Lifespan Ch 14 Review
1. Explain consensual validation and the matching hypothesis.
2. Briefly describe Erikson's sixth developmental stage.
3. Discuss three situations when ending a romantic relationship must be a good option.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being single in early adulthood.
5. Discuss several factors that are important to people in a potential marriage partner as outlined in your text.
6. Discuss three of the strategies that Hetherington and Kelly (2002) recommend for coping and adapting in the
aftermath of divorce.
7. Discuss how men and women differ in their communication styles.
8. An individual's behavioral style and characteristic emotional responses.
9. Similar people are attracted to each other because the other person provides support for each person's
attitudes and behaviors.
10. A close relationship that involves enjoyment, acceptance, trust, respect, mutual assistance, confiding,
understanding, and spontaneity.
11. A type of love that is characterized by an individual's desire to have the other person near and to share a
deep, caring relationship with the other person.
12. A type of love that has strong sexual and infatuation components and often predominates in the early period
of a romantic relationship.
13. According to the triarchic theory of love, this type of love only includes passion.
14. According to the triarchic theory of love, this type of love includes passion, intimacy, and commitment.
15. According to the triarchic theory of love, this type of love includes intimacy and commitment, but does not
include sexual attraction.
16. According to the triarchic theory of love, this type of love includes passion and commitment, but does not
include (or is low on) intimacy.
17. Living together in a sexual relationship without being married.
19. The type of problems that do not go away and may include differences about whether to have children and
how often to have sex.
20. The group of divorced people who grew more competent, well-adjusted, and self-fulfilled following their
21. The group of divorced people who are described as average people coping with divorce.
22. Divorced people who were motivated to find new mates as soon as possible.
23. The group of divorced people who initially spend more time in singles bars and engaging in casual sex but
who sought a more stable, less sensation-seeking lifestyle by the end of the first year postdivorce.
24. The language of conversation that is a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships.
25. Talk that is designed to give information.
26. List three behaviors associated with temperament that typically change from adolescence to young
27. List three adult characteristics that Jerome Kagan has found to be associated with inhibited temperament in
28. List and briefly describe the two dimensions that are used to classify adult attachments with romantic
29. List three relationship characteristics in adults that are associated with a secure attachment styles with a
romantic partner.
30. List three characteristics that are generally true of woman-woman adult friendships, and list three
characteristics that are generally true of man-man adult friendships.
31. List and briefly describe three dimensions of love that have been proposed by Robert J. Sternberg (1988) in
his triarchic theory of love.
32. List three of the benefits of a good marriage.
33. List five principles identified by Gottman that make a marriage work.
34. List two strategies couples can use to resolve conflicts.