Cleft Lip and Palate Christian El Amm, MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Normal Anatomy Columella Philtral columns Cupid’s bow Vermillion roll Wet vermillion Dry vermillion Classification Unilateral / Bilateral Complete / Incomplete Cleft palate / complete / incomplete / Isolated / syndromic Cleft lip and palate Cleft Lip Simonart’s band Complete Incomplete Complete Cleft Lip Severe nasal deformity Cleft anterior palate = “primary palate up to incisor foramen Cleft alveolus and gingiva Complete cleft lip Incomplete cleft lip Milder nasal deformity May have a notch in the alveolus Simonart’s band Incomplete cleft lip Cleft Palate Cleft palate Incisor Foramen R L Primary palate Hard Soft Uvula Secondary palate Cleft Palate VOMER Bilateral Cleft Lip Prolabium Premaxilla Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Absent columella Prolabium Premaxilla Palatal Shelf Vomer Collapse of the lateral segment due to cheek pressure Cleft palate Incomplete cleft palate Complete Cleft Palate Unilateral complete cleft lip and palate Bilateral complete CLP Collapse of both lateral segments of the palate due to cheek pressure: The premaxilla is unable to move into its right position: “Premaxillary lockout” Embryology 6 weeks gestation (human) ~ 13 somite stage (mouse) Embryology Sperber: Clefting occurs because of failure of fusion of MNP (medial nasal process) and maxillary process (MxP) Embryology Carstens and Walters: Clefting occurs because of failure of Rhombomere r2’ to migrate. This better explains the clinical observation that the most severe deficiency is in the lateral nasal area Embryology Proposed migration path of r2’: the rhombomere process migrates towards the free margin of the lip and gingiva before continuing cephalad towards the lateral nose Embryology Gene activation during differentiation and migration Embryology and Genetics Embryology and genetics Treatment Priority=restore the Levator Veli Palatini muscle sling Furlow double opposing Zplasty Z-plasty results in longer palate Treatment Treatment sequence of complete cleft lip and palate: First, get the segments in alignment by pre-surgical orthodontics, then perform lip and gingiva repair. Typically this occurs during the first months of life (3 months) Palate repair is a separate stage: Typically before the age of one year. The levator muscle should be ready and mobile (free of scarring) for the phase of speech acquisition: 15-18 months Surgical aims in cleft lip repair Reposition ala Restore nasal floor Lengthen columella on cleft side Lengthen medial lip segment (typically, lateral lip segment has enough length) Reconstitute symmetrical vermillion roll Restore dry vermillion medially (typically, lateral segment has enough dry vermillion) Align wet vermillion to dry vermillion line (“wet to dry line” Realign and correct abnormal insertion of orbicularis oris muscle Reconstitute philtral column (typical by placing the scar at the philtral column site) Millard Randall-Tennysson Techniques of cleft palate repair Von-Langenbeck with Intravelar Veloplasty: linear scar with muscle alignement (see previous slides) Two-Flap palatoplasty with IVV Furlow: double opposing Z-plasty (previous slides) Secondary deformities Velopharyngeal incompetence Velopharyngeal incompetence VPI: pharyngeal flap Dental eruption Lateral incisor absent in 70% cases Canine tooth absent or abnormal in 15% (?) of cases Canine tooth can be successfully erupted through cleft once the cleft alveolus is bone-grafted Implants-Orthodontics Growth: Maxilla and mandible Higher prevalence of class III occlusion (maxillary retrognathia): The maxilla is underdeveloped, due to surgical and/or congenital etiology Growth restriction highly correlated with surgical technique: scarring, incisions and denuded bone. Can be corrected by maxillary advancement (lefort I or lefort III) Technique used at OU Immediate results: scar will fade Long term Craniofacial Malformations Craniosynostosis Craniosynostosis syndromes Mandibulo-Facial Dysostosis Hemifacial Microsomia and OculoAuriculo-vertebral Syndrome Craniosynostosis Craniosynostosis Sagittal: Scaphocephlay (boat) Unicoronal: Plagiocephaly (twisted) Bicoronal: brachycephaly (short) Metopic: trigonocephaly (keel) Most common=sagital Biggest differential: “deformational plagiocephaly” or “positional plagiocephaly”: non-synostotic Trigonocephaly Scaphocephaly Craniosynostosis syndromes Associated with midface abnormalities: Base of skull synchondrosis Associated with finger/toe malformation: often diagnostic Other associated malformations Major Craniosynostosis syndromes Crouzon: normal hand Apert’s: Major syndactyly Pfeifer: broad thumbs Muenke’s syndrome: First geneticbased diagnosis: FGFr-3 mutation predictably causing bicoronal (or unicoronal) synostosis Crouzon Apert’s Pfeiffer’s Madibulo-facial dysostosis Treacher-collins syndrome Nager’s Treacher Collins Autosomal dominant Variable expression Zygomatic arch, masseter, mandible, side of mouth variably affected