We all want to believe and have faith in something, but

Humania – The Vision The Movement
The Vision, The Movement
Gary Owens
Humania, The Vision, The Movement
Written in 1995, first published in Great Britain
Humania Publishing
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission in
writing of the publisher, nor be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that
which it is published and without similar condition, including this condition being imposed
on the subsequent purchaser.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Owens G
Humania: Political philosophy, history of political and religious power development.
Global politics, anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist.
ISBN 0-000000-00-0 Hardback
Humania Publishing
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Humania – The Vision The Movement
This book is dedicated to my son
Alexander Axon
To all the needlessly poor, starving, unhealthy
and underprivileged. To all people held in
suppression and inequality to those who
have just had enough, and want to change.
What is happening on our planet?
It’s Time To Try Something New!
This book is the way out.
Use It.
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Please Read This book, However,
It Is Not Light Hearted Reading.
Whether you believe the evolutionary theory that life exists and has
evolved on Earth, and throughout the universe, or that god created
everything. Even that we evolved on Earth but an alien species altered
our DNA in our early evolution, or any of the other theories, you could be
right! The fact is that no one currently knows! Or they are not telling. It’s
also possible that we are unable to view all the relevant writings and
information from history. If you believe in religion, any religion, have
faith in god, Jesus, the Koran or the Bible, or believe or have faith in
governments, politics, monarchies or institutions. Be very careful about
choosing to read this book. You cannot read a book like this without it
changing your view of the world, the people in it, and why and what we
are doing here. Your world will shake and crumble as an earthquake of
realisation hits you. The realisation comes on slow at first, thoughts like I
never knew that and wow, did that really happen? Awe, amazement and
wonder spur you on. These are the rumblings at the beginning of your
Lifequake. Then everything starts to fit. You have been warned! Once
you have read it, you can’t un read it!
We all want to believe and have faith in something, but the truth
might just be that we might have to believe and have faith in
each other!
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The Vision, The Movement
Humania, we are Mad About Humans, on one hand because there is such
greatness and potential in us all, and on the other hand because we are
destroying each other and the planet without a care in the world!
The Vision
If we agreed to take the available knowledge of the world and use it to build
a new world, by putting a framework in place for humanity that will take all
the lessons of the past, learn from them, and apply them to a new
framework, we would have a new way to run our world. We could remove
war, inequality and persecution from our societies, and allow the population
of earth to live in peace and harmony.
Humania is a quest for the truth, a search for knowledge, a trawl through the
human past to find out where it all went wrong. Then put in place a system
that will bring equality and justice to all.
If it sounds imposable, it isn´t. Humania could unite the world to a common
way and aim. We can deliver peace on Earth instead of the turmoil that
exists today.
Let’s call it a global rethink, a globalised approach to preserving every
individual culture of humankind. Past present and future. Discovering the
truth from our past, starting to build a future that will treat all of mankind
equally with dignity and respect. Where the purpose of our being is the
fulfilment of our full potential and all possibilities, both personally and as the
Human Race. Think About it!
Humania is the new framework, it does not choose or propagate, it is there
as a framework to achieve the desires of humankind. It belongs to mankind,
not a group of individuals; it is to be a new destiny for mankind.
All you need to do to change the world is follow the guidelines
below and stick to it, get your friends to do it, get your family to do
it, get everyone to do it! Only together can we free the world from
tyranny and financial slavery that we have got ourselves in.
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The Movement
As you grow older you start to wonder about what you have been taught and
told by society, about the world and its religions, faiths and beliefs. The
religious stories that we were indoctrinated with in our youth, just seemed so
implausible, ridiculous and untrue.
You can read the Bible, the Koran and endless amounts of books and
documents in the search for the truth of where we come from and why we
are here? We need something to believe in on this apparently, God forsaken
world. The truth is it’s all a construct!
We don’t know if there is a God the creator or if any of the other theories of
the origin of mankind are true, but we do know the business religions are
At a certain point in everyone’s life, it slowly dawns that something is very
wrong with the way the Earth is being run. Some people do something about
it and others go about their lives. Humania is for people who would like to do
something about it.
Humania is a search for the truth. It does not provide all the answers; it is a
light on the edge of darkness, a beacon on an endless coast of the eternal
ocean of time.
The truth Humania seeks to put right is why some people on earth treat
other people on earth like cattle, why wars are constant, why is there
continual poverty, persecution, suppression, inequality, starvation and
misinformation being dished out without regard or care for mankind? Why is
the world under siege, being destroyed by fraternal organisations, big
business and big brother? Sticking it to the rest of us!
When anyone complains they send in the military to mediate! The general
populations are held in a modern day form of financial slavery to a controlled
global state. Why is this still going on after 7000 years of wars and
inequality? It’s time to try something new!
This is where a new way to run the world begins.
Humania is your chance to stand up and make a difference. Where you take
back your rights and destiny. We the occupants of Earth, have waited a long
time to do something about the way we are treated and the destruction of
the planet that is taking place.
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I wanted to make sure that what we are about to do is for the right reasons,
for the truth, advancement and sake of mankind. Not for any individual or
I believe that the same people/organisation/system has always been running
the world and are leading it to destruction. It sounds like a crazy conspiracy
What if the world as you know it was designed? But not by God! It’s a funny
thing about facts, but when you find the truth, the facts invariably fit!
The World Today
Teaching nations untruths is an act against the human race. Governments,
Religions and Institutions have lied and misinformed the general population
with the aim of controlling us for seven thousand years. Whole nations have
been slaughtered over untruths throughout history and there is no end in
sight. Governments, religions, fraternal organisations and financial
institutions have put us into yet another form of slavery.
If an individual or organisation becomes a threat to the present
Establishment they are gone after with a vengeance, everything goes wrong
with their lives. When Jesus turned over the tables of the moneylenders at
the temple it was for a reason. It was the start of the revolution. He knew it
was wrong to make money out of other peoples misery. Everyone knows
this, however, there have always been those who are willing to exploit the
Financial institutions currently hold the world to ransom, poor countries get
poorer as they are plundered and sold into slavery by the IMF and World
Bank. The spoils are divided up between big businesses, who in turn buy our
politicians to make it happen, over and over again. The governments then
supply arms and troops when it goes wrong and quell the peoples up rise.
In ancient times finance was used to enslave people just like now. Everyone
is controlled by finance. Everyone is a modern day slave to a new 21st
Century Pharaoh. We work to pay our bills and have little left to even think of
trying to fulfil or realise our dreams.
Great Britain is a world leader, yet there are millions of people living in
poverty and the government spends billions of pounds every year on war.
The media says Great Britain is the sixth largest economy in the world, how
can we have millions of people with no hope, no food, and no way out, living
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in abject poverty all their lives. We treat the elderly like dogs, living on the
edge of starvation stuffed in to homes. There is no dignity or respect being
old in the UK or any other country. Once we have outlived our usefulness we
are discarded like old clothes.
There is no progress in services for the general public. The road systems
don’t work, the train systems don’t work, the health services don’t work, it
just goes on and on.
The petroleum pollution is the worst it has ever been, yet many forms of
alternate energy that are less or none pollutant already exist and are being
suppressed by big business.
We have been sold out by our politicians, to big business, for their own
personal gain/game. Big business runs the world, and fraternal organisations
run big business, not the governments, we have no say. We are slaves to it,
it gives us nothing back, it slowly takes your heart and soul. Anyone who
calls the current world a democracy is having a laugh!
OPEC produces million barrels of oil per day. Just think how much pollution is
entering the atmosphere every day, someone is trying to destroy our planet,
why else would anyone allow this to happen?
73,000 people in the UK own 120 billion. The rest of the UK population owes
120 Billion in personal loans. More than 3,000,000 are living below the
poverty line. The 62 richest people in the world now own as much as the
poorest half of the global population - that's 3.6 billion people.
The poor and working classes of the world have always risen up against the
ruling classes throughout the ages. The poor people are usually massed in an
army by someone seeking or holding on to power against the supposed foe
in the name of some religion or belief, politics or inequality issue.
When at the end of the day, it’s all really about greed, power and
The fight against the inherent futility and danger in today’s society is on,
futility because the whole game is rigged between the governments, fraternal
and religious societies along with organised crime who between them own
and control most of big business. This means unless you are one of the
people who are destroying the planet and suppressing the general
population. You will never fulfil any dreams, and you must be a slave.
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The danger in society is mankind itself. There must be a system in place to
control the traits of humankind. To save it’s self from a disastrous future.
Inequality in society is trouble; it always has been and always will be,
persecution, inequality, politics and religion have caused just about every war
on Earth, fuelled by the power and greed of some of mankind.
The Created Atmosphere Of Fear
The world is deliberately kept in an atmosphere of fear to help with the
control of individual countries, a good example of this would be the recent
bird flu scare broadcast continually on TV in the UK and around the world, it
is sadly true that some people have died, but the incredible amount of effort
that was put into the promotion of this would have been far better served
focusing on the millions of children that die every day in the world from
poverty and starvation, think about it!
It is peculiar that many countries have just one terrorist organisation, in the
UK for many years it was the IRA, so we can conquer entire countries but not
some freedom fighters! As the world globalises a new more scary threat is
needed and so it is promoted, the latest one is ISIS, this whole keeping the
world on edge game is another control mechanism, it justifies the wars, arms
buying and selling and having more agents of the governments to control us!
They have to justify the expenditure and get us to pay for it someway, think
about it!
Shedding Restraining Customs And Institutions
Part of the modern day control mechanism is getting people to do the same
things over and over again, sending us to sleep, modern day culture has
become a soap opera, everyone playing their part. These restraining customs
and institutions that are controlling us are in fact ultimately controlled by the
state and in turn the state is controlled by just a few people.
The Pain Of Change
No one likes to change, its mentally difficult, but mankind must refocus or
face continual destruction stuck in a cycle, war after war, decade after
decade, century after century, millennia after millennia when do we take a
stand and change it?
It’s time to try something new!
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The New Framework
Humania is the evolution of politics on a global scale, it’s the world’s first
Democratic Global Political Party, and it will show us how to fight and win
against capitalist, authoritarian and religious radical globalisation, and deliver
a better quality of life across the world. This new framework incorporates all
beliefs and views.
A world free from control by governments, politicians, big business, financial
and religious institutions. The aim over time is to combine political, religious
business and social systems to give one united mankind, for the
advancement of mankind.
A system that cannot be manipulated or hijacked!
The New Political Model
If we take the ANC political model (not the policies) of slowly taking over
Africa and apply it globally, we are close to our political model, we are a
global political party, the first on Earth, established in the UK in 1995 by me.
We need to operate in using the Gandhi passive system, the idea is to not do
what you are supposed to, you stop feeding the system till it chokes, with no
confrontation. The Electronic Revolution, the political agenda is online, no
middlemen politicians to corrupt it, by local area, regional, national,
international agendas all online and visible to all, and voted on by all, true
democracy. We are building a portal called HELPinHAND that will incorporate
the voting system and many other cost saving features for members.
The New Business Model
Beat them at their own game. We will unite the purchasing power of all the
membership. With a few simple ideas a great portion of the world’s economy
can be brought under our control. The Bill Club, it will bring trillions of
pounds under our control. If we take the top ten utility and financial bills of
each member and provide each of the services and products at a much
reduced cost, due to large numbers of members, we would control a massive
amount of the world’s economy. Bill Club is part of the online Humania voting
portal for members called HELPinHAND. Another simple idea is The
Franchise Club, A new member who is a book retailer joins, and their
business is replicated around the country and the world by our members.
Franchise systems that allow fast spread and roll out. Employing our
members and taking from the existing economy.
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The New Religious Beliefs Model.
The Humanian view of religion is that no state should have a religion, but
should provide the framework for everyone’s beliefs and faiths to be
encompassed. We are asking for a re think of the whole concept of who we
are and what we believe and put our faith in. A New World Religion that
covers all faiths and beliefs.
Whether you believe the evolutionary theory, that life has evolved on earth
and throughout the universe. Or you believe that God created everything, or
even that we evolved on earth and an alien race altered our DNA, or any of
the other theories, you could be right! The fact is that nobody knows, or they
are not saying. The Humania way is only the search for the truth, knowledge
and advancement of humankind, whatever the answer turns out to be.
By joining the Humania movement, you are making a conscious effort to
search for the truth and not just accept what you are told. We want the truth
of who we are and where we come from. Being part of the Humania
movement means you have not made your mind up. It is after all a life long
journey. An open mind for all is an asset for mankind.
If we stacked up all the issues between people, and stack them in the order
of everything we agree with at the bottom, followed by everything we
disagree with. It would be clear where work is needed.
The fact is that all things should be allowed provided it does not cause any
one any harm and is within the framework agreed by everyone and that the
framework can allow everyone to be included.
We all want to believe and have faith in something, but the truth
might just be that we might have to believe and have faith in each
The Humania, New World Religion movement is a search for the truth; it
provides a chronological list of beliefs and faiths of mankind from its
beginning, every piece of available knowledge and supporting evidence from
all sources with no organisations slant on it. This is to be provided on the
website and constantly updated with new finds and information by members.
No one should lead you in your search for faith or something to believe in,
we should all explore all the possibilities and decide for ourselves. A religion
without proof of its claims is after all just a way to live your life, a code to
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live by, or as it’s being used today, as a means of control and motive for
pitting man against man, brother against brother.
The New Social Model
The new social way forward is by introducing a mentoring system that allows
everyone to get truthful advice where there is no financial gain for anyone
involved, we help each other instead of exploit each other. The aim of “The
Mentor” is to bring the best out of each member of their group, find out
more and help develop the social model on the website.
Brief Outline of Some Humania Political Policy’s
These are the policies that will change the framework we live in. There will
be no charge for food, water, energy or public transport. It will be a right to
own your own home, with basic housing being provided by Humania. The
wiping out of all debt both individually and for countries, with a redistribution
of wealth brought about by capping big business and the sale of unwanted
government buildings and money saved on disbanding the armies and
security services. The gathering of all knowledge, centralising and availability
to all members, there will be no hidden facts no matter what they reveal.
Release and assessment of all inventions/ science projects. With the main
aim of new power sources, medical cures and information available free to
everyone. Patents system would remain in place but if it benefits mankind it
must be used not suppressed. Break up all army’s and security services that
no longer represent the public. A break up of all banks and financial
institutions, such as the World Bank and IMF. No boarders or fences policy,
the world is everybody’s to roam. The abolishment of religion as a control
mechanism, Humania the global state has no faith or belief, only the truth.
Individuals can have faith and believe in anything they want but not under
the control of others. Immediate cessation of all pollution and the
environment and ecology brought under control, re population of the seas
and forests. No more rulers, no pharaohs, emperors, kings, queens or
dictators everyone is equal for all time. Policy should be transitional so it
does not cause harm to existing support systems. See the website for more
How We Start To Win Together, United World, One Central Control
To start with we need to unite all the factions that currently have no voice to
swell membership/recruitment. We will need 20 million votes to win the UK
election; once we have the UK we have a chance to win over the common
wealth and global power. The same applies to Spain, USA and all the other
countries in the world. There are many people that would like to do
something about the situation but have no way of expressing their views; no
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current system exists to represent them. Humania is that system! We will
start in every country in the world to gain control of all countries with the
ultimate mandate to unite the world under one banner.
It is achievable without violence to take over any country, the secret is to
grow from within. Like the Masons and other fraternal organisations have,
the exception being that all are included in Humania, not just the elite.
One World, One People
How To Win The First Territory
A global focus of all membership on to one territory, determined by which
country is the closest to being at the point of a majority of Humanians within
How We Win The World/ Our Flag And Emblem
Our flag is a collage of every flag on Earth, the earth like a patchwork quilt.
It will look something like this, once we have completed it.
Other Thoughts to Consider
Aim of the Human race is to become immortal and to learn all knowledge
We are to become space born, moving out and occupying all planets and star
systems, using resources for uninhabitable planets like mercury and the
asteroid belt. Colonising every where we can and having vast space born
resources, planets are far too dangerous long term to risk losing our
knowledge. It will bring unlimited resources and help de populate the planet
if we do it on a large enough scale.
Add an hierarchy built on achievements and abilities, also an early joiners
credit, so the first to join benefit first as it rolls out. It will all end up equal
but will take a lifetime to bring about all the policies.
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Pledge Of Allegiance
No grievance with other members, it’s a new beginning, we need to cast off
old ways, no more mistrust. We work with each other to bring about the
goals of Humania, even if we don’t agree.
All members will be given credit for using products Humania controls, via Bill
Club. All members must buy products from other members until the transition
is complete, this is to take money out of the existing economy.
All members should be given credit for using the online portal for voting and
other services via HELPinHAND.
Get Involved
Anyone can join Humania
The aim of Humania is to take control of every country in the world via peaceful methods
and under the mandate of election change each country one by one to part of the
Humania global state, One World, One People. We will collate all the information from all
over the world and dispel the myths and get to the truth. We will release all held back
technology and implement the policies on the home page of the website.
We need millions of people to get involved from all over the world, there are no leaders in
Humania and it’s interactive. As people just like you read the book and start to get
involved, we will find and collate the true knowledge from amongst the misinformation
that governments and unscrupulous organisations have flooded the world with. We will
bottom out the truth of our beginnings and how we got to this point.
As a member you can add material that is not already represented in our databanks, add
you findings and thoughts, if it’s not already on our website it will be displayed. You will
be accredited with the text on the website. The idea is to get millions of people to fill in
the website and converse with each other from all over the world, coming to the truth on
each subject and re doing all science to get to the bottom of what has been withheld from
us, and use everything we find to better our world.
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