Online Article Databases (Used to find articles. From the Library's

Anatomy and Physiology
LSC - Montgomery Library
3200 College Park Dr. Bldg. F
Conroe, TX 77384
NOTE: These lists are representative, not comprehensive.
General Reference Books (Cannot be checked out; located in the reference collection)
REF Q 141 .C128 1996
The Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists (biographies)
REF QH 302.5 .A2313 1996
Concise Encyclopedia: Biology
REF QH 332 .E52 1995
Encyclopedia of Bioethics
REF QH 302.5 .F38 1999
The Facts on File Dictionary of Biology
REF RC 41 .G35 1999
The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
REF QM 23.2 .G73 2005
Gray’s Anatomy
REF Q 141 .L36 1994
Larousse Dictionary of Scientists: A Biographical Resource
REF Q 123 .M34 1994
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms
REF Q 121 .M3 2002
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology
REF QH 26 .N68 1996
Notable Women in the Life Sciences: A Biographical Dictionary
Anatomy & Physiology Reference Books (Cannot be checked out; located in the reference collection)
REF QM 23.2 .G7 1995
Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical (Gray’s Anatomy)
REF QM 25 .T748 2004
Architecture and Design of Man and Woman
REF QM 25 .N46 2003
Atlas of Human Anatomy
REF QM 25 .S74 1998
Atlas of the Visible Human Male
REF QM 25 .N472
The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations (7 volumes)
REF QM 25 .R55 1998
Color Atlas of Anatomy
REF QM 557 .B425 2003
Color Atlas of Basic Histology
REF QP 38 .H7933 1995
The Human Body
REF QP 34.5 S 682 2003
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
REF QM 25 .M23 1998
McMinn’s Color Atlas of Human Anatomy
REF QM 7 .O96 2001
The Oxford Companion to The Body
REF QP 303 .K3613 1982
The Physiology of the Joints
REF QP 34.5 .T5 2004
Structure and Function of the Body
REF QP 11 .W67 2002
World of Anatomy and Physiology (2 volumes)
Circulating Books (Can be checked out; located in the circulating collection)
QP 303 .P25 2006
Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function
QP 34.5 .S4 1998
Anatomy & Physiology
QM 31 .F33 2006
Anatomy at a Glance
QP 34.5 .F66 2004
Body Structures & Functions
QM 23.2 .S64 2007
Clinical Anatomy by Systems
QM 23.2 .M67 2006
Clinically Oriented Anatomy
QD 415 .A25 B713 1997
Concise Encyclopedia of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Affirmative Action/EEO College
bkg 4/27/07
QP 34.5 .R55 2006
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
QP 34.5 .M265 2004
Human Anatomy and Physiology
QP 34.5 .M265 2004
The Human Body in Health and Illness
QP 34.5 .T36 2002
QH 585.2 .M38 1998
The Human Body Made Simple: A Guide to Anatomy, Physiology, and
Introduction to Cell and Tissue Culture: Theory and Technique
QM 25 .W48 1999
Know Your Body: The Atlas of Anatomy
KF 3821 .M46 2001
Law and Bioethics
Q 141 .B777 1998
On Giants’ Shoulders: Great Scientists and Their Discoveries: From
Archimedes to DNA
QM 151 .D454 2006
Strength Training Anatomy
QP 36 .M54 2000
The Structure & Function of the Human Body
QP 301 .W34 1999
Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System
RB 43.7 .W47 1998
Your Future Self: A Journey to the Frontiers of Molecular Medicine
Journals (Arranged on the shelves alphabetically by title)
American Scientist
Nature Genetics
New Scientist
Science News
The Quarterly Review of Biology
Scientific American
Online Article Databases (Used to find articles. From the Library’s Web page, click “Article Databases” Then
scroll down to “Databases by Title” and search for the following databases:
Academic Search Complete
Health Reference Center Academic
Proquest Research Library
Health Source: Nursing/Academic
Health and Wellness Resource Center
QM 549 .A54 2000
Anatomy: the Ankle and Foot
QM 548 .A54 1999
Anatomy: the Hand
QM 549 .A53 1999
Anatomy: the Knee
QM 548 .A53 1999
Anatomy: the Shoulder
QP 38 .A734 2004
Architecture and Design of Man and Woman
QM 26 .B33 2003
BBC Anatomy Video Library
QP 34.5 .H8699 2004
The Human Body Systems at Work
QP 34.5 .N4955 2004
The New Living Body
QP 38 .U47 2001
The Ultimate Guide to the Human Body
QM 25 .V533 1996
Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
Affirmative Action/EEO College
BKG/dec update