“OUR APARTMENT” By Shaun Ault FADE IN: INTERVIEW WITH PETE Int. Apartment Kitchen-day PETE The other day, I was going to watch the finale of my favorite TV show Supernatural I was so stoked to see if Sam and Dean are able to get the First Blade from Crowley but then Dave decides to play video games… FADE IN: INTERVIEW WITH DAVE Int. Apartment Kitchen-day DAVE I’ve been playing “Forced Unleashed” for the past couple of months. I’ve finally got to Darth Vader. But then SOMEONE decided to barge into the living room… FADE IN: THE LIVING ROOM Int. Living Room- day Pete just gets back from his class and sees Dave playing unleashed. His face is shocked and tries to get Dave to hold up. PETE Hey Dave could you save the game I got to watch my show. DAVE Yeah sure hold on. Just give me a 10 mins. PETE No you don’t understand, I can’t miss a single minute of the show. Just pause the 2 game and let me watch. DAVE I can’t just stop now, I’m on a roll! PETE Pause the Game!! DAVE NO! [Pete turns the Xbox off and changes the channel] DAVE HEY! What’d you do that for!!!??? PETE Cuz you wouldn’t pause the game. [Dave grabs the remote and changed the channel] PETE Hey! Give me that! DAVE Hey no! It’s…my turn! DAVE What are you taking about!? You had your turn! [The two fight over the remote. The TV is changing channels like crazy. Eventually the TV Breaks and continue bickering. Alex comes in after sleeping in and is confused and walks back to his room.] PETE You see what you did! DAVID What! I did! You were the one who started it. If you hadn’t turned off the xbox we wouldn’t be having this problem 3 PETE Why are you blaming this on me, you could have paused the game and allowed me watch my show. FADE IN: INTERVIEW WITH PETE Int. Apartment Kitchen-day PETE It was totally his fault… DAVE It was not my fault, he shouldn’t have turned the game off. FADE IN: THE LIVING ROOM Int. Apartment Living Room-day DAVE Oh, now you are blaming all of this on me. If you didn’t have to watch your stupid show, I would have won the game, but… PETE STUPID SHOW!!!!???? That’s show brought a lot of meaning to my life. Maybe if you watch the show, you would understand. DAVE …instead I have to start all over because of you… FADE OUT FADE IN: THE LIVING ROOM PART 2 Int. Apartment Living Room-day One week later, we fade into the living room where David is 4 peacefully watching TV. apologize with David. Pete comes in and wants to PETE Hey Dave? DAVE (Sighs with a mad face)What? PETE I…I wanted to apologize for the other day. I should have let you finish you game. My show could wait. I mean I’m sure there would be reruns of it anyway. DAVE I’m sorry too. It was just a game and I could have paused it and let you watch. Apology accepted? PETE Definitely, and would you forgive too. DAVE Of course, that’s what roommates do right? [Pete sits down and joins David while David surfs the channels] PETE Oh dude, turn back it’s Grey’s Anatomy. DAVE Nah that show’s boring. Oh yeah, Family Guy. Now that’s entertaining. PETE Ewe, that’s a horrible show, turn back to Grey’s Anatomy. DAVE No way man! This show’s totally good. 5 PETE Wo wo wo, who paid for this TV? DAVE WHO PAID FOR THIS TV?!?!? You didn’t have to get a new TV. Besides you broke the last one. PETE Oh so we’re going back to that argument again are we. DAVE You brought up! We just got over it, why are you bringing this up again! PETE Well we wouldn’t be arguing if you would just let me watch TV, you never let me watch [Alex comes in again after just waking up.] ALEX I got to stop waking up at noon. DAVE I never let you watch!? How dare you say that, I always let you watch…you hog the TV all the time… [Slowly the scene starts to fade out.] FADE OUT: THE END 6