KNOWING AND SHARING CHRIST Teacher: Aleksandar S. Santrac, DPhil, PhD FORMULA OF DIVINE PLAN HP [high potency] + CP [close proximity] + CC [clear communication] = MI [maximum impact] HIGH POTENCY 1. Knowledge of Christ 2. Faith and spiritual Power 3. Prayer 4. Authenticity 5. Compassion 6. Giving 7. Strength of commitment 8. Impact of sacrifice KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ [history, philosophy, theology] What type of knowledge is knowledge of Christ? FAITH 1. Believing in something you cannot see 2. total trust in God even if you do not know what will happen 3. hope in the midst of trouble times 1. Definition in Heb 11:1 trusting in something not working 2. believing in the impossible but seeing it as possible 1. Faith is based on supernatural [also interpretation of the natural] 2. Faith is radically different experience [mysterious] FAITH 1. intellectual faith [knowledge vs. faith] 2. existential faith [knowledge vs. faith] 3. saving faith [pistis in the New Testament] 4. faith as trusting/confidence in God MODEL OF CHRIST’S MISSION Incarnational model Kenosis of Christ and Mission Phil 2 Luke 4 His mission was to reach out to the poor, to deliver the captives, to restore sight to the blind, and to lift up the downtrodden. How did Jesus define the essence of His mission? John 10:11, Matt. 20:28. MODEL OF CHRIST’S MISSION Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me." There is need of coming close to the people by personal effort. If less time were given to sermonizing, and more time were spent in personal ministry, greater results would be seen. The poor are to be relieved, the sick cared for, the sorrowing and the bereaved comforted, the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled. We are to weep with those that weep, and rejoice with those that rejoice. MH143 MINGLING SYMPATHY NEEDS TRUST INVITATION TO FOLLOW HIGH POTENCY [APOSTOLIC MODEL] 1. Acts 4:32-36 A. KOINONIA (FELLOWSHIP IN SPIRIT) B. ENERGEIA (POWER OF GOD) C. KERYGMA [PROCLAMATION OF THE GOSPEL] D. DIAKONIA [SERVICE] HIGH POTENCY [SPIRITUAL POWER AND GIFTS] 1. Spiritual power of regeneration (Romans 8) 2. Spiritual power of spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12, Rom 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Pet 4). HIGH POTENCY – SPIRITUAL GIFTS Scripture and Spiritual Gifts 1 Cor 12, Rom 12, Ephes 4, 1 Pet 4 Theology of spiritual gifts 1. Are we cessationists or continuationists? 2. Do we use our gifts for the common good? 1 Cor 12:7; Ephes 4:12; 1 Pet 4:10 3. Proactive approach to use of spiritual gifts (common grace) Rom 12:6 4. Context of love 1 Cor 13 5. How spiritual gifts help us to become contagious Christians? Part I : Power of the testimony [biblical examples] Part II: Power of the testimony today CLOSE PROXIMITY [CHURCH AND CULTURE] Christ against Culture. Religious exclusivism and rejection of the worldly culture. Christ of Culture. Religious compromise and accomodation to culture. Christianity as cultural phenomenon. Christ above Culture. Synthesis theory. Christ and Culture in Paradox. Dualist theory. Christ Transforming Culture. CLOSE PROXIMITY [CHURCH AND CULTURE PART II] EVOLUTION OF CULTURE AND CHRISTIAN Standard of Truth A. Premodern: Truth is discerned primarily through religious institutions and mythology under the guidance of religious leaders. B. B. Modern: Truth is discerned primarily through rational and scientific investigation under the guidance of rationalistic philosophers and scientists. C. C. Postmodern: Truth is discerned both through mythology and rational scientific means. ULTIMATE REALITY A. Premodern: Ultimate reality is spiritual and deeply influences events in the ephemeral physical world. B. Modern: Ultimate reality is the physical world. If a spiritual world exists at all, it is ephemeral and uninvolved in the events of the physical would. C. Ultimate reality is both physical and spiritual (personal and impersonal); these dimensions of reality interact in countless ways. SEEKER OF TRUTH Seeker of Truth A. Premodern: Individuality is discouraged and conformity to community traditions is highly prized. B. Modern: Individuality of the independent objective scholar (transcendent subject) is prized over conformity to received traditions. C. Postmodern: Individuality is disdained as selfdeceptive, but individuals are encouraged to defy oppressive traditions. MODES OF COMMUNICATION Modes of Communication A. Premodern: Heavy reliance on oral, ritualized and iconographic communication due to widespread illiteracy and primitive publishing techniques. B. Modern: Heavy reliance on written communication, especially paper, due to rising literacy and publishing technologies (printing press). C. Postmodern: Written communication is lowered to the level of other formats, especially the iconographic, due to widespread electronic technologies. HISTORICAL PROGRESS A. Widespread mythic meta-narratives depict history in never-ending cycles. B. Widespread rational and scientific metanarrative depict history as progressing toward utopia. C. Fragmented, heteromorphic multi-narratives depict history as cycles and counter-cycles of cacophony and harmony.” CLOSE PROXIMITY Postmodern seekers Agnostics Atheists Millenialists Humanists-moralists Churched Proactive approach: Sharing Christ among one of these groups. [assignment for weekend] PSYCHOLOGY OF WITNESSING Theory of personality and witnessing Love three dimensions PSYCHOLOGY OF WITNESSING People ----> Holistic Approach - Aspects of a person (to not be confused with "parts"): body, soul, spirit 1. Body- Works on pleasure/pain ----> Loves for pleasure (eros) 2. Soul - Power/control/prestige/emotions -----> Loves for the beauty of friendship (phileo) 3. Spiritual (mind) - Purpose/meaning -----> Loves for the sake of others (agape) -If a person loses their purpose in life, they lose everything *Highest pleasure the Christian can experience is to love somebody for the sake of them only, experience agape love PSYCHOLOGY OF WITNESSING Personal Maturity -----> What sharing Christ is about - Four Dimensions of self: *Cosmic Value ----> Worship God: connect with the transcendent *Experience Value ----> Relations: with God and neighbor *Creative Value ------> Service *Attitudinal Value -----> Endurance: never giving up SMALL GROUPS HOW TO GIVE BIBLE STUDIES Background and content Preparation, willingness to serve Helpful tips for Bible studies How decision making process works? Bible Study Sample/Exercise Wed 11/11 HOW TO GIVE BIBLE STUDIES [CONTENT] "The love of Jesus will melt and win hearts when mere reiteration of doctrines will accomplish nothing." DA p. 826 “The people are more ignorant in regard to the plan of salvation and need more instruction upon this all-important subject than upon any other." Test, 4, 394 HOW TO GIVE BIBLE STUDY [CONTENT] Next to the word of God, a soul winner's testimony is the most powerful tool he has. "That you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.“ [1 Pet 2,9] 1. My life before I knew Christ 2. How I became a Christian 3. My life after I became a Christian 1. Mow the lawn for your neighbor 1. Share produce out of your garden 3. Offer to babysit 4. Go on errands for those who can’t 5. Take time to listen to their problems 6. Help them with their computer HOW TO GIVE BIBLE STUDY [PREPARATION] Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart. By being social and coming close to the people, you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily than by the most able discourse.” GW, 193. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS DURING BIBLE STUDY 1. Be a “learner” along with the student 2. Stay focused on the lesson you are studying 3. Never argue 4. Keep the study to one hour 5. If the student has a wrong answer (You’re wrong!) HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS DURING BIBLE STUDY 6. If the student asks a question you cannot answer 7. Study the lessons in the order given 8. Don’t let the student get you sidetracked 9. Give your student an honest compliment 10. Don’t be judgmental The Four Basic Levels of Decision Making 1. Information Making A Decisio n For Christ Does the individual have adequate information to The Four Basic Levels of Decision Making 1. Information 2. Conviction Making A Decisio n For Christ Begins to sense that this seems to be the right thing to do. They believe it is God’s will. The Four Basic Levels of Decision Making 1. Information 2. Conviction 3. Desire Making A Decisio n For Christ What he wants to do. Sees the blessings we have in The Four Basic Levels of Decision Making 1. 2. 3. 4. Information Conviction Desire Action Making A Decisio n For Christ Makes a decision based on information, conviction and