Lesson 5 Day 1 - North Allegheny School District

Lesson 5
Day 1
School News
Question of the Day
How did you feel on the first day of
On the first day of school, I felt ________.
Read Aloud
We are going to reread the poem “My First
Day of School.”
What would the purpose be for reading or
listening to a poem again.
 to enjoy it again
 to understand characters and setting
Listen to me read the poem. I will read
accurately and at an appropriate rate.
Today’s Read Aloud
“My First Day of School”
First Fears
I remember my first day of school. My big sister Judy
walked me to the door of the kindergarten classroom. I
had never been so nervous in my life. I had butterflies in
my stomach. My knees felt wobbly.
“What if no one likes me?” I said. “What if I don’t know
where to sit? What if I can’t remember my teacher’s
Judy smiled. I guess she was remembering what it was
like when she started kindergarten. She was probably
remembering how she had been scared, too.
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Today’s Read Aloud
“My First Day of School”
Opening the Door
Judy looked at me and said, “Henry, you’ll be fine, I
promise. Just be yourself. You’ll do everything just right.
And you’ll make lots of friends, too.” Then she gave me a
hug and said, “You’re a big kid now, Henry. You can do
Judy opened the tall wooden door and pointed the way in.
As I stood in the doorway. I felt her hand on my back.
“Judy has already done this,” I thought to myself. “And
she loves school”.
I stepped into the classroom. A room full of new faces
turned to me. No one looked mean. I felt much better. I
was ready for school.
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Today’s Read Aloud
“My First Day of School”
Where does the poem take place?
Is the speaker scared or excited about the
first day of school?
What happens when the speaker gets to
Spelling: Short Vowels
 The letter e can stand for the short e sound, as
in pet.
 The letter a can stand for the short a sound, as
in sat.
 The letter o can stand for the short o sound, as
in lot.
 The letter i can stand for the short i sound, as in
 The letter u can stand for the short u sound, as
in run.
CVC Pattern
 got
What sounds do you hear in these words?
Copy the words and underline the short
vowel sounds.
When you see the CVC pattern, the vowel
sound will most often be short.
VCCV Pattern
 button
Listen to the words. Each one has 2
syllables. This is how we separate these
words: but/ton, in/sect, lan/ding
Phonics Practice
These words are missing their vowels.
What are the vowels?
What are the new words?
Spelling Pretest
Spelling Pretest
 clock
 drink
 moved
 waking
 hopped
 folded
 stain
 layer
Characters and Setting
Characters are ___________________.
the time
the place
The setting is ________
and _________
the story happens.
the people or animals in a story
Think about “Ruby the Copycat” to complete the
graphic organizer.
Character: Ruby
is new to school
Setting: School
Ms. Hart’s third-grade classroom
copies Angela and Ms. Hart
Present day
likes to hop
is new to school
 1. viewers: Viewers are people who watch
 Together now.
 Which kind of TV show has many viewers?
 Why would a show that aired in the middle of the
night not have many viewers?
 2. survive: To survive is to remain alive, even
after great difficulties.
 Together now.
 Which animals need water and food to survive?
 What does a plant need to survive?
 3. camouflage: When something has camouflage, it
blends into its surroundings.
 Together now.
 When does a snowshoe rabbit’s white fur work as
 What colors might camouflage an animal in a forest?
 4.concealed: Something that is concealed is covered
up so it can’t be seen.
 Together now.
 How would you know if a frog was concealed under
some rocks?
 How could you tell if an animal was concealed under a
• 5. independent: A person who is independent is
someone who does things on his or her own.
• Together now.
• Why does Maria feel independent when she walks to
school by herself?
• When do you feel independent?
 6.donated: Something that has been donated has been
given away for free.
 Together now
 What would you do if a company donated books to your
 Have you ever donated canned food or clothing?
 7. The school reporters are part of the news media.
 media: The many ways that people communicate,
including newspapers, magazines, and television are all
part of the media.
 Together now.
 What other media can we get news from?
 8. The science reporter does a feature on Freddy the
 feature: When reporters do a special report on a topic,
the report is called a feature.
 Together now.
 What kind of feature do you like to read in a newspaper
or magazine?
 do you want a slice of pizza.
 hildi went to the market yesterday
Grammar: Review Sentences
 A sentence is a group of words that tells a
complete thought.
 Every sentence begins with a capital letter and
ends with an end mark.
 A sentence uses word order that makes sense.
 A statement tells something. It begins with a
capital letter and ends with a period.
 A question asks something. It begins with a
capital letter and ends with a question mark.
Sentence Review
• frog the is hiding
How can we change the order of these words into a
What mark comes at the end of the sentence?
Let’s make the words into a question.
On your paper, write one statement and one question.
Remember to give it what it needs at the beginning
and the end. We will then trade papers with a partner
and rearrange his or her statement into a question.
We will also rearrange our partner’s question into a