AP Bio syllabus 15 16 - Cherokee County Schools

AP Biology
Woodstock High School
Mrs. Moeller
Room 743
Website: http://mysite.cherokee.k12.ga.us/personal/julie_mckinney/moellerbiology/default.aspx
Course Overview: (Portions excerpted from AP Course Description, The College Board)
The AP Biology course is a year-long course designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory biology course usually taken by
biology majors during their first year of college. Non‐science majors often use this course to fulfill a basic requirement for a
laboratory‐science course. The AP Biology course differs significantly from the usual high school biology course with respect to the
kind of textbook used, the range and depth of topics covered, the kind of laboratory work performed by students, and the time and
effort required. The textbook is similar to those used by college biology majors. Like other College Board programs, the AP program
is worldwide in its scope; its policies are determined by representatives of College Board member institutions and agencies
throughout the country and are implemented by the College Board.
Curriculum Overview: It is a new and exciting time in the Advanced Placement Biology classroom. The course has been restructured
to emphasize scientific inquiry and reasoning to foster a deeper understanding of science. The curriculum emphasizes the four Big
Ideas that are supported by Enduring Understandings, then Essential Knowledge and followed by the Learning Objectives.
Interwoven into the content are seven science practices that will enable students to establish lines of evidence and develop and
refine testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomenon. Less time will be spent on factual recall and more time on
inquiry based learning and higher order scientific thought processes. The four Big Ideas can be found via the following web link:
Textbook: AP Edition of Biology (8th edition) by Campbell & Reece © 2008
All students will receive a hardcopy of the textbook that has a companion CD-ROM. BOTH the text AND CD are to be returned at the
end of the school year. The text should be kept at home unless otherwise stated as being needed in class. Replacement cost for a
book that is lost or damaged beyond reasonable use is $109.95. , www.campbellbiology.com (website to accompany the text
provides animations, investigations, PowerPoint slides, and other audio-visual resources to enhance instruction)
Lab Requirements and Notebook:
According to the College Board, 25% of actual class time must be spent on labs. There will be 2 student directed labs in each of the
four big ideas for a total of 8 labs. Students should make connections between the concepts learned during the labs and the course
content. Students are expected to maintain a laboratory notebook to document their techniques, methods, and data. Students
must show proper documentation of the labs in their lab notebooks. This journal will be graded periodically and students will be
quizzed or tested for their understanding of the lab material.
It is recommended that you keep this EVEN AFTER the class has ended as some universities require that you provide evidence of lab
work in order to receive credit for the course even if you pass the AP exam with a 5!
o You must have your lab notebook with you EVERY DAY in class – no exceptions.
o You will be asked to leave your lab notebook in class periodically for grading.
o The notebook MUST be a quad-ruled composition notebook.
o Further instructions will be given on how to organize your lab notebook and class notebook.
Classroom Policies/Procedures
All School and County Policies will be followed in this classroom. Please read over your student handbook if you have
questions about the policies.
2. Be on time to class and come to class prepared. You will need the following EVERY DAY in class: Pen, Pencil, Colored pencils
or Markers, highlighter, a spiral notebook (1-subject size), graphing composition notebook, paper, and 3-Ring Notebook.
Other supplies may be used occasionally and will be announced as needed.
3. ABSOLUTELY NO Food, Drinks, Candy, or Gum are allowed at any time. Take care of all food/drink/bathroom needs
BEFORE you come to class. The only drink allowed is WATER. If you have a specific physical condition that requires you to
have access to food, please let me know.
4. You need an agenda/calendar. This can be digital (i.e. a SmartPhone) or paper – but this is critical to staying on top of
assignments and deadlines in this course.
Cell Phones are Only to be used when deemed appropriate by the teacher. Cell phones should be out of sight unless otherwise
directed by the teacher. You cannot devote the required attention to the lesson/lab/activity if you are taking selfies, tweeting,
facebooking, texting, etc. First offense = warning. Second offense = phone taken up and given back at the end of class. Third
offense = office referral.
Organization of class
 Expect to do the following to do well in this course:
o Complete homework ON TIME.
o If homework is late for any reason, you will need to have a Late Homework Form signed by a parent/guardian in order to
receive credit. Homework that is more than 5 days late will not be accepted and will receive a zero.
o Read and review information from the previous day each night for 30-45 minutes. The time you spend reviewing each night
will help you better prepare for the next day we meet and your performance in class will improve.
o Complete all assigned readings. Take notes on readings if this is helpful to you. SUMMARIZING and using some type of graphic
organizer (i.e. Venn Diagrams) are best when taking reading notes.
o Work on projects outside of class. If you do not have computer access at home or a public library, please inform me.
o Make up all work in a timely fashion if you are absent. See information about absences.
If you are absent, you must do the following:
1. Check the master calendar ONLINE to see what assignments you missed.
2. If the assignment is a worksheet, ask me for this. Complete it and return it to me WITHIN ONE WEEK.
3. If the assignment was a lab/video/test/quiz – you must speak with me by the end of class on the day you return to schedule
time to make up the work BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL. If a test is not taken within one week, a grade of zero will be issued.
4. If any classroom discussion or notes were done in class, it is YOUR responsibility to get the information from a classmate or
Remember, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to complete any missed work in a timely manner. I will NOT ACCEPT ASSIGNMENTS AFTER
ONE WEEK IF YOU HAVE BEEN ABSENT. Do NOT wait until the end of the semester and turn in your assignments from your
absences. The work will NOT be accepted and you will receive a zero.
In the event of a school cancellation due to weather conditions, etc., students are required to check the AP Biology web page for their
COVERED IN CLASS! Our assignments will be on my website. We have a finite amount of time to prepare for the AP exam in May, and
it is therefore necessary to keep moving forward with the content whether or not we are in school.
Tardy Policy
You are tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings. Teacher tardy consequences for unexcused tardies are:
 1st – 4th Tardies Teacher Warning and Parent Contact
On the 5th unexcused tardy and every 3rd tardy thereafter, students will be referred to their administrator.
Consequences for tardies beyond 4 are as follows:
 5th – Saturday School
 8th – 1 day of ISS & loss of parking pass for one week
 11th – 3 days ISS & loss of parking for the greater of the remainder of the semester
 15th – 5 days of ISS & loss of parking pass for the remainder of school
 18th – 9 days of Alternative School
1 period Tardies: From 8:30-8:40, students report to class and will be marked tardy by the teacher. The teacher will follow
consequence procedures if the tardy is unexcused.
After 8:40, students must check in with the attendance office and bring the teacher a check in slip. Students will not be admitted to
class after 8:40 without a slip.
AP/Honors Policy on Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty is “submission of work completed by another person as your own.”
It is academically unethical and unacceptable to:
Submit work completed in whole or in part by another person as if it were your own.
Restate or paraphrase another writer’s work without acknowledging the source.
Copy another student’s homework and submit the work as if it were the product of your own labor.
Attempt to gain an advantage through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another student’s paper, revealing the
questions or answers on exams or quizzes to other students or viewing quiz or exam questions obtained by another
Store or communicate information not distributed to students through the use of electronic devices, recording devices,
cellular telephones, headsets or portable computers.
Academic dishonesty of any kind is not tolerated. The student who cheats or plagiarizes will receive a zero for the assignment or
test, the parent/guardian will be contacted, and the student will be referred to the administration for disciplinary action. In
addition, as the teacher I reserve the right to decline to write a recommendation for college admission, scholarships, and/or summer
programs for any student who has cheated in my class or any other class at WHS. Cheating in any class could result in removal from
the AP Program.
Withdrawal from Class
A student has 15 days (first 3 weeks of school) to withdraw from the Honors STEM Biology I class if they feel the need to do so. If the
teacher observes a student struggling to keep up within this time period, parent contact will be made and a joint decision made as to
the correct class placement for the student.
Grades will be issued 4 times total in this course. This is a 2-semester course, and credit (0.5) will be issued upon successful
completion of each semester.
 1st Semester Exam – Cumulative over the 1st semester material.
 2nd Semester Exam – Cumulative over the 2nd semester material. (Freshman will take Milestone)
 Tests and Quizzes will be given on a regular basis. Tests will ALWAYS be announced at least one week prior to the test.
Homework and Test announcements will always be on the board when you come into class. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to look
and notate homework and test announcements in your planner.
 Quizzes may be announced OR unannounced. Unannounced quizzes will be counted as extra credit (see below).
 All work will be graded and averaged on a point system. Assignments will be totaled, and then averaged to compute your 9week/quarter grade.
 Tests will always be out of 100 total points regardless of the number of test questions.
 Various types of technology will be used in this class.
The following is a grading scale and policy for the breakdown of grades.
Grading Scale
Grading Procedure
A = 90 – 100
1st Semester Grade:
B = 80 – 89
15% of grade is based on
C = 71 – 79
Semester Exam
D = 70
2nd Semester Grade:
F = 69 & below
20% of grade is based on
Semester Exam/Milestone
Assignment Point System
Tests = 100 points
Labs = 50-100 points
Quizzes = 25-50 points
Homework = 10-50 points
Journals/Article Critiques = 10-20
Essays/FRQ = 10-20 points
AP Biology
College Board Topic Outline
You will receive a unit cover sheet prior to the unit that outlines what you should “know and be able to do” – this is your “study guide”
for each unit/topic.
Big Idea
#1: Evolution – The process of evolution drives the diversity
and unity of life.
#2: Energy & Homeostasis – Biological systems utilize free
energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce,
and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
#3: Genetics – Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and
respond to information essential to life processes.
#4: Interactions & Ecology – Biological systems interact, and
these systems and their interactions possess complex
Enduring Understanding
1A: Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is
1B: Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common
1C: Life continues to evolve within a changing environment.
1D: The origin of living systems is explained by natural
2A: Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization
of living systems require free energy and matter.
2B: Growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis require
that cells create and maintain internal environments that are
different from their external environments.
2C: Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth
and reproduction, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
2D: Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system
are influenced by changes in the system’s environment.
2E: Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction
and dynamic homeostasis include temporal regulation and
3A: Heritable information provides for continuity of life.
3B: Expression of genetic information involves cellular and
molecular mechanisms.
3C: The processing of genetic information is imperfect and is a
source of genetic variation.
3D: Cells communicate by generating, transmitting and
receiving chemical signals.
3E: Transmission of information results in changes within and
between biological systems.
4A: Interactions within biological systems lead to complex
4B: Competition and cooperation are important aspects of
biological systems.
4C: Naturally occurring diversity among and between
components within biological systems affects interactions with
the environment.
Course Unit Guide: Divide your Notebook (a 2 inch 3-ring binder) into the following sections using some type of easily identifiable
 Unit 1: Biochemistry – Topics will include:
o Bonding
o Organic Chemistry
o Water & Buffers
o Structure & Function of Macromolecules
 Unit 2: Evolution – Topics will include:
o Darwin & Evolution
o Life’s History & Phylogenies
o Earth’s Origins
o Biological Diversity
o Speciation
o Evolution of Populations
AP Biology
 Unit 3: The Cell – Homeostasis – Topics will include:
o Cell Membranes & Transport
o Gas Exchange
o Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic Cell Structure & Function
Unit 4: Cellular Energetics – Topics will include:
o Enzymes
o Digestive Systems
Unit 5: The Cell – Development – Topics will include:
o Cell Cycle & DNA Replication
o Meiosis
Unit 6: Genetics & Molecular Biology – Topics will include:
o Mendel & Inheritance
o Chromosomal Inheritance Patterns & Abnormalities
o Regulation of Gene Expression
o DNA Technology
o Protein Synthesis
Unit 7: Responding to the Environment – Topics will include:
o Cell Signaling & Regulation
o Hormones
o Nerves & Nervous Systems
o Animal Behavior
o Immune System
Unit 8: Interactions & Interdependence – Topics will include:
o Ecosystem Structure & Function
o Population Ecology
o Plant/Animal Cells
o Plant Transport
o Cellular Energy (Photosynthesis & Respiration)
o Thermal Regulation
o Asexual Reproduction
o Viruses & Prokaryotes
o Endomembrane System
o Community Ecology
o Human Impact
Course Outline: The following pages contain the course outline for the year based on the current Cherokee County School
District calendar and a traditional 55 minute, 7 period school day. Chapter readings and questions will be done outside of
class. Journal responses, article critiques, and case studies may also be required to be done outside of class. These focus on
applying the concepts we learn in class to what is currently going on in our world. We will also be utilizing several different
websites to preview concepts and labs. These video assignments will be assigned as homework and evaluated the next day
as part of the warm-up or a separate quiz grade. It is vital for students and parents to understand that success in this course
will require at least 30 minutes of work at home per night to properly prepare for unit tests and the AP exam.
AP Biology
 Darwin & Evolution
 Evolution within
 Speciation
 Life’s History &
 Biological Diversity
 Evolution of
3 – The Cell Homeostasis
 Cell Membranes &
 Gas Exchange
 Prokaryotic/Eukaryoti
c Cellular Structure &
 Plant/Animal Cells
 Endomembrane
 Plant Transport
Water & Buffers
Organic Chemistry
Structure & Function
of Macromolecules
2, 3, 4, 5
22, 23, 24,
25, 26
6, 7, 42,
36, 38, 39
Big Idea
 H2O – pH and
 Macromolecul
e Activity
 Case Study
(SP1, 2, 4, 5)
 Strawfish &
 Natural
 AP Lab 1:
 Cladograms
 Salamander
Speciation /
 AP Lab 3:
 Geologic Time
 Case Study
(SP 1-7)
 AP Lab 4:
Diffusion &
 Chemistry of
 AP Lab 11:
 Case Study
(SP 2, 4, 5)
(4 weeks)
 Evolution
 Energy &
 Interactions
& Ecology
(4 weeks)
*September Break*
 Evolution
 Genetics
 Interactions
& Ecology
(5 weeks)
 Evolution
 Energy &
 Genetics
 Interactions
& Ecology
AP Biology
4 – Cellular
 Enzymes
 Digestive
 Cellular
8, 41, 9, 10
5 – The Cell –
 Cell Cycle &
 Asexual
 Meiosis
 Viruses
 Mendel &
 Chromosomal
Patterns &
 Regulation of
 Protein
12, 13, 19, 21
6 – Genetics &
 AP Lab 13:
(4 weeks)
*Thanksgiving Break*
 How to digest
*Holiday Break*
 AP Lab 5:
 AP Lab 6:
 Fermentation
in Yeast
 Effect of
 Case Study
(SP 1-7)
 AP Lab 7: Cell January
 Cell Size &
 Case Study
(SP 1, 5, 6, 7)
14, 15, 16, 17,  Genetics of
18, 20
 AP Lab 8:
 AP Lab 9: Gel
 RNAi Lab
 Case Study
(SP1, 3, 5, 6, 7)
(4 weeks)
*February Break*
 Evolution
 Energy &
 Interactions
& Ecology
Energy &
Interactions &
 Evolution
 Energy &
 Genetics
 Interactions &
AP Biology
 Cell Signaling
 Evolution
(3 weeks)
Virtual Lab
 Genetics
 AP Lab 12:
 Interactions
Animal Behavior
& Ecology
 C.elegans
 Immunology
Virtual Lab
 Biochemical
Evidence for
Evolution Lab
 Case Study
8 – Interactions
52, 53, 54, 55, 56
 Ecosystem
 Dissolved
 Evolution
(4 weeks)
Structure &
Oxygen and
 Energy &
*Spring Break*
 Population
 Interactions
 Cicadas –
& Ecology
 Community
 Population
 Human Impact
 Virtual
 Nutrient
 Food Webs &
 Case Study
(SP 1-7)
*The time frame indicated in this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the teacher depending on
student’s needs*
7 – Responding
to the
 Cell Signaling &
 Hormones
 Nerves &
 Animal
 Immune
11, 43, 45, 48,
49, 50, 51
AP Biology
AP Biology Syllabus
I _______________________________________ parent/guardian of ________________________ have reviewed
this syllabus with my child and agree to the terms set forth within. I understand the honor code and
consequences for missed make-up work, plagiarism, and lack of effort on behalf of my child. If I have any
questions, I know that I can contact Mrs. Moeller via email or phone.
By signing below you agree to abide by the terms set forth in this syllabus and also agree to the honor code that
you will not plagiarize other’s work on assignments or test (doing so constitutes a zero and a referral).
___________________________________ _______________
Student Signature
___________________________________ _______________
Parent Signature
Note: an email of this syllabus will be sent home using the Family Portal system. It is advised that you confirm
your current email address in Family Portal. If you have not received the email within the first two weeks of school
please do the following:
 Check your SPAM/Junk folder – if it is there, please put me on your approved senders list
 If you have not received it at all – check your email again in Family Portal
 If you have done the above and still do not have it, please email Mrs. Barnes to report the issue and she will
refer the issue to our Technology Department – you may also contact them directly via a link on the school
Communication is primarily by email – and documents will be sent home via email, so it is critical that any
issues be discovered quickly and fixed at the beginning of the year.