Dynamic Daily Surgery Scheduling Xiaolan XIE Department of Healthcare Engineering Centre for Healthcare Engineering Centre for Health Engineering Dept. Industrial Engr. & Management Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, France Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China xie@emse.fr xie@sjtu.edu.cn Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital Top 1 hospital in Shanghai +12000 outpatient visits / day An integrated operating theatre of 21 OR and a second one under construction 60-70 elective surgery interventions + 10 emergency surgeries / day -2- Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital No integrated surgery planning but each surgery speciality is given an amount of total OR time Each speciality decides the surgeries to perform the next day The operating theatre (OT) is responsible for daily OR assignment and the OR program execution. -3- Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital Special features of the Ruijin Hospital Queue of elective patients never empty Availability of patients to be operated in short notice Availability of surgeons to operate each day Large variety of surgeons : top surgeons, senior surgeons, ordinary surgeons Strong demand to operate at the OT opening in the morning to avoid endless waiting Strong concern of OT personal overtime -4- Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital Issues addressed Promising surgery starting times to meet surgeon's demand for reliable surgery starting Surgery scheduling/rescheduling to balance between the number of OR team working overtime and the total overtime -5- Related work Static scheduling for a single OR Surgeon appointment scheduling (AS): Two surgeries: AS solved by a newsvendor model (Weiss, 1990) A fixed sequence of surgeries: stochastic linear program solved by SAA and L-shape algo to determine the allowance of each surgery, or equivalently, the arrival time (Denton 2003). Others: discrete appointment (Begen et al, 2011), robust appointment (Kong et al, 2011) Sequence scheduling: The problem is to jointly determine the position and arrival time of each surgery (Denton 2007; Mancilla 2012). -6- Related work Dynamic scheduling for a single OR Arrival scheduling: The demand of surgeries is uncertain, surgeries are processed as FCFS rule. The problem is to dynamically determine the arrival time upon each application(Erdogan 2011). Sequence scheduling: The demand of surgeries is also uncertain. The problem is to jointly determine the position and arrival time of each surgery upon each application (Erdogan 2012). • S. Erdogan and B. Denton, "Dynamic Appointment Scheduling of a Stochastic Server with Uncertain Demand," INFORMS Journal on Computing, pp. 1-17, 2011. • S, Erdogan, A. Gose and B. Denton “On-line Appointment Sequencing and Scheduling”, working paper, Stanford. -7- Our focus Multi-OR setting -8- Our focus Single-OR A1 A2 Multi-OR setting A 3 An No OR assignment Multi-OR A1/A2 A3 A4 An Dynamic OR assignment -9- Our focus Two raised problems: • Determining surgeon arrival times by taking into account OR capacities and random surgery durations. • Dynamic surgeon-to-OR assignment of during the course of a day as surgeries progress by taking into account planned surgeon arrival times. - 10 - Assumptions of our work Assumption 1: Emergency surgeries are assigned to dedicated ORs and hence neglected. Assumption 2: ORs are all identical and each surgery intervention can be assigned to any OR. Assumption 3: Each surgeon has at most one surgery intervention each day. Assumption 4(Starting time planning or proactive problem): At the end of each day, each surgeon of the next day is given a promised surgery starting time or surgeon arrival time. Assumption 5: Surgeons not available before the promised times. Assumption 6(Dynamic sugery assignment or scheduling): During the course of the day, at the completion of any surgery, a new surgery is selected as the next surgery on the OR. - 11 - Dilemma of promising surgery starting time Promise too early surgeon waiting Surgery 1 Surgery 2 promised start of surgeon 2 Promise too late Surgery 1 Surgery 2 OR idle OR overtime promised start of surgeon 2 Easy if known OR time but OR times are uncerain - 12 - Data J set of surgery interventions or surgeons N number of identical ORs T length of OR session pi(w) random OR time of surgery i in scenario w bi unit time waiting cost of surgeon i c1 unit OR idle time cost c2 unit OR overtime cost - 13 - Dynamic Surgery Assignment of Multiple Operating Rooms with Planned Surgeon Arrival Times Zheng Zhang, Xiaolan Xie, Na Geng In IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering - 14 - Plan Promising surgery starting times Real time OR assignment strategies Some numerical results Conclusion and perspective - 15 - Decision variables si promised surgery starting time of surgeon i xir = 1/0 assignment of surgery i to OR r yij = 1 if surgery i precedes j in the same OR = 0 if not Auxilliary random variables Cir(w) completion time of surgery i on OR r Ir(w) idle time of OR r Or(w) overtime of OR r Wi(w) waiting time of surgeon i - 16 - Model for promising surgery starting times OR idle cost OR overtime cost surgeon waiting cost min Ew{c1 ∑r Ir(w) + c2 ∑r Or(w) + ∑i biIi(w)} Assign each surgery to an OR ∑r xir = 1 Relation between assignment & sequencing yij + yji ≥ xir + xjr -1 Promised start before the end of the session si ≤ T Scenario-dependent completion time xir pi(w) ≤ Cir (w) Cir (w) ≤ M xir Cjr (w) Cir (w) + pj(w) - M (1- yij) - M(2- xir - xjr ) Scenario-dependent OR idle time Cir (w) ≤ Ir (w) + iJ xir pi(w) Scenario-dependent OR overtime Or (w) Cir (w) - T Scenario-dependent surgeon waiting time rE Cir(w) = si + Wi(w) + pi(w) - 17 - Proposed solution 1. Convertion into mixed-integer linear programming model by Sample Average Approximation by using a given number of randomly generated samples 2. Heuristic for large size problem based on a) Local search for surgery-to-OR assignment optimization b) Surgery sequencing rule based on optimal sequencing of the two-surgery case c) Optimal promised start time by SAA and MIP - 18 - Plan Promising surgery starting times Real time OR assignment strategies Some numerical results Conclusion and perspective - 19 - Dynamic surgery assignment optimization An Event-Based Framework At time 0, start surgeries planned at time 0 At the completion time t* of a surgery in OR r*, select a surgery i* to be the next surgery in OR r* among all remaining ones J* Surgery i* starts at time max{ t*, si* } in OR r* after the arrival of the surgeon at time si* - 20 - Dynamic surgery assignment optimization Surgery i* is selected in order to minimize E[ TC(t*, i*, J*)] where E[ TC(t*, i*, J*)] is the minimal total cost similar to promised time planning model by conditioning on all completed surgeries and ages of all on-going surgeries by scheduling i* as the next surgery on OR r* - 21 - Two-stage stochastic programming approximation • At k-th surgery completion event at time tk Vk min lJ \ J k 1 glk Qlk where J\J(k-1) is the set of remaining surgeries • The first stage cost gˆlk sl tk l tk sl is the OR-idle or surgeon waiting cost induced by surgery l • Qlk is the second stage cost, i.e. the total cost induced by remaining surgeries plus OR overtimes. - 22 - The second stage cost One-period look-ahead (OPLA) approximation Qlk min jJ \ J k 1 \l jlk where • jlk is the expected stage cost induced by surgery j • if surgery l is selected at event k and surgery j at event k+1 Jensen's inequality is used to speedup the OPLA rule. - 23 - The second stage cost (cont'd) Multi-period look-ahead (MPLA) approximation Min. cost of two dynamic assignment rules: • Rule 1: Remaining surgeries assigned in the scenarioindependent order of minimal expected first stage cost, i.e. the surgery in selected at event n > k minimizes the stage n cost induced by in. • Rule 2: Remaining surgeries are selected in non-decreasing order of their surgeon arrival times si Jensen's inequality and another valide inequality are used to speedup the MPLA rule. - 24 - Lower bound of the dynamic surgery assignment • Based on perfect information, i.e. all surgery duration realizations pj(w) are known at the beginning of the day • The lower bound problem is similar to the proactive problem but with o given promised surgery start times o scenario-dependent surgery assignment xir(w) and sequencing yij(w) - 25 - Dynamic surgery assignment policies Policy Static: No real time rescheduling OR assignment / sequencing decisions of promised time planning model are followed Policy FIFO: Dynamic surgery assignment in FIFO order of surgeon arrival times Policy I: Dynamic surgery assignment optimization with OPLA Policy II: Dynamic surgery assignment optimization with MPLA - 26 - Plan Background and motivation Problem setting Promising surgery starting times Real time OR assignment strategies Some numerical results Conclusion and perspective - 27 - Optimality gap (h,r%) (0.3,0.75) (0.7,0.75) (0.3,1.25) (0.7,1.25) Ave. 7.4 8.5 5.6 7.8 GAPI(%) Min. 0.1 5.1 1.3 1.9 Max. 14.7 14.8 11.2 17.3 Ave. 6.3 7.7 4.1 6.0 GAPII(%) Min. 0.1 3.8 1.0 1.6 Max. 12.8 18.4 8.3 9.6 (80 3-OR instances) GAP = (costX- LB) / LB Observations • Optimality gap is relatively small • High surgery duration variation degrades the optimality gap • High workload reduces the optimality gap • MPLA better than OPLA - 28 - Value of dynamic scheduling Ave. VDS (%) Min. Max. (0.3,75) 10.6 2.6 22.9 (0.7,75) 14.8 5.5 26.9 (0.3,125) 7.4 3.9 14.1 (0.7,125) 11.1 5.7 15.5 Ave. 11.0 4.4 19.9 (0.3,75) 25.4 18.7 31.6 (0.7,75) 29.2 24.7 39.9 (0.3,125) 11.1 7.1 15.5 (0.7,125) 19.1 12.8 24.1 Ave. 21.2 15.8 27.8 (0.3,75) 33.6 30.1 37.9 (0.7,75) 36.0 28.9 42.1 (0.3,125) 18.6 17.2 20.4 (0.7,125) 26.1 23.9 30.1 Ave. 28.6 25.0 32.6 OR# (h,r%) 3 6 12 VDS = (costStatic - costDyna) / costStatic h : variation parameter of surgery time r : workload Observations • Dynamic surgery scheduling always helps. • The benefit is more important for larger OT. • Dynamic surgery scheduling is able to cope efficiently with surgery uncertainties. • VDS decreases as the workload of OT increases. - 29 - Value of dynamic scheduling optimization OR# (h,r%) 3 6 12 VOS (%) VOS = (costFIFO - costDynaOpt) / costFIFO Ave. Min. Max. (0.3,75) 2.8 0.0 14.4 (0.7,75) 5.4 0.0 26.5 (0.3,125) 2.3 0.0 7.0 (0.7,125) 3.1 0.0 10.2 Ave. 3.4 0.0 14.5 Observations (0.3,75) 5.4 -0.1 13.6 • VOS increases as OR# increases. (0.7,75) 6.0 -0.1 11.3 (0.3,125) 2.9 0.0 5.0 • (0.7,125) 5.0 0.6 8.7 Ave. 4.8 0.1 9.6 VOS increases as h increases, i.e. the variance of surgery durations increases. (0.3,75) 7.0 5.8 7.8 • (0.7,75) 9.3 6.1 11.8 VOS decreases as r increases, i.e. the workload of OT increases. (0.3,125) 5.0 3.4 6.8 (0.7,125) 6.4 4.7 9.2 Ave. 6.9 5.0 8.9 h : variation parameter of surgery time r : workload - 30 - Value of proactive decisions (h,r%) (0.3,0.75) (0.7,0.75) (0.3,1.25) (0.7,1.25) Ave. 7.2 6.8 9.8 10.1 VPSI(%) Min. -15.2 -11.1 1.1 1.1 Max. 23.3 20.4 23.1 19.2 Ave. 7.0 6.4 10.0 10.1 VPSII(%) Min. -20.9 -14.4 0.9 3.2 Max. 22.6 20.4 21.6 17.9 VOS = (costX - costX) / costX where costX is the average cost of the strategy X but with promised start times determined with deterministic surgery duration. Observations • Proactive decision is very important to dynamic assignment scheduling. • The arrival times that optimize the proactive model may not be adjustable to the dynamic assignment scheduling. • Joint optimization of promised start times and dynamic assignment policies is an open research issue. - 31 - Plan Promising surgery starting times Real time OR assignment strategies Some numerical results Conclusion and perspective - 32 - Open issues Optimal surgery promised starting times for a given OR assignment / sequencing? Features of surgeries planned to start at OR opening? Time slacks in promised times vs surgery OR time and waiting cost? Design of efficient optimization algorithms for promised time planning and real time rescheduling? Promising time planning under starting time reliability constraints? - 33 - Simulation-based Optimization of Surgery Appointment Scheduling Zheng Zhang, Xiaolan Xie To appear in IIE Transactions - 34 - Outline • BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • SURGERY APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING PROBLEM • SAMPLE PATH ANALYSIS • STOCHASTIC APPROXIMATION • NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS • CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE - 35 - Our focus Surgeon appointment optimization for a given sequence of surgeries assigned to ORs on a FIFO basis. Example : the first released OR is allocated to surgeon 3, the second released OR is allocated to surgeon 4 and so forth. Multi-OR A1/A2 A3 r1 r2 A 4 An FCFS assignment - 36 - Outline • BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • SURGERY APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING PROBLEM • SAMPLE PATH ANALYSIS • STOCHASTIC APPROXIMATION • NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS • CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE - 37 - Modeling • Parameters n surgeries\surgeons and m ORs with capacity T for each OR pi(x): surgery duration with known distribution 1 / a /i: unit OR idling cost / overtime cost / surgeon waiting cost • Decisions Ai: surgeon arrival time with Ai = 0 for i=1,…,m and Ai ≤ Ai+1 - 38 - Modeling • Sample path cost function f ( A, x ) r x A A r x n i m 1 i i m Waiting cost i i i m Idling cost a r m 1 p 0 n p x T Overtime cost ri(x): the i-th OR releasing time. ri(x) is a dependent variable of A and x and can be solved using a simple recursion. - 39 - Modeling • Expected cost function g ( A) Ex f A, x • Objective min g ( A) AQ Ai 0, i 1,..., m Q A Ai Ai 1 , i m,..., n 1 - 40 - Outline • BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • SURGERY APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING PROBLEM • SAMPLE PATH ANALYSIS • STOCHASTIC APPROXIMATION • NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS • CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE - 41 - Sample path analysis LEMMA 1. The sample path cost function f(A,x) is differentiable on X with probability 1. PROOF: The non-differentiable points exist at 1.Ai = ri-m(x) 2.ri(x)= Ai+m + pi+m(x) = ri+1(x) As pi is in continuous distribution, the probability of pi(x) = a or pi(x) -pj(x) = a is zero where a is a given constant. - 42 - Sample path analysis LEMMA 2. If Ai has an increment of ∆, the OR releasing time rj(x) has an increment at most ∆ for j > i-m. (Lipshitz continuity of OR release times) PROOF: Ri(x) = ri(x) for j ≤ i-m. Let ci(x) / Ci(x) to be the old / new completion time. For ∆ ≥ 0, we have ci(x) ≤ Ci(x) ≤ ci(x)+ ∆, 1.For j = i-m+1, rj(x) ≤ Rj(x) ≤ rj(x)+∆, 2.If 1 holds, rj(x) ≤ Rj(x) ≤ rj(x)+∆ holds for any j = j+1 by induction. Similarly, Lemma 2 holds for ∆ < 0. - 43 - Sample path analysis LEMMA 3. The sample path cost function f(A,x) is Lipschitz-continuous throughout Q and the Lipschitz constant K is finite. PROOF: Rewrite f(A,x) as f ( A, x ) m 1 m 1 r x A a r x T r x p x n i m 1 i i m i p 0 n p p 0 n n p i 1 i Leading to f ( A1 , x ) f ( A2 , x ) K A1 A2 , A1 , A2 Q where n K max m1 , m 1 a i i m 2 - 44 - Sample path analysis THEOREM 1 (unbiasednes of sample path gradient). The objective function g(A) is continuously differentiable on Q ,and the gradient of g(A) exists for all A∈Q with A Ex f A, x Ex A f A, x - 45 - Sample path analysis : partial derivative at interior point A: i B: jBP \{i} j i f Ai C: 1 jBPi \{i} j D: 1 a jBP \{i} j i Ai A. 1 … [i-m] 1 … 1 … 1 … i [i-m] BP2(i) waiting i [i-m] [i-m] Busy Period approach waiting i j waiting BP2(i) waiting Ai D. i = surgeon waiting cost i Ai C. a overtime cost waiting Ai B. 1 = unit OR idling cost BP2(i) BP3(i) waiting BP3(i) waiting overtime BP4(i) - 46 - Sample path analysis : directional derivative at boundary point - 47 - Sample path analysis : improving direction - 48 - Outline • BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • SURGERY APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING PROBLEM • SAMPLE PATH ANALYSIS • STOCHASTIC APPROXIMATION • NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS • CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE - 49 - Stochastic approximation - 50 - Outline • BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • SURGERY APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING PROBLEM • SAMPLE PATH ANALYSIS • STOCHASTIC APPROXIMATION • NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS • CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE - 51 - Convergence of stochastic approximation THEOREM 2. There exist sample paths on which the sample path cost function is not quasiconvex. DATA: p(x) = {9, 4, 4, 1}; m=2 ORs with capacity T=10; Idle time penalty is 1; No overtime penalty; Unit waiting penalty with 3=1, 4=3. Two sets of arrival times: x=(4, 7.5); y=(6, 8.5). f(x,x) = 1.5, f(y,x) = 3.5, f(0.5x+0.5y,x) = 4 - 52 - Convergence of stochastic approximation By randomly perturbing p around {9, 4, 4, 1}, we implement the stochastic approximation algorithm. Evolution of arrival times visited by the stochastic approximation algorithm in Example 1, when applying it over 200 sample paths. - 53 - Convergence of stochastic approximation - 54 - Convergence of stochastic approximation Ai shifting A. 1 … [i-m] i t[i-m] shifting B. 1 … [i-m] Ai i t[i-m] - 55 - Convergence of stochastic approximation: numerical evidence Log normal distribution var, wkload Initial dispersion Final dispersion Final grad Uniform distribution 0.3,0.75 0.7,0.75 0.3,1.25 0.7,1.25 0.3,0.75 0.7,0.75 0.3,1.25 0.7,1.25 3-OR 5.0 4.9 6.5 7.0 5.4 4.8 6.6 6.8 6-OR 6.5 6.7 8.5 9.5 6.5 6.6 10.3 9.8 9-OR 8.0 7.4 11.2 10.5 7.9 7.7 10.5 10.5 3-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6-OR 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 9-OR 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 - 56 - Allowances of Multi-OR vs single OR settings - 57 - Allowances of Multi-OR vs single OR settings Optimal allowance shape dome shape in 1-OR, zigzag shape in 2-OR 2-OR vs 1-OR smaller allowances, half total allowance, highly uneven Increasing surgery duration variability smoothing 2-OR allowances, increasing 1-OR allowance variability Higher waiting cost larger allowances in both settings but rather insensitive in the 2-OR setting - 58 - Allowances vs OR# - 59 - Allowances vs OR# - 60 - Value of dynamic assignment and proactive solution Three strategies Strategy I : no dynamic surgery-to-OR assignment Strategy II : same surgeon appointment times, FIFO surgery-to-OR assignment Strategy III : same surgeon arrival sequence, FIFO surgery-to-OR assignment, simulation-based optimized appointment times Value of dynamic assignment (VDA) percentage improvement of strategy II over strategy I Value of proactive anticipation and dynamic assignment (VPD) percentage improvement of strategy III over strategy I - 61 - Value of dynamic assignment and proactive solution VDA > 0, VPD > 0 , VPD > VDA : dynamic assignment and the proactive anticipation of dynamic assignments always pay Higher OR number : increasing VDA and VPD due to scale effect and benefit of well planned arrivals. Higher duration variability: increasing VDA and VPD implying the importance of careful appointment planning and dynamic scheduling. Higher waiting costs: higher VPD but smaller VDA implying the importance of appointment time optimization. Higher workload: smaller VPD and VDA due to unimprovability of overloaded system. Impact of case-mix: • larger VPD when surgeries are identical due to their interchangeability. • smaller VDA when surgeries are identical due to suboptimal appointment times - 62 - Outline • BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION • SURGERY APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING PROBLEM • SAMPLE PATH ANALYSIS • STOCHASTIC APPROXIMATION • NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS • CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE - 63 - Summary A more realistic model of AS which has m servers; patients are served in a pre-determined order but are flexible to any server. Our aim is to proactively optimize the arrival times under the FCFS dynamic assignment strategy. We formulate a simulation-based optimization model to smooth integer assignments, and derivate a continuous and differentiable cost function. The proposed stochastic approximation algorithm is able to solve realistic-sized instances and significantly improve the initial solution. - 64 - What next? Joint optimization of surgery sequence and surgeon appointment times. simulation-based discrete optimization + stochastic approximation Chance constraints of surgery starts Dynamic control of overtime allocation Surgeon behavior Joint scheduling of inpatient and day surgeries - 65 - Relevant previous work Planning operating theatres with both elective and emergency surgeries M. Lamiri, X.-L. Xie, A. Dolgui and F. Grimaud. "A stochastic model for operating room planning with elective and emergency surgery demands", European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 185, Issue 3, 16 March 2008, Pages 1026-1037 Mehdi Lamiri, Xiaolan Xie and Shuguang Zhang, "Column generation for operating theatre planning with elective and emergency patients," IIE Transactions, 40(9): 838 – 852, 2008 M. Lamiri, F. Grimaud, and X. Xie. “Optimization methods for a stochastic surgery planning problem,” International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2): 400-410, 2009 - 66 - Healthcare engineering lab At ENSM.SE & SJTU - 67 - Mission statement Develop quantitative methods for modeling, simulation and optimization of health care systems & health services Explore the integration of medical knowledge and patient health information in operations management of health care systems in close collaboration with hospitals Stochastic modeling and optimization in the face of random events and changing system dynamics - 68 - Theme I : Engineering health care systems & services To develop scientific methods for performance evaluation and design of health care delivery systems and new health services. Examples of work done : • Performance analysis of patient flows with UML and Petri nets • Simulation and capacity planning of Emergency departments • Process improvement of hospital supply chains by RFID • Health care logistics with mobile service robots • Designing home healthcare networks • Design and operations of perinatal care networks • Permance evaluation of Hospital Information Systems • Blood collection optimization - 69 - Dynamic perinatal network reconfiguration Context • 3 types of neonatal cares (OB = obstetrics care, Neo = basic Neonatal Care, NICU) • 3 types of maternity services (OB, OB+Neo, OB+Neo+NICU) • Demographic evolution • Immediate admission of random arrivals Challenge: • Determine optimum reconfiguration of perinatal networks to meet demographic changes and equal service level of care H. Louis Mourier (Type-3) H. Beaujon CH Neuilly (Type-2) H. Nanterre (Type-1) (Type-1) (Type-2) H. Franco Britan H. FOCH (Type-2) Perinatal Network of North Hauts-de-Seine Solution & results: • Erlang loss-queueing model for admission probability evaluation; • Original hierarchical service network with nested hierarchy of patients and maternity services • Network reconfiguration by opening/closing services, capacity transfers, hiring/firing • Large-scale nonlinear optimization models solved with original linearization techniques • 5% increase of admissions at the 1st choice hospital. Dynamic capacity planning and location of hierarchical service networks under service level constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2014. - 70 - Traceability in biobanks Current situation Samples stored in nitrogen tanks (77°K) “Cold Chain” constraints Resistance of the tags? Hand-made inventories, database updates, cryotube numbering or label edition… Problems: Error probabilities (Hand-copy, inventory, picking, computerization…) Inventory error Info errors Research questions Performance evaluation of traceability technologies Design supply chains of drugs and medical devices with RFID New operation management problems (rewarehousing of bio-banks, skill/quality monitoring, ...) Impacts of Radio-Identification on Cryo-Conservation Centers, TOMACS, 2011. - 71 - Engineering health care : Design blood collection systems Backgrounds Cost-efficiency Increasing demand for blood products Dilemma of donor quality of service & efficiency of blood collection systems Uncertain and dynamic donor arrivals Goal: decision aid tools for design of blood collection systems Research questions Human resource capacity planning Donor appointment scheduling Annual planning mobile collections Modeling and simulation of blood collection systems, HCMS, 2012. - 72 - Theme II: Planning and logistics of health care delivery To develop optimization methods for operations management of healthcare delivery and its supply chains. Example of work : • Planning and scheduling operating theatres subject to uncertainties • Capacity planning control MRI examinations of stroke patients • Stochastic optimization for hospital bed allocation • Inpatient admission control • Dynamic outpatient appointment scheduling • Operation management of outpatient chemotherapry • Capacity planning and patient admission for radiotherapy • Robust home healthcare planning • Home healthcare admission planning&control • Management of winter epidemics (flu, bronchitis, gastroenteritis) • Long-term care planning & scheduling - 73 - Optimization of outpatient chemotherapy ICL Loire Cancer Institute bed requirement Large variation in bed capacity requirement in actual planning 20% reduction of peak bed requirement in the optimized planning Major challenges of further research: • Integration of decisions different levels and different time scales (medical planning, patient assignment, appointment scheduling) • Modeling treatment protocols with rich medical knowledge • Modeling the dynamics of health conditions based on rich patient data • High uncertainties of patient flow and patient's health care requirement Planning oncologists of ambulatory care units. Decision Support Systems. (To appear) - 74 - Capacity planning of diagnostic equipment (MRI) MRI examination of stroke patients Expensive (over 1 million $) -> high utilization Demand uncertainties and demand diversity (both elective and emergency) Goal: Reduce waiting time for stroke patients without degrading MRI utilization Actual waiting times of 30-40 days for MRI examination 2 - 10 days with the optimized reservation and control strategy。 Monte Carlo optimization and dynamic programming approach for managing MRI examinations of stroke patients. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2011 - 75 - Some projects • Management of winter epidemics (flu, bronchitis, gastroenteritis) (ANR-TECSAN project HOST) • Engineering home health care logistics • Planning home health care admissions (ARC2, Rhone-alps region) • Planning home health care activities (Labex IMOBS 3) • Planning home health care logistics (Labex IMOBS3) • Performance modeling & evaluation of HIS (DGOS-PREPS e-SIS) • CIFRE-Heva : Patient pathway mining with national database • Care pathway optimization of elderly people • CLARA – Procan : Cancer care delivery & chemotherapy at home. 2008• FP6-IST6-IWARD on mobile & reconfigurable robots for hospital logistics. 2007-2010 (1 thesis) - 76 - Planning and optimisation of hospital resources 5-year project funded by National Science Foundation of China (2012-2016) Consortium: IE, B. School, Ruijin hospital all from SJTU Four major research tasks: Planning / scheduling of key clinical resources (human + beds) Capacity planning / preventive maintenance of diagnostic & treatment equipment Coordination / cooperation mechanism design Modelling / simulation of hospital emergency responses - 77 - Process Mining of patient pathways PhD thesis funded by HEVA company (2014-2016) Goal: extract the process model with what patients actually endured instead what is recommended. - 78 - Process Mining (1/3) Data Mining Business Process Process Mining concept : - Business Process Management - Based on knowlege extracted from an event log (national hospital care data base) Example: 3 patients Consultation appointment application. Données Brutes 1 6 Découverte du processus sous-jacent Données mises en forme 2 - 79 - Process Mining + PMSI (2/3) PMSI Patient - ID = 73 - Age = 45 ans Device implementation 01/01/2006 (15j) Heart failure 28/03/2006 (4j) Device infection 03/06/2006 (8j) 7 Pathway patient Process Mining ID = 98, 101, 106, … CHU d’Amiens … Clinique privé d’Amiens Clinique privé d’Amiens - 80 - Process Mining + PMSI (3/3) Brut data : 16,931 hospital stays from 2006 - 2013 Implantation Complication post- opératoire Diagramme spaghetti Suivi régulier Remplacement Sortie du PMSI 8 Décès - 81 - Event clustering + process mining - 82 -