Transferrable Job Skills

Transferable Job
Shelley Bailey
July, 2004
Lesson Objectives
Learn what transferable job skills are
Understand the importance of these skills in the
world of work
Demonstrate their appropriate use
Learning application—your assignment
Are you ready to get skilled?
What are transferable job skills?
Skills you have acquired during any activity in
your life - jobs, classes, projects, parenting,
hobbies, sports, etc. - that are transferable
and applicable to what you want to do in your
next job.
Transferable Job Skills –
What is all the “hype” about?
Given the current and projected job
market, a person will change jobs on an
average of 5 times during their working
 What
effect does this have on a person?
 What kinds of skills will be helpful to them in
these situations?
Transferable Skills Sets
Marketable job skills can be broken down into
five categories - skill sets – that job seekers can
use in showing applicable skills from one
job/career to another:
 Communication
 Research
and Planning
 Human Relations
 Organization, Management, Leadership
 Work Survival
Communication Skills
The skillful
transmission and
interpretation of
knowledge and ideas:
Group facilitation
Research and Planning Skills
The search for specific
knowledge and the ability
to conceptualize future
needs and solutions for
meeting those needs:
Gather information
Set goals
Define needs
Identify resources
Problem solve
Human Relations Skills
The use of interpersonal
skills for resolving
conflict, relating to and
helping people:
Developing rapport
Perceiving feelings;
Organization, Management and
Leadership Skills
The ability to supervise,
direct and guide
individuals and groups in
the completion of tasks
and fulfillment of goals:
Managing groups
Coordinating tasks
Promoting change
Selling ideas or products
Managing conflict
Work Survival Skills
The day-to-day skills that
assist in promoting
effective production and
work satisfaction:
Implementing decisions
Managing time
Meeting goals
Accepting responsibility
Setting and meeting
Using transferable skills…
Do you already use some of these skills?
 Which skills do you need to work on?
Which have you mastered?
Please take a few minutes to share with
your neighbor at least two specific
examples of how you use transferable
skills now, either in school, at a job, in a
club, with friends etc.
Transferable skills
and your career goal…
Class sharing:
 Anyone
willing to share what they discussed
with their neighbor?
 Do you understand how these skills are
necessary for success in any job?
 Which of these skills would be most helpful to
aid your success in your potential career?
Let’s role play…
Please count off by 5’s; get into groups by number
Each group will be assigned a scenario to role play for
the class
The class will identify which transferable skills where
utilized or needed to be utilized in the situation
Using the chart provided, please individually document
your findings
The chart information will be shared with the class.
Role Play Chart
Role Play
The interview
The irate
customer (#2)
The badly
needed day
off (#3)
The “happy”
group (#4)
The busy
day (#5)
Skill Set Skills utilized
Skills that could’ve
been utilized
Career bliss…
 How
to find it?
 Transferable job skills can help!