SAT Vocabulary Lesson 4

SAT Vocabulary Lesson 4
Pre-AP English II
1. Aesthetic
• Adj. – relating or pertaining to a sense of
beauty or art
2. Aloof
• Adj. – apart, indifferent
3. Archaic
• Adj. – antiquated, old, out of use
4. Assuage
• V. – to ease, to mitigate, to make less painful
or burdensome; to calm
5. Belie
• V. – to contradict, to give a false impression
6. Contentious
• Adj. – quarrelsome, stirring controversy
7. Daunt
• V. – to intimidate, to dismay
8. Debilitate
• V. – to weaken, to enfeeble
9. Discord
• N. – lack of agreement, tension, strife
10. Dissemination
• N. - the act of spreading widely, scattering
11. Dogmatic
• Adj. – strongly opinionated in an
unwarranted manner
12. Duplicity
• N. – double-dealing, hypocrisy
13. Egocentric
• Adj. – self-centered, selfish
14. Euphemism
• N. – substituting a less offensive phrase or word
for one that may be offensive
15. Gluttonous
• Adj. – greedy for food and drink
16. Mundane
• Adj. – ordinary, commonplace
17. Ominous
• Adj. - threatening
18. Petulance
• N. – unreasonable touchiness or irritability
19. Pompous
• Adj. – exaggerated show of dignity or selfimportance, bombastic
20. Precocious
• Adj. – exceptionally early in development or
21. Slothful
• Adj. – lazy, indolent
22. Trivia
• N. – insignificant matters
23. Verbose
• Adj. – wordy, very talkative
24. Virulent
• Adj. – extremely poisonous, hateful
25. Volatile
• Adj. – quickly changeable, easily vaporized
Sentences – due 4/25
• Use context clues in the sentence for each vocabulary
word. Highlight the context clues you used.
• Circle the vocabulary word in each sentence.
• Your sentences must be a minimum of 15 words in
length and should show variety.
• Must be related to Huck Finn
• DUE Friday, 4/25
• Vocabulary Test is 5/2
• *Other deadlines - Don't forget ch. 26-34 due Friday, the rest
of the book is due 4/30, and the dialectical journal is due 5/1.