New Beginnings 2014 New Florida Standards ELA Middle School Dr. Faith, Reading Program Specialist August 6 & 7, 2014 Leesburg High School Community Builder: 1. Locate a participant 2. Introduce yourself – Name, school, grade level Why Am I Here? 3. Partner 1: Answer the question, Why am I here and what do I hope to take away? 4. Partner 2: Paraphrase your partner’s response back to them 5. Exchange Roles RESPONSE FRAME: My name is _____________and the reason why I’m here is______________ and I hope to take away ____________. Call to Attention C²… READY! Why Am I Here? Teachers will comprehend the 2014-2015 Curriculum Documents and be ready to plan effectively for implementation of the Language Arts Florida Standards. I DO Benchmarks: Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Objectives August 6 - 7, 2014 Learning Goal: Teachers will plan for effective implementation of the Language Arts Florida Standards by gaining a deeper understanding of the ELA Scope & Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. WE DO YOU DO • Provide the purpose and rationale for ELA middle school curriculum documents • Explore the critical elements of the Scope & Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints • Collaboratively interact with school level documents to deepen knowledge of the new Language Arts Florida Standards. Ticket Out! Essential Question: How will the middle school ELA curriculum documents revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st century success? Common Language: •DOK •Marzano Learning Scales •Florida Standards •Scope & Sequence •Curriculum Blueprints Goals Setting NEXT STEPS: Plan for effective implementation of Language Arts Florida Standards. Participant Scale and Reflection Teachers will plan for effective implementation of the Language Arts Florida Standards by gaining a deeper understanding of the ELA Scope & Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. 4-Innovating • In addition to criteria of Applying, enhanced understanding, implementation, monitoring, and execution take aways 3-Applying • Consistent understanding and implementation steps taken away along with monitoring componets for effective execution 2-Developing 1-Beginning 0-Not Using • Moderate understanding and implementation steps taken away • Little understanding and inconsistent implementation steps taken away • No understanding or implementatio n steps taken away Academic Services Curriculum & Instruction ~ Professional Development ~ Teaching & Learning The Office of Academic Services encompasses the core business of Lake County Schools. We provide guidance and support to develop instructional leaders through the coordination of district curriculum initiatives, professional learning, along with teaching and learning programs that result in improved learning for ALL. Our goal is to work collaboratively with schools to continuously and significantly improve student achievement, align curriculum and instructional practice to Florida’s standards, assist schools to develop their capacity to implement datadriven planning and review processes that foster continuous school improvement. Assurances We will ensure that we work with district staff and school administrators to design and collaborate on systems that address professional learning needs related to improving student outcomes. We will ensure that curriculum is current and at a high level (rigorous) meeting local, state, and national standards. We will ensure that researched-based best practices (programs and processes) are utilized regarding student curricular needs and student learning patterns. We will ensure services are provided that target closing the achievement gap by improving the performance of all students while drastically accelerating the achievement of students of color, English Language Learners (ELL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and students living in poverty. Academic Services Lake County Schools Vision Statement A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Academic Services Lake County Schools College and Career Readiness Instructional Framework Florida Standards Professional Learning Community Statement of Work Content Cultural Behavior The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is the written plan of how we will reach our goals each year. The critical elements include: Organize: Stakeholders plan and assess needs based on data. Plan: Stakeholders set goals and objectives, identify strategies and measures of success. Implement: Implement activities and monitor progress. Sustain: Identify success of current plan, evaluate and adjust to sustain Florida Standards are a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These standards outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade. 6 Key Elements for Instruction: 1. Knowledge and Use of Florida Standards 2. Common and Collaborative Planning Time 3. Interdisciplinary Content Integration 4. Frequency of ProjectBased Learning 5. Student Collaboration 6. Integrated Technology Key Performance Indicators School Improvement Plan Desired Student Outcomes 1.Increase proficiency rates on FLKRS/ECHOES & FAIR (PreK - 2nd grade) 2.Increase proficiency rates on ELA and Math FL Standards Assessment 3.Increase proficiency rates on FCAT 2.0 Science 4. Increase proficiency rates on EOC’s Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, Civics and US History 5. Increase participation and performance in rigorous course work (Honors, Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment and Industry Certification) 6. Increase participation and performance on PERT, SAT and ACT 7. Increase AMO percentages for all subgroups (Achievement Gap) 8. Increase the graduation rate 9. Increase attendance rate 10. Decrease disciplinary infractions FCIM MTSS LESSON STUDY Personalized Learning Process Interventions Capacity Building Autonomy of Learning Multi-Tiered System of Supports is a problem solving model that represents the integration of MTSS for academics and MTSS for behavior into a unified model of service. The basic problem-solving components include: 1. Problem Identification 2. Problem Analysis 3. Intervention Design 4. Response to Instruction/ Intervention Lesson Study provides a structure for teachers to collaboratively plan lessons share, observe, record and analyze data to improve instruction. The key concepts are: 1. Collaborative Planning 2. Lesson Observation by Teachers 3. Data Collection and Analysis Guided by Student Thinking, Learning, Engagement and Behavior 4. Reflection, Refinement and Reteaching as Necessary Personalized Learning (PL) is a system that cultivates independence and self-governance of learning expectations through the expansion of choice and inclusion of voice in a flexible learning environment. PL Key Elements: 1. Student-directed Learning 2.Learner Profiles and Paths 3. Competency-based Learning 4. Flexible Learning Environments 5. Structures of Accountability, Continuous Improvement and Innovation The Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM) is a systematic process for planning, teaching, assessing and reevaluating results. It is the road map that Focus on Learning: directs our actions. All students can learn Plan and we are responsible to ensure learning Do occurs. Check Focus on Act The guiding principles of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) govern the behavior of our school professionals. The big ideas are: PDCA Instructional Cycle Collaborative Culture: Time is specifically reserved for collaboration on teaching and learning. Focus on Results: Effectiveness is measured by results, not intent. PLAN • Data Disaggregation • Calendar Development ACT DO • Direct Instructional Focus CHECK • Tutorials • Assessment • Enrichment • Maintenance • Monitoring Marzano/TEAM Framework Communicating Learning Goals and Feedback Establishing Rules and Procedures Helping Students Interact with New Knowledge Helping Students Practice/Deepen Knowledge Helping Students Generate/Test Hypotheses Engaging Students Planning/Preparing for Lessons and Units Planning/Preparing for Resources & Technology Planning/Preparing for Special Student Needs Developing/Monitoring a Professional Growth Plan New Beginnings 2013 21st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap 1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Collaboration and Leadership 3. Agility and Adaptability 4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism 5. Effective Oral and Written Communication 6. Accessing and Analyzing Information 7. Curiosity and Imagination New Beginnings 2013 Why? What? How? The demand on a student, what they will need to know and be able to do. ELA Florida Standards Next Generation Think-Pair-Share Identify and discuss major Why? differences between the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards & ELA Florida Standards Guided notes Depth of Knowledge (Know what students are asked to do) DOK 1 DOK 2 RECALL/Reproduction SKILL/CONCEPT locate, identify, list information ELA Infer, organize, DOK 3summarize 83% DOK 3 Strategic Thinking & Reasoning Analyze results, cite evidence investigate DOK 4 Extended Thinking Research, synthesize, critique ELA Documents TOP 5 Big Ideas • • • • • Backwards Design Standards-based Units Clustering of Standards Recursive Curriculum Integration of Writing Scope & Sequence First page provides a narrative detailing the purpose and organization of the curriculum document. FAQ? PURPOSE? ORGANIZATION ? Pages 1-2 PLC Planning Process PLC Planning Flow Map provides the sequence for using the curriculum documents for instructional planning Page 3 This PLC Planning Process serves as a guide to facilitate the instructional planning and delivery process. Scope & Sequence Scope and Sequence provides an overview for instructional delivery. Page 4 District Performance Task District Performance Task Timed- Pair- Share Take 3-minutes to review the Scope & Sequence. Share with your shoulder partner commonalities that exists within and across units. Page 4 Recursive Standards How do Recursive Standards support student learning? Guided notes Curriculum Blueprint Guided notes Units (approximate time) Unit (20 Days) Recursive Standards Cluster of Standards Key Strategies Product Types SL: 1.1, 2.6 RL: 1.1, 4.10 W: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 L:3.4 Thinking Maps Close Reading Constructed Annotating Texts Collaborative Discussion W: 1.2 Informative Writing Mix-and-Match Take 5- minutes to review the Curriculum Blueprint. How does the Scope & Sequence align with the curriculum blueprint? Guided notes Product Types W: 1.2 Informative Writing Product Type Think-Pair-Share First, review the Unit’s Published Products. Create an exemplar response to be used as a formative assessment. Be READY to assign, grade, provide explicit feedback, and opportunities for application. Guided notes Units (approximate time) Unit (20 Days) Approximate Time What is the best way to ensure appropriate use of time for each unit? Guided notes Cluster of Standards SL: 1.1, 2.6 RL: 1.1, 4.10 W: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 L:3.4 Cluster of Standards 1. Round Robin Review the Unit Overview, Learning Goal, & Essential Questions. 2. Discuss the expectation for this Unit. Guided notes Cluster of Standards Reading Standards SL: 1.1, 2.6 RL: 1.1, 4.10 W: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 L:3.4 Turn & Talk What does it mean to teach to the full intent of the Standards? Why is this important? Guided notes Cluster of Standards SL: 1.1, 2.6 RL: 1.1, 4.10 W: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 L:3.4 Text Types How important is it to use the recommended text within each unit? Guided notes Key Strategies Thinking Maps Close Reading Constructed Annotating Texts Collaborative Discussion Tasks Think-Pair-Share How will previewing the Tasks support planning & delivery of new standards? How will you respond when students don’t get it? How will you respond to students who already got it? Participant Scale and Reflection Teachers will plan for effective implementation of the Language Arts Florida Standards by gaining a deeper understanding of the ELA Scope & Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. 4-Innovating • In addition to criteria of Applying, enhanced understanding, implementation, monitoring, and execution take aways 3-Applying • Consistent understanding and implementation steps taken away along with monitoring componets for effective execution 2-Developing 1-Beginning 0-Not Using • Moderate understanding and implementation steps taken away • Little understanding and inconsistent implementation steps taken away • No understanding or implementatio n steps taken away How to Access the Instructional Documents Resources 1. Florida Standards - Teacher, Students, & Parents Resources 2. FSA Portal - Test Item Specs, Writing Rubrics, Sample ELA tests 3. Marzano Learning Scales - 4. EBSCO HOST – lakecounty; lakecounty 5. News ELA – Guided notes Ticket Out! GOALS Setting First Nine Weeks What do you want to be REALLY Good at and WHEN? Fourth Nine Weeks CREATE MEASURABLE GOALS