Richard Ramirez *The Night Stalker

Richard Ramirez
“The Night Stalker”
By: Allie Gruber
By definition…
N. A person who attacks and kills victims one by one in a series of
Ramirez methods were consistent in sneaking into a home at night, shooting
the male in the head (if present) followed by rape & slaughtering of the
female to near decapitation. He did not put any effort towards hiding his
identity nor ashamed of his tactics; here is his story…
Born in El, Paso on February 29, 1960
Youngest of 5 to parents Julian & Mercedes Ramirez
Born in El Paso on February 29, 1960
Youngest of 5 to parents Mercedes & Julian Ramirez
Ramirez dropped out of the 9th grade and became the ultimate
• Father had a temper and would often beat Richard
• Richard moved to California when he turned 18
Mike Ramirez was Richard’s closest cousin
of whom he looked up to the most. Mike
fought in Vietnam and upon his return
home he had become a changed man.
One day when Mike and Richard were at
Mike’s home, Mike shot his wife in front of
Richard due to an argument they had.
With Richard only 13 years old, the two
began living a life of a convict; stealing
and robbing people at every street corner.
The first of many…
• Ramirez first attack took place on June 28,
1984 to a 79 year old Glassel Park resident
named Jennie Vincow. The victim was found
dead on her bed the next morning by a
neighbor. She was sprawled out on her bed
with multiple stab marks to the throat nearly
being decapitated.
• The autopsy showed signs of sexual assault
and fingerprints were found on the window
seal that was left open for Ramirez to sneak
A&E Bibliography
Richard says “I do”
On October 3, 1996 in California’s San
Quentin Prison Richard married to Doreen
Lioy, a 41 year-old freelance magazine
editor with a bachelor's degree in English
* Ramirez at this time was awaiting
The end of an era
After multiple accounts of rape and murder, Ramirez’s face was open to
the public eye  Pinon incident
At age 26 Ramirez was arrested and charged with 14 murders and 31
felonies along with other possible murders that had not yet been proven
from San Francisco
In September of 1987 in a pre-trial proceeding, Ramirez pleaded guilty
and was quoted saying, “You got me, The Stalker” and “Of course I did
it. So what? Go ahead and shoot me, I deserve to die.”
Case continued…
• Judge Michael Tynan
• 3 years later in July, the case had come to conclusion that Ramirez
was Not Guilty by reason of Insanity.
• Finally after using 137 witnesses and 521exhibits, the trial came to
an end announcing Richard Ramirez to death 19 times.
• Ramirez was both obsessed with Satan and women and wished
they could be in the courtroom with him at his sentencing.