Enterprise Modeling Improving the Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Process for IT Solutions Government Contract Proposals Saad El Beleidy Peyman Jamshidi Jared Kovacs Gabriel Lewis Presented at: Contents Context and Stakeholder Analysis Problem and Need Design Alternatives Simulation Design Results and Conclusions 2 Contents Context and Stakeholder Analysis Problem and Need Design Alternatives Simulation Design Results and Conclusions 3 IT Solutions Government Contractors Project Sponsor: AoA: develop complex IT solution, crucial to proposal 15-25 Proposals per year, of varied sizes Federal Contract Spending decreased $40 billion from 2009 to 2011 0.8 0.4 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 AoA Duration (Weeks) Federal Contract Spending (Billions) Proposal Development is critical to gaining revenue Likelihood Civilian and National Security (CNS) Division, Vangent, Inc. $560 $530 $500 2009 2010 2011 Fiscal Year Adapted from the Federal Times, 2011 4 Process Level 1 Proposal Development Process Government Entity Requirements Selected Solution Acquisitions Committee Solicitation Proposals Government Contractor Technical Solution Development Technical Solution Development / AoA Bid Decision Proposal Writing Budget & Management Highly competitive: 5-10 competitors for each proposal 5 Process Level 2 Top Level AoA Process Solicitation Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Evaluate Solutions Mean Duration (% AoA) Ranked List of Alternatives 60% 20% 10% 30% 40% 40% 20% 0% Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Explore Alternate Evaluate Solutions Criteria Solutions High-level “Decision and Analysis Resolution” (DAR) model provided by Vangent sponsors 6 Task Category Classification 1. Labor Intensive: Little expertise required: parsing, documenting. Time Variability = Low (±22%) 2. Decision Making: Expert required: difficult decisions, judgment calls. Time Variability = High (±54%) 3. Experience Recall: Expert required: subjectively making judgments based on previous experience. Time Variability = Medium (± 44%) 4. Networking: Personal dialogue and collaboration with co-workers and others. Time Variability = High (±100%) 7 Process Level 2 Top Level AoA Process Solicitation Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Evaluate Solutions Ranked List of Alternatives High-level “Decision and Analysis Resolution” (DAR) model provided by Vangent sponsors 8 Process Level 3 Phase 1: Define Problem Domain Task Category % of Phase Labor Intensive 25% Decision Making 23% Experience Recall 21% Networking 31% Data acquired via knowledge elicitation from stakeholder SMEs 9 Process Level 2 Top Level AoA Process Solicitation Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Evaluate Solutions Ranked List of Alternatives High-level “Decision and Analysis Resolution” (DAR) model provided by Vangent sponsors 10 Process Level 3 Phase 2: Define Evaluation Criteria Task Category % of Phase Labor Intensive 42% Decision Making 20% Experience Recall 18% Networking 20% Data acquired via knowledge elicitation from stakeholder SMEs 11 Process Level 2 Top Level AoA Process Solicitation Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Evaluate Solutions Ranked List of Alternatives High-level “Decision and Analysis Resolution” (DAR) model provided by Vangent sponsors 12 Process Level 3 Phase 3: Explore Alternate Solutions Task Category % of Phase Labor Intensive 36% Decision Making 15% Experience Recall 13% Networking 36% Data acquired via knowledge elicitation from stakeholder SMEs 13 Process Level 2 Top Level AoA Process Solicitation Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Evaluate Solutions Ranked List of Alternatives High-level “Decision and Analysis Resolution” (DAR) model provided by Vangent sponsors 14 Process Level 3 Phase 4: Evaluate Solutions Task Category % of Phase Labor Intensive 38% Decision Making 21% Experience Recall 23% Networking 18% Data acquired via knowledge elicitation from stakeholder SMEs 15 Current Issues in AoA 1. Limited and variable availability of past research due to proprietary restrictions Probability 0.5 0.25 0 0% 50% 100% 2. Limited and variable applicability of past research once gained Probability Relative Expected Availability 0.5 0.25 0 0% 3. Variable difficulty of AoA—need for past research 50% 100% Relative Expected Applicability 16 6. Time spent for AoA results is an entirely overhead cost 100% 50% 0% 0% 50% 100% Relative Expected Availability 100% Probability 5. One employee handles entire AoA, so potentially parallel processes are conducted in series AoA Output Relative Quality 4. Quality of AoA suffers from the information’s lack of availability and applicability AoA Output Relative Quality Current Issues in AoA 50% 0% 0% 50% 100% Relative Expected Applicability 0.8 $16,000 0.4 $6000 $32,000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 AoA Duration (Weeks) 17 Key Stakeholder Goals Solutions Architects Perform Analysis of Alternatives – Maximize productivity – Avoid overtime – Maximize labor rewards Capture Managers Manage the transition from opportunity discovery to contract award. Oversees bid strategies, pricing, and teaming – Maximize probability of winning contracts • Increase AoA discriminability and quality Proposal Managers Develop and manage the proposal plan and schedule – Maximize proposal/AoA throughput 18 Key Stakeholder Interactions Interactions Proposal Demand Solution Demand Tension: Managers and Solutions Architects Limited time and personnel resources to conduct AoAs. 19 Contents Context and Stakeholder Analysis Problem and Need Design Alternatives Simulation Design Results and Conclusions 20 Problem Statement During a time of national economic downturn, federal contract spending cuts have led to a decrease in available contract revenue and an increase in competition between government contractors. These factors have increased the time sensitivity of proposal development, specifically in the AoA process. 21 Need Statement There is a need for Analysis of Alternatives process improvements to reduce the mean time duration by at least 33%, and the variability by 25%, while maintaining or increasing AoA proposed solution quality and keeping maximum costs below $100,000 per AoA. Need validated with key stakeholders 22 Contents Context and Stakeholder Analysis Problem and Need Design Alternatives Simulation Design Results and Conclusions 23 Design Alternative Approach AoA Phase Parallel Tasks Task Category % AoA Variability Define Problem Domain 6 Labor Intensive 35.2% Low ±22% Define Evaluation Criteria 4 Decision Making 19.2% High ± 54% Explore Alternate Solutions 5 Experience Recall 26.3% Med ± 44% Evaluate Solutions 4 Networking 19.2% High ±100% Optimize AoA Staffing Levels Information Management System – Target Parallel Tasks – Reduce mean time duration – Target efficiency increases – Reduce duration and variability 24 Optimize AoA Staffing Levels Task Category Labor Intensive Decision Making Experience Recall Networking Efficiency Gain --- -10% --- +10% 1 Additional Solutions Architect collaborates to conduct AoA Reduce mean time duration of AoA – Additional resource to conduct parallel tasks – Increases size of social network – Potential for conflict in making decisions Cost: Approx. $200,000 salary including benefits per year Five year cost: $1,000,000 25 Information Management Alternatives Implementing a File Management System – Database searching capability improves availability of information in the AoA – Increases efficiencies of task categories, improves re-use of past research Implementing a Content Management System – Enhanced capabilities greatly improves availability of information in the AoA – Increases efficiencies of task categories, improves re-use of past research Maintaining a Sanitized Repository – Adds new content to the information pool – Changes high-variability task categories to low-variability categories 26 File Management System Task Category Labor Intensive Decision Making Experience Recall Networking Efficiency Gain +10% +10% +15% +5% Benefits – – – – Integrates with current system Organized file structure Promotes collaboration Easily scalable Drawbacks – Requires permissions for file access – Limited search functionality Cost: Intravation Initial Cost: 100 User License GDIT(Parent Company) has 25 user license; $1000 one time fee per active user First Year Cost: $77,000 Annual Maintenance: $1600 Five Year Cost: $83,000 27 Content Management System Task Category Labor Intensive Decision Making Experience Recall Networking Efficiency Gain +15% +15% +20% +10% Benefits – Robust searching and indexing – Preconfigured user roles based upon content–access needs – Authentication, check in/out, tracking – Workflow management Drawbacks – High complexity • High learning curve • Expensive Technical Support Cost: Documentum Initial Cost: 100 User License Cost: $110,665 System Cost: First Year Cost: $129,000 Annual Maintenance: $19,000 Five Year Cost: $203,000 28 Sanitized Document Repository Task Category Labor Intensive Decision Making Experience Recall Networking Efficiency Gain +15% +10% +10% +5% Low High Med High 35% 40% 20% 17% 19% 17% 26% Variability % of AoA Original New Benefits – Quality of information improvement • Promotes availability • Increases applicable content – Virtually eliminates security risks – Provides quicker access to data – Minimal technical support Drawbacks – Low initial benefit Cost Estimate 12 labor hours per AoA Five Year Cost: $150,000 29 Contents Context and Stakeholder Analysis Problem and Need Design Alternatives Simulation Design Results and Conclusions 30 Simulation Design Monte Carlo Discrete Event Simulation of the AoA 1000 Replications Each Replication covers 25 Proposals (1 year) Key Model Assumptions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Solutions Architects work on one task at a time Only one proposal is being worked on at any given time The four task categories adequately capture AoA time consumption All tasks are of equal importance to the quality of AoA output 31 Simulation Design AoA Process Definition Task Category Efficiencies AoA Mean Duration AoA Difficulty Simulation Model Information Availability Information Applicability AoA Duration Variability Quality Metric Number of Technologies 32 Simulation Video Task Time Delay Equation 𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦 = 𝑇𝐶 𝐷 ∗ 𝐸 ∗ 𝑊 ∗ 𝑉 ∗ 𝑇𝑉 [ ] 𝑁 : Task Categories (Labor Intensive, Decision Making, Experience Recall, Networking) : Inherent Task Delay : Task Category Efficiency Index (% Expected Time) : Task Category Weight (% of task with specific task category) : Task Category Variability Factor (RV) : Technology Variability (RV) : Number of Technologies/AoAs in the Proposal 34 Task Quality Metric Equation 𝑄 = 0.6 ∗ 𝐴𝑣 + 0.4 ∗ 𝐴𝑝 𝐴𝑣 : Availability Factor (RV) 𝐴𝑝 : Applicability Factor (RV) 0.6,0.4 : Stakeholder weights 35 Design of Experiment Matrix Run Configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Baseline A1 A1, A2 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A4 A1, A3 A1, A4 A2 A2, A3 A2, A4 A3 A4 A1 x x x x x x - Alternatives A2 A3 x x x x x x x x x x - A4 x x x x A1: Staffing Levels A2: Sanitized Repository A3: File Management A4: Content Management 36 Contents Context and Stakeholder Analysis Problem and Need Design Alternatives Simulation Design Results and Conclusions 37 Simulation Results Percent Decrease in AoA Mean Time Duration Percent Decrease in Mean Duration 60.00% 49.47% 50.00% 51.66% 43.08% 43.91% 40.00% 45.42% 36.53% 33.00% 30.00% 20.10% 20.00% 23.38% 13.97% 11.15% 10.11% 10.00% 0.00% A1 A1, A2 A1, A2, A1, A2, A3 A4 A1, A3 A1, A4 A2 A2, A3 A2, A4 A3 A4 Alternative Configurations A1: Optimized Staffing Levels; A2: Sanitized Repository; A3: File Management; A4: Content Management 38 Simulation Results Percent Decrease in AoA Time Duration Variability Percent Decrease in Duration Variability 60.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 37.50% 37.50% 40.00% 37.50% 34.38% 30.00% 25.00% 18.75% 20.00% 12.50% 10.00% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% A3 A4 0.00% A1 A1, A2 A1, A2, A1, A2, A3 A4 A1, A3 A1, A4 A2 A2, A3 A2, A4 Alternative Configurations A1: Optimized Staffing Levels; A2: Sanitized Repository; A3: File Management; A4: Content Management 39 Simulation Results Quality Metric 0.84 Using a Sanitized Repository is the only proposed alternative that directly affects quality. Quality Metric 0.82 0.8 0.78 0.74 Baseline 0.76 ~10% 0.74 0.72 Increase in Quality 0.7 Alternative Configurations A1: Optimized Staffing Levels; A2: Sanitized Repository; A3: File Management; A4: Content Management 40 Stakeholders’ Utility Function Utility Mean Duration Duration Variability AoA Output Quality Solution Quality .238 .048 .143 .571 Value Hierarchy obtained via Stakeholder values elicitation weighted with the Swing Weight Method 41 Alternative Utility Ranking Rank Alternative Configuration Utility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A1, A2, A4 A1, A2 A1, A2, A3 A2, A4 A2 A1, A4 A2, A3 A4 A1, A3 A1 Baseline A3 4.25 3.95 3.90 3.90 3.54 3.49 3.28 3.18 3.14 3.09 2.50 2.37 A1: Optimized Staffing Levels A2: Sanitized Repository A3: File Management A4: Content Management Meet The Need Don’t Meet The Need 42 Sensitivity Analysis Percent Change in Criteria Weight Necessary to Change Utility Rank Alternative Configurations A1, A2 A1, A2, A3 A2, A4 Utility Function Criteria Mean Time +33% +34% +60% Usability +41% +48% +34% Integrability +69% +119% +60% 43 Cost-Benefit Analysis 5 4.5 A1, A2, A4 4 Utility 3.5 A1, A2 A2, A4 A2 A2, A3 A4 3 A1 A1, A2, A3 A1, A4 A1, A3 Baseline 2.5 A3 2 Meet the Duration and Variability Reduction Need Do Not Meet the Duration and Variability Reduction Need 1.5 1 -$5,000.00 $15,000.00 $35,000.00 $55,000.00 $75,000.00 $95,000.00 Cost per AoA A1: Optimized Staffing Levels; A2: Sanitized Repository; A3: File Management; A4: Content Management 44 Cost-Benefit Analysis 5 4.5 Closest to Desirable Region 4 Utility 3.5 A1, A2 A2, A4 A2 A2, A3 A4 3 A1 A1, A2, A4 A1, A2, A3 A1, A4 A1, A3 Baseline 2.5 A3 2 Meet the Duration and Variability Reduction Need Do Not Meet the Duration and Variability Reduction Need 1.5 1 -$5,000.00 $15,000.00 $35,000.00 $55,000.00 $75,000.00 $95,000.00 Cost per AoA A1: Optimized Staffing Levels; A2: Sanitized Repository; A3: File Management; A4: Content Management 45 Recommendations Optimize Staffing Levels and Maintain a Sanitized Repository (A1, A2) – – – – – – Percent Reduction in Time Duration: 44% Percent Reduction in Duration Variability: 38% Percent Increase in Quality: 10% Total Utility: 3.95 Max Expected Cost per AoA: $50,000 Total Implementation Cost: $230,000/year 46 Recommendations (Potential Value, if Cost Reduced) Optimize Staffing Levels, Maintain a Sanitized Repository, and Implement a Content Management System (A1, A2, A4) – – – – – – Percent Reduction in Time Duration: 52% Percent Reduction in Duration Variability: 50.00% Percent Increase in Quality: 10% Total Utility: 4.25 Maximum Expected Cost per AoA: $78,000 Total Implementation Cost: $111,000 plus $249,000/yr 47 Questions? 48 Backup Slides 49 Project Plan WBS – Top Level Enterprise Modeling Project 1.0 Project Definition 2.0 Requirements Development 5.0 Results Analysis 3.0 Solution Development 4.0 Modeling and Testing 6.0 Communications and Management Syst 495-Spring 2012 50 Context Output of AoA: Ranked Set of Alternatives AoA output for “Case Management Platforms” (Vangent, Inc) Vendors Considered: Custom Developed Siebel IBM Microsoft Total Scores Syst 490-Fall 2011 51 Stakeholders’ Value Hierarchy AoA Process Improvement Objective Maximize Usability Maximize Integrability Maximize Tailorability Maximize Tech Support .190 .167 .119 .071 Reduce Mean Time Reduce Time Variability Maximize AoA Quality Maximize Scalability .048 .143 .024 .238 Value Hierarchy obtained via Stakeholder values elicitation weighted with the Swing Weight Method Syst 495-Spring 2012 52 Information Management Alternatives Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Retrieve Past Criteria from similar proposals Retrieve Past Proposal Requirements Evaluate Solutions Provide reference of past analyses Maintain List of SME’s Retrieve Past Alternative Material Syst 495-Spring 2012 53 Optimizing Staffing Levels Alternative Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Evaluate Solutions Time Reduction Parallel Processes Syst 495-Spring 2012 54 Percent Decrease 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 33% 30.00% 25% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Mean Time (Filled) Variability (Hollow) A1: Optimized Staffing Levels; A2: Sanitized Repository; A3: File Management; A4: Content Management Syst 495-Spring 2012 55 Alternatives Efficiency Summary Labor Intensive Decision Making Experience Recall Networking Baseline --- --- --- --- Optimizing Staffing Levels --- -10% --- +10% Sanitized Repository +15% +10% +10% +5% File Management +10% +10% +15% +5% Content Management +15% +15% +20% +10% Alternative Syst 495-Spring 2012 56 Alternatives’ Efficiency Indexes Labor Intensive Decision Making Experience Recall Networking 1.2 Efficiency Index 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Baseline A1 A1, A2 A1, A2, A1, A2, A1, A3 A1, A4 A3 A4 A2 A2, A3 A2, A4 A3 A4 Alternative Configurations A1: Optimized Staffing Levels; A2: Sanitized Repository; A3: File Management; A4: Content Management Syst 495-Spring 2012 57 Process Level 1 Proposal Development Process Government Entity Requirements Selected Solution Acquisitions Committee Government Contractor Solicitation Proposal TechnicalSolution Solution Development Technical Development Bid Decision Proposal Writing Budget & Management Proposal Development is critical to gaining revenue Highly competitive: 5-10 competitors for each proposal Syst 495-Spring 2012 58 Process Level 2 Technical Solution Development Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Solicitation Alternatives Analysis Ranked List of Alternatives Integration of Assets Assets for Proposal Solution to be Proposed Model developed based on team research and knowledge elicitation from Vangent sponsors Syst 495-Spring 2012 59 Process Level 3 Top Level AoA Process Solicitation Define the Problem Domain Define Evaluation Criteria Explore Alternate Solutions Evaluate Solutions Ranked List of Alternatives High-level “Decision and Analysis Resolution” (DAR) model provided by Vangent sponsors Syst 495-Spring 2012 60