Minerals - Lyons USD 405

Minerals-Nutrients needed in small amounts
to perform various functions in the body.
Macromineral-Minerals required in the diet in
amounts of 100 milligrams or more.
Micromineral-Minerals required in amounts
less than 100 milligrams.
Osteoporosis-Condition that causes bones to
become fragile due to loss of calcium.
Menopause-Time of life when menstruation
ends due to a decrease in hormones.
Amenorrhea-Stop having menstrual periods very
common to females who have eating disorders.
Osmosis-Helps equalize the concentration of
mineral particles on each side of the membrane.
PH-Express the measure of a substances acidity or
Acid-Compounds that have a ph lower than 7 are
acidic and are called acids.
Base-compounds that have a ph greater than 7 are
alkalis or bases
Hemoglobin-Protein that helps red blood cells
carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the
Myoglobin-This protein carries oxygen and
carbon dioxide in muscle tissue.
Iron-Deficiency Anemia-Decrease of blood cells
means the decrease of oxygen carried to body
Cofactor-A substance that acts with enzymes to
increase enzyme activity.
Thyroxine-This hormone helps control your
body's metabolism
Goiter-When iodine levels are low the thyroid
gland works harder to produce this hormone
this causes a enlargement in the thyroid gland
which is called a goiter.
Cretinism-when a woman has iodine deficiency
during pregnancy and the development of the
fetus may be impaired.
Fluorosis-when teeth develop a spotty
At least 16 minerals are known to be Important
to your diet
Classified into two groups
Macro minerals AKA major minerals, need 100
or more mg a day
Micro Minerals AKA trace minerals, need 100
mg or less a day
Macro Minerals- calcium, phosphorous,
magnesium, sulfur, sodium, potassium,
Micro Minerals- iron, zinc, iodine, fluoride,
selenium, copper, chromium, manganese,
Help enzymes complete chemical reactions
Become part of body components
Aiding normal nerve functions and muscle
Promoting growth
Regulating acid base in the body
Maintaining body fluid balance
Calcium is the most found mineral in the body.
Most of the calcium found in our body is sorted
in the bones.
For ages 14-18 1300 milligrams per day is
needed and after 19 the recommended amount
is 1000 milligrams per day.
A great source of calcium is milk.
If you don’t get the recommended amount of
calcium per day your bones will weaken and
become easy to breake.
Cells get the calcium they need from a supply
in the blood and your life depends on normal
calcium levels at all times.
As you get older calcium is needed in more
greater levels to support the body.
Works with calcium to form strong bones,
helps maintain acid- base balance, part of ATP
RDA for phosphorus for men and women 1418 is 1,250 mgs
It is found in milk, cheese, meats, legumes, and
There are no phosphorus deficiencies, but too
much can hinder calcium
Makes the enzymes active, activates ATP
which releases energy, helps heart, lung,
nerves function properly
RDA for magnesium is 360 mg
Leaf green vegetables, potatoes, and seafood
Magnesium deficiencies are weakness, heart
irregularities, disorientation, and seizures
In every cell in your body mostly concentrated
in hair skin and nails
It’s a part of protein also vitamins helps
maintain a normal acid base balance it helps
your liver change toxins to harmless
There really isn't a RDA for sulfur you get it
from high protein foods and good sources of
thiamin and biotin
There really is no danger or toxicity with
Grouped together because they work as a team
Sodium is found in the fluid outside the cells,
potassium is found within the cells, and
chloride is both
Without the drinking of fluids then they cannot
function properly which leads to heart failure
Helps regulate the pH in the body
RDA – sodium- 500mg, Chloride- 750,
potassium- 2,000
Sodium deficiencies are muscle cramps,
nausea, vomiting. Death perhaps may occur
Too much sodium can expand the blood to
stretch out arteries which leads to a heart attack
or stroke
Too little potassium can cause muscle cramps
and loss of appetite and confusion
Chloride deficiencies are very rare because it is
co dependent on the both.
You have around 1 teaspoon of iron in your
Most of the iron found in your body is in your
blood a protein containing iron is myoglobin it
carries oxygen and carbon dioxide in your
muscle tissue
The RDA for ages 14 through 18 is 11
milligrams per day around age 19 you usually
stop growing and the RDA turns to 8 mg daily
Iron deficiency anemia this is the most
common type of anemia found worldwide this
is when your blood cells have lost the ability to
carry oxygen because the loss of iron
Aids in body growth and sexual development
Healing of wounds, storage of insulin, helps with
metabolism, resistance of infections
RDA- 9 mgs
Seafood, red meats, proteins
Zinc deficiencies will hinder a child’s growth and
sexual development
Too little- loss of appetite, decreased smell and
Too much- Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, impaired
immune system
When women don’t have enough iodine there
children have a bigger chance of mental
Most of the iodine in your body is concentrated on
your thyroid gland the thyroid gland makes
thyroxine which plays a big part in your metabolic
The RDA for iodine is 150 micrograms per day for
most people more than 14 but the united states
usually consume more
Iodine Deficiency usually happens when your
thyroid gland has trouble producing hormones
and the thyroid gland swells up.
Important for strong healthy bones and teeth
AL for fluoride 3-4 mgs a day
Seafood, seaweed, tea are only foods with
fluoride in it. But it is also found in water
It isn't harmful
Works with antioxidant capacity
Antioxidants help with reducing risk for cancer
RDA- 50 mgs
Meats, eggs, fish, shellfish
Deficiencies are heart disease, too much can
cause hair loss and nerve damage
Most of the minerals your body takes in don’t
even get used.
Most of the minerals took in are through the
small intestine.
Some minerals can interfere with the
absorption of other minerals.
If you have high fiber diet it decreases the
amount of minerals absorbed by your body.
Drugs and caffeine also interfere with the
absorption of minerals more than most
If you cook your foods or wash them they lose
some of the minerals that they had so avoid
soaking foods.