due to the nature of the Internet, it is extremely difficult for the Board of Education to completely regulate and monitor the information received or sent by students. Students will be required to make independent decisions and use good judgment in their use of the Internet. Parents are the best guide as to which material should not be accessed. Therefore, parents must participate and communicate their own expectations to their student regarding materials on the Internet. B. Personal Safety: Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, do not reveal personal information such as your full name, home address or home telephone number. Do not arrange an in-person meeting with someone you “meet” on the computer network or Internet without your parent’s permission. C. “Hacking” and Other Illegal Activities: It is a violation of these guidelines to use the school’s computer network or the Internet to gain unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems, or to attempt to gain such unauthorized access. D. Active Restriction Measures: The school district, either by itself or in combination with the Data Acquisition Site providing Internet access, will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent students from accessing visual depictions that are (i) obscene, (ii) child pornography, or (iii) harmful to minors. The school will also monitor the online activities of students, through direct observation and/or technical means, to ensure that the students are not accessing such depictions or any other materials which are inappropriate for minors. PRIVACY Network and Internet access is provided as a tool for your education. The school district reserves the right to monitor all computer and Internet activity by a user. Therefore, privacy is not guaranteed. All such information files shall be and remain the property of the school district and no user shall have the expectation of privacy regarding such materials. Quitman County Schools Page 30 VII. FAILURE TO FOLLOW GUIDELINES The use of the computer network and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Anyone violating these guidelines shall be subject to having their privileges revoked and potential disciplinary or legal actions. Quitman County Schools Page 31 Interoperability and redeployment procedures Purchasing: All equipment purchased for student and/or classroom use will be purchased by the Technology Coordinator and it needs to be inventoried through the media center. The technology coordinator will keep a copy of the equipment purchase-order in a notebook for designated funds purchase. Receiving: 1) All equipment will be dispensed and set-up by technology coordinator or designee. Packaging slips will be given to Central Office. 2) Barcode equipment with numbers beginning with 10000 or 11000, also use permanent marker to write barcode on equipment. Write the barcode number on all peripherals or components of equipment. Some equipment may need to be engraved with Quitman County Schools, Georgetown, GA. 3) Record in the circulation computer the serial number, model number and the funds from which it was purchased, and the price. 4) Check out equipment to patron/location in which it will be used. 5) Make a copy of instructions to give to user and put original in the equipment filing cabinet in the folder for type, or if necessary make a new folder. 6) If a warranty card accompanies equipment – use school stamp and fill out all other necessary information and mail in or e-mail if option. 7) Mark or stamp on the Purchase-Order the date of receipt and the barcode number assigned. Distribution After equipment has been entered into the circulation computer and bar-coded it should be taken to the point of use with the attached instructional booklet. If it a complicated piece of machinery for which the user has no experience an instructional time should be planned with the user by the technology coordinator. Redeployment: When it becomes necessary to move equipment from one room to another, the technology coordinator must be notified for approval. After approval is given the equipment will be taken for to the media center for check-in and check-out to new location – or the barcodes of the equipment needs to be recorded and the room location and given to the media specialist for updating the item record in the circulation computer and therefore the inventory. Interoperability When the technology coordinator discovers older equipment that is broken or has outlived its usefulness, those items will be staged for surplus. Surplus items will be taken to and staged within the School District Warehouse. The technology coordinator will identify which items are to be sold in auction or staged for redeployment. Once surplus items are removed from the school, the technology coordinator will remove the item from the school’s inventory list and submit those changes to Central Office. Quitman County Schools Page 32 Quitman County Board of Education “CIPA Compliance Policy” The Board of Education believes that the use of the Internet in instructional program is an educational tool, which facilitates communication, innovation, resource sharing and access to information. Due to the complex nature of accessible networks and the magnitude of potential information available to anyone utilizing the Internet, the Board believes comprehensive guidelines are warranted in order to serve the educational needs of students. The District CIPA policy was re-evaluated and placed on first reading in March 2012 and approved May 2012. It shall be the policy of the Quitman County Board of Education that the school system shall have in continuous operation, with respect to any computers belonging to the school having access to the Internet: 1. A qualifying “technology protection measure,” as that term is defined in Section 1703(b)(1) of the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000; and 2. Procedures or guidelines developed by the superintendent, administrators and/or other appropriate personnel which provide for monitoring the online activities of users and the use of the chosen technology protection measure to protect against access through such computers to visual depictions that are (i) obscene, (ii) child pornography, or (iii) harmful to minors, as those terms are defined in Section 1703(b)(1) and (2) of the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000. Such procedures or guidelines shall be designed to: a. Provide for monitoring the online activities of users to prevent, to the extent practicable, access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and the World Wide Web; b. Promote the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications; c. Prevent unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking,” and other unauthorized activities by minors online; d. Prevent the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; and e. Restrict minors’ access to materials “harmful to minors,” as that term is defined in Section 1703(b)(2) of the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000. The Quitman County School District utilizes Fortinet content filtering software on all district computers. To help safeguard and promote appropriate online behavior, Impero Classroom Management will be implemented effective August 1, 2012 to monitor the behavior of Quitman Count School District Computer Users. The district will continue to provide classes on 21st Century safety to faculty/staff and students. Quitman County Schools Page 33 Internet Use Policy Computer/Internet user policy Students are responsible for their behavior while using school computer resources just as they are responsible for their behavior in classrooms, hallways, and all other times during which they are under the supervision of the Quitman County School System Privacy In no event shall any student give out their full name, home address, phone number or other personal information while using QCSS computing resources. Nor shall any student or employee give out information of this kind regarding any other person. No student or employee shall give out his or her passwords to anyone other than the system operator, nor shall any student or employee use the account or password of any other QCSS account holder. 1) Students shall be polite and considerate of other user. 2) Students shall use appropriate language at all times. 3) Students are encouraged to use their best grammar and spelling at all time, so that their ideas may be evaluated on their content rather than on the manner of their presentations, but be forgiving of the errors of others. 4) Students shall use printing resources wisely. 5) Students shall use computers in a timely manner, so that all students may have an opportunity to utilize computing resources. 6) Students are encouraged to tell the system operator whenever they find a particularly interesting site on the Internet. Acceptable Use Use related to class work, including research and access to instructional materials, particularly unique resources not available in the local setting. Computer applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, etc. Computer programming and other functions related to computer skills course. Electronic mail Use of individual accounts as dictated by the service provider and the Quitman County School System. Vandalism Vandalism will result in immediate cancellation of privileges, as well as additional disciplinary action when appropriate. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm, modify, or destroy the data, materials, equipment or software of another user, the QCSS or of any Internet network provider or agency. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creating of any computer virus. Any software not provided by the QCSS must be reviewed by system operator before it can be used in any school computer. Quitman County Schools Page 34 Technology Usage (Employee Technology Agreement) I have read the Quitman County School District Technology Usage policy, administrative regulations and netiquette guidelines and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in disciplinary action taken against me, including but not limited to suspension or revocation of my access to district technology, and termination. I understand that my technology usage is not private and that the school district may monitor my use of district technology, including but not limited to accessing browser logs, e-mail logs, and any other history of use. I consent to district interception of or access to all communications I send. Receive or store using the district’s technology resources, pursuant to state and federal law, even if the district’s technology resources are accessed remotely. I understand I am responsible for my unauthorized costs arising from my use of district’s technology resources. I understand that I am responsible for any damages I incur due to my use of district’s technology resources. Employee’s PRINTED Name: ___________________________________________________ Employee’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________ Home Phone Number: _______________________________________ Today’s Date: ____________________________________ Quitman County Schools Page 35 INTERNET NETWORK ACCESS AGREEMENT I accept responsibility to abide by the Board of Education’s Acceptable Use Guidelines. I understand that the use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege not a right, and I agree: To use the computer network and Internet for appropriate educational purpose and research; To use the computer network and Internet only with permission of teachers and administrators; To be considerate of other users on the network and use appropriate language for school situations; Not to intentionally degrade or disrupt Internet network services or equipment. This includes but is not limited to tampering with computer hardware or software, vandalizing data, invoking computer viruses, attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized network services, or violating copyright laws; To immediately report any security problems or breeches of these responsibilities to appropriate School staff; To comply with all of the rules and expectations included in the policy and procedures; Not to divulge personal information such as addresses and telephone numbers over the Internet. I understand that I have no right to privacy when I use the school Internet network, and I consent to staff monitoring of my communications. I also understand that any conduct that is in conflict with these responsibilities is inappropriate and may result in termination of network access and possible disciplinary action. Student name (please print):_______________________________________________ Student Signature:_______________________________________________________ Date:______________________ Quitman County Schools Page 36 Due to the nature of the Internet, it is neither practical nor possible for the Board of Education to enforce compliance with user rules at all times. Accordingly, parents and students must recognize that students will be required to make independent decisions and use good judgment in their use of the Internet. Therefore, parents must participate in the decision whether to allow their children access to the Internet and must communicate their own expectations to their children regarding its use. As the parent/legal guardian of the above student, I have read, understand and agree that my child or ward shall comply with the terms of the School District’s Use and Internet Safety Guidelines for student access to the School District’s computer network and the Internet. Parent/Guardian Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:__________________ Quitman County Schools Page 37 Quitman County School District 215 Kaigler Road Georgetown, GA 39854 (229) 334-4298 Laptop Agreement Form Listed below is a copy of the Laptop Agreement that should be signed by every Quitman County Public Schools employee that is issued a districtg laptop. All employees should read it before signing. If the laptop is received by a School Representative they should not give the laptop to the employee until they have read and signed the agreement form. The employee does have the right to refuse the laptop if they don’t agree with the conditions but will still be responsible for completing any job tasks that they may be assigned to do using a computer. I understand that I am being issued a laptop computer to facilitate student instruction and enhance student achievement; it will be in my possession for use at and away from school. I understand that I am responsible for the laptop computer issued to me and that I will care for the equipment in such a manner as to prevent loss or damage. I further understand that: The laptop is an instructional tool and should be brought to school each day. In the event of damage, loss or theft of the laptop, I will immediately notify my principal or his/her designated representative for repair or replacement matters. In the case of damages which occur due to my intentional act, neglect or abuse of the laptop, or because of my failure to follow district technology acceptable use policies, including this agreement, I understand I will be held responsible for payment of repairs. If the laptop is lost, stolen or damaged due to my intentional act, neglect or abuse of the laptop, or because of my failure to follow district technology acceptable use policies, including this agreement, I will be responsible to reimburse the District, for the replacement cost. The laptop should be transported in its case and stored carefully so it is not susceptible to damage. The laptop should not be left inside a vehicle where temperature extremes can permanently damage the unit and/or its components. The laptop should not be left unattended in any unlocked area; i.e. classroom, instructional area, office, vehicle, or common area. The laptop should be locked in desks, cabinets or other secured spaces and should not be left visible while not in the user’s possession. I may not make any permanent personally identifying marks on the laptop computer. The laptop computer and any other accessories/components will be returned to the proper district authority immediately upon termination of my employment, or at any other time as specifically directed by district authority. (See back of form for computer and accessories replacement cost.) Any data corruption or configuration errors caused by the installation of unauthorized or illegal software may result in a loss of all data on the laptop and /or system due to the need for a complete reload. I am responsible for backing-up all data on the laptop. The district is not liable for lost data. Use of this laptop is governed by the subject to the rules and conditions contained in the Quitman County School District Technology Acceptable Use Policy (and other applicable district policies, rules and guidelines. I understand and agree that I am responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of a unit that is damaged, lost or stolen as a result of my intentional act, neglect, or abuse of the laptop or because of my failure to follow district technology acceptable use policies, including this agreement. I agree to the above terms and conditions as such, agree to fully cooperate with property loss reporting requirements and with property loss incident investigations. My signature below indicates I have thoroughly read and understand the above information. Employee Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: School Representative: _____________________________________________________ Date: (Needed if laptop is accepted by someone other than the issued employee) Technology Director: ___________________________________________________ _____Date: Quitman County Schools Page 38 Quitman County Schools Technology Survey 1 A) I have access to a computer at home. B) I have NO access to a computer at home. If no, do you have access anywhere else? 2 A) I have access to the Internet at home. B) I have NO access to the Internet at home. If no, do you have access somewhere else? 3 A) I have at least 1 email account that I use regularly. B) I have NO email account or don’t use email regularly. 4 A) I sometimes communicate with teachers/students via email. B) I DO NOT communicate with teachers/students via email. 5 A) I have a word processing application at home. B) I have NO word processing application at home. 6 A) I have a spreadsheet application at home. B) I have NO spreadsheet application at home. 7 A) I have a presentation application (like PowerPoint) at home. B) I have NO presentation application (like PowerPoint) at home. 8 A) I have access to and use a scanner. B) I have NO access to and DON'T use a scanner. A Question # Skill No skill Do not know how to use a computer 9 Basic Computer Skills Quitman County Schools B - Introductory Level C - Intermediate Level D - Proficient Level Example skills you can demonstrate Start up and Shut down computer & peripherals Insert & remove CDROMS, floppies, zip disks Start an application Restart a frozen computer Organize the desktop Initialize, format, (re)name, copy files Troubleshoot basic hardware, software and printing problems Check connection cables Access and change control panel settings Perform regular maintenance Organize files and programs Open/work with more than 1 application Install software Connect peripherals Troubleshoot common hardware, software and printing problems Page 39 10 11 12 Do not know how to use any Turn printer on and off Connect printer to computer Print a test page from printer Add or change paper Install printer software Choose a printer from control panels Print a document from computer Reset a printer Troubleshoot paper jams Print multiple copies Preview Print documents Set printing preferences (landscape, portrait, odd & even pages, etc.) Check and replace toner/ink Do not know how to use any word processor Open, Save, Print Type, select, correct text in a document Change font, styles, colors and sizes Use Spell and Grammar Check Copy, Cut, Paste text Create numbered and bulleted lists Create and modify tables Create headers and footers Adjust right, center, left alignment Set bold, italic, underline text Find and replace text Save in other formats Insert or draw graphics and pictures Resize and relocate a graphic Navigate large documents Set and modify font styles Create and modify columns Do not know how to use access and browse the internet Access internet through modem/network Launch and exit a browser Use the browser toolbar (back, home,…) Type in a specific URL Conduct basic searches Click to navigate on links Change window size View history Evaluate site for accuracy /credibility Configure preferences Set a home page Refresh or reload a page Hide, display or configure the tool bar Locate and open local file with browser Copy and paste from web page Download, save and/or open files Maintain and organize bookmarks/favorites Troubleshoot URL address errors Use/manage multiple browser windows Use advanced search features Conduct multiple search strategies Printer Use Word Processing Skills Internet Skills Quitman County Schools Page 40 13 14 15 Do not know how to use any email. Logon and access email account Start up email program, retrieve and read email Save, print and delete email Compose, edit and send email Attach, receive and open attachments Create and use and address book Recognize and use embedded web links Uses Reply and Reply All, & Forward Cut, copy and paste email text Do not know how to use any spreadsheet applications. Use Open, Save, Save As, Print Type, select, correct text in a cell Change font, styles and sizes Use Spell and Grammar Check Copy, Cut, Paste Move text and graphics Format cells for dates, scientific notation, etc Sort by columns Format cell height, width, alignment Create graphs/charts Use Functions Work with multiple sheets and worksheets Set Print Area Mail Merge with a word processor Do not know how to use any presentation software applications. Open, Save, and Save As Print presentation, Insert, edit and delete text Create, move, reorder and delete slides View and Exit Presentation Print multiple slide handouts Insert, resize and relocate graphics Apply design templates Apply slide layouts Change view zoom Apply and change animation effects Apply and change transition effects Use drawing tools Add notes to slides Insert and format tables Email Skills Spreadsheet Skills Presentation Software Skills Quitman County Schools Configure email preferences Manage an address book Create distribution email lists Create folders and save messages in various folders Page 41 16 17 18 19 Do not know how to use any webpage design software. Open, Save, and Save As Edit and format text Preview webpage Create and edit hyperlinks to webpages Publish webpages on internet Insert and format graphics, movies and tables Change background color or picture Create numbered and bulleted lists Insert navigation links within webpage Do not know how to use any scanner Turn scanner on and off Connect scanner to computer Install scanner software Open and close scanner software Scan and save text or graphics Set preferences to scanner software Save in various formats (GIF, JPEG, …) Edit graphic image Use optical character recognition (OCR) software Do not know how to use any digital still camera. Turn camera on and off Take pictures View pictures on camera Replace batteries Print pictures Change zoom Remove and change storage media Navigate through all pictures on camera Link camera to computer Download & view pictures on computer Set preferences such as date, brightness, contrast, effects Do not know how to use any digital video camera. Turn camera on and off Take videos View movie clips on camera Replace batteries Change zoom, Rewind, Forward, Pause and Stop movie clip on camera Remove and change storage media Connect power adapter and cables Link video camera to PC/VCR/TV View movie clips on computer Set preferences such as date, brightness, contrast, effects Webpage Design Software Scanner Use Digital Still Camera Use Digital Video Camera Use Quitman County Schools Edit html code Insert Hit Counters Insert email links Create forms and retrieve form data Page 42 20 Video Editing Software Quitman County Schools Do not know how to use any video editing software Start application Open/Import video clip Preview clip Save to disk Scroll/Arrange clips Basic video/sound edits Apply transitions Render/Export Multiple track edits/cuts Apply special effects/titles Synchronize sound clips Save final cut for camera or web Page 43 Quitman County School District Computer Software Inventory Teacher: ____________ Room No. ___________ Year: _______________ Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Program Name/Producer CDRom Online Copyright Date Grade Level Curriculum Area Installed/ Uninstall - Quitman County Schools Page 44 SOFTWARE APPLICATION Software: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Subject Area: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _________________________ Publisher: _______________________________ Copyright: ________________ Cost: ________________________ (Please circle appropriate response) Target User Group: Operating System/Platform: Students Teachers Non-instructional Administration Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 License Number and Type: Stand Alone Site License Network Instructional Mode: Tutorial Simulation Problem Solving Test/Diagnostic Production Other (Please explain)_______________________________ Hardware requirements: RAM____ Speed____ MHz____ Hard Drive Space_____ Sound Card__Yes__No CD-ROM__Yes__No Mouse__Yes__No Graphics Requirements______ Speakers/Headphones__Yes__No Other Please explain) General comments about software: Quitman County Schools Page 45 Software Evaluation Criteria Should be aligned with state standards and reflect current research in the particular content areas. Should emphasize conceptual understanding and critical thinking. Should reflect an understanding of the cognitive needs and capabilities of the intended learner. Should be compelling, user friendly, highly interactive, and employ the power of the computer to create a learning environment that is different from worksheets or other similar materials. Should offer problems that challenge a wide range of age and ability levels, and have multiple solutions so everyone can succeed.