IPCA Senate & General Membership Meeting February 28, 2012

IPCA Senate & General Membership Meeting
February 28, 2012
President Tammy Milazzo introduced Carole Cheney, Candidate for Illinois State House Representative
District 84.
The meeting was called to order by President Tammy Milazzo at 4:40PM.
Secretary’s Report
 The minutes from the January 17, 2012 meeting were read and approved. Moved by Derrin
Duffy and seconded by Diane Herbert.
Treasurer’s Report
 Dues collected for January 15-February 15: $28,818.17
Dues paid to IEA: $26,152.38
 Fundraiser totals:
Raffles (Oct-Jan)
Bake Sales
Gift Cards
 Carol Kida, Senator from Springbrook School, reported that Green Mountain Coffee has donated
a Keurig Coffemaker to them. They will be doing a raffle to raise money for the IPCA Scholarship
Fund. The cost is 2 tickets for $5.00. Their goal is to raise $300.00.
Election Report
 March 7, 2012: Election for the NEA-RA delegates and Region 52 Council Reps.
 IPCA is entitled to 5 delegates for the NEA-RA & 6 Reps for the Region 52 Council.
 Elections Chair Sue Hall distributed the election packets to the senators and explained the
correct procedure to be followed on the day of the election.
 Important reminder: Ballots should be dropped off at: CEC, by 4:30PM or IEA office, by
5:00PM. Everything must be returned, including the rosters.
Membership Report
 681 Regular members
 73 Fairshare members
 754 Total IPCA members
 Cynthia Baston spoke about the confusion when new employees sign the membership forms.
Many think that they have signed up to be a member, but that is not always the case. If they are
listed on the election roster as a fairshare member & they come to vote…have them fill out a
new form & sign up to be a member. After they have done this they will be allowed to vote.
Scholarship Report
 Tammy reported that Mary O’Brien, former IPCA treasurer, made a donation to the scholarship
fund, in memory of Carol Schaible. Carol was the immediate past president of IPCA. She passed
away on January 21, 2012.
 The Executive Board decided that this year a scholarship will be given in Carol’s memory. It will
be known as the Carol Schaible Memorial Scholarship.
Scholarship Chair Marie Ziebarth distributed the scholarship application to the senators. The
quote to be used this year is: “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows”.
 The applications must be postmarked by April 2, 2012 and submitted to: Marie Ziebarth, 720
Boneset Ct., Naperville, IL 60540.
 Anyone interested in volunteering to be a reader should let Marie know.
 The scholarship/ retiree dinner will be held on May 15, 2012 at Luigi’s. It is very important that
people RSVP & plan to attend. Please note: IPCA will be charged for all those who RSVP as a yes.
 Send retiree names to Jessye Skorich.
Bargaining Update
 Helen Keene reported that IPCA & IPEA bargained insurance issues on February 3, 2012. The IBB
process was used. The teams were not able to finish & will continue, at a later date.
 The IPCA survey had 408 responses. The bargaining team will meet on February 27, 2012 to
discuss the responses.
 There will be a Meet & Greet on February 27, 2012 at Culvers on RT 59 at 3:15-5PM. Please
encourage members to come to meet the bargaining team.
 IPCA is scheduled to bargain on March 7, 2012 & March 21, 2012. Updates will be published on
the IPCA website.
 Any concerns or suggestions send to Helen Keene. If you email her, use her home email address
that is on the website.
Mandated Trainings
 “Bullying” training should be done by March 1, 2012. Please remind members to comply.
 Cynthia Baston spoke about some discipline issues that have taken place recently. These were
regarding some KRONOS issues. Several senators asked Cynthia to clarify the “7 minute rule”
with Karen Sullivan. She said that she would add it to the agenda for PCC.
 Introduction of Kathy Sheehan, Region 52 Chair. Kathy is a Math teacher at Gregory MS & also
the IPEA Treasurer.
10 Minute Meeting
1. Election on March 7, 2012
2. IPCA Scholarship info
3. Bargaining update
4. Fundraising info
Presentation by Kathy Birkett & Dave Holm on the Financial State of District #204
Point of personal privilege- Carol Kida thanked everyone for all the cards, etc., sent to Springbrook
regarding the death of teacher, Shaun Wild.
Drawing Winners/ $5.00 gift card to Subway
 Derrin Duffy & Maleea Hogberg
Our next meeting will be held on April 17, 2012.
Meeting adjourned at 6:37PM. Moved by Wendy Wenman & seconded by Jody Julius.