
Lecture 2
Atoms and Molecules
Matter is any substance in the universe that has mass and occupies space
All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms
Every atom has the same basic structure
 Core nucleus of protons and neutrons
 Orbiting cloud of electrons
Atomic number
 Number of protons
Atomic mass
 Number of protons and
 A substance that cannot be
broken down by ordinary
chemical means
 Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but
different numbers of neutrons
99% of all
atomic mass
Same atomic
Radioactive Decay
Radioactive isotope dating
 The nucleus of an unstable
isotope breaks down into particles
with lower atomic numbers
 Radioactive isotopes are used in
 1. Medicine
 Tracers are taken up and
used by the body
 Emissions are detected
using special lab
 2. Dating fossils
 The rate of decay of a
radioactive element is
 The amount of decay can
be used to date fossils
 The capacity to do work (put matter into motion)
 Types of energy
 Kinetic – energy in action
 Potential – energy of position; stored (inactive) energy
Energy Concepts
 Electrons have energy due to their relative orbital position
(potential energy)
 Electron shells, or energy levels, surround the nucleus of an atom
 Valence shell – outermost energy level containing chemically active
 Bonds are formed using the electrons in the outermost energy level
The Octet Rule
 Octet rule – except for the first shell which is full with two
electrons, atoms interact in a manner to have eight electrons
in their valence shell
Inert elements have their outermost
 Reactive elements do not have
energy level fully occupied by electrons
their outermost energy level fully
occupied by electrons
A molecule is a group of atoms held together by energy
The holding force is called a chemical bond
There are three kinds of chemical bonds
1. Ionic bonds
2. Covalent bonds
3. Hydrogen bonds
Ionic Bonds
Ionic bonds form between atoms by the transfer of one or more
Ionic compounds form crystals instead of individual molecules
Example: NaCl (sodium chloride)
Two key properties
1. Strong: But not as strong as covalent bonds
2. Not directional: They are not formed between particular ions in the
Ionic Bonds
Covalent Bonds
 Covalent bonds are formed by the sharing of two or more electrons
 Electron sharing produces molecules
 Two key properties
1. Strong: The strength
increases with the
number of shared
2. Very directional: They
are formed between
two specific atoms
Water molecules contain two covalent bonds
Comparison of Bonds
 Electrons shared equally
between atoms produce
nonpolar molecules
 Electrons shared unequally
produces polar molecules
 Atoms with six or seven valence
shell electrons are
 Atoms with one or two valence
shell electrons are
Hydrogen Bonds
 Formed by the attraction of
opposite partial electric charges
between two polar molecules
 Too weak to bind atoms together
 Common in dipoles such as
 Responsible for surface tension
in water
 Important as intramolecular
bonds, giving the molecule a
three-dimensional shape
Hydrogen bonding in water molecules
Chemical Reactions
 Occur when chemical bonds are formed, rearranged, or
 Are written in symbolic form using chemical equations
 Chemical equations contain:
 Number and type of reacting substances, and products
 Relative amounts of reactants and products
Patterns of Chemical Reactions
 Combination reactions: Synthesis reactions which always
involve bond formation
A + B  AB
 Decomposition reactions: Molecules are broken down into
smaller molecules
AB  A + B
 Exchange reactions: Bonds are both made and broken
AB + C  AC + B
 All chemical reactions are theoretically reversible
A + B  AB
AB  A + B
 If neither a forward nor reverse reaction is dominant,
chemical equilibrium is reached
Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions
 Reactants losing electrons are electron donors and are
 Reactants taking up electrons are electron acceptors and
become reduced
 Generally, the atom that is reduced contains the most
Energy Flow in Chemical Reactions
 Exergonic reactions – reactions that release energy
 Endergonic reactions – reactions whose products contain
more potential energy than did its reactants
Factors Influencing Rate of Chemical Reactions
 Temperature – chemical reactions proceed quicker at
higher temperatures
 Particle size – the smaller the particle the faster the
chemical reaction
 Concentration – higher reacting particle concentrations
produce faster reactions
 Catalysts – increase the rate of a reaction without being
chemically changed
 Enzymes – biological catalysts
Hydrogen Bonds Give Water Unique Properties
 Water molecules are polar molecules
 They can thus form hydrogen bonds with each other and with other polar
 Each hydrogen bond is very weak
 However, the cumulative effect of enormous numbers can make them quite
 Hydrogen bonding is responsible for many of the physical properties of
 Heat Storage
 A large input of thermal energy is required to disrupt the organization of
liquid water
 This minimizes temperature changes
 Ice Formation
 At low temperatures, hydrogen bonds don’t break
 Water forms a regular crystal structure that floats
 High Heat of Vaporization
 At high temperatures, hydrogen bonds do break
 Water is changed into vapor
Water Transport
Hydrogen Bonds Give Water Unique Properties
 Cohesion
 Attraction of water molecules to other
water molecules
 Example: Surface tension
 Adhesion
 Attraction of water molecules to other
polar molecules
 Example: Capillary action
Water strider
Hydrogen Bonds Give Water Unique Properties
 High Polarity
 Polar molecules are termed hydrophilic
 Water-loving
 All polar molecules that dissolve in water are termed
 Nonpolar molecules are termed hydrophobic
 Water-fearing
 These do not form hydrogen bonds and are therefore
not water soluble
Water Ionizes
 Covalent bonds within a water molecule sometimes break
H 2O
 This process of spontaneous ion formation is called ionization
 It is not common because of the strength of covalent bonds
 A convenient way to
express the hydrogen
ion concentration of a
pH = _ log [H+]
 The pH scale is logarithmic
 A difference of one unit
represents a ten-fold
change in H+ concentration
 Acid: Dissociates in water
to increase H+
 Base: Combines with H+
when dissolved in water
 Hydrogen ion reservoirs that take up or release H+ as needed
 The key buffer in blood is an acid-base pair