2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net MANDATORY DOCUMENTS FOR REGISTRATION COMPLETION ENROLLMENT CHECKLIST FORMS TO COMPLETE AND TURN IN TO ADMISSIONS OFFICE: APPLICATION CONTRACT o TUITION AND FEES AGREEMENT (NOTARIZED) o STUDENT PERSONAL DATA o PARENT INFORMATION o EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION o ABOUT YOUR CHILD o STUDENT ACADEMIC HISTORY o TRANSPORATION INFORMATION o MEDICAL RELEASE & TREATMENT FORM o SCHOOL OPERATING PRINCIPLES AGREEMENT FORM VIDEO / PHOTO AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE FORM DRESS CODE BUS CONDUCT POLICY STUDENT DATA COLLECTION FORM STUDENT HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE: COPY OF PARENT SOCIAL SECURITY CARD COPY OF PARENT PICTURE ID COPY OF CHILD’S SOCIAL SECURITY CARD COPY OF CHILD’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE CHILD’S MEDICAL EXAM FORM FROM FAMILY DOCTOR (yellow form) CHILD’S IMMUNIZATION RECORD (blue form) INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PLAN (IEP) MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP ONLY PREVIOUS SCHOOL WITHDRAWAL FORMS RECENT TRANSCRIPTS FROM ALL PREVIOUS SCHOOLS ATTENDED SCHOOL RECOMMENDATION FORM 1 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net Elementary/Middle/High School Enrollment Contract 20___ – 20___ Academic Year Date: _____/_____/20____ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I/We hereby request that our child(ren) be enrolled at Achievers Institute for the ______ -- ______ academic year. It is understood that our child(ren) will be enrolled for the entire academic year and that Achievers Institute has obligated itself in regards to the number and quality of faculty, size of facility, amount of supplies and equipment: and the viability and sustainability of its program(s) is reliant upon such enrollment. No refund or reduction of any charges will be made due to withdrawal, absence, or illness. The fact that the school allows tuition to be paid in one or eleven installments does not create a fractional contract or in any way relieves the parent of the financial responsibility for the entire year’s tuition and fees. Achievers Institute reserves the right to expel any student due to disciplinary issues or absences totaling two or more weeks per school year and to withhold transcripts and all academic records until the tuition and fees have been paid in full. It is understood that attendance at Achievers is a privilege and not a right. All students are enrolled on a provisional basis. No one student is guaranteed enrollment each year. It is the right of the institution to refuse or rescind admission based on the parent/ student’s ability to adhere to policies and procedures and maintain acceptable academic, social, and spiritual progress. **All fees paid with this application are Non--Refundable/Non Transferrable** **Enrollment fees for Step-Up Applicants are 100% Refundable if scholarship is not received** ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name ________________________________ Parent Signature (Required) ________________________________ Child’s Name ________________________________ Administrator Signature ENROLLMENT FEE $200 NON-REFUNDABLE **Enrollment and Tuition fees do not include: Transportation, Lunch, Uniforms ($2.50 per day)** 2 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net Elementary/Middle/High School Enrollment Contract TUITION FEES & PAYMENT PLANS Tuition Includes: K-12 teacher and administrator salaries, instruction tools/materials, student insurance, online services, special classes, dual enrollment (Grades 11 & 12), fine arts (music, drama), physical education, and vocational and culinary arts training. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING & SELECT ONE PLAN Tuition Payment Programs Grade Levels Plan A: One Payment Plan B: 10 Payments/ Month K $5,275.00 due by August 1st , __ $527.50 (Aug. 1st____to May 1st____) Grade 1 – 4 $5,590.00 due by August 1st , ____ $559.00 (Aug. 1st____to May 1st____) Grade 5-8 $6,400.00 due by August 1st ,____ $640.00 (Aug. 1st____to May 1st____) Grade 9-12 $6,640.00 due by August 1st,____ $664.00 (Aug. 1st____to May 1st____) Special Discounts: ONE PAY PLAN A – 5% Discount on annual tuition – Payment due by August 1st Early Registration - $50 Discount on Matriculation Fees if registered by June 14th of each year. 10% multiple child discount for the 2nd + child(ren) Special Services Fees: K- 8 Introductory Assessment Fee- $50.00 Placement Test per student; Science Lab Fees: already included with registration. Instructional Fees: Required for additional instruction for students scoring two or more grade levels below, or having other learning disabilities. The amount is based on IEP Assessment. Resource Fees: This fee is mandatory until students pass aptitude tests at their grade level. TUITION PAYMENTS ARE DUE ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. A LATE FEE OF $20 WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL ACCOUNTS AFTER THE 5TH OF EACH MONTH. All NSF checks are subject to a $35.00 service charge. Additional Fees: A $25 late fee will be applied each month to accounts delinquent for more than 30 days. 10 unexcused tardies in a grading period will result in a $25 reregistration fee Please be reminded that no refund or reduction of any charges will be made due to withdrawal, absence, or illness. The parent is responsible for the entire year’s tuition and fees. I, the parent/guardian of the above child(ren) am in full agreement with the policies and standards of Achievers Institute. I have read the financial requirements and agree to abide by all of the above. Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____/_____/20____ Witness ____________________ Date ____________ Notary Name___________________________ 3 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net OFFICE USE ONLY / PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Grade: [KGN] [1st] [2nd] [3rd] [4th] [5th] / [6th] [7th] [8th] CLASSROOM TEACHER: _________________________ CLASS: _________________ Payment: Check/MO# __________________________ Credit/Debit Card: Rec. #: __________________ Reg. $__________ Books $__________ Technology Fee $__________ Deposit $__________________ Graduation Fees (Due Feb. 1) K-$50.00; G8-$100.00; G12-$150.00 Total Paid $____________________ 4 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net Application Form (All Information and documentation must be provided in order for the application to be processed) STUDENT PERSONAL DATA: Please Print!! Date of Entry: / / Re-registration Y/N Password Last Name: First Name: SSN: DOB: / / Gender: F/M PARENT INFORMATION: Please Print: (Last, First, Middle Initial) Mother or Legal Guardian’s Name: Father or Legal Guardian’s Name: Residence Address: Residence Address: City/State/Zip Code: City/State/Zip Code: Home Phone: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone: Work Phone: Mother’s Occupation: Father’s Occupation: E-mail: E-mail: Current Employer: Current Employer: Social Security: Social Security: Does student reside at this address? Yes or No Does student reside at this address? Yes or No Is a parent or individual forbidden by court from having equal access to the student or student’s record? Yes/No - If YES, please print clearly the full name of the individual. Name ______________________________________ Relationship ________________________________ 5 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net EMERGENCY CONTACTS: (Please update every quarter or immediately when there is a change) Full Legal Name: Relationship: Street Address: City/ State/ Zip: Phone#: Alt. Phone#: Full Legal Name: Relationship: Street Address: City/ State/ Zip: Phone#: Alt. Phone#: Full Legal Name: Relationship: Street Address: City/ State/ Zip: Phone#: Alt. Phone#: Please Help Us Learn About Your Child Does your child have special needs? No __ Yes__. If yes, please explain: ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Please tell us about your child’s strengths/likes: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Please tell us about your child’s dislikes: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Is your child suffering from any known disease or health issues? (For example: diabetes, heart problem, asthma, severe allergies, etc.) Yes/No If yes please specify: ________________________________________________________________________ Is your child allergic to any type of foods? Yes/No If yes please specify: ________________________________________________________________________ Number of Siblings: ______ Ages: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______ Student lives with (check one) Both Parents Grandmother Guardian Mother only Grandfather Mother & Stepfather Father only Both Grandparents Father & Stepmother Other(specify) 6 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net Academic History: Name of All Institutions Attended Year(s) Attended (M/Y) Ex. (08/09-06/10) Grade(s) Successfully Completed Reason(s) for Withdrawal TRANSPORTATION TO & FROM SCHOOL (Check one) ___Parent will transport student ___Student will take public transportation ___Parent will make transportation arrangements with school ___Other(specify)______________________________ Please list the ‘Persons Permitted’ to pick up and drop off your child. Your Child will not be released by Achievers Institute without proper legal Identification from the authorized person(s). Full Legal Name Phone# Relationship Full Legal Name Phone# Relationship Full Legal Name Phone# Relationship I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this contract. To the best of my knowledge, all answers that I have provided to the questions on this application have been truthful. Parent/Legal Guardian:______________________________________________ Date:________________ 7 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net MEDICAL TREATMENT RELEASE AND AGREEMENT FORM DOCTOR’S INFORMATION (Please Print) Doctor’s Name_____________________________ Medical Facility:_______________________________ Address __________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________ In the event my child becomes ill or is injured while under school supervision, I give the school permission to take the following steps: 1. Contact a parent of the student and follow their instructions; 2. In the event neither parent can be reached, contact the student’s physician and follow his/her instructions; 3. If the student’s physician can be reached, the school authorities will use their own discretion in contacting a properly licensed practicing physician and follow his/her instructions; 4. I hereby authorize, appoint and empower the school authorities of Achievers Institute to take my child to a licensed and practicing physician if my child needs medical or surgical treatment and I (the parent or guardian) cannot be reached by phone. 5. I hereby release Achievers Institute authorized personnel, from any liability which might arise from the giving of medical treatment or surgical services as soon as reasonably possible after the need arises. 6. I give permission for my child to take part in all school activities, including school sponsored trips from the school premises, and absolve the school from liability to me or my child because of any injury to my child at school or during any school activities. 7. I, the parent or legal guardian agree not to send my child to school if he or she is sick. Please fill out and sign the information below so that we may complete your child’s file. I, __________________________________authorize Achievers Institute to seek medical treatment for my son/daughter, ____________________________ in the event of an emergency. I also give authorization for the health facility or physician to provide medical treatment as necessary. I assume responsibility for payment for all medical services rendered. Parent /Legal Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________ Parent/ Legal Guardian’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________ Name of Insurance: _________________________ Group Number: _______________________________ 8 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net Summary School’s Operating Principles & Practices Dear Parents: Welcome to our school!! Thanks for your interest in our school. Below are some of the overarching principles that govern the programs and practices of Achievers Institute of Science, Art & Technology. We believe that it is important for you to understand the principles and practices that summarize our Christ-centered philosophy and mission. Achievers Institute is a Faith-based Institution; Achievers Institute is a Non-denominational Institution Achievers Institute believes that parents have the right to choose a school that they believe will best fit and meet the educational and spiritual needs of their children; Achievers Institute’s curricula and programs promote and uphold a Christ-Centered approach to teaching and learning; Achievers Institute uses a holistic approach in planning for students’ educational experiences – Meeting the needs of their students through the development of their mental, spiritual and physical faculties; Besides the required core-curricula for the State of Florida, Achievers Institute uses the A BEKA curricula, to develop and implement rigorous educational courses and programs that foster positive character development through the teaching of core Christ-centered values; Achievers Institute admission policies specifically state that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or gender; Achievers Institute requires all parents of prospective students to sign a document that has outlined the principles that govern the institution, signifying that they are aware, understand and will comply with the principles under which the school operates; Your signature acknowledges that your child will abide by the operating Christ-centered principles and practices of this institution; gives the institution permission for your child to be included in prayer and gives your support for character building. Acknowledgement Parent/ Guardian: I have read; and I ____________________________________understand and agree that my child ___________________________ will comply with the Christ-centered principles and practices of Achievers Institute. Date:____________________. 9 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net PARENT/GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION & RELEASE FORM During the school year our students will participate in many academic events which may take place at our school, on field trips, and off campus. For example, the local press and television are taking a particular interest in our school and the quality education we provide. I would appreciate if you would sign and return the permission form below for your child’s participation in school video and photography events. The permission given will be an agreement for the school year and will be renewed each new school year. Sincerely, Dr. Claudette Giscombe Director VIDEO/PHOTOGRAPHY PERMISSION I, give permission for my child to be videotaped and/or photographed for school activities. I understand that the video/photographs may be used for the yearbook, marketing, and/or public relations promotion. STUDENT _____________ DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________ DATE I do not give permission for my child to be videotaped and/or photographed for school activities I do give permission for my child to be videotaped and/or photographed for school activities Achievers Institute **Solutions for Academic Excellence** 10 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net Achievers Institute of Science, Art & Technology Student Dress Code The purpose of a dress code in a school is to minimize distractions and to help students learn to keep themselves neat, modest, and well-groomed. A dress code encourages students to express their individuality through personality and academic achievements; not with outward appearances. By implementing a dress code our institution will be able to create a sense of school pride and belonging. Coming to school in dress code, is a daily requirement and violations will result in disciplinary actions as listed in the Code of Student Conduct. Achievers Institute values the dress code and looks to the student and families to comply with the rules. We expect that parents will work with school personnel in supporting and enforcing the dress code. IMPLEMENTED UNIFORM PLAN: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Long pants Long pants Long pants Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki Knee length, Cargo/Bermuda Knee length, Cargo/Bermuda Knee length, Cargo/Bermuda Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki SKIRTS/SKORTS Knee length Knee length Knee length and DRESSES Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki, Burgundy Dresses Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki Colors: Black, Navy Blue, Khaki SHIRTS Solid color short sleeve polos. Solid color short sleeve polos. Solid color short sleeve polos. Colors: White, Light Blue, Beige, Burgundy, Navy Blue, Autumn Orange (Friday only), Spirit Shirt (Fridays only) Colors: White, Light Blue, Beige, Burgundy, Navy Blue, Autumn Orange (Friday only), Spirit Shirt (Fridays only) Colors: White, Light Blue, Beige, Burgundy, Navy Blue, Autumn Orange (Friday only), Spirit Shirt (Fridays only) PANTS SHORTS 11 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net SWEATERS JACKETS COATS A collared shirt must be worn underneath all sweaters except for turtlenecks. A collared shirt must be worn underneath all sweaters except for turtlenecks. A collared shirt must be worn underneath all sweaters except for turtlenecks. Color: Burgundy FOOT AND LEG WEAR BELT TIES Black (leather like) dress shoes with socks (black, white, navy, or beige only) must be worn daily. No emblems, decorations or designs. Boots are NOT permitted. Black (leather like) dress shoes with socks (black, white, navy, or beige only) must be worn daily. No emblems, decorations or designs. Boots are NOT permitted. Black (leather like) dress shoes with socks (black, white, navy, or beige only) must be worn daily. No emblems, decorations or designs. Boots are NOT permitted. Black tennis shoes may be worn on “Dress Down Days”. Black tennis shoes may be worn on “Dress Down Days”. Black tennis shoes may be worn on “Dress Down Days”. A belt is required if the garment has belt loops A belt is required if the garment has belt loops A belt is required if the garment has belt loops Color: Black Color: Black Color: Black Color: Burgundy FIELD TRIPS: The required uniform is an orange polo with khaki bottoms (or jeans when permitted). OTHER DRESS CODE RULES: Shirts (including undershirts) must be tucked in. Shoes must be safe and appropriate. Clothing that is too tight or too loose is not appropriate for school. 12 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net ACCEPTABLE: Jackets, Sweaters or Coats are acceptable during the winter/cold weather as long as it meets regular dress code. Hats and hoodies are permitted during the winter but may not be worn in the building. Jewelry and personal embellishments must be discreet and not present a distraction to the learning environment. Jeans/Denim bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) are permitted only on Dress Down Days. **Parents will be informed when “Dress Down Days” are scheduled. NOT ACCEPTABLE: Flip flops, slippers, open toe shoes. Distractive embellishments, emblems, or decorations on clothing No unnatural colored hairstyles; hair must be well-groomed. Make-up will not be worn. Underwear or exposed midriff skin must not be visible at any time. FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS: Achievers Institute will make provisions for students, who by reason of financial hardship, cannot comply with the mandatory dress code policy. In order to make the uniforms affordable for parents, uniforms can be purchased at Wal-Mart or any local department store for a reasonable price. 13 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net BUS CONDUCT POLICY Regular / Field Trips The importance of proper conduct while waiting for, boarding, riding or disembarking from a bus cannot be overemphasized. Any behavior that distracts the bus driver instantly endangers all. In the interests of safety, all students should understand and parents are urged to impress upon their children the necessity for strict compliance with the following rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Students are to remain well out of the roadway while waiting for the bus. Students must from a queue to get on and off of the bus. Getting on and off the bus should be done in an orderly manner. Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion. No part of the body should ever be extended outside the bus. Aisles should be kept clear at all times. Conversations should take place in normal tones of voice. A sudden scream or yell is especially dangerous. Nothing should be thrown either in or from the bus. Smoking on the school bus is strictly forbidden. Crowding, pushing, shoving, etc. are not only unnecessary, but dangerous as well. Attitudes of helpfulness and cooperation will do much to insure safe comfortable bus transportation for all. Eating, drinking, or chewing gum is not permitted on the bus. Students will be responsible for VANDALISM. RESTITUTUION will be required. Reptiles, bugs, animals or marine life (dead or alive) are not permitted on the bus. Band instruments, school projects or special equipment which interfere with the seating or safety of others are not permitted on the school bus. BUS REGULATIONS AND SEATING FOR REGULAR RIDERS 1. Students must ride their assigned bus and each must board and depart at a designated bus stop. Students must present a written request from the parent/guardian to the Principal or Designee for approval of requested changes. 2. Students are requested to be at the bus stop 10 minutes before scheduled pick-up as the bus will not wait beyond the scheduled pick-up time. 3. Parents are responsible for students for students prior to boarding and after departing from the bus. 4. Students will board, depart, and cross the roadway as per instructions from the Bus Driver. 5. The Bus Driver must assign seats and students will sit in their assigned seats at all times. 14 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net NOTE: Attention of students and parents is directed to the State School Law which states in part that, “A student may be excluded from bus transportation for disciplinary reasons by the principal, and his parents shall provide for his transportation to and from school during the period of such exclusion.” Buses will leave the school grounds shortly after the 2:30 p.m. dismissal. For those regular riders engaged in supervised after-school programs, late buses will be provided and are scheduled to leave the school grounds at approximately 3:15 p.m. Parents, please note that bus arrangements must be made when you sign for your child’s after after-school program. _______________________________ Parent Signature _________________________________ Student Signature 15 2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL, 34953 772-878-6889 www.achieversinstitute.net FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STUDENT DATA COLLECTION FORM Dear Parent or Guardian, Every school district in Florida is required to report to the Florida Department of Education each year student data by race and ethnicity categories that are set by the federal government. The Department of Education does not report individual student data to the federal government but does report the total number of students in various categories in each school. These reports help us keep track of changes in student enrollments and ensure that all students receive the education programs and services to which they are entitled. The federal government has adopted new standards for collecting and maintaining ethnicity and race data that will allow individuals to more accurately report their origins. As a result of this, you have the opportunity to update the student data for your child. With the new reporting categories, you may now identify your child by ethnic group and by one or more racial groups. Please answer all questions below by checking “YES” or “NO” for each of your children: ETHNICITY: 1. Is the student of Hispanic/Latino origin? Yes____ No____ RACE: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Is the student American Indian or Alaska Native? Is the student Asian? Is the student Black or African American? Is the student Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander? Is the student White? Student Name: ___ Yes____ Yes____ Yes____ Yes____ Yes____ No____ No____ No____ No____ No____ Grade: ________________ School District where Private School is located: Saint Lucie_________________________________ Name of Private School: Achievers Institute _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Print)_________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____ Date_____________ 16