File - Amy Elya's E

Amy Elya
Integrated Literacy Assignment
Grade Level Content Expectations
5 – U2.3.1 Locate the New England, Middle, and
Southern colonies on a map.
5 – U2.3.2 Describe the daily life of people living in the
New England, Middle, and Southern colonies
5 – U2.3.3 Describe colonial life in America from the
perspectives of at least three different groups of
people (e.g., wealthy landowners, farmers, merchants,
indentured servants, laborers and the poor, women,
enslaved people, free Africans, and American Indians).
 Jamestown: Hands-on
Projects About One of
America’s First
 Teacher’s Guide:
Colonial Life
 Leveled
Texts for Social
Studies: Early America
Trade Books
If You Lived in Colonial Times
Written by: Ann McGovern
“Life in New England in colonial times was hard, a good
growing year and people could eat well, a bad growing
year and there was hunger. Harvest was an especially busy time,
as everyone had to work all hours to get all of the food stored away.
This book is about how the children of that time lived. Since everything
revolved around the family in their house, this is about family life from the
perspective of children. What they wore what they ate, the work they did
during the day, what they did for fun, what their schools were like, and
how they behaved on Sunday. There were many laws, some of which were
heavily enforced and others that were largely ignored.”
This teaches the students about the lifestyle of children during the
Colonial time and allow for the students to get a better understand of how
they would be living if they were born in this era.
Cobblestone: Colonial
Teacher’s Guide: Colonial
The Mailbox: The Idea
Magazine for Teachers
Feb./March 2002 edition
Kids Discover: Colonial
Photos, Maps, Posters, Games, and More
Coming to America Study Prints
Social Studies Alive! America’s
Interactive Desk Maps
Social Studies Alive! America’s
History Alive! America’s Past:
Colonial Life
History Alive! America’s Past:
History Alive! America’s Past:
Colonial America: Cooperative
Learning Activities
 A Day in a Colonial Child's Life
 13 Colonies: America the Story of Us
 Colonial Life for Children
 Chester
 Amazing Grace
 The
White Cockade
Poems and Songs
She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain
Yankee Doodle
Kids version of Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
He stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
and with the girls be handy!
Father and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Gooding
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.
And there was Captain Washington
And gentle folks about him
They say he's grown so tarnal proud
He will not ride without them.
On Being Brought from Africa to America
 America's Library
 Michigan Social Studies Grade
 Lives
of Colonial Children Unit
 Colonial Themes for Children
Level Content
Bower, B., & Lobdell, J. (2001). History alive!, america's past. Palo Alto,
CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute.
Bower, B. (2010). Social studies alive! america\'s past. Palo Alto:
Teachers' Curriculum Institute.
Katz, S., & Alley, R. W. (2005). A revolutionary field trip, poems of
colonial america. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
McGovern, A. (1992). If you lived in colonial times. New York, NY:
Scholastic, Inc.
O'Neale, S. (2011). Poetry foundation. Retrieved from
Schlessinger. (1998). jamestown : Colonial life for children[VHS].
Schneck, S., & Strohl, M. (1991). Colonial America: Cooperative learning
activities. New York: Scholastic Professional Books.
Yankee Doodle Lyrics. (n.d.). Scout Songs: Song Lyrics for Boy Scouts
Songs, Girl Scouts Songs, and American Patriotic Songs. Retrieved
March 12, 2013, from