Session Title - Amazon Web Services

Outside the Box:
Applying SEM Principles to an
Innovative Program
Presented by:
Zina Evans
Tammy Aagard
Steve Pritz
University of Florida
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2013: 9:00 am
Session ID 1899
AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
Session ID: 1899
Session Rules of Etiquette
• Please turn off your cell phone/pager
• If you must leave the session early, please do so as
discreetly as possible
• Please avoid side conversation during the session
• Please complete the session evaluation
Thank you for your cooperation
AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
Session ID: 1899
Learning Outcomes of this Session:
• Identify enrollment management issues
associated with innovative programs
• Understand how SEM principles guided
decisions for the roll-out of this program
• Identify applications of these SEM issues to
programs at the your campus
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The challenge
The idea
The SEM implications
The implementation
The evaluation
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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The Challenge
• Demand vs. Capacity
• Efficient Use of Resources
– Space Utilization
– Student/Faculty Ratio
• Increase Access
• Signature Program
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“During the quiet time here on campus, I have found
the joy in doing what I enjoy and did not have the
chance to do during fall and spring because so many
student organizations compete for space such as
dance rooms.”
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The Idea
1. Increase Access and maximize classroom space
utilization without increasing the student/faculty
2. Create a signature program based on a
Spring/Summer enrollment calendar with a
central academic theme where students from
multiple majors collectively worked towards a
3. The Innovation Academy
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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“These IA bonding sessions have helped me realize
that you can make a big university small; you can’t
make a small university big. IA PRIDE!”
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The SEM Implications - Admissions
• Messaging
– Focusing on the IA Concept rather than what it is NOT
– Opportunities – entrepreneurship, creativity,
innovation, internships, integration into the university’s
Innovation Square
– Never presented as “alternative” – but as an expansion
or extension of the UF opportunity
– Small college experience with the benefits of a large
research institution
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The SEM Implications - Admissions
• Roll-out
– Guidance counselor workshops
– Newsletter created
– Started recruiting season with flyer--later table piece
– Initially used Admissions website for IA until their
website was developed
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The SEM Implications - Admissions
• Populating the program
– Strategy was to build a cohort of interested students through
a checkbox on the admission application
– Using this strategy and a “What’s This?” link we generated
an IA prospect pool of 2347 in the first year and 3981 in the
second year
– Market to the prospect pool with weekly newsletter, target
email campaigns, online chat sessions and social media
– Class of 300 first year and 377 second year
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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Animal Sciences
Entomology and Nematology
Plant Sciences
Business Administration
Information Systems
Sustainability and the Built
Computer Science
Digital Arts and Sciences
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Visual Art Studies
AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
Public Relations
Political Science
Health Science
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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“I am thrilled with my fall internship opportunity
because it will really embrace the creative aspect of
my studies as a business administration marketing
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Session ID: 1899
The SEM Implications – Financial Aid
• Developed a unique Cost of Attendance based
on Spring/Summer enrollment
– Lower Cost of Attendance $17,926 for IA; $20,200
for non-IA
– Pay less for a degree = Borrowing less
• Negotiated with state officials so students could
use Bright Futures for the alternative calendar
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Session ID: 1899
The SEM Implications – Financial Aid
• Set aside funding during packaging so as not to
short-change IA students in gift aid
• Determined the impacts of using Financial Aid
on a different calendar
– Students using PELL and Bright Futures during
pre-fall enrollment
– Exit counseling in fall
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Session ID: 1899
The SEM Implications – Financial Aid
• Local Financial Aid
– Can award more students overall because of lower
Cost of Attendance for IA students
• Communication strategies for pre-fall
enrollment and ongoing
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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“I felt (and still feel) that even in Gainesville, I was still
with family. That family was, and is, my Innovation
Academy cohort. Ultimately, it is the powerful bond
with my cohort that made my transition to UF swift,
and Gainesville my “home away from home.”
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Session ID: 1899
The SEM Implications - Registrar
• Restrict Access (or not) To Fall Activities and Services
Football /Athletic Event Tickets
Recreation Center Access
Student Health Care Center
ID Cards
Residence Halls
Student Government service
Student Organizations
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The SEM Implications - Registrar
• Curriculum Modifications
– Required the same minor in Innovation
• For all IA students
– Regardless of major
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The SEM Implications - Registrar
• Course Offerings Management
• IA Students take standard major courses
• IA Minor courses only available to IA students
• College and Department Offerings
• New program communication challenges
• Timely creation of IA only sections
• Expanded offerings in summer terms
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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The SEM Implications - Registrar
• IA Fall Schedule of Courses Limited To:
– Internships
– Practicums
– Coop
– Research
– Study Abroad
– Online courses
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Session ID: 1899
The SEM Implications - Registrar
• Registration Prep and Appointment Assignment
– Reengineered to accommodate IA students
• Traditionally, students not attending fall
– Not assigned registration appointments
– Do not receive registration notifications
• Registration Restrictions
– No registration for Brick and Mortar courses in fall
– Only IA students allowed to register for IA minor courses
• Registration Prerequisite Checking
– Modified to manage unique IA requirements
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Session ID: 1899
The SEM Implications - Registrar
• Universal Tracking Monitoring
– Reengineered to allow continuation
• With non-standard attendance pattern
• Degree Audit
– Realignment to manage unique required minor
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Session ID: 1899
“The Beaty Laundry Basket was the ultimate brainchild of a
whole year's worth of creativity classes, the frustration of taking
my laundry downstairs, and the teamwork of a group of
individuals who put aside their differences to put together their
ideas. My team became my best friends, my prototype became
my go-to laundry basket, and the practicum became another A+
for my GPA.”
AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
Session ID: 1899
The Implementation
• Academic issues
– Working with colleges
• Multidisciplinary
• Degree requirements offered on a Spring Summer
• The Minor
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The Implementation
• Student Services Issues
– Orientation
– Housing
– Access to student services
– Participation in sororities and fraternities
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Session ID: 1899
The Implementation
• Enrollment Issues
– Pre-fall enrollment
• Admitted Students Enrolling Non-Degree
– potentially doing poorly prior to matriculation
– Study Abroad
• Admitted Never Matriculated Students
• Studying Abroad Prior to Attending First Campus Class
– Three Tier Orientation
• Registration in the third tier
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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The Implementation
• Enrollment Issues
– Tracking and Reporting
• Legislative requirement to report on progress
• Some students may move out of IA if approved
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
Session ID: 1899
“That day we learned that doing something different
can feel very awkward but pushing through that
uncomfortable stage is what we have to do in order to
pursue creativity. I am excited for what this class will
bring for the rest of the semester.”
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Session ID: 1899
The Evaluation
• Admissions
– Changes to application for admission to require
students to certify that they know they are applying to
• Financial Aid
– IA program is becoming a year-round program for the
purposes of Financial Aid
– Requires additional communication about aid
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The Evaluation
• Registrar
– Changes to Orientation
– Changes to pre-fall enrollment
– Changes to Fall Access to Activities and Services
– Infrastructure changes have had to be reversed
– Support Infrastructure Still In Adaptation Mode
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Session ID: 1899
The Evaluation
• Big Picture Items
– Continuing challenges because of uniqueness
– Evolutionary phase yielding continual change
– Cost
• Discontinued discounting of courses to incentivize
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Session ID: 1899
Returning to the Challenge
• Did we address the challenge?
– Demand vs. Capacity
– Efficient Use of Resources
– Increase Access
– Signature Program
AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
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AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
Session ID: 1899
Thank You!
Zina Evans
Tammy Aagard
Steve Pritz
Please complete the session evaluation form using
AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago
Session ID: 1899