Vector day 3

Football video link
Go over Homework
 Phet Labs--vectors
 Finish Vector worksheet
 Test corrections are due
 Quiz on Vectors next class
LT: I can apply the components of
vectors to resolve vectors and I can
resolve vectors into their components.
Tail to tip method
 Parallelogram method
Study for quiz on Vectors
 Projectile Motion: Read through pg 58-61
and take notes, especially concentrate
on the problem solving box on pg. 60.
Then in your notebook work through
example 3-5 across from your notes and
write any questions you have. There will
be a quiz next time on the concepts
from Vectors
Test corrections
 Lifeline
Can two vectors of unequal magnitude add up to
give a zero vector? Can three? Explain
Two vectors of unequal magnitude can never add to
give the zero vector. The only way that two vectors can
add up to give the zero vector is if they have the same
magnitude and point in exactly opposite directions.
However, three vectors of unequal magnitude can add
to give the zero vector. As a one-dimensional example,
a vector 10 units long in the positive x direction added
to two vectors of 4 and 6 units each in the negative x
direction will result in the zero vector. In two dimensions,
if their sum using the tail-to-tip method gives a closed
triangle, then the vector sum will be zero.