Christ our Hope in healthcare Improving Quality of Care Purpose Problems Predisposing factors Plans Problems re Quality of Care Absenteeism (sick staff) Administrative issues Agency staff (not familiar, Spiritual care (of staff & patients) inexperienced) Apathy amongst healthcare-workers Appointments inappropriate Attitude towards work/ patients wrong Attitudes: inter-personal relations Batho Pele lacking Brain-drain: loss of experienced staff, nurses and doctors (to overseas) Burn-out (due to staff-shortage & neglected Staff support lacking Lack of support from support Lack of training Laziness Loss in ethics Loss of calling Materials Medical Aid problems Medicines not enough Migration Motives for being in healthcare are moonlighting) Commitment lacking (in healthcareworkers & authorities): towards responsibilities; specific promises Communication poor Community abusive to healthworkers Compliance lacking (patients) Corruption Costliness of private services Crime at clinics Customer care declining Demanding patients Deterioration of services dramatic Discipline lacking Equipment faulty Equipment: lack Fatigue (moonlighting) wrong No medicines available NO purpose (identity) Overcrowding (OPD & in-patients) Patients more knowledgeable about diseases Perverse incentives Politics Politics – interference Poor salaries Poor vision & calling Private Training School standards low Racism Resources lacking: human & material Role models lacking Short staffed (nurses & doctors) Shortage of staff Superficial care 80 Problems mentioned Predisposing factors re Problems in Quality of Care Spiritual factors Management factors Political factors Social factors Money factors Training (education) factors Leadership factors Staffing factors Absenteeism Appointment process long Auditing & feedback lacking Backsliding - national Batho pele on paper only Brain-drain Christ is sidelined Christian healthcare-workers are withdrawing (not standing up/out) Commitment lacking Communication lacking (both ways) Competition unhealthy Conditions of service (salary, working hours...) Controls –lack of (medicines, vehicles, finance, equipment) Corruption Culture of entitlement Discipline lacking Economy Fear of God sadly lacking Financial factors HCF is dwindling (?) Illegal immigration Image of health profession low now Inter-professional competition Lack of visionary leadership (management) Leadership vacuum (national & prov) Management poor Materialism (money-hunger) Misinterpretation of democracy Morale poor... Retention strategy poor Self-centredness / selfishness Social factors Spiritual factors Staff shortages Training lacking Training centres closed Tsotsi element Ubuntu missing Underpaying Unions Working environment... Spiritual factors Management factors Political factors Social factors Money factors Training (education) factors Leadership factors Staffing factors What-to-do?! What does the LORD want us to do... NOW? Plans Listed Prioritized Plans re Improving Quality of Care - as listed as it was mentioned by participant discussion groups (combined here) Personal and health institution prayer, repentance, revival & reformation... Individual impact/role Be salt & light Dedicated & diligent Love people Prayerful & full of Word of God Prayer calendar Bring Christ back into us Christians Prayer; Evangelism (active/ effective) Discipleship Promote personal devotional life Repentance & boldness Promote Personal Devotional Life Start where you are – influence others – they also influence others and link strategically with others – slowly transforming hospital... Yeast principle Get involved in health politics and management Political involvement Lobby politicians Pray for politicians Representation on legislation Regular prayer for government Get involved in health care politics Identify, support, feedback, lobby with Christians in management & policy-making Attend Union meetings & speak boldly Your life must reflect Christ Be involved at government level and Training, development & discipleship Train trainers & Christian students Train health care workers Biblical studies in schools again Seminars / workshops for health-workers on skills development and relevant needs (e.g. peer pressure, persecution, evangelism, spiritual care, etc.)... HCF modules Christian Education of health professionals – involve, revive, reform. Christian organizations involved in developing curriculums National Christian Health-professions Educators’ Conference... Networking Individual Churches Make “Linking with Churches and Students”-ministry one of the 10 HCF Action Team Ministries Establish Christian Health-workers’ Networking (Ambassadors’) Group Development of Christ-centered Clinical Care (methods/policies) A conceptual framework by one group about the “HOW”: 1) Identify & quantify our human resources 2) Identify & quantify organizational resources 5 Key areas emerged 5 Key Areas/ Action steps to Improve Quality of Care 1. Personal revival 2. Network now... 3. Christian Education of health professionals 4. Training, development and discipleship 5. Health politics & management Personally pray, repent, be revived & changed to be the loving light and salt and yeast at home and in the workplace... with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Origin and Center and Goal of all... while maintaining a strong, healthy personal devotional life, ...and maintaining a strong, loving, humble, holy, active, “on fire”, enthusiastic, bold, wise, evangelistic, dedicated, diligent, responsible, professional Christ-filled life... This ... to extend to the institutions as well!! Only Whole Persons can practice Whole Person Care ...Christ-centered Care Network now... Form Christian Health-workers’ Networking Group today Establish the 10th HCF Action Team Ministry: “Linking with Churches and Students” Each organization network with.... Each participant.... Christian Education of Health Professionals Occupy as many as possible educator positions Arrange a National Christian Health-professions Educators’ Conference The heart of education is the education of the heart” Training, Development & Discipleship NEW nursing students & medical students... Revitalize the regular presentation of relevant, inspiring, life-changing seminars Resuscitate the optimal functioning & GROWTH of local HCFs and Action Teams and branches of CMF, etc.... HCF Prayer Evangelism Ministries Discipleship Development Media Camps, Conferences, Seminars Finance Children’s ministry Healthcare trends: HIV/AIDS, ethics, abortion, etc 10. Linking with Churches/Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Health politics and management Attend Pray Reach out to management Christian Health-workers’ Networking Group Support Be involved... No fear In Christ – BOLD (humbly) What is our GOAL? Our Goal is God! “The devil does not care how many hospitals we build, …if only he can pull our ideals down, and sidetrack us on to anything of any sort except the living of holy, loving, humble lives, and the bringing of men, women, and children to know our Lord Jesus Christ not only as Savior but as Sovereign Lord.” Amy Carmichael “The devil does not care how many hospitals we build, …if only he can pull our ideals down, and sidetrack us on to anything of any sort except the living of holy, loving, humble lives, and the bringing of men, women, and children to know our Lord Jesus Christ not only as Savior but as Sovereign Lord.” Amy Carmichael Let’s do it with God’s help and to His glory! Come apart... Rest... Re-fire... Christ-Centered Clinical Clinical Person of Doctor Person of Christ Person of Patient Context (Family & Work) Context (Family & Work) Doctor Doctor Patient Disease-Centered Person of Doctor Person of Patient Clinical Clinical Disease Context (Family & Work) Context (Family & Work) Doctor Doctor Patient Doctor-Centered Person of Patient Clinical Person of Doctor Clinical Context (Family & Work) Context (Family & Work) Doctor Doctor Patient Patient-Centered Clinical Clinical Person of Doctor Person of Patient Context (Family & Work) Context (Family & Work) Doctor Doctor Patient