Student Technology Fee Committee Objectives for Completion in FY14 New Services OBJECTIVE Collaborative learning areas (see Student Study Areas and Academic Computing Center) Citrix deployment Work to include more and latest apps for all students (must include MS suite and Forefront AntiVirus) Work with different colleges and departments to include additional software available (specific for some groups to limit licensing) to be available on the Citrix server Ensure availability on all devices Increase and improve helpdesk support (see WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Redesign team has met to work on the initial space design for the ACC remodel. We anticipate the first round starting later this summer. We have been updating and redesigning many different classrooms in partnerships with the colleges. Testing and redesigning tables in collaborative spaces to be the most impactful to the learning process. Testing new styles of computers that laydown and move out of the way to make collaborative computer labs. Designing a classroom to allow students to work collaboratively group to group with 7700 France. Updating approximately 80 classrooms with newer and updated equipment. SPSS has been added and other software packages are being considered Geography is testing software applications and Construction Management is testing AutoDesk AutoCAD suite on the Citrix environment.. Servers will need to be added to improve performance as student usage is increasing. (Late Spring – Early Summer Purchase) (See Helpdesk Support area below) Helpdesk Support**) Computer locator Provide a touch screen computer in the entrance to the library where students can view where available computers are in the library. If successful, expand this to other places on campus Post Online Bring to mobile technology subcommittee for review for possible integration Michael – pending Monthly newsletter (see improve marketing) ITS has created a “Communications Hub”, which is working to create a comprehensive communications plan for ITS to improve communications with all campus constituents: students, faculty, and staff. Rather than creating another newsletter (which we fear would become junk email), this group is reaching out to existing communications mechanisms on campus to “borrow” real-estate. This will include correspondence in the Academic Affairs newsletter, MSSA correspondence, Collegiate-level correspondence, the IFO newsletter, and other areas Have a virtual tour of our campus Have a device that can be used – have a “You are here and this is how you get to where you are going” app Create a one stop shop for all events to be posted on campus Completed. We produced the campus virtual tour in partnership with the admissions office. It will be on the campus kiosks, as well as in MavTUBE at myMNSU iPhone and Android apps: Maps modules currently allow users to “Show my location” on campus building map; both apps being updated for GPS directions in next version. Way-finding Kiosks are being installed near Einstein Bagels and CSU front entrance using Four Winds technology. Ted working with University Scheduling to get access to EMS data for new/expanded campus calendar 1 **Helpdesk Support OBJECTIVE Have student workers put on short seminars/classes to campus community on how to use specific software and features (eg outlook calendar, excel functions, SPSS, smartboards, etc._ Provide basic help to most electronic devices Rotate student help throughout ITS help,COB help and ACC Focus on a training atmosphere Continue assessment on all services that are offered to students to determine if they are still needed or changed to make better and resource new services that are needed WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) We have created a specific orientation and “getting started” guide aimed at students and faculty, which are posted on our YouTube channels and on MavTUBE. Additionally, we developed extensive training materials to help students transition their StarIDs. We are also creating specific training materials for specific courses in several Colleges, such as the College of Education and the College of Business Support currently provided to all students in connecting to services provided by IT with their compatible devices. Fee-based services available for advanced software and hardware troubleshooting and resolution We’ve met with student technology directors to come up with a schedule for cross training for all the student faculty to backfill positions and to be more versatile in assisting/serving faculty, staff and the student body We have worked hard to create a more robust training environment for students. This year we re-invested in Microsoft Academy, and we are transitioning from Atomic Learning to a much more robust tool,, which we believe will serve students much better. We are working on updating the ACC to have a more student-centered focus. Annual period survey continues to be conducted. Post-transactional surveys initiated Fall 2013 to assess customer satisfaction with individual incidents. ITS is meeting with Colleges to gather feedback from faculty on support issues and prioritization Improve the marketing and communication of IT initiatives, service and tools OBJECTIVE WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Create a monthly newsletter or listserv to subscribe to include sections for students and faculty. Include cool feature to use, upcoming events, resources available, suggestion box for student ideas for technology, MNSU portal & toolbar, ect (think Tech Fair items.) Also include new technologies, computer and software updates, callouts for “dead zones”, or any other current issues. Store each month’s information for public access ITS has created a “Communications Hub”, which is working to create a comprehensive communications plan for ITS to improve communications with all campus constituents: students, faculty, and staff. Rather than creating another newsletter (which we fear would become junk email), this group is reaching out to existing communications mechanisms on campus to “borrow” real-estate. This will include correspondence in the Academic Affairs newsletter, MSSA correspondence, Collegiate-level correspondence, the IFO newsletter, and other areas. Don’t always know what services are available – better market ourselves (ITS) – Have ITS new technology in college and department newsletters ITS underwent an appreciable update to our web site, including posting the ITS Services Catalog on the ITS publicly. Our Communications Hub is working on integrating into the College and departmental newsletters and other localized communications strategies. Promote online learning tools (Smartthinking tutoring, MS certification, Atomic learning, etc.) Promote the Campus Computer Store We have updated Atomic Learning to a new and better platform with better resources, A major campaign to rollout this service is underway, and will be officially launched as part of the 2014 Technology Fair. We will also be working to increase participation in Microsoft Academy. Campus Computer Store has recently updated signage in the CSU and will continue participating in student orientations, student and employee resource fairs, and advertise in campus publications. Update online events page & post to social media sites (see above note in New Services section about EMS integration) Many events and activities are communicated through MavSYNC. Publicize and strongly recommend technology training for faculty and staff in academic technologies We have 4 staff members that are scheduled for additional training in academic technology currently. We’ve also in the process of putting together student worker training at the end of the semester.ichael Provide information about MSU Technology and IT Initiatives for all students Continue “Love your computer 2 week”/”Tech Fair” to educate the campus about technology and safe computer use in forums such as FYE, international, transfer and graduation orientations, open houses, information tables in CSU etc. Improve the impact of teaching students (and their parents) the technology resources on campus – at orientations Maintain and update ITS website, handouts and brochures Information about labs to faculty Define faculty procedure for upgrading/requesting new software Send out message to faculty to get feedback early enough We have partnered with the Admissions office and FYE to promote our “Getting Started with Technology at MSU” videos on our YouTube and MavTUBE channels. We are hosting two Technology Fairs this year, with some tables being represented by students who are using technology in innovative ways themselves. Computer safety and awareness training has begun and there are 4 sessions schedule for March on Identity theft, social media stalking, frauds and scams, and man-in-the-middle attacks by our ITS Security Manager. The IT Service Desk and Campus Computer Store continue to partner in delivering orientation session presentations for both students and parents. The ITS web site has undergone an appreciable upgrade, and is now substantially more useable and easy to navigate. The Communications Hub is working to create a range of print collateral, including brochures, bookmarks, and other items. Michael - Pending We have a method in place where we send out a communication to all the deans at the beginning of the semester for their departments to send in their requests with enough lead time for us to test and deploy the software. However; the process breaks down because the letter is sometimes viewed as “spam” and disregarded. We are exploring new was of formatting the letters so there not so easily disregarded as well as other methods to request the data. Academic Computer Center Remodel ACC: Group collaboration areas, OBJECTIVE latest technology study areas*, availability of stairs, advertisement for student help when student have questions, add COB printer for COB minors, better layout in WH 118 & 119 Continue funding of the ACC and Specialized Satellite Labs, look at additional features that would enhance the student experience within the general lab environment Continue the comprehensive machine cycle to keep technology movement between labs and other student areas up-to-date Look at extending Specialized Satellite Labs coverage to additional areas, such as engineering and graphic design labs, with tier equipment. myMNSU Portal & Toolbar OBJECTIVE WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) See new services > Citrix Continue to move campus resources to the portal Promote capabilities to students/staff Continue to improve search results on MNSU website Complete recabling and replacement of network switches was completed winter break 2013-2014 to improve speed and reliability of networking in the ACC. COB has moved away from COB-only printers and is now using standard MavPRINT printing Complete replacement of network cabling and switches has improved network speed and reliability We are currently testing new thin client and solid state technologies for deployment this summer. The goal is to have realizes cost savings via price reductions in hardware and maintenance costs as well as energy savings. Extension of specialized labs moving forward will require SLA with departments outlining support expectations, training, and equipment replacement financing. WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) In discussion with student senators about revision of Current Students page which will become a pointer to myMNSU portal Transitioned all web search to Google API in December; results are significantly deeper and faster. 3 Network Infrastructure OBJECTIVE WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Improve login time for campus computers. (HIGH PRIORITY) Student computers are now being ordered with SSD hard drives to reduce login time and speed updates. Examine electrical power needs in classrooms (WH, PA, Edina, and others) Michael Examine power needs throughout campus for charging stations for all devices Working with facilities on adding locations. Trouble getting approval for specific fixtures. Increase the amount of space for e-mail accounts Student e-mail on Office 365 provides 50 GB storage! Continue to increase network bandwidthfor Internet and Internet 2 access New firewalls provided by MnSCU with 10 Gbps interfaces (up from 1Gbps) and awaiting a router from the MN.IT with 10 Gbps interfaces. Investigate external revenue streams (MnSCU email hosting, etc.) Working with MnSCU on an idea to co-host MnSCU campus servers at MSU. MSU can accommodate about 20 racks of equipment. Increase security and performance of networking infrastructure including wireless technology. Blank or dead spots still remain. Perhaps provide mechanism to report such dead spots for faculty, students and employees (marketing) Investigate a provide better cell phone reception service Work was done with Sprint to improve campus coverage and improve data speeds. Julia Sears will have 4G LTE added to the cellular distributed antenna system spring 2014. Soon after, Preska Hall will have a DAS installed. Working with Verizon on plans to expand the DAS to other resident halls and academic building. Provide “e-mail for life” Provide better controls and monitoring systems to protect student computers from viruses, worms, spam and hacking Symantec was replaced with Microsoft Endpoint Protection September 2013. Improve login time for campus computers By moving to a thin client solution this will be addressed. Core Technology Services OBJECTIVE Wireless network was upgraded during winter break. Firewalls will be replaced spring 2014. 72 wireless access points have been added to improve coverage and 70 will be installed during spring semester to improve roaming capabilities. Currently, the area that needs critical improvement is the CSU east side. Improve experience for guest login capabilities for network and computers. Investigate StarID authentication to allow visiting students to use campus resources. – Ensure this is a kind and easy transition for our users Continue to improve MavDISK and enhance capabilities for students Continue to work towards a paperless campus Encourage students and faculty to reduce printing and use alternatives to printing Continue to explore the outsourcing of campus email services e.g. office360, Continue to provide reliable MavMAIL services and enhance capabilities for students Investigate increasing general MavMAILspace or backup e-mail space Continue to add new technologies at the Campus Computer Store Mobile Technology DIRECTIVE Continue the Mobile Taskforce This has been provided for students since 2008. WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) MavGUEST has been added to guest areas of campus full time. StarID migration December 19th. Integration with System-wide StarID spring 2014. Evaluation of providing cloud file storage and sharing services is being done Student printing is falling 10% so far for FY14. Students are fully moved to Office 365 and upgraded to Wave15. Currently working on feasibility of moving campus file storage to OneDrive. MavMAIL for students has been replaced with Office 365. Upgrade was performed November 20th. New enhancements and functionality will be rolled out regularly by Microsoft. Students are provided 50 GB of space through Office 365. The Campus Computer Store works with hardware and software vendors to continually offer the most current technology to students and employees at reduced academic pricing. WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) The previous mobile taskforce goals are currently guiding web and app projects, including the new responsive homepage framework, the upcoming responsive template for the remaining public web pages, 4 and extending features and functions on the next versions of the iOS and Android apps. Capability of Citrix Add new technologies and improve capabilities to the myMNSU application Student Study Areas OBJECTIVE Continue installing power and mobile communications support Continue to improve MavPRINT Continue designing space to improve both collaboration for group study and comfort for individual study Possible areas for improvement Armstrong Hall Minnesota room in the library (2nd floor) Ford Hall of Outside the Greek office on the 1st floor the CSU – needs more power/outlets By the main entrance of CSU by the grand piano needs more power/outlets MH Crossroads students would liketo be involved on this remodeling WC Eliminate old or out-of-date technologies OBJECTIVE Create a system for ridding support for systems that are not or hardly utilized Classroom Technology OBJECTIVE Office 2013 applications have been added to Citrix as well as SPSS and a pilot is beginning which will add Geography applications and Construction Management programs to Citrix for distance learning and use outside of a computer lab. See mobile taskforce notes. WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Focus for FY14 is wireless coverage, speed and stability/reliability. MavPRINT Mobile Printing ready October 1st. Rolling out March 1st when communication is ready. Additional printers have been added in Crawford, McElroy and this spring at Stadium Heights will have a MavPRINT location. Ongoing space evaluations. The crossroads has been redesigned using the student initiated designs from their leadership groups in the COB. WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Working on criteria and procedure for retiring systems. WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Continue equipping classrooms and labswith devices that enhance instruction, student learning, and the development of technology skills We are currently testing new thin client and solid state technologies for deployment this summer. The goal is to have realizes cost savings via price reductions in hardware and maintenance costs as well as energy savings. Continue integrating emerging instructional technologies into the curriculum Jude Provide adequate resources for the ongoing services and support necessary to sustain reliable classroom operations Continue to provide fair distribution of technology throughout campus and departments We are currently testing new thin client and solid state technologies for deployment this summer. The goal is to have realizes cost savings via price reductions in hardware and maintenance costs as well as energy savings. We are currently testing new thin client and solid state technologies for deployment this summer. The goal is to have realizes cost savings via price reductions in hardware and maintenance costs as well as energy savings. Expanded support and service of CSU presentation systems TelePresence system Note CSU should continue to pay for their own technology and not use Tech Fee We are working with university scheduling developers and the registrars office to come up with a customized solution for Telepresnce scheduling as well as bringing on additional resources for short term expansion and maintenance issues. Maintain a consistent maintenance and replacement cycle for classroom multimedia We are currently going thru the budget for classroom multimedia presentation equipment and looking at long-term equipment life cycling 5 presentation equipment Instructional Management Software (IMS) OBJECTIVE for better us of current technology. WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Assist faculty, graduate TAs and graduate and undergraduate students in the use of the instructional management system (Desire2Learn). We developed the Quality Matters template, which has been applied to over 60 course sites in D2L, to improve the structure of a D2L course site. We have hosted two certificate programs, the CEOTL and a certificate in flipped instruction, with the CETL. More than 50 faculty have participated, and we emphasize the need to apply the ideas that we discuss. We have created a series that we call “The Basics” ( which is designed to help new faculty get started effectively with technology in their teaching at MSU. We host regular “drop-in” hours in the Faculty Resource Center in the basement of Memorial Library, which is well-attended and helps faculty solve specific issues Support instructional designers on campus to the benefit of students Our instructional design team has logged more than 200 faculty consultations since the beginning of AY 2013-2014. We have hosted two certificate programs, the CEOTL and a certificate in flipped instruction, with the CETL. More than 50 faculty have participated, and we emphasize the need to apply the ideas that we discuss. We are currently piloting a program called iSALT, the Institute for the Scholarship of Assessment, Learning, and Teaching, which is designed to help faculty evaluate innovations in their classes and improve the learning experience for students. We obtained a Gates Foundation Grant which allowed us to develop a tool called MavCLASS, a Learning Analytics program that has demonstrated interesting results in helping students with learning and motivation. Feedback Initiatives OBJECTIVE WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Provide student technology fee “report card” once in fall and once in spring No report card was provided in the fall. “Suggestion Box” initiatives (see monthly newsletter) In conversation with Chris Collins on defining requirements for best suggestion box feature and functionality. Support for the Distance Learner OBJCTIVE WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) Provide non-campus based students with technology and support to meet their needs not covered by existing services as demand requires. (i.e. Citrix/MavAPPS) Use of technology for advising services including 7700 France MavAPPS use continues to grow. Microsoft Campus License agreement provides Microsoft Office and Windows at no charge to students. TelePresence has been refined to use Jabber capabilities to students. GoTo Meeting is being piloted to provide a better web meeting experience. TelePresence endpoints are available in Edina for student help and advising. Increase computer support for 7700 France via technology such as videophones A full-time IT Customer Service staff member is based in Edina. Walk-in Support: Expand helpdesk hours (i.e., to cover 7700 France Saturday courses) Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM - 8:30 PM Friday: 7:30 AM - 6:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM Phone and E-mail Support: Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM 6 Printers at 7700 France and how – to Continued support for Library computing DIRECTIVE Provide ongoing commitment for technology checkout to students. Increase the number of laptops available for checkout Provide presentation clickers for checkout Look into other technology available (such as chargers for various devices) for checkout Partner with Library from “Big Idea” funding to add latest technology study areas* in Memorial Library. Routing of Minnesota State Mankato library material to 7700 France campus Increase e-books, textbooks, and online documentation and support for associated readers (possible inclusion of InterLibraryLoan) Friday: 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday: 11:30 AM - 4:00 PM Instructions for printing to all MavPRINT printers available at WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST YEAR (OR SOON TO BE DONE) ITS continued to pay for replacement laptop computers to be used in the ERC checkout program. ChimeIN is being offered as an alternative to physical clickers. New areas on 1st floor have been created by the library. The Library provides home delivery of materials to any student who lives more than 30 miles from Mankato. Materials can be returned at Edina or to Mankato. Library services for distance students The library continues to add large numbers of ebooks to our collection. Last year we added almost 20,000 ebooks and we now have more than 95,000 available Inter-library loan is available to anyone using a web browser and materials can be sent out when requested. **Definition of “latest technology study areas” o More outlets (campus computer store idea) o Outlets available with USB connectors o Easy to hook up stations for various devices to full screen and/or dual monitors Place next to outlets so these devices may be changed o Large work stations for students (where applicable) – desk space to spread out 7