File - Relyonbiology

AP Biology Syllabus 2013-14
Instructor: Kate Lyon
Office room 204
Textbook: AP® Student Edition (HS Binding) with Student Media CD by Campbell
ISBN 10: 0133102173
ISBN 13: 9780133102178
Biology (Eighth Edition) by Campbell and Reece
College Board
Course Overview: The Advanced Placement Biology curriculum is equivalent to a college course usually taken by biology
majors during their first year of college. The course differs significantly from a first year high school Biology course with
respect to the kind of textbook used, the range and depth of topics covered, the kind of laboratory work done by
students, and the time and effort required by the students. The primary emphasis of the course is on developing an
understanding of concepts; a grasp of science as a process rather than as an accumulation of facts; personal experience
in scientific inquiry; recognition of unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology; and the application of
biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns. What you get out of this class will be
based on what you are willing to put into the class. The students who have performed the most successfully on the AP
exam are those students who are willing to work steadily throughout the summer and school year and who are willing to
work independently. There isn’t time to thoroughly cover all necessary topics in class alone so outside work is a
Topics covered in the course include chemistry of life, cells and cell energetics, heredity, molecular genetics, evolution,
diversity of organisms, structure and function of both plants and animals, and ecology. The course is broken down into
four big ideas: 1. Evolution 2. Energy transfer 3. Life processes and 4. Interactions. In addition, students will conduct at
least eight out of thirteen Collegeboard AP Biology laboratories.
Many of your assignments will be posted on the Web. Check the monthly syllabus often; be reminded that a change in
class supersedes what is online.
You are expected to read the text, learn the vocabulary and understand the concepts. This will not happen if your only
study tool is showing up for class. You will "decide" if you have homework or not. The overall workload, while difficult, is
manageable. If you do not understand a concept you need to come and see me before or after school to get the
reinforcement you need.
All work for the chapter is due ON THE DAY OF THE QUIZ. However, credit will be awarded up until the day of the
following quiz. It is important to stay motivated all year and try to stay ahead. If you have an issue, please discuss the
issue with me prior to the due date, not two weeks afterwards. Assignments (most of the time) will be given a week due
date. If you have a problem you should either see me or email me before the assignment is due. There will be no extra
A code of honor will be signed for the year. It is expected that you uphold this honor code throughout the year. Sharing
your work, or "copying", is considered cheating. Both you and the other person will receive no credit for that
assignment- do your own work- period.!
If you have any questions or concerns please come and see me before the issue becomes a major problem for you.
1. To familiarize students with the terminology and concepts of Biology using a theme-oriented approach that
emphasizes concepts and science as a process over knowledge of facts.
2. To enhance problem-solving skills of students using hands-on labs, readings, collections, independent projects, and
class discussions.
3. To strengthen students’ communication skills with the use of written assignments, essays, abstracts, and lab reports.
4. To prepare students for further study in the Biological Sciences.
Textbook & Study Resources:
 Campbell Biology In Focus AP® Edition 1e 2014 with Mastering Biology
o isbn10: 0133102173/ isbn13: 9780133102178
Required Materials:
 3” 2-ring binder with pocketed dividers
 Colored pencils
 Standard size, loose leaf notebook paper
 Access to the internet
 BOUND lab notebook with graph paper
 Word processor and printer
 Pens
 Calculator
% 100
Your grades will come from exams, quizzes, essays, labs and in class activities, reading guides or chapter review
drawings. They will be an accumulation of all assignments. Quizzes will be usually in class either individually or with
“families” and notes; you have the right to take a quiz on your own at any time or question a family member’s
contribution towards a group quiz. Keeping up with all assignments is required due to the rapid pace of this course. You
are to see me to plan when your make up quiz will be taken. If the quiz is not taken, it will be entered as a zero. To
prepare for the AP exam, you will have to complete a multiple choice section, short answer and essay sections and the
quizzes will reflect this throughout the year.
Test/Quiz Questions:
All multiple choice test and quiz questions come from the released AP test books and the online sample questions. All
Free Response questions come from the AP Website Test and quizzes will be
announced in advance.
Attendance: Attendance in Biology is extremely important. Most labs cannot be made up outside of the normal day, so
your understanding of the material through experiential learning will be lost.
Labs are important. Students are required to complete at least eight out of thirteen labs set forth by The College
Board Advanced Placement Program. Each lab will be recorded in the lab notebook according to the rubric. Students are
expected to read each lab carefully before coming to the laboratory and are responsible for following all correct
laboratory and safety procedures. Students should also use the lab aid, LabBench, to make sure they understand all lab
procedures before beginning a lab exercise. Due to the large amount of time required for laboratory set-up and time
sensitive materials, it is essential that you are always present on lab days. Making up the Lab will most likely not be
possible, but you will still be responsible for the work - details explained in class. Some labs will use Lab Quest sensors
and probes to obtain quantitative data. Additional labs to the thirteen will be included. Labs will always be recorded in
your gridded, BOUND lab notebook with EACH PAGE NUMBERED, SIGNED and DATED. I recommend the Student Lab
Notebook with spiral binding. The ISBN# is 978-1-930882-35-5. A table of contents will be recorded on the first page.
Within one week of completing the lab, students will turn in lab reports in the format provided by the instructor.
Students may be quizzed and tested on lab procedures and data. One formal lab report will be written per big idea. Due
dates will be announced.
Lab Report Format
AP Exam Preparation:
All students should prepare to take the Advanced Placement test given in May; therefore, throughout the course
students will use past AP Biology essay questions to improve their skills in writing answers to scientific, free-response
questions. Also, all major exams will follow the AP testing format of multiple choice questions. Essays will be assigned
throughout the year to allow students to practice scientific writing.
If you would like, there are a number of AP Biology test prep books. There are many other varieties of AP Biology
study guides, and they all can be found at a local bookstore. Take the practice tests in these books so that you can
become familiar with what to expect. When trying to find an AP Biology test prep book, choose one that also lets you
see sample essays. Some books just focus on the multiple choice, and you need to be exposed to both parts of the exam.
DISCLAIMER: Since the entire structure of the course has been changed this year, the questions and essays may not
directly reflect the questions on the AP exam in May.
Have a great year!
AP Biology Exam Review Sites:
Exam Questions & Standards
and UGA AP Biology
Format of the AP Biology Exam:
 Section 1: 90 minutes and consists of 63 Multiple choice and 6 grid in answers (50%)
 Section 2: 90 minutes consisting of 2 long essays (one with multipart questions and the other focusing on the
seven principles and lab techniques that will also have multi parts), and 6 short answers. (50%)
Essay Section Hints:
1. The essay questions are not graded equally. The first two essays are worth 10 points each and the last six short
answers will vary.
2. One long essay question will be lab-based.
3. Write in essay form! There is room on the test for you to create an outline to guide your answer if you'd like but
outlines are not graded. That being said, perfect essay writing is not expected. There aren't deductions for
grammar or spelling mishaps (provided the spelling is close enough to determine the word you are trying to
4. Diagrams are helpful! If you use a diagram, be sure to discuss it in your essay.
5. Points are not deducted from your essay score if you give an incorrect statement. (You just don't receive points for
incorrect statements). But be careful not to contradict yourself, because this can cause you to not receive
Study Tips:
1. A biology textbook cannot be read the way you would read a novel! Begin by pre-reading the chapter; glance at the
section headings, charts and tables in order to organize the material in your mind and stimulate your curiosity.
This will make it easier to read the chapter and extract more information from it.
2. Be an active, not passive reader, by stopping frequently (at least every paragraph) and consider what you have just
read. What is the concept being discussed? Put it in your own words (out loud or by writing it down); by doing so
you are reprocessing and using the information presented in the text. Place a few key notes in you notebook;
make sure these notes include all new terms and illustrative examples.
3. Become a note taker and not a note copier! Simply writing down what is written on the board is passive learning (it's a
start, but is not as effective as it could be). To get the most out of taking lecture notes, do it in a systematic
manner. Before class read the textbook material to be covered in lecture. You will then use class time more
efficiently because you will learn more from the lecture, and you will be able to take better notes having been
introduced to many of the concepts in the text. During lecture do not attempt to write down every word that is
said; that approach is futile and unnecessary. Instead, focus on the major ideas.
4. Summarize information by making your own diagrams and tables which will allow you to rehearse and test yourself on
the material.
5. Relate new information to other, related information.
6. Study with a friend in the class and at home! Take turns explaining the material to each other. Set up on-going study
groups and meet at each others home each week.
7. There is too much new material in a biology class to be able to learn two weeks' worth of material the night before an
exam! Review your text material and lecture notes daily so that you can avoid cramming at test time. Daily
studying and rehearsal helps get information into long-term memory.
8. Make the most of your time in lab by arriving fully prepared. AP Biology labs are too long and involved to try to
perform without having thoroughly read over them the day before.
How Can Parents Help:
1. Quiet structured study time! Help your child to establish a study routine by setting up a quiet study area and a
consistent quiet study time nightly. The routine will help them practice good study habits for college. Should the
study area be their bedroom or a family area, like the dining room? That depends on your household and your
child. If your child is self-motivated and can work steadily without supervision, then a quiet desk space in their
bedroom would work well. However, if their bedroom is equipped with distractions like a stereo or TV, then this
might not be conducive to concentrating on homework and the family area may work better.
2. Work on Biology EVERY night! For your child to stay up-to-date in this course they need to spend some time on
biology every night. The ideal would be about one (1) hour per night or approximately six (6) hours per week.
This would include textbook reading, lecture review, lab notebook assignments, and test preparation. On weeks
when they cannot devote that one hour on a weeknight, they should put in extra time on weekends to make up
for it. On nights where they have minimal time, your child should at least review the day’s lecture notes
(PowerPoint notes on the Web).
3. Support Study Groups! Encourage your child to arrange a study group with other students in the class. Each student
will have different strengths and weaknesses in this course. In one unit, your child will be the teacher to other
students and in a different unit they will be the student. Putting two or more heads together is always a benefit.
You never learn something as well as when you have to explain it to someone else. However let me emphasize
that, while study groups and cooperative effort are strongly encouraged; on final written work, all students are
required to craft their own answers and must have a completely uniquely worded answer for each question!
4. Use a Lifeline! Encourage your child to ask for help. I can stay after any day for extra help. Also, all my AP students
have my e-mail address and they can readily e-mail me for help at any time after school hours and I will make
every effort to reply to them immediately. Do not allow them to feel like they are intruding, I am here to help
them understand and learn to love the subject of Biology as much as I do.
5. Don’t Panic! Stick with it! Some parts of this course will come more easily than others. Encourage your child to work
steadily and not to be discouraged. Success will build as they improve their critical thinking skills and their
writing ability through practice. This is a college course and they are working on more than learning biology;
they are working on skills that they will use to succeed academically for years to come. Your child needs to work
hard and work steadily and they will be rewarded in this course!
Honor Code
This Honor Code summarizes the Honor Policy, which defines the expected standards of conduct in academic affairs.
The Honor Council is the school body charged with enforcement of the Honor Code. The student body and faculty at
JFKS will not tolerate any violation of the Honor Code.
The purpose of this Honor Code is to communicate the meaning and importance of academic integrity to all members of
the school community and to articulate and support the interest of the community in maintaining the highest standards of
conduct in student learning. JFKS embodies a spirit of mutual trust and intellectual honesty that is central to the very
nature of learning, and represents the highest possible expression of shared values among the members of the school
community. The core values underlying and reflected in the Honor Code are:
 Academic honesty is demonstrated by students when the ideas and the writing of others are properly cited;
students submit their own work for tests and assignments without unauthorized assistance; students do not provide
unauthorized assistance to others; and students report their research or accomplishments accurately,
 Respect for others and the learning process to demonstrate academic honesty,
 Trust in others to act with academic honesty as a positive community-building force in the school,
 Responsibility is recognized by all to demonstrate their best effort to prepare and complete academic tasks,
 Fairness and equity are demonstrated so that every student can experience an academic environment that is free
from the injustices caused by any form of intellectual dishonesty, and
 Integrity of all members of the school community as demonstrated by a commitment to academic honesty and
support of our quest for authentic learning.
“As a JFKS student, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times.
I will not lie, cheat, or steel nor will I accept the actions of those who do.”
Parent/Guardian signature:_____________________________________________________
Learner Objectives:
Chemistry of Life
To understand the unique chemical and physical properties of water and to know how these properties make life on
earth possible
To explain the role of carbon in the molecular diversity of life
To explain how cells synthesize and break down macromolecules
To explain the structure of biologically important molecules
To explain how enzymes regulate chemical reactions
To explain the similarities, differences and evolutionary relationships between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
To understand the current model of membrane structure and to explain how different molecules pass across the
To show how cells use compartmentalization to organize the various cellular function
To understand which factors limit cell size and to explain how and why cells divide
Cellular Energetics
To demonstrate the role of ATP and the chemiosmotic theory in cellular energetics
To show how organic molecules are catalyzed
To explain the photosynthetic process and to show how it compares and contrasts with cellular respiration
To explain which features of meiosis are most important to sexual reproduction
To follow the paths of chromosomes and individual genes through gametogenesis
To explain how genetic information is organized
To demonstrate and understanding of the importance of Mendel’s Laws of inheritance
Molecular Genetics
To know the major types of nucleic acids and explain how their structure is related to their function
To understand the various mechanisms of gene expression
To show the forms of gene mutation
To explain viral structure and replication
To understand modern biotechnological advances and how they may impact human lives
Evolutionary Biology
To show and understanding of the current models for the origin of biological macromolecules
To explain the evidence of evolution
To demonstrate an understanding of the mechanics of evolution at work
Diversity of Organisms
To explain the main body plans of plants and animals
To identify a representative organism for the major taxa
To explain the major characteristics in each primary taxon
To show evolutionary similarities among related groups
Structure and Function of Plants and Animals
To show what patterns of reproduction are found in plants and animals and to show how they are regulated
To understand physiological organization among living things
To explain how organisms respond to their environment
To show how models can be used to demonstrate population growth
To show how energy flows through ecosystems
To explain how humans may impact the ecosystem around them
Topics: Cell Structure and
Function, Metabolism,
Chapter 68
Activities & Assessments
Powerpoint presentation
on Cells and Metabolism
(chapter 6 & 8), Lab 1
(AP Lab Book, Diffusion
and Osmosis)
Pre-test from AP website
Objectives & Evidence
-Eukaryote vs Prokayote
-Organelle function related to
-Cell membrane structure
(fluid mosaic)
-Diffusion & Active Transport
-Experimental Design
-Science as a process
-Data Collection and
Chap. 8
Powerpoint on coupled
reactions, activity on
cells, Lab 2 (AP Lab
Book, Enzyme Catalysis
Chap. 8,
Lecture on Reactions,
Powerpoint on
Photosynthesis, Hands
on lab about rates of
-Energy forms and transfer
-Enzyme structure & function
-Environmental factors
affecting enzyme activity
-Chemical Reactions
-Cell Processes
-Enzymatic reactions
- Photosynthesis
-Chloroplasts & pigment
-Light spectrum
-Lab shows how light reaction
of photosynthesis is affected
by chlorophyll
Chap. 10
Powerpoint on Light
Reactions and Calvin
Cycle, discussion on
chemistry of
photosynthesis, Lab 4
(AP Lab Book, Plant
Pigments &
-Light reaction
-Photosystem II & I
-Electron Flow (cyclic and non
-Calvin Cycle
-C4 and CAM plants
Chap. 910
Review of
Photosynthesis, lecture on
cell respiration, review
for quiz.
Multiple choice quiz on
chapters 1-10
Go over quiz, lecture on
cell respiration, vocab
activity from book
-Catabolic pathways
Powerpoint on cell
respiration, discussion,
Lab 5 (AP Lab Book,
Cell Respiration)
-Cell Respiration
-Fermentation & Evolutionary
-Cell Cycle
Themes: Science as a
process, Energy transfer,
Relationship of Structure to
Topics: Cell Structure and
Function, Metabolism,
Themes: Energy transfer,
Interdependence in nature,
Continuity and change,
Science as a Process.
Topics: Cell Structure and
Function, Metabolism,
Biochemistry, Plants.
Themes: Science as a
process, Energy transfer,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process.
Topics: Biochemistry,
Plants, Classification.
Themes: Energy Transfer,
Evolution, Relationship of
Structure to Function,
Regulation, Interdependence
in nature, Science as a
Topics: Biochemistry,
Themes: Energy Transfer,
Relationship of Structure to
Topics: Biochemistry,
Themes: Energy Transfer,
Relationship of Structure to
Topics: Biochemistry,
Metabolism, Cell Structure
and Function.
Chap. 9
Chap. 9,
-Citric Acid Cycle
Themes: Energy Transfer,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Evolution, Science
Technology and Society,
Science as a Process.
Topics: Cell Structure and
Function, Genetics,
Chap. 12,
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation.
Topics: Genetics, Cell
Structure and Function,
Inheritance, Microbiology.
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Topics: Review of all topics
covered to this point.
Topics: Genetics,
Inheritance, Microbiology,
Cell Structure and Function,
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Topics: Genetics,
Inheritance, Cell Structure
and Function.
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Chap. 12,
Practice writing free
response questions
(questions on cell
respiration and
photosynthesis from AP
website), Lecture on
mitosis, meiosis.
Free Response Questions
on cell respiration and
photosynthesis from AP
Lecture on mitosis,
meiosis, Lab 3 (AP Lab
Book, Mitosis and
Meiosis), review for quiz
Chap. 112, 15
Review for Test, Test,
lecture on chapter 15.
Chap. 16
Test on chapters 1-12. 50
M/C AP questions and 2
Free Response questions
Go over tests, Lecture and
powerpoint on
replication, transcription
and translation.
Chap. 13,
M/C quiz on Genetics
-Life Cycles and Hereditary
-Haploid, Diploid cells
-Genetic Variation
-Mitosis, Meiosis
-Review Molecules and Cells
-DNA & RNA structure
-Review of Meiosis, gametes
and inheritance
-Mendel’s experiments
-Principal of Independent
Science Technology and
Topics: Genetics,
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Topics: Genetics,
Inheritance, Evolution, DNA
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Topics: Genetics,
Inheritance, Evolution, DNA
Technology, Microbiology.
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Topics: Evolution, Ecology,
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Topics: Evolution, Ecology,
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Chap. 14,
Lecture and practice
worksheets on genetics,
Lab 6 (AP Lab Book,
Molecular Biology)
Practice problems
M/C quiz on Genetics
-Governance of Probability
-Dominant/Recessive traits
-Hybrid and Dihybrid crosses
-Polygenic traits
Chap. 15,
Lecture and practice
worksheets on genetics.
Analysis of Genetics in
the news.
M/C quiz on Genetics
-Sex linked traits
-Abnormal Chromosome
-Crossing over
-Genome mutations and
Chap. 20,
Lab 7 (AP Lab Book,
Genetics of Organisms),
Gel Electrophoresis
demonstration and student
activity. Debate.
M/C quiz on Genetics
-Human Genome Project
-Restriction enzymes
-Genetic engineering
-Gel Electrophoresis
-Ethical and Social
implications (debate)
-Forensics, Agriculture
Chap. 22
Introduction to Evolution, -Darwin
Discussion and evolution -History
-Natural Selection
-Evolution as the foundation of
M/C Quiz on Evolution
modern biology
-Examples of evolution
-Visualization of evolution
through predator/prey activity
Speciation Activity (Lab
9.3 BSCS Biology).
Finish data collection for
Lab 7.
-Population Genetics
-Gene pools and gene
-Hardy-Weinberg Theorem
-Natural Selection
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Topics: Evolution, Ecology,
-Genetic Drift
-Gene Flow
-Speciation (Allopatric &
-Current speciation (lab)
Chap. 21,
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Statistical Analysis
Section of Lab 7 (AP
Lab Book, Genetics of
Organisms with
statistical analysis
Lab 8 (AP Lab Book,
Population Genetics and
M/C Quiz on Evolution
Review evolution.
Review of all topics to this
-Statistical Analysis to analyze
data (Chi-Square Test)
-Importance of honesty and
accuracy in scientific process
-Application of H-W Theorem
-Natural Selection
-Genetic Drift
-Gene Flow
Review Heredity and Evolution
Test – Cumulative with
emphasis on chapters 1222. 50 M/C AP questions
and 2 Free Response
questions from AP
Winter Break
Topics: Ecology, Plants,
Chap. 50
& 52
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Nature, Energy Transfer.
Topics: Ecology,
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Nature and Energy Transfer.
Notes, Lab 2.2 (BSCS
Biology) on populations.
Give taxonomy project
M/C Quiz on Ecology
Chap. 5355
Notes, Lab 12 (AP Lab
Book, Dissolved Oxygen
and Aquatic Primary
Analysis of current
environmental issues
-Ecology and Interactions
-Link to Population Genetics
and Evolution
-Biotic and Abiotic factors
-Biomes and climate
-Connection to Evolution
-Growth Rate
-Limiting Factors and
Population Cycles
-Human population and social
impact (demographics and
geopolitical issues)
-Communities and
-Food Webs, feeding orders
-Energy Transfer
-Biodiversity, stability
-Ecological roles
-Energy pyramids
-Aquatic ecosystems
-Succession and ecosystem
-Toxins and bioaccumulation
-Climate Change
Topics: Classification,
Plants, Animals, Animal
Physiology, Microbiology.
Chap. 2634
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Nature and Energy Transfer.
Topics: Plants,
Classification, Cell Structure
and Function.
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Interdependence in Nature
and Energy Transfer.
Topics: Animals, Animal
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of
Structure to
Interdependence in
Nature and Energy
Topics: Animals, Animal
Physiology, Classification.
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Research projects on
taxonomical group,
presentation to class and
creation of class booklet
on biological diversity.
M/C Quiz on Taxonomy
Chap. 35,
36, 38
Lab 9 (AP Lab Book,
Powerpoint on plants
M/C Quiz on Plants
Chap. 40,
Lecture and notes.
Test – Cumulative with
emphasis on chapters 2634, 50-55
Chap. 42
Lab 10 (AP Lab Book) –
Physiology of the
Circulatory System.
-Introduction to Kingdoms
-Phylogenic tree and evolution
-Student research projects
and presentations on
reproduction and life cycle,
structure and function,
physiological regulation,
energy intake and processing,
and habitat and ecological
interdependence of major
phyla and classes as well as
selected orders:
-Plant specialized structure
and related function
-Xylem and Phloem, roots and
-Pollination, fertilization, seed
and fruit development
-Asexual plant reproduction
-Cells, Tissues, Organs and
-Metabolism and Energy
-Anatomy of Digestive system
-Diet and essential nutrients
-Mammalian heart and
-Blood Flow and Pressure
-Gas Exchange
-Cardiovascular heath
(genetic and life style) and
health care
Additional aspect to lab;
students will demonstrate
competency with:
-Experimental Variables
-Distribution Curves
-Statistical Analysis – paired
and unpaired t-tests
Topics: Animals, Animal
Physiology, Biochemistry,
Classification, Microbiology.
Chap. 41
Discussion and
M/C Quiz on Nutrition
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Topics: Animals, Animal
Physiology, Biochemistry,
Cell Structure and Function,
Chap. 43,
M/C Quiz on Immune
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Nature and Energy Transfer.
Topics: Animals, Animal
Physiology, Classification.
Themes: Continuity and
Change, Evolution,
Relationship of Structure to
Function, Regulation,
Science as a Process,
Science Technology and
Society, Interdependence in
Review Chapters 1-50
Discussion and
Powerpoint, Lab 17.2
(BSCS Biology)
45, 51
Powerpoint and
discussion on chapters 45
and 51 on Animals.
Lab 11 (AP Lab Book,
Animal Behavior)
Chap. 150
Review Week
-Male and Female Anatomy
-Female Reproductive Cycle
-Hormone Regulation
-Mammalian Development
-Human pregnancy
-Social issues related to
reproduction and
development (debate)
-External and Internal
-Acquired –vs- Innate
Immune system
-Humoral and Cell Mediated
-T-cells and B-Cells
-Determination of self
-Allergies and life style
-HIV, Bird Flu, Mad Cow
-Anatomy of Nervous system
-Action Potentials
-Transmission and Perception
-Hormonal regulation
-Signals and Communication
-Learned and Innate
-Evolution and Behavior
Review Organisms and
Mock Full AP Exam