Ch. 14: Chemical Equilibrium

Ch. 14: Chemical Equilibrium
Dr. Namphol Sinkaset
Chem 201: General Chemistry II
I. Chapter Outline
The Equilibrium Constant (K)
Values of Equilibrium Constants
The Reaction Quotient (Q)
Equilibrium Problems
Le Châtelier’s Principle
I. Introduction
• Equilibrium will be the focus for the next
several chapters.
• Most reactions are reversible, meaning
they can proceed in both forward and
reverse directions.
• This means that as products build up,
they will react and reform reactants.
• At equilibrium, the forward and
backward reaction rates are equal.
I. Example Equilibrium
II. Equilibrium Concentrations
• Equilibrium does not mean that
concentrations are all equal!!
• However, we can quantify concentrations
at equilibrium.
• Every equilibrium has its own equilibrium
II. The Equilibrium Constant
• equilibrium constant: the ratio at
equilibrium of the [ ]’s of products raised
to their stoichiometric coefficients
divided by the [ ]’s of reactants raised to
their stoichiometric coefficients.
• The relationship between a balanced
equation and equilibrium constant
expression is the law of mass action.
II. The Equilibrium Constant
• For a general equilibrium aA + bB  cC + dD,
the equilibrium expression is:
II. Sample “Problem”
• Write the equilibrium constant
expression for the reaction:
2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g).
II. Physical Meaning of K
• Large values of K mean that the
equilibrium favors products, i.e. there
are high [ ]’s of products and low [ ]’s of
reactants at equilibrium.
• Small values of K mean that the
equilibrium favors reactants, i.e. there
are low [ ]’s of products and high [ ]’s of
reactants at equilibrium.
II. Rules for Manipulating K
• If the equation is reversed, the equilibrium
constant is inverted.
II. Rules for Manipulating K
• If the equation is multiplied by a factor, the
equilibrium constant is raised to the same
II. Rules for Manipulating K
• When chemical
equations are
added, their
constants are
multiplied together
to get the overall
II. Sample Problem
• Predict the equilibrium constant for the
first reaction given the equilibrium
constants for the second and third
CO2(g) + 3H2(g)  CH3OH(g) + H2O(g)
CO(g) + H2O(g)  CO2(g) + H2(g)
CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH(g)
K1 = ?
K2 = 1.0 x 105
K3 = 1.4 x 107
II. K in Terms of Pressure
• Up to this point, we’ve been using
concentration exclusively in the
equilibrium expressions.
• Partial pressures are proportional to
concentration via PV = nRT.
• Thus, for gas reactions, partial
pressures can be used in place of
II. Two Different K’s
• For the reaction 2SO3(g)  2SO2(g) + O2(g),
we can write two equilibrium expressions.
II. Relationship Between
Concentration and Pressure
• To be able to
convert between Kc
and Kp, we need a
relationship between
concentration and
II. Converting Between Kc and Kp
II. Converting Between Kc and Kp
• The Δn is the change in the number of moles
of gas when going from reactants to products.
• When does Kp equal Kc?
II. Sample Problem
• Methanol can be synthesized via the
reaction CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH(g). If
Kp of this reaction equals 3.8 x 10-2 at
200 °C, what’s the value of Kc?
II. Heterogeneous Equilibria
• If an equilibrium contains pure solids or pure
liquids, they are not included in the
equilibrium constant expression.
III. Values of K
• Values of K are most easily calculated by
allowing a system to come to equilibrium
and measuring [ ]’s of the components.
• For the equilibrium H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g),
let’s say equilibrium [ ]’s at 445 °C were
found to be 0.11 M, 0.11 M, and 0.78 M
for molecular hydrogen, molecular iodine,
and hydrogen iodide, respectively.
III. Kc for a H2/I2 Mixture
• Note that units are
not included when
calculating K’s.
• Thus, equilibrium
constants are
III. Equilibrium [ ]’s Vs. K
• For any reaction, the equilibrium [ ]’s will
depend on the initial [ ]’s of reactants or
• However, no matter how you set up the
reaction, the value of the equilibrium
constant will be the same if the
temperature is the same.
III. Equilibrium [ ]’s Vs. K
IV. The Reaction Quotient
• What happens when we mix reactants
together and wait?
• Can we predict what will happen when
we have a mixture of reactants and
• The reaction quotient, Qc or Qp, is used
to predict in which direction an
equilibrium will move.
IV. Formula for Qc or Qp
• You already know the formula because it’s
the same as for Kc or Kp!!
• The difference is, we don’t know if the
reaction is at equilibrium, thus, we cannot set
the ratio equal to K!
• For the reaction aA + bB  cC + dD:
IV. Using Q
• The value of Q relative to K tells you
whether the reaction will form more
products or more reactants to reach
 Q < K means reaction forms products.
 Q > K means reaction form reactants.
 Q = K means reaction is at equilibrium.
IV. Sample Problem
• Consider the reaction N2O4(g)  2NO2(g)
with Kc = 5.85 x 10-3. If a reaction mixture
contains [NO2] = 0.0255 M and [N2O4] =
0.0331 M, which way will the reaction