
How should the HDR Thesis Hang
Forum for Research Students
School of Education and Professional Studies
Professor Richard G. Bagnall
Dean (Research)
Arts, Education and Law
Thesis Structure
 Varies somewhat with the methodology and the
informing discipline.
 Advice from your research supervisors in that regard.
 The key to success is to meet your thesis examiners’
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Thesis Examiners
 Will be senior scholars in the discipline(s) of your
 Not your research supervisor or anyone else who has
had significant input to your research.
 Will standardly have definite views on the structure of
an acceptable Thesis.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Structural Expectations of the Thesis
 May be understood with reference to a social sciences idealtypical structure.
 With methodological variations on that ideal typical structure.
 ‘Ideal’ in an empirical, not a normative or an axiological sense.
 Chapter headings may vary, but should be as self-explanatory as
 With rare exceptions, any type of thesis will be expected to be
structured to form a coherent, interrelated whole.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
The Ideal Standard Thesis
 Describes an empirical study.
 Seeks to contribute to a body of disciplinary knowledge
 If driven by a professional or practice-based interest or issue,
» Interpret and study that interest or issue through a selected
disciplinary perspective.
» Will be judged on the extent of its contribution to the
perspectival theory.
» The professional or practice-based interest or issue is thus
a vehicle for the generation of disciplinary knowledge.
 Seeks to be as objective as is epistemologically practicable.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Key Components of an Ideal Standard Thesis
Preliminary Pages.
Literature Review.
The Conceptual/Theoretical Framework (if warranting a separate
chapter; otherwise in 3 or 7).
The Research Context (if needed).
The Participants (if needed).
Results (one or more chapters).
Discussion of Results (if not within 8).
Conclusion and Recommendations.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Preliminary Pages
With some variations on the order:
 Title Page
 Abstract
 Table of Contents
 Declaration
 List of Tables (if pertinent)
 List of Figures (if pertinent)
 Acknowledgements
 Preface (if pertinent)
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
1. Background to the study
» Professional or practice issue or problem (if pertinent).
» The disciplinary perspective taken to that issue or problem
(if pertinent).
» The disciplinary problem or issue being addressed.
2. The focus of the study or the research question(s).
» The particular focus or of the study.
» Flowing from the background.
3. An overview of how that focus was addressed in the study.
4. An outline of structure of the thesis (i.e., of how the study is
reported in the thesis).
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Literature Review
1. Evidence for, dimensions of, and research on the issue or
problem. (A full account of Section One in the introductory
2. A Review of Research to Date:
» Within the disciplinary perspective adopted.
» Structured to inform your study.
» Mining the literature for material pertinent to your study.
» Avoiding claims or attributions of personal belief.
» Explicitly drawing-out implications for your study.
3. A Concluding Overview of Implications for Your Study:
» The focus and nature of your study.
» The Conceptual Framework for the study (possibly in a
following dedicated chapter on the methodology).
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
The Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
 If warranting a separate chapter.
 Otherwise at the end of Literature Review or the start of the
 Grounded in the literature of your review.
1. Key concepts and their meaning in your study,
2. The interrelationships between the key concepts:
» Explained in the text.
» Illustrated in a Figure.
» How that framework was used to address the focus of your
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
The Research Context
 A Chapter (if needed) describing key aspects of the study
site (e.g. the structure of the educational system in the
jurisdiction of your study).
 Writing (as always in the thesis for an international
 May be included in the Methodology chapter if
 Fully documented.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
The Participants
 A chapter (if needed) introducing each participant.
 May be a part of the initial results chapter, if very brief.
 To be included in studies focusing in great depth on the
experiences or beliefs of a small number of participants.
 Features of each introduction:
» Ensure anonymity (unless otherwise approved).
» Use pseudonyms (and for the results reporting).
» Use pertinent and interesting features.
» Make them memorable.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
All grounded in appropriate literature.
1. The Conceptual/Theoretical Framework (if not already
2. The Research Context (if pertinent and not already
3. The Research epistemology.
» The nature of knowledge assumed in the study.
» The broad research approach flowing from that
» With justification as appropriate.
4. The Research Approach (if pertinent, e.g., when using a
case study approach).
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Methodology cont.
5. Data Collection
» Site and participant selection in your study.
» Data collection instruments and approaches used in your
study (detailed as appropriate in appendices).
6. Data Analysis
» Detailed description of how you analysed the data.
7. Ethical Considerations
» Ethical issues pertinent to the study.
» How you addressed those issues.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
 Reporting the findings of your data analysis.
 But only those that are directly pertinent to your research topic.
 Fully evidencing the extent to which and the ways(s) in which
your findings are grounded in your data.
 Structuring the chapter according to the dimensions of the topic
(may be more than one chapter).
 Sectionally relating your findings to those of other pertinent
research to date (if not in the next chapter).
 Using a chapter summary to draw your findings together.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Discussion of the Results
 Here, if not in the previous chapter(s).
 A structured relating of your findings to those of other
published research to date.
» Comparing your findings with those of other studies.
» Interpreting differences to clarify the contribution to
knowledge from your study.
» Articulating just what your study has contributed.
 Drawing out any qualifying methodologically-grounded
limitations of your study.
 Concluding with a summary overview of the interpreted
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Conclusion and Recommendations
1. The conclusion of your study in relation to the research
topic or question.
» Grounded in the findings of your study (previous
» Presenting and explaining any interpretive models of
your findings (grounded in the literature to date).
2. Implications of those findings for professional practice (if
3. Recommendations for further research in the light of your
study’s findings.
4. (Optionally) a concluding overview of your study and its
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
 A list of the published sources referred to in your thesis.
 All and only those referenced in the text.
 Stylistically uniform, accurate, and properly sequenced.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
 Appendices of instruments, approvals and such like
specifically identified in the text.
 Also explanatory elaborations not appropriate to the main
 Appendix A, etc., each with an explanatory title.
 Include only material that a reader may wish to read for
further information.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Variations on the Ideal-typical Thesis Structure
1) Historical.
2) Philosophical.
3) Biographical.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
1) Historical Studies
 Literature review commonly greatly reduced and included in
the introductory chapter.
 Conceptual framework subsumed in the methodology.
 Substantive (historical) chapters ordered and structured
chronologically and/or thematically.
 The final chapter (Conclusions and Recommendations) as
 An extended bibliography of works that importantly
influenced the study may be included.
» As well as the sources cited.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
2) Philosophical Studies
 Literature review and methodology commonly greatly reduced
and included in the introductory chapter.
 Conceptual framework subsumed in the methodology.
 Remaining chapters:
» A logical sequence presenting the argument and evidence.
» The final chapter (Conclusions and Recommendations) as
 An extended bibliography of works that importantly influenced the
study may be included.
» As well as the sources sited.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
3) Biographical Studies
 Preface not pertinent
» In autobiographies, your story is part of the study.
» In biographies of others, each subject participant should be
 Use a separate chapter to introduce the subject participant(s).
 Substantive ((auto) biographical) chapters ordered and structured
chronologically/developmentally and/or thematically.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
 Stay focused throughout the thesis on your research topic
or question.
 Be firm with yourself in leaving out all extraneous material
and findings.
 Make explicitly clear to the reader in each section how it
contributes to and is a necessary part of your addressing
the research topic or question.
 Construct the thesis as through you were creating a picture
in words.
 Make sure that it forms a coherent whole, with its parts
clearly interrelated.
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law
Best Wishes.
Richard G. Bagnall
Dean (Research)
Arts, Education & Law
Dean (Research). Arts, Education & Law