10th Grade Course Selection Spring 2015 10th Grade Spring Registration Dates January 22-23: 10th Grade Students receive registration information January 28-29: 10th Grade Students will enter their schedules through History classes Mid-May: Students will receive course verification sheets to review choices Class Selection for Fall 2015 - Directions Choose one: 1. English III Core or AP (ACC classes will be changed once registration is completed) 2. US History Core or AP (ACC classes will be changed once registration is completed) 3. Math AlgebraGeometryAlgebra II (Core, Pre-AP)Core Stats or AP Stats or Core PreCal or Pre-AP PreCal 4. Science Science-Physics-Core or Pre-AP 5-8 Electives Choices 5-8: Electives (Below are the remaining graduation requirements) □ 1.0 P.E.-Athletics, Foundations of P.E., Dance, NJROTC, Marching Band (Fall only) □ 1.0 Fine Arts -Band, Orchestra, Dance, Theatre, Technical Theatre, Choir □ .5 Health □ .5 Prof Communications (Speech) □ 2.0 LOTE (3.0 for DAP) □ 7.0 Electives Additional classes ACC Classes-Choose either Core or AP for your History and English selections on the Course Selection Sheet-once students complete the entire registration process, their schedule will be changed to “College Courses” (mid-may). PALS/Peer Buddies-Have an application process. Students schedules will be changed to these classes once they have been accepted into the class (mid-may). AP and ACC Credits College credit opportunities in high school - AP Classes Taught by GHS Teachers College level curriculum Students take exam in May (costs about $90)-can earn credit with a passing score (3, 4, 5 – score and credit earned varies by college) Weighted points for GPA AP Credit Policies by College: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/creditandplace ment/search-credit-policies GHS AP Classes History AP W. History (10) AP US History (11) AP Economics (12) AP Government (12) AP European History (12) Math AP Calc AB AP Calc BC AP Statistics English AP English Language (11) AP English Literature (12) Languages AP Spanish Language IV AP Spanish Literature V AP German IV AP French IV Science AP Physics I AP Physics II AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science Electives AP Psychology (11-12) AP Studio Art 2D (11-12) AP Student Art 3D (11-12) AP Music Theory (11-12) AP Computer Science (10-12) College credit opportunities in high school – Dual Credit Classes Taught by ACC Professors College level curriculum Can take 2 classes per semester starting summer after sophomore year (up to 12 classes = 36 college credits) Students earn credit at Texas Public Colleges by passing. Weighted points for GPA (Highest grade a student can receive is a 95%, A=95, B=85, etc). Students must pay for textbooks FERPA- Grades are not available for GHS or for parents, only students have access to grades College credit opportunities in high school – Dual Credit classes Steps to enroll: Step 1 APPLICATION Turn in ACC ID: February 27 Step 2 ORIENTATION (TOP) Certificate of Completion Due: February 27 Step 3 TESTING - College Readiness & Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) February 27 Step 4 ADVISING with High School Counselor AND ACC Advisor Step 5 REGISTER for ACC Classes PAA Due (If testing is required): March 2 April 10 Attend session on April 24 Attend session on April 24 ACC Classes offered at GHS-11th Grade ACC Course HS Course When Art 1301 Art Summer 2015-EVHS June 1-July 7 (M-Th) Govt 2306 Texas Government Summer 2015-EVHS June 1-July 7 (M-Th) English 1301* English 3A + (Am Lit included GHS .25 English 4A only) Fall 2015 Speech 1311 Fall 2015 Professional Communications English 1302* English 3B + (Am Lit included GHS .25 English 4A only) Spring 2015 US History 1302 Spring 2015 US History ACC Classes offered at GHS-12th Grade ACC Class GHS Credit When British Literature* English 4B Fall 2016 Government 2305 US Government Fall 2016 US History 1302* Economics Spring 2017 Economics Spring 2017 *Upon completion of English 1301 + English 1302 + British Literature, students will receive credit for English 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B Comparison of AP and ACC AP ACC How do I enroll? Sign up for class during registration and register for exam in March/April Complete 5 step registration process and see counselor when completed How does it effect my GPA? Weighted GPA-Grade earned is grade transcribed Weighted GPA-Letter grade is assigned A = 95 B = 85 What if I fail? Students have the opportunity to move to a core class at the 9 weeks if they are not being successful. Students must drop the class by the ACC withdraw date and retake class at GHS. If you fail, financial aid may be impacted. Comparison of AP and ACC-con’t AP What are the costs? Class is free-each exam is about $90 ACC Class at GHS Campus is freestudents must pay for textbooks How do I find out https://apstudent.collegeboa Search “ACC University Transfer rd.org/creditandplacement/s and Equivalency Guide” if it will transfer? earch-credit-policies . Entering on Career Cruising Go to CareerCrusing.com User Name: GT-(school user name) Password: school password Example: User: GT-abc123 Password: defg456 https://www.careercruising.com/ Questions?