Science Olympiad Rules

Pikeville Regional
Science Olympiad
2010 Rule Clarifications
General Coaching Information
The Web Site
(See your handout for a copy of the current schedule for your division)
Five time blocks!
A team will follow the schedule for A, B, C or D.
Multiple teams from the same school will be
assigned the same letter.
You may request which letter (choice #1, #2, #3)
you desire, however, there is no guarantee that
you will get #1 or #2 since there will only be 3
teams assigned per letter.
Building events MAY be rescheduled with
Student Registration Form
– Excel file....due back via email by 2/12/2010
Vandalism and Behavior
– Coach, Team members, and Principal must sign
– Coaches or members of a team which violate the spirit of
the competition may be disqualified
– Only coaches can discuss problems with an event
supervisor or tournament official
– Arbitration must be done only by a coach (i.e. no parents
or students) and must be in writing, consultation may be
Many events have safety considerations.
The most misunderstood is the use of approved
safety goggles.
Eye protection now has 5 categories!!
#1. Safety Spectacles (ANSI Z87)
#2. Safety Spectacles with Side Shields (ANSI Z87)
#3. Particle Protection Goggles (ANSI Z87)
#4. Chemical/Splash Protection Goggles (ANSI Z87)
#5. High Impact Protection (ANSI Z87+)
There are a specific individuals designated
as the official contact person for every
These individuals are regional directors.
What they say extends state-wide for the
Check in that Day
Must have Vandalism/Behavior form
signed and submitted
Each team member will get a wrist band
with the team name on it
Each coach will get an official badge
The Need for Coaches
The rule is that there should be a different
adult coach (teacher, parent, volunteer,
etc.) assigned and present for each
registered team.
This rule is being highly enforced at the
State competition at WKU.
General Comments
About Impounded Events
All impound objects will be collected at
multiple locations (Gym, JC event location,
Mission Possible event location, &
PHY/PSL event location) during the 8:309:30 Round 1 period.
– Impound areas will be monitored and/or
locked during the entire day.
– Only local support staff will be allowed into
impound area.
– Impounded items will be “coat-checked” with
pick-up ticket provided to participant!
More About Impounded Events
All impounded objects must remain in their
respective event area (or the impound area) until
30 minutes after the end of the final competition
(for that event).
– This allows for any final arbitration to take place.
These events/objects include:
Battery Buggy (B)
Junkyard Challenge (B)
Physical Science Lab (B)
Trajectory (B & C)
It’s About Time (C)
Mission Possible (C)
Mousetrap Vehicle (C)
Physics Lab (C)
Even More on Impounded Events
This rule is being extended to those
building events that are non-impound; the
device must remain in the event area for
30 minutes after the end of the final
This includes:
– Egg-O-Naut (C)
– Elevated Bridge (B & C)
– Wright Stuff (B)
Other General Comments
Remember all event supervisors are
Some errors may not be correctable
If an error occurs in the a round it will be
held consistent throughout the day
Disqualified students will be allow to test
and be scored if there are not safety
concerns and the device can be tested.
All disqualified projects will be scored below
all that meet the rules.
Program is in-line with the national scoring guidelines!!
Teams making an honest attempt to participate that
cannot be assigned a raw score because of time,
mechanical failure, wrong dimensions, etc., will be
listed as a “P” for Participation for the raw score and
will be awarded N points.
If a team does not show up or does not make an
honest attempt to participate, the team will be listed as
a No Show or “NS” for the raw score and awarded
N+1 points. This includes teams who may be present
but display no preparation for the competition.
Teams will be Disqualified or “DQ” only for
misbehavior (to include excessive use of improper or
vulgar language) or cheating. A DQ as a raw score
awards N+2 points.
Your Resource CD
+ a copy of
this PPT
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
Focus is on the structure and
function of The Skeletal and
Muscular Systems + the
health effects of aging &
Team may have one 8.5” x
11” two-sided page of notes +
non-programmable calculator
Possible Timed Stations
Anatomy & Physiology - *NEW*
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
Focus is on the A&P of The
Skeletal, Muscular System, &
Team may have one 8.5” x
11” two-sided page of notes +
non-programmable calculator
Possible Timed Stations
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
Focus is on the concepts
related to Galaxies
Any type calculator
permitted (per student) +
laptop OR 3-ring binder
(also per student)
– Resources MUST be
attached to rings
Test and/or activities
No wireless/internet access
No power available
Battery Buggy - *NEW*
B Event Only
Max = 2 Students
Electrical energy vehicle
designed to travel 5-10
meters (predictably)
– Self contained; no remote
– Brakes cannot touch the
floor in any way.
Bio-Process Lab
B Event Only
Max = 2 Students
Lab-oriented life science/biology
#4 Eye protection required
– Non-programmable calculator
Team may have one 8.5” x 11”
two-sided page of notes
Series of lab stations with a task
to perform or a question to
Can’t Judge a Powder - *NEW*
B Event Only
Max = 2 Students
Lab-oriented competition
– Substance testing NOT identification
#4 Eye protection required
– Pants/skirts to cover ankles
– Chemical lab coat or apron to knees
w/ sleeved shirt
– Close-toed shoes
No reference materials,
calculators, pens or pencils, or
unlisted equipment allowed
Students should bring:
•pH paper
•Battery conductivity tester
•Pipettes or droppers
•Testing containers
•Test tubes an holders
•Stirring rod
Cell Biology
C Event Only
Max = 2 Students
Lab-oriented cell biology &
cellular biochemistry competition
#4 Eye protection required
– Non-programmable calculator
Team may have one 8.5” x 11”
two-sided page of notes
May be a series of lab stations
with a task to perform or a
question to answer
Chemistry Lab
C Event Only
Max = 2 Students
Focus = Kinetics (50%) &
Aqueous Solutions (50%)
No reference material allowed!
Required to participate:
Non-prog/non-graphing calculator
#4 Eye protection
Pants/skirts to cover ankles
Chemical lab coat or apron to knees
w/ sleeved shirt
– Close-toed shoes
Compute This
B Event Only
Max = 2 Students
Focus = Space science &
Quantitative problem solving
using data capture from the
No resource materials or
calculators allowed
Spreadsheet & graphical
presentation w/ short answer
Disease Detective
B & C Event
Max = 2 students
Single period of the day (Period 1)!!
Focus = Effects of population
growth on public health outcomes
Non-programmable calculators
Team may have one 8.5” x 11” twosided page of notes
Visit the indicated web sites for
training the CDC.
Dynamic Planet
B & C Event
Max = 2 students
Focus = Earthquakes and
Up to TWO Non-graphing
calculators allowed...other
kinds okay.
One 8.5” x 11” two-sided page
of notes allowed per team.
– NO other reference materials
B & C Event
Max = 2 Students
Single period of the day (Period 1)!!
Focus = Grassland & Taiga
(coniferous forests) Ecosystems
– But any North American biome is fair
Non-programmable calculator
Team may have one 8.5” x 11” twosided page of notes
C Event Only
Max = 2 Students
Single 2L water rocket designed
to keep an egg aloft for the
longest period of time.
May construct and bring two
#5 Eye protection required
No commercial rocket parts used!
Egg provided on-site...must be
easily inserted and removed.
– Nothing may be adhered to the egg
Elevated Bridge
B & C Event
Max = 2 Students
No Impound
No limit on cross-sectional sizes of wood pieces
#2 Eye protection required
Environmental Chemistry
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
Soil & Environmental Chemistry
Soil testing
Non-programmable calculator (per
student) & one 8.5” x 11” two-sided
page of notes allowed per team
Required to participate:
– #4 Eye protection
– Pants/skirts to cover ankles
– Chemical lab coat or apron to knees w/
sleeved shirt
– Close-toed shoes
Experimental Design
B & C Event
Max = 3 students
Will design, conduct, and report the
findings of an experiment done on
Must bring #4 eye protection and
writing instrument
May bring timepiece, ruler, and a
non-programmable calculator
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
Analysis of a Crime
Water testing now included but
polymer testing removed
Must bring:
– #4 Eye protection
– Pants/skirts to cover ankles
– Chemical lab coat or apron to knees w/
sleeved shirt
• ALSO...students should bring: Test tubes and
– Close-toed shoes
test tube holders, droppers, funnel, filter paper, pH
Each team may bring a nonprogrammable calculator and a one
8.5” x 11” two-sided sheet of notes
– Notes are collected at end of
or litmus paper, spatulas, plastic spoons or stirring
rods, 9-volt conductivity tester, thermometer,
flame test equipment, slides, ruler, hand lens,
writing instruments, a pencil, paper towels, and
metal tongs.
• The event supervisor will not provide these
B & C Event
Max = 2 Students
Lab Stations
– Task-oriented activities
Each team may bring:
– One magnifying glass
– Published field guide
– Any size 3-ring binder of 3hole punched references
It’s About Time
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
IMPOUND @ Event Location
Single period of the day (Period 1)!!
Non-electrical time measuring device (10 to 300
seconds with 0.1 sec accuracy)
– Plus...a “time” test.
#2 Eye protection required during device operation!!
Any size 3-ring binder with 3-hole punched materials.
No time keeping devices allowed in room other than
those used in initial calibrations.
Calculator permitted for test portion only.
Junkyard Challenge - *NEW*
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
IMPOUND @ Event Location
“Golf Ball & Mousetrap” challenge
– Build an Autonomous Device and demonstrate
it by tripping four mousetraps.
Device NOT assembled ahead of time!
Prohibited: Acids, bases, flammable materials or
powders, razor blades, rat traps, glue, power
tools, modified batteries, batteries > 6V, and any
other potentially dangerous objects.
#5 Eye protection required!!
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
Single period of the day (Period 1)!!
Multidisciplinary focus!!
Each team may bring one 8.5” x
11” two-sided sheet notes
No other resources
permitted...including calculators!
Mission Possible - *NEW*
C Event Only
Max = 3 students
IMPOUND @ Event Location
#2 Eye protection required
Device designed to follow a specific
sequence of consecutive tasks
A Task Sequence List is required
– Must begin with a golf ball being dropped
to activate a mousetrap
– Must end with a flagpole (with flag) being
raised > 30cm above the device
– Other tasks (to be scored) must come
from provided task list. Other tasks are
allowed but score no points
Mousetrap Vehicle - *NEW*
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
#5 Eye protection required
Design and build a 1-2 mousetrap
car designed to travel a distance
and then return to the starting line.
The ideal distance to travel (oneway) is between 7-8 meters
Ornithology - *NEW*
B & C Event
Max = 2 students
Knowledge of North American birds
Teams may bring:
– One published field guide
– The 3-page Official National Bird List
(from the NSO website)
– One 8.5” x 11” two-sided page of notes
Competition may be stations and/or
PowerPoint slides
B Event Only
A team of 4 students!
5 physical challenges paired with 5
academic challenges from each of the
Olympiad content areas
– Relay Race
Penalty for fewer than 4 participating
Must complete physical challenge
before attempting academic
Overall time to complete ALL tasks
will determine the winner
Outside, regardless of weather!
Physical Science Lab
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
IMPOUND @ Event Location
#2 Eye protection required
Blade assembly mounted to a CD that
can capture wind power and generate
– 2 different wind speed stations
May bring 1 or 2 blade assemblies
– No metallic substances, no commercial
For the test....may bring one 3-ring
binder of any size with references
– Non-programmable calculator also allowed
Physics Lab - *NEW*
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
IMPOUND @ Event Location
#2 Eye protection required
Blade assembly mounted to a CD that
can capture wind power and generate
– 2 different wind speed stations
May bring only 1 blade assembly
– No metallic substances, no commercial
For the test....may bring one 3-ring
binder of any size with references
– Non-programmable calculator also allowed
Picture This
C Event Only
Max = 3 students
“Pictionary”-type event utilizing scientific
– No scientists will be used
One member will see the term and begin
drawing pictures and visual clues.
– No letters or numbers of any kind can be used
– +, -, and → symbols may be used
Other symbols MUST represent a word
– _____ can be used to indicate words not letters
Remote Sensing
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
Focus = Human interaction
with forest biomes
Use of maps and images to
do analysis
Each student may bring a
non-graphing calculator
Team may bring FIVE 8.5” x
11” two-sided reference
Road Scholar
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
Interpretative map
Must bring a ruler,
protractor, and USGS map
symbol sheet
May bring notes, reference
materials, calculator, and
other measuring devices
– No computers permitted
Science Crime Busters
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
Required to participate:
– #4 Eye protection
– Pants/skirts to cover ankles
– Chemical lab coat or apron to knees w/
sleeved shirt
– Close-toed shoes
Each team may bring one 8.5” x
11” two-sided sheet of notes
– No calculators are allowed!!
Water testing now included but
polymer testing removed
• ALSO...students should bring: Test tubes and
test tube holders, droppers, funnel, filter paper, pH
or litmus paper, spatulas, plastic spoons or stirring
rods, 9-volt conductivity tester, thermometer,
flame test equipment, slides, ruler, hand lens,
writing instruments, a pencil, paper towels, and
metal tongs.
• The event supervisor will not provide these
Shock Value - *NEW*
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
Basic understanding of
electricity, magnetism, and
simple electrical devices.
Each team may bring one 8.5”
x 11” two-sided sheet of notes
+ non-programmable calculator
(per student)
Both hands-on tasks and testlike questions
Solar System - *NEW*
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
Knowledge of the Sun, planets,
moons, comets, asteroids,
meteoroids, the Oort cloud,
and the Kuiper belt
Each team may bring one 8.5”
x 11” two-sided sheet of notes
+ a basic, scientific calculator
with a square root function
Technical Problem Solving
C Event Only
Max = 2 students
Up to 5 lab stations
– Use of probes & HS lab equipment
#4 Eye protection required
Gather and process data to solve
a problem
– Metric units & significant figures
Non-programmable, non-graphing
calculator allowed
Chemical splash goggles may be
required...students should bring
set with them!
B & C Event
Max = 2 students
– Device, graphs, & ALL materials to be
used (other than goggles)!
High impact goggles required! (#5)
Projectile will be a tennis ball, racquetball,
ping-pong ball, or plastic practice golf ball
– Team Provided!
No kits!
Four different graphs (and corresponding
data tables) submitted!
Bucket Shot may be used in place of
second Target Area shot
Wright Stuff
B Event Only
Max = 2 students
Up to two rubber-powered monoplanes
with a single propeller assembly
Kits are okay…as long as they are
altered to fit within the design
specifications for the event!
Held in the Gym
– Open practice time from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30
Team must provide flight log
– There is a deduction without one (-30%) and
a deduction with an incomplete one (-10%)
– Released 30 minutes after ALL competition
is completed
Write It / Do It
B & C Event
A team of 2 students!
Use only words, numerals, and
single letters may be used
Symbols (other than those
from standard keyboard),
drawings, and diagrams are
not allowed
All abbreviations must be
defined at the beginning or
when the abbreviation is first
This year we’re using Pickets!