Lower Level Lesson Plans

kids c.a.r.e.
(care about reaching everyone with the gospel)
Children’s Ministry Assistance
Lower Level Lesson Plans
Developed by Jennifer Rannow
Early Childhood Director, Peace Lutheran Church and Preschool, Holiday, Florida
What is the “Children’s Ministry Assistance” Project?
There are thousands of children here in North America who do not know who
Jesus is or what he did for them. Home mission congregations would like to
share the gospel with young children and their families through early childhood
ministry programs.
Offerings for the Children’s Ministry Assistance project would enable mission
congregations to open childcare centers or preschools as a way to help young
children and their families learn about Jesus through daily devotions, lessons and
The Goal of kids c.a.r.e.
The goal of kids c.a.r.e. is to help children of all ages recognize that they can
help other kids learn about Jesus through their prayers and mission offerings.
Lesson plans have been developed to target three levels of instruction:
Lower Level (PreK – Kindergarten)
Middle Level (grades 1-4)
Upper Level (grades 5-8)
While plans have been developed at different levels, the lessons and activities
can be adapted to fit the needs of students in a variety of settings. It would be
worth the time to review all three levels and use the materials that are most
appropriate. See the LWMS website (www.lwms.org) for a menu of additional
resources, including pictures, video clips, and links to information to enhance
instruction and foster understanding the importance of this project.
General Teaching Tips
To share lesson content effectively, it is important to:
 tell, not read, the lesson. (Know the lesson well enough to do this and then retell it
with questions and class participation.)
 make eye contact with each child.
 show with your voice that this is important.
 show that you care about what you are telling the children.
Thank you for your prayers and fostering opportunities for kids to reach out to
other kids with the gospel! Blessings on your ministry!
Day 1: Jesus Blesses the Little Children
Scripture: Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16;
Luke 18:15-17
Memory Treasure: “Let the little children come
to me, and do not hinder them” (Mark 10:14).
Aim: How did Jesus show that he loves
children? How can we tell others about Jesus?
Truth: He wants people, including the littlest
children, to know HIM!
Lesson: How can even little children help other
little children learn about Jesus?
Art/Craft: Draw pictures of those who need to
hear about Jesus.
Music: “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
Art/Craft: Witness caps/coins/necklaces.
Action Poem: “1 and 2 and 3 Little Children”
Activities: “Tells of Jesus Love” game (Video)
Prayer Bowl: List people who need to hear
about Jesus. Pray for them.
Spiritual Goals:
 Spiritual Truth: Jesus wants his
followers to tell others about him.
 Spiritual Attitude: The children will want
children all over the world to hear God’s
saving Word!
 Spiritual Habit: They will want to help
others learn about Jesus by witnessing,
praying, and giving offerings.
Materials Needed:
Fish bowl
Foam, construction paper, or cardstock
Colors, markers, etc.
Caps, coins, or beads and string to make
Cross or picture of Jesus stickers
Pictures of Jesus and the children
Pictures of children learning about Jesus
kids c.a.r.e Goals:
 What is Early Childhood Ministry?
 How can I support Early Childhood
o You can support Early Childhood
Ministry with your prayers.
o You can support Early Childhood
Ministry through your offerings to
the kids c.a.r.e. “Children’s Ministry
Assistance” project
Telling the Lesson
Do you remember when you went to preschool? Or maybe you are in preschool
now. Tell us some things you did/do in preschool or at child care. [Ask the
children to share some of their experiences. Leave time for discussion and the
children to share.] There are children in preschools and childcare centers all over
the United States and Canada that do not know about Jesus and what he has
done for us. In today’s lesson we are going to hear about how important
children are to Jesus and how we can help children learn about Jesus as
their Savior!
There was a time long ago when some parents brought their children to see
Jesus. Listen to this song and hear what Jesus’ friends did and what Jesus
taught them about children.
“1 and 2 and 3 Little Children”
(Sung to the tune of “10 little Indians” from Christ-Light)
1 and 2 and 3 little children,
4 and 5 and 6 little children,
7 and 8 and 9 little children
10 children came to see Jesus.
“Go away.” said Jesus’ friends,
“Go away.” said Jesus’ friends,
“Go away.” said Jesus’ friends,
“There’s no time for you!”
“Wait!” said Jesus, “Bring them here”.
“Wait!” said Jesus, “Bring them here”.
“Wait!” said Jesus, “Bring them here”.
“Let me hold the children!”
“I love children,” said the Savior!
“I love children,” said the Savior!
“I love children,” said the Savior!
And he loves you too!
Reviewing the Lesson:
Ask the children these questions. [They might need some assistance in getting to
the correct answer.]
Who came to see Jesus?
What did Jesus’ friends say to the children?
What did Jesus tell his friends?
How does Jesus feel about children?
Parents brought their children to see Jesus. How did Jesus show he loves
children? Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14).
Jesus loves children. He blessed the children who came to him that day. He
wants all children to know him as their Savior from sin.
There are children who do not have parents who bring them to church. There are
children who do not know Jesus as their Savior. These children do not always
live in other countries or in other parts of the world. Some children right here in
the United States and Canada do not know who Jesus is and what he did for
them on the cross.
Many children come to Christian preschools and childcare centers
called Early Childhood Centers (ECC’s) to learn to count and learn their
ABC’s but leave also knowing their Savior! Teachers build loving
relationships and model Christian behaviors for the children and
parents. Children learn Bible truths that can reassure them throughout
their lives of God’s love for them. They learn prayers at mealtimes and
spend time in God’s Word each day. Through their daily activities,
focused around learning about Jesus, they grow in the knowledge of
their Savior.
How Can I Support Early Childhood Centers?
You can support Early Childhood Centers through your prayers for
mission churches.
You can support Early Childhood Centers through your offerings to kids
Closing the Lesson
Dear Jesus,
We know there are little children all over the world who do not know you as their
Savior, even right here in our country. Watch over them and help them learn
about you. Please use our offerings to bring lots of children into your kingdom
because we know you love them very much! Remind us to pray for preschools
and child care centers that share your love with the children.
Stretching the Lesson
“Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.
“Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight!
“Jesus loves the little children of the world!”
Games and Activities
Who Needs to Hear About Jesus Pictures
Have the children draw pictures of children that need to hear about Jesus. If they
know people in their own lives who do not know Jesus, encourage the children to
tell them about Jesus.
Witness Caps/Coins/Necklaces
Provide the children with water bottle caps, circle coins, or beads to make
necklaces, as well as stickers of crosses or pictures of Jesus. The children can
make a necklace or coins or caps with crosses/Jesus pictures on them to share
with people who may not know Jesus.
Prayer Bowl
Use a goldfish bowl. Decorate it and label it “The Prayer Bowl”. Cut out and have
the children decorate cut-outs of fish. (You can use foam or construction paper or
card stock.) Then have the children author a prayer for children who need to hear
about Jesus, their Savior form sins. Put the fish in the fish bowl and draw them
out from time to time and say the prayers together.
“Tells of Jesus’ Love” Game (From Christ-Light Curriculum)
Have the children form a circle, holding hands. Choose one child to be in the
center of the circle.
Have the children sing this song:
“(Child’s Name in Center) tells of Jesus’ love.
“He/she tells of Jesus’ love.
“Hi Ho the derry-o, he/she tells of Jesus’ love.”
The child in the center chooses a friend on the outside circle and tells him/her
“Jesus loves you!” and the children switch spots.
Then repeat the game until all children get a chance to share Jesus’ love with a
friend! Talk about how good that feels and how important it is to share Jesus’
love with all people and children are included in “all people”!
Also see Video of the Game, “Tells of Jesus’ Love”
Day 2: Jesus Helps His Friends Catch Fish
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Memory Treasure: “Preach the good news”
(Mark 16:15).
Objective: What special job did Jesus ask his
Truth: Jesus asked his friends and us to tell
others about him.
friends to do? What special job does God give you?
Lesson: How can even little children help teach
other little children about Jesus?
Snack: Goldfish and Pretzel Rods
Music: “I Will Make You Fishers of Men”
Catching Fish: Catch fish with fishing poles.
Action Poem: “I Throw Out My Hook”
Fish in a Bag: Zip-type bag fish
Prayer Bowl: List people who need to hear
about Jesus. Pray for them.
Spiritual Goals:
 Spiritual Truth: Jesus wants his
followers to tell others about him.
 Spiritual Attitude: The children will want
other children all over the world to hear
God’s saving Word!
 Spiritual Habit: They will want to help
others learn about Jesus by witnessing,
praying, and giving offerings.
kids c.a.r.e Goals:
 What is Early Childhood Ministry?
 How can I support an Early Childhood
o You can support Early Childhood
Ministry with your prayers.
o You can support Early Childhood
Ministry through your offerings to
kids c.a.r.e. Children’s Ministry
Assistance Project
Materials Needed:
 Fish bowl
 Foam, construction paper, or card stock
fish shapes
 Markers, crayons, etc.
 Fishing poles or fishing game
 Zip-type freezer bags
 Small foam fish shapes
 Blue hair gel
 Sharpie-type markers
 Masking or packing tape
 Pictures of children with Jesus
 Pictures of children learning about Jesus
Telling the Lesson
Do you remember when you went to preschool? Or maybe you are in preschool
now. Tell us some things you did/do in preschool or at child care. [Ask the
children to share some of their experiences. Leave time for discussion and the
children to share.]
There are children in preschools and childcare centers all over the United States
and Canada who do not know about Jesus and what he has done for us. In
today’s lesson we are going to learn what important job Jesus gave to his
friends and to us! We will also learn how we can help other children learn
about Jesus as their Savior!
Do you remember a time when Jesus got into a boat with his friends? [Give the
children time to respond.] One day Jesus was teaching and preaching by a lake.
There were so many people that they could not all see or hear Jesus. So Jesus
climbed into a boat and taught the people from there. When he had finished
teaching, he asked his friends to take the boat farther out into the lake. He told
them to let down their nets to catch some fish.
Peter said, “Jesus, we have been fishing ALL NIGHT and not caught even ONE
fish. But since YOU ask us, we will do it!” They let down their nets and soon the
nets were full of fish. The nets were so full that they started to rip and tear. They
called to some friends in another boat and soon both boats were so full of fish
that the boats started to sink!
The men in the boats were all amazed, but Peter was more than amazed. He
knew Jesus had done something that only God can do. He fell to his knees in
fear! Jesus said, “Do not be afraid, Peter! From now on I want you to help me
catch men, rather than fish!”
When the men got their boats to the shore, they left all they had and followed
Jesus. They left their jobs, their families, their homes, and their friends and
became Jesus’ disciples. They helped teach people that Jesus is the Savior of
the world!
Reviewing the Lesson:
Ask the children the following questions. The children may need some help in
getting to the correct answer.
1. Why did Jesus get into the boat?
2. What did Jesus ask his friends to do with their nets?
3. Why did they think they would not catch anything?
4. What happened when they let their nets down?
5. What did Jesus tell them he wanted them to do from now on?
6. Jesus said “From now on I want you to catch __________!”
Jesus showed his friends that he is the Son of God by doing a miracle
(something only God can do). What was that miracle? [Let the children respond
and share their answers.] Jesus asked his friends to help him do something.
What was that? What important job did Jesus have for His friends? (to be fishers
of men) [Be sure to explain/repeat what that means—the children are likely to
take it literally; be sure they understand the true meaning.]
Jesus also has an important job for us. He wants us, too, to tell others about him!
There are children here in the United States and Canada who do not know Jesus
as their Savior. How can we help these children learn about Jesus? Jesus says,
“Preach the good news” (Mark 16:15). The “good news” is that Jesus died for
our sins! He wants us to share that message with all people, and children are
included in “all people”. But you and I can’t talk to everyone! That’s why we want
to be a part of the kids c.a.r.e. project, “Children’s Ministry Assistance”.
Many children come to Christian preschools and child care centers called Early
Childhood Centers (ECC’s) to learn to count and learn their ABC’s, but they
leave also knowing their Savior. Teachers build loving relationships and model
Christian behaviors for the children and parents. Children learn Bible truths that
can reassure them throughout their lives of God’s love for them. They learn
prayers at mealtimes and daily spend in God’s Word. Through their daily
activities, focused around learning about Jesus, they grow in the knowledge of
their Savior.
Our mission churches often would like to be able to do this, but since they are
often small, it is too expensive for them to do alone. That’s how the kids c.a.r.e.
project helps them.
How Can I Support Early Childhood Centers?
You can support Early Childhood Centers through your prayers.
You can support Early Childhood Centers through your offerings to the
kids c.a.r.e. “Children’s Ministry Assistance” Project.
Closing the Lesson
Dear Jesus,
Give us hearts that love all people. That way, we will gladly give our offerings.
We will also use our mouths to share your saving work with others. Even if we
cannot talk to people far away, we can support the work others do by praying for
your blessings and by bringing our offerings. Make us cheerful givers so that our
offering may be used to teach other little children about you!
Stretching the Lesson
“Fishers of Men”
I will make you fishers of men, fishers of men, fishers of men.
I will make you fishers on men, if you follow me,
If you follow me, if you follow me.
I will make you fishers of men, if you follow me!
Hear Christ calling, “Come unto me, come unto me, come unto me”.
Hear Christ calling, “Come unto me, I will give you rest,”
“I will give you rest, I will give you rest.”
Hear Christ calling, “Come unto me, I will give you rest!”
“Go and Preach the Good News”
(From Christ-Light Three-Year-Old Curriculum)
(Sung to the tune of “Happy Birthday to You”)
Go and preach the good news.
Go and preach the good news.
Jesus died for all people,
Go and preach the good news.
Activities and Games
Goldfish and Pretzel Rods
As a snack, serve the children goldfish crackers and pretzel rods with peanut
butter or Nutella (for those with peanut allergies, check the label), so the children
can dip the pretzel rods in the peanut butter and “catch” the goldfish by pressing
the rods into the bowls of fish-shaped crackers. Remind the children that Jesus
wants us to catch people for him by sharing with others the good news of Jesus
and what he has done for us!
Zip-type Bag Fishing Game
Take a freezer zip-type bag and draw a net on a portion of it with a permanent
marker. Fill it half full with blue hair gel. Add a fish shape. Squeeze out air and
seal bag. You may wish to add tape to the top of the bag, so the children will not
open it. Have the children catch the fish in the net by moving the fish into the net
Prayer Bowl (Continue from previous lesson)
Use a goldfish bowl. Decorate it and label it “The Prayer Bowl”. Cut out fish
shapes from foam, construction paper, or card stock, and have the children
decorate cut-outs of fish. Then have the children author a prayer for children who
need to hear about Jesus, their Savior from sins. Put the fish shapes into the fish
bowl, draw them out from time to time, and say the prayers together.
“I Throw Out My Hook” Rhyme
(From Christ-Light Three Year Old Curriculum)
I throw out my hook with a wiggle jiggle bait.
I sit in the boat and I wait, wait, wait.
Something takes a bite, so I give a little tug.
I pull in Mr. Fish with a glug, glug, glug.
But when it comes to people we never use a hook.
Instead we use the words of the Bible, God’s book!
We tell them Jesus died to take their sins away.
He rose from the dead, and so will I someday!
Day 3: Philip Tells a Man about Jesus
Acts 8:26-39
Memory Verse: “Go into all the world and preach
the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15).
Aim: How did Philip help a man who was riding
in a chariot?
Truth: Philip told the man about Jesus and God
wants us to tell others about Jesus too!
Lesson: How can even little children help little
children about Jesus?
Bible Passage Mural
“Go and Preach the Good News…”
Chariot Races: The children will have wheel
barrow/chariot races.
Action Poem:
“Near and Far, Jesus is My Savior”
Prayer Book:
Have the children author their own prayers.
Prayer Bowl: List people whom we can tell
about Jesus, and pray for them.
Materials Needed:
Spiritual Truth: Philip shared the good
news of Jesus with a man from another
Spiritual Attitude: The children will want
people all over the world to hear God’s
saving Word!
Spiritual Habit: They will want to help
others learn about Jesus by witnessing,
praying, and giving offerings.
kids c.a.r.e Goals:
 What is Early Childhood Ministry?
 How can I support Early Childhood
o You can support Early Childhood
Ministry with your prayers.
o You can support Early Childhood
Ministry through your offerings and
contributions to the kids c.a.r.e.
Fish bowl
Paper or foam fish
Sharpie-type marker to write on fish
Mural paper
Paint or markers
Camera to take pictures of children (see
prayer book example)
Picture of a chariot (for races and lesson)
Masking tape for chariot races
Pictures of children in ECC’s as they
learn about Jesus (for application)
Telling the Lesson
Do you remember when you went to preschool? (Or maybe you are in preschool
now.) Tell us some things you did in preschool or at child care. [Leave time for
discussion and the children to share.]
There are children in preschools and childcare centers all over the United States
and Canada who do not know about Jesus and what he has done for us. In
today’s lesson we are going to hear about how a man named Philip helped
a man from far way learn about Jesus and how we can help children learn
about Jesus as their Savior!
One day an angel came to a man named Philip. Philip was one of Jesus’ helpers.
The angel asked Philip to go and walk along a road that goes from Jerusalem to
Gaza. So Philip began walking down the road. [Have the children pretend to walk
with you.]
Along the way he saw a man from far away. He was from Ethiopia. He was a
very important man in his country. The man was reading God’s Word while riding
in a chariot. God told Philip to go up to the chariot and talk to the man from
Ethiopia. Philip walked up to the man and heard that he was reading from the
Bible. He asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
The man from Ethiopia said, “How can I understand if I do not have anyone to
teach me?”
Philip climbed into the chariot with the man and together they read the Bible.
Philip explained to him that Jesus came to earth, lived perfectly, and died for the
sins of all people! Philip shared the good news about Jesus!
As they traveled along, they came along some water. The man from Ethiopia
asked, “Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” So Philip and the man stopped the chariot,
got out, and Philip baptized the man from Ethiopia. Then Philip left the man, but
the man from Ethiopia went back to his country happy and excited to know that
Jesus had taken all his sins away!
Reviewing the Lesson:
Ask the children these questions. The children may need some assistance in
getting to the correct answer.
1. What did the angel ask Philip to go?
2. Whom did Philip see while he was walking along the road?
3. What was the man doing?
4. What did Philip ask the man?
5. Why did the man need a teacher to help him?
6. How did Philip help the man?
7. What did they do when they came to some water?
8. What important job did God give to Philip and to us?
God asked Philip to do an important job for him. Where did the angel ask Phillip
to go? Whom did he see along the road? What did the man from Ethiopia need
help understanding? (God’s Word) The man from Ethiopia was reading God’s
Word but he did not understand it because he did not have a teacher to help him
learn it. Children need teachers who can help them learn about Jesus too!
When you pray for the preschool and childcare center teachers and give
your offerings to the kids c.a.r.e project, you are helping children near and
far learn about Jesus!
God had an important job for Philip and for us. He wants us to tell others about
Jesus too! There are children here in the United States and Canada who do not
know Jesus as their Savior. How can we help these children learn about Jesus?
Jesus says, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”
(Mark 16:15). The “good news” is that Jesus died for our sins! He wants us to
share that message with all people and children are included in “all creation”.
Many children come to Christian preschools and childcare centers, also called
Early Childhood Centers (ECC’s), to learn to count and learn their ABC’s, but
they leave also knowing their Savior! Teachers build loving relationships and
model Christian behaviors for the children and parents. Children learn Bible
truths from their teachers, which can reassure them throughout their lives of
God’s love for them. They learn prayers at mealtimes and spend time in God’s
Word each day. Through their daily activities, focused around learning about
Jesus, they grow in the knowledge of their Savior.
Many of the ECC teachers are trained at our synod’s worker training college,
Martin Luther College, so they can help children learn about the Bible in it’s truth
and purity. Just like the man from Ethiopia needed a teacher to help him
understand the Bible, the children in our ECC’s need teachers to help them learn
about Jesus! God had Philip help someone from far away learn about Jesus
as his Savior and you can help children from near and far learn about
Jesus as their Savior by praying for them and giving offerings toward the
kids c.a.r.e project.
How Can I Support Early Childhood Ministries?
You can support Early Childhood Ministries through your prayers.
You can support Early Childhood Ministries through your offerings to kids
c.a.r.e. “Children’s Ministry Assistance” project.
Closing the Lesson
Dear Jesus,
Give us hearts that give and mouths that share your saving truths with others.
Even if we cannot be there to speak the words, we can support the work of
others with our prayers and offerings. Make me a cheerful giver and bless my
offering as it is used to teach little children about you!
Stretching the Lesson
Action Rhymes
Jesus Is My Savior (From Christ-Light PreK-K Lessons)
Jesus is my Savior. [Make a cross with your fingers.]
God’s Word tells me so. [Make a Bible with your hands and open like a book.]
I want to tell others, [Point to others.]
So Jesus they will know. [Point to your head like you are thinking.]
Near and Far (From Christ-Light PreK-K lessons)
Both near and far, [Point near and far.]
Both here and there, [Point left and right.]
There are sinners everywhere. [Point all around.]
But Jesus came and died for all. [Make a cross with fingers.]
“Follow me,” [Make a beckoning motion.]
We hear him call. [Cup your ear.]
So now we go [Pretend to walk, or walk with your fingers.]
And share God’s Word, [Make a Bible with your hands and open like a book.]
So others may learn [Hold hands on heart.]
Of Jesus, the Lord! [Make a cross with fingers.]
Go and Preach the Good News (From Christ-Light Three Year Old Curriculum)
(Sung to the tune of “Happy Birthday to You”)
Go and preach the good news.
Go and preach the good news.
Jesus died for all people,
Go and preach the good news.
God Loves Each and Every One (From Christ-Light PreK-K Curriculum)
(Sung to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me”)
God loves each and every one,
So he gave his only Son.
God says, “Now show love and care to all people everywhere.”
Love all the people.
Love all the people.
Love all the people.
As God loves everyone!
Games and Activities
Share Jesus’ Love (adapted from Christ-Light PreK-K Curriculum)
Have the children form a circle, holding hands. Choose one child to be in the
center of the circle.
Teach the children this song:
Jesus’ love is for giving away, for giving away, for giving away.
Jesus’ love is for giving away.
I share his love with _________. (name a child)
The child in the center chooses a friend on the outside circle and tells them that
“Jesus loves you!” and the children switch spots.
Then repeat the game until all children get a chance to share Jesus’ love with a
friend! Talk about how good that feels and how important it is to share Jesus’
love with all people, and children are included in “All Creation”!
Chariot Races
Have the children pick a partner, or you can assign partners. You can make
“chariots” like a wheel barrow and have the children do wheel barrow races from
point A to Point B. You can time them or have them compete against one
This activity will build their gross-motor skills but also requires them to work
together and communicate. This activity works best with older preschool children
as the younger ones do not have the strength or communication skills to
complete this task.
Prayer Bowl (Continue from previous lesson)
Use a goldfish bowl. Decorate it and label it “The Prayer Bowl”. Cut out fish
shapes, and have the children decorate them. [You can use foam or construction
paper or card stock.] Then have the children author a prayer for children who
need to hear about Jesus, their Savior from sins, but today also ask the children
to include teachers in their prayers. Put the fish in the fish bowl and draw them
out from time to time and say the prayers together.
You can write the Bible Passage on top of large mural paper. Then all the
children can take a turn or participate by painting or using markers on a portion of
the mural. Older Preschoolers can draw pictures of ways that you can “Go into all
the world”. (Examples: praying for them, giving offerings, becoming a teacher or
pastor, sending materials, equipment, toys, etc)
Write a Prayer Book
Take photos of the children praying and ask them to author a prayer for a child
who might not know about Jesus. This can be someone they know or a child at
an ECC nearby or far away. They also can author prayers for the teachers who
share the good news about Jesus with children near and far! This can be a very
sweet activity and a great collectable for the parents to keep!
See the sample Prayer Book that a teacher made at an ECC. (Find this
sample book on the kids c.a.r.e. “Lesson Resources Menu” posted on the
LWMS Web site). The children were not given parameters of what to pray for in
this sample.