GA Online Assessment System (OAS)

GA Online Assessment System (OAS)
“Our mission for the OAS is to provide school districts, classroom teachers, students, and parents
support for classroom instruction and student learning. Through this site, educators have access to
test items aligned to the state mandated curriculum in order to develop assessments that can inform
teaching and improve student learning.”
– GA OAS Site Homepage
OAS for Administrators
The OAS has a System Level (Level 3) access designed for district benchmarking. System
Level access allows district administrators to create tests using items that are in a separate
pool than those available to teachers and can be assigned to an entire district by grade level.
There are additional reports for system tests that are aggregated by student, teacher,
building, and district level. By assigning district-wide assessments, all teachers and
administrators can share common reports and dialogue on instructional strategies with data
that is scaffolded across all levels of administration.
OAS for Teachers
Teachers can use the OAS as a tool for Assessment for Learning. Student results on
assessments help teachers identify learner needs and strengths and inform instructional
practices. Robust reports also allow teachers to communicate with students and parents about
learner goals, intentions, and outcomes. The OAS helps with a cycle of assessments,
instruction, feedback, and communication that allows teachers, students, and parents to be
confident with instructional success.
OAS for Students
The OAS enables students in Georgia's public schools to access tests that consist of the same
kinds of questions as appear on the state's assessments in Reading, English/Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies in the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests
(CRCT), the End of Course Tests (EOCT), and the Georgia High School Graduation Tests
(GHSGT). After taking an assessment, students can view reports aligned to the state
curriculum that show instructional strengths and needs.
OAS for Parents
Parents can access reports from tests their children have taken by logging in as the student
and viewing reports. Also, parents are informed when teachers share reports on their child's
success on assessments. Reports are all aligned to the state standards so success on these
assessments shows ability on the state curriculum.
GA Benchmark Tests
The comprehensive benchmarks have been created for combined Reading/English language
arts and math grades 1-8 and science grades 3-8. The benchmarks contain items from all
domains and the items sample all GPS curriculum standards at a specific grade level/content
area. The imperative characteristic of the assessments deal with their format; specifications
of the benchmarks approximate the specifications of the actual end-of-year-summative
assessment. Therefore, students who participate in the benchmarks have an opportunity to
familiarize themselves with the format of the CRCT. Additionally, a benchmarks is available
for each of the EOCT courses including Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Physical Science, and a
combined assessment for 9th Grade Literature and American Literature.
GA Frameworks Tests
Framework tests have been created for grades sixth, seventh, and eighth grade in
Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. The framework tests are designed to
follow the scope and sequence of the State Learning Frameworks for the first two twelve week
intervals. This will allow schools and systems to assess students following the curriculum for
which students have received instruction. The Math I Mid Course Formative Assessment
follows the first 3 units in Math I.
GA Technology Competency Tests
The 8th Grade Technology Literacy Tests are available as a free resource to fulfill the NCLB
requirement to report 8th grade tech literacy.
OAS Writing Prompts
(See FAQs page)
(Utilize Level 2 and 3 items)
(See Reports handout)
GA Online Assessment System (OAS)
How do I access reports on Level 3 tests?
Teachers and administrators can access reports on the Reports Tab by clicking on System Level Tests.
How will the information from elementary, middle, and high school benchmarks inform
The items used in the benchmark assessments are aligned to the new state curriculum at the
standard/element level. Since the benchmarks are summative, the first benchmark assessment should
serve as a pretest and be a diagnostic assessment which will help teachers identify areas of strengths
and areas that need to be addressed more heavily. In other words, the benchmark results should
inform instruction in the classroom. The second benchmark (Oct.) will serve as a checkpoint for
teachers to identify standards mastered and those that may need to be re-taught. For elementary and
most middle schools, the third benchmark (Dec.) will provide additional diagnostic information for
teachers to remediate or enhance instruction. For high schools and some middle schools, this
benchmark assessment will provide summative information for the semester (or end-of-course for
those high schools on block schedule), as well as, serve as a pretest for the 2nd semester for those
not on the block schedule. The fourth benchmark (Feb/March) will provide valuable data prior to the
"high stakes" tests to be administered in the spring.
What are the writing topics that are available through the OAS for student writing practice?
5104 Grade 5 Persuasive Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
5217 Grade 5 Information Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
5310 Grade 5 Narrative Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
8114 Grade 8 Persuasive Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
8119 Grade 8 Persuasive Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
8219 Grade 8 Expository Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
85116 Grade 8 Expository Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
85210 Grade 8 Expository Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
85306 Grade 8 Expository Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
GHSWT1211 High School Writing Topic, Sample Papers and Annotations
What GA DOE Tests are available as of 9/22/09
GA DOE Benchmark Tests
1st Grade Math, Reading/ELA
2nd Grade Math, Reading/ELA
3rd Grade Math, Reading/ELA, Science
4th Grade Math, Reading/ELA, Science
5th Grade Math, Reading/ELA, Science
6th Grade Math, Reading/ELA, Science
7th Grade Math, Reading/ELA, Science
8th Grade Math, Reading/ELA, Science
HS Benchmark/EOCT Tests
9th and American Literature
Physical Science
GA Math I Formative Assessments Units 1-3 (Diagnostic Only)