HANO 14th ANNUAL CONFERENCE October 2, 2014 Oahu HI “The Leadership Dilemma: Balancing Support and Accountability” L. Jani Sheppard, President ljs.Leadership Solutions ljs.leadershipsolutions@gmail.com L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 WELCOME AWSOME LEADERS… AND LEADERS TO BE) ! The Dilemma Who could benefit? Why we’re here….30 yrs. and counting “when I was in first grade….” L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 What is the Dilemma? Dominant Style - Accountability Dominant Style - Support L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 From Cent for Creative Leadership I(2014): er LEADERSHIP CULTURES: Dependent - belief that people in authority are responsible for leadership. Independent - belief that leadership emerges out of individual expertise and ‘heroic’ action. Interdependent - belief that leadership is a collective activity to the benefit of agency as a whole. conscious and unconscious beliefs of Leaders drives decisions/behavior repeated behaviors become leadership practices become the patterns of leadership Culture. While one leadership culture may dominate, other cultures may be operating in different divisions, functions, or groups within the organization. Including L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 The ROLE AND VALUE OF SUPPORT AND ACCOUNTABLILTY Accountability Is… A Leader’s Responsibility A path to effectiveness Empowering Respectful Supportive Accountability is not… A Bad Word Punishment Demoralizing “Being mean” Uncaring The opposite of “support” L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 The ROLE AND VALUE OF SUPPORT AND ACCOUNTABLILTY Support is not… Support Is… A Leader’s Responsibility A path to effectiveness Good Business Required (in some instances) Worth the time and effort Sometimes less effort than one might think Relinquishing Authority A sign of weakness Favoritism “Illegal” A Bad Word Unnecessary Unprofessional Irrelevant A waster of valuable time L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Who is in the room and Why? Where are you on the continuum ? Your influences? L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 ACTIVITIES AND TOOLS FOR ACCOUNTABILITY Starts at Candidate Search Inerview Hire On-Boarding Intro/Probationary Period Signed, Updated, and Reviewed Job Descriptions L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 ACTIVITIES AND TOOLS FOR ACCOUNTABILITY Clear and Updated Polies and Procedures Performance Evaluation Policy and Procedures Follow Performance Evaluation Polices and Procedures Training Supervisors on Procedures and Conducting Performance Evaluations Training Supervisors on Leadership and Supervision (eg. HR, peer to sup) L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 ACTIVITIES AND TOOLS FOR ACCOUNTABILITY Adequate time for Orientation Supervision Regularly scheduled “check-ins” Progressive ( as appropriate) Disciplinary Action Having the “Difficult Conversation” L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 ACTIVITIES AND TOOLS FOR ACCOUNTABILITY Clear and Updated Polies and Procedures Performance Evaluation Policy and Procedures Follow Performance Evaluation Polices and Procedures Training Supervisors on Procedures and Conducting Performance Evaluations Training Supervisors on Leadership and Supervision (eg. HR, peer to sup) L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Don’t like confrontation Things will get better...right? It’s hard for me to communicate with them. I stress just thinking about it Don’t have time to deal with this No one else can do what they do…what if they quit? fear of being sued Not sure how to have the conversation Who’s going to back me up? Someone else will probably address it If I ignore it, it will go away This could lead to a termination. what will people think of me? I just need to support them more/differently? The Difficult Conversation: What makes it Difficult? L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Will be bad for team morale I’m new so need to wait and see if it’s as bad as I think. We were friends/ coworkers before I became Supervisor They won’t like me The stay late to help Everyone likes them, including me! Her Auntie was my 4th grade teacher! They are overwhelmed with changes at the organization/ clients/donors/ stakeholders/grants/ home-life/etc. So this isn’t a good time (and never seems to be…) The Difficult Conversation: What Makes It Difficult? : L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 They are friends with a Board member They are friends with a donor The last time I had tried this, it didn’t go well What if they ask me something I can’t answer? I‘ll look lie a bad leader. I’m to busy/more Important things to do/not enough time in the day Their immediate supervisor should be doing/have done this The Difficult Conversation: What Makes It Difficult? L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Unconsciously/Counsciously WE Bring… THEY BRING Anticipation Assumptions Worry “attitude” ( + or -) Information solutions I BRING My expectations Stressors Understanding Responsibility Close-mindedness openness L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Unconsciously/Consciously WE Bring… THEY BRING I BRING justifications Values Knowledge Opportunity feelings Documentation about self/performance opportunity Authority Personal experience L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 KULEANA MINE THEIRS INTEFRITY INTEGRITY HONESTY WILINGNESS CLARITY SENSE FAIRNESS OPTIONS OF REPSONSIBLITY ???? ???? L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 BUILDING AND MAINTAINING AN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE of ACCOUNTABILITY (Henry Browning – Center for Creative Leadership via Forbes.com ) Clear roles, team leadership and individual ownership. Ambiguity makes accountability difficult. Who’s doing what? How will they proceed? When TEAMS are accountable, members identify gaps, learn new roles and processes, and ultimately build a more capable team. A sense of ownership for team results. How does team accountability work? Focus on team processes. How is the team working toward goals and outcome? Are team members effective? Do they feel 100 percent accountable to improving the process? Each Individual feels responsible to seek information, give and receive feedback and point out the need for corrective action at any time. L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 BUILDING AND MAINTAINING AN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE of ACCOUNTABILITY (Henry Browning – Center for Creative Leadership via Forbes.com ) Freedom, support and control to navigate competing priorities. Most problems have multiple right answers, so give people the freedom and control they need to make decisions. Be sure people have the resources, knowledge and assistance they need. With this approach, team members increase their skills, confidence and ownership. It’s not about punishment. If your goal in fostering accountability is to know who to punish when things go wrong or our way, we only succeed in creating fear. No one will be willing to step up, speak out or try something new. Once the rumor circulates that stepping out leads to “punishment” others are skittish about taking initiative to find solutions for fear of making a mistake. L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 BUILDING AND MAINTAINING AN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE of ACCOUNTABILITY (Henry Browning – Center for Creative Leadership via Forbes.com ) It’s about improvement. Accountability is the foundation for creating a learning organization. If we want sustainability and high quality, we need KNOW WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN’T – and analyze the cause.1 thing we can do is to take a systems approach as well as holding individuals accountable. Work to understand what parts of the situation have influenced the process, system, culture or circumstances. ( people vs. systems) L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 BUILDING AND MAINTAINING AN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE of ACCOUNTABILITY (Henry Browning – Center for Creative Leadership via Forbes.com ) The expectation of evaluation. In accountable organizations people seek feedback because they know it is intended to improve the process and add to their knowledge. Use multiple forms of feedback and evaluation to assess the health and success of a manager, process or department. Multiple feedback mechanisms help avoid discovering shortcomings when it is too late. Integrity counts. When anyone falls short, they admit it and work to improve. Consistently falling short? Concern needs to be addressed… perhaps has not been adequately addressed. L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Leader vs. Boss Being a leader is very different than being the boss. The boss drives the team; The leader inspires and coaches them. The boss depends on authority; The leader on good will. The boss evokes fear; The leader radiates love. The boss says "I"; The leader says "We". The boss shows who is wrong; The leader shows what is wrong. The boss knows how it is done; The leader shows how it is done. The boss assigns the tasks; The leader sets the pace. The boss says, "Get here on time"; The leader gets there ahead of time. The boss makes work drudger; The leader makes it interesting. The boss says "GO"; The leader says "LET'S GO The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. The boss fixes blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown. The Boss shows who is wrong; The Leader shows what is wrong.. The Boss demands respect; Leader commands respect The world needs leaders, but nobody wants a boss. Creating and Maintaining a Supportive Environment Servant Leadership 600 B.C., the Chinese sage Lao Tzu wrote The Tao Te Ching, a strategic treatise on servant leadership: The greatest leader forgets himself And attends to the development of others. Good leaders support excellent workers. Great leaders support the bottom ten percent. Great leaders know that the diamond in the rough is always found “in the rough.” 1977 Robert Greenleaf - “Father” of Servant Leadership” Creating and Maintaining a Supportive Environment Servant Leadership: Essential 10 Characteristics: Listening Empathy Healing Awareness Persuasion Conceptualization Foresight Stewardship Commitment to the growth of others Building community Visual Example of Servant Leadership Servant Leadership Emphasizes collaboration, trust, empathy Emphasizes the ethical use of power Individual is a servant first Makes the conscious decision to lead in order to better serve others, not to increase our own power Objective is to enhance the growth of individuals in the organization and increase teamwork and personal involvement Assessing Your Leadership Style How did you develop that style? When does it work for you? When does it seem counter-productive? Think of best and least effective supervisor you’ve had and how that influences your style? Is this style more similar to or more different from your supervisor’s style? How does this fit with your style as a “supervisee”? 2008 Burman and Evans 'charter' for leaders: Leading by example in accordance with the organization’s core values. Building the trust and confidence of the people with which they work. Continually seeking improvement in their methods and effectiveness. Keeping people informed. Being accountable for their actions and holding others accountable for theirs. Involving people, seeking their views, listening actively to what they have to say and representing these views honestly. Being clear on what is expected, and providing feedback on progress. Qualities of an Outstanding Leader( Suppoert /Accountability) Demonstrates Self-awareness Demonstrates and supports transparency and accountability Continually presents messages in such a way that the team will remain motivated, growing, and achieving at the highest levels of performance. Has Vision and is able to "sell" their vision and results-orientation to everyone on the team Demonstrates clarity, consistency and effective communications Takes time each day to send a congratulatory email, in person, text, or phone message of praise/Mahalo Makes self-sacrifice in the interest of mission and vision. Qualities of an Outstanding Leader Displays Confidence, determination, and persistence. (Excellent leaders need to have a very high degree of self-confidence and conviction because their mission usually challenges the status quo and, therefore, may offend those who have a stake in preserving the established order of things e.g. “It’s always been done this way!”. Others see them as competent, credible, and trustworthy. Role-models: team members identify with the values of role models they perceive in positive terms. Qualities of an Outstanding Leader Acts as spokespersons for their organization Communicates expectations of high performance from the team members and has confidence in team member’s abilities to meet expectations. Practices Frame Alignment: Knows the interests, values, and beliefs of team members. Use these to engage members in the goal or change. Uses Inspirational communication including celebrations Makes Difficult Decisions L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 CONSIDER KAREN… With organization for 4 years 3 children 2, 6, 12 Daycare difficulty Confided re: divorce due to DV/IPA and concern re: 1 income always remembers your birthday Coworkers hint they are carrying some of her work due to family concerns and legal appointments Not exemplary but consistent and solid work L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Loyal to mission and good relationship with stakeholders Understands mission because she has been through what Participants have been through Before becoming her supervisor, you were co-workers. Hung out together with other team members When you were promoted, gave you beautiful card telling you how you deserved it and how you were going to be different than previous person who was so strict and cold L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Past 6 mos., work steadily declining. Things LEFT UNDONE, LATE PAPERWORK, MISSED APPOITMENTS, INCREASED ERRORS, ). Community partners noticing and shedding bad light on organization Recently made mistake that put grant in jeopardy. She genuinely felt horrible and apologized profusely. Explained was because of distraction with divorce and TRO’s for domestic violence This morning, was late for appointment that resulted in funder withdrawing funds. L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Support Accountability L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 KNOW HR RESOURCES DV Leave FMLA Agency LWOP EAP MH Resources Legal Aid, etc. ( include in Orientation) Train Supervisors When possible, ne CONSISTENTLY flexible Understanding what support means to team members and they understand what it means to you. Couple Supportive Actions w/ clear and documented expectations re: Performance L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 Keep up to date on FLSA and Labor Laws/Resources Document, Document, Document ( the good and the challenging) Reflect and Debrief Acting from fear or love? Remember the 100% and 50% Be who you are but feel free to treat yourself to a professional stretch! Neer forget why you are there and the purpose fo rwhich your oganization exisits forgett that employeees ae the most vluabnle resourcve for any oprgsnizatioj, ad iamoknd in the rough L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 NEVER FORGET… EMPLOYEES ARE THE MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE TO ANY ORGANIZATION PAY FORWARD THE KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS, MENTORING, AND COACHING YOU RECEIVED ( WITH DISCERNMENT) IF YOU DIDN’T, START A NEW TRADITION The reason you are there and why your organization exists Who is at the top of the Org Chart Respectful Accountability is one of the most support actions a leader can take. L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014 You deserve to be in your leadership position If you are new leader or preparing for leadership, you bring a valuable and fresh perspective and you have so many wonderful opportunities to become the leader others want to follow. If you’ve been leading for a while, we value your wisdom and experience. Leadership is an honor and a privilege and you are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to be doing. Embrace, Enjoy, Develop, Grow, Share, Step Back, Step Up Mahalo for the powerful and positive impact you make on our world…. Mahalo! May you have all you need to make it a great day! Jani L. Jani Sheppard ljs.Leadership Solutions, LLC 808.280.6135 ©2014