This form - Future Earth

Partnering with Future Earth: Initial Application
This form is intended to provide Future Earth with some basic information that will be used to guide the
assessment of your application. Please fill this in and email it to with the subject
line ‘Partnering with Future Earth’. We aim to get back to you within a month. This information will be
shared only within the Future Earth Secretariat and with members of the Future Earth Science and
Engagement Committees.
1. Your name: Click here to enter text.
2. Your institutional affiliation: Click here to enter text.
3. Type of organization (if applicable) [mark one]
☐ University/academia
☐Research institute/ Think tank
☐ Government (any level)
☐ Business/private firm
☐ UN agency/affiliate
☐ Foundation/donor organization
☐ Other – please describe Click here to enter text.
4. Your position: Click here to enter text.
5. Your email: Click here to enter text.
6. Other details:
- Mailing address Click here to enter text.
- Website (if available) Click here to enter text.
- Telephone Click here to enter text.
7. Type of activity/effort proposed: What kind of initiative are you proposing for inclusion in or
endorsement by Future Earth (mark one):
☐ Formal connection with external network (e.g. Professional society, NGO, research network)
☐ External project endorsement
☐ Activity endorsement or participation (e.g. conference endorsement)
☐ New project or collaborative effort with new or among existing partners
☐ Major new central initiative (e.g. new core project, new research funding initiative)
☐ Other – please describe Click here to enter text.
8. The activity/effort: Provide a brief description of the proposed initiative and its objectives (max
250 words). Click here to enter text.
9. Level of Partnership envisioned: Please read the descriptions of the types of partners and select
the type that best describes your proposed initiative.
☐ Communication and engagement partner
☐ Contributing partner
☐ Sustained partner
10. Motivation for joining Future Earth: Describe why you would like your proposed initiative to be
part of, or endorsed by Future Earth (max 250 words). Click here to enter text.
11. Time-sensitivity: Please tell us if your proposed activity is time-sensitive and you need an
accelerated review of your application. Note we cannot guarantee faster review, but in
exceptional circumstances we may be able to decide on proposals sooner.
- Scheduled time of event/activity: Click here to enter text.
- Any further details: Click here to enter text.
12. Future Earth principles: Describe, where relevant, how your initiative aligns with the key
principles of Future earth (e.g. scientific scope, co-design and co-production, international,
interdisciplinary; see section 1.4 in the Initial Design Report) (max 500 words)
Click here to enter text.
13. Future Earth vision: Describe how your initiative contributes to Future Earth's 2025 Vision.
Which of the challenges, products, approaches and/or capacities does your initiative contribute
to? (max 250 words)
Click here to enter text.
14. Funding: Describe your proposed initiative's current funding basis and/or how you anticipate its
funding needs being met over time. Furthermore describe the administrative, communication,
and managerial support in place and required in the future for your initiative.
Click here to enter text.
15. Partners: List the partners you anticipate actively involving in your initiative and what role they
will play in the success of your effort. This will help us judge in what ways your proposed
initiative helps build the Future Earth network of partners and fill any existing gaps.
Click here to enter text.
16. Audience and end-users: If different from the partners listed above, describe the audience or
set of end users you envision with your proposed initiative, how they will be reached, and why
they are not listed as active partners?
Click here to enter text.
17. Balance: Describe how your proposed initiative adds strength, capacity and diversity or
otherwise fills gaps within the portfolio of Future Earth activities and partnerships.
Click here to enter text.
Thank you for providing this information. The Future Earth Secretariat will contact you if further
information is required.