Texas State University School of Criminal Justice Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam for Statistics October 23, 2012 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. DIRECTIONS: Choose Option One or Option Two. Save two electronic copies of your answer (one with just your ID number assigned to you, the other with your ID number and name). Email both copies to dv14@txstate.edu; print out a hard copy as well with both your id number and name written on it. Option 1: Background and Motivation This exam focuses on an individual’s fear of criminal victimization. The central question concerns whether the number of safeguards (e.g., home security system, extra locks, extra lighting) reduces fear of victimization. It is possible, however, that the effect of safeguards on fear of criminal victimization depends on the extent to which neighbors in the area are involved in crime prevention efforts. Estimate an ordinary least squares multiple regression model to test the following hypothesis: Home safeguards have a negative effect on an individual’s fear of being a victim of a crime, but this effect changes with levels of crime prevention efforts by the individual’s neighbors. Hold constant the potentially confounding effects of (1) area crime rate; (2) sex of respondent; (3) whether the respondent owns a gun; and (4) whether the respondent’s race is white. You may use a calculator. You will be assessed based on your responses to the following items: 1. Using the data file described below, use SPSS to estimate a multivariate ordinary least squares regression equation with fear of victimization as the dependent variable. The primary independent variables are home safeguards, intensity of neighborhood crime prevention efforts, and the statistical interaction of neighborhood crime prevention efforts and number of home safeguards. The secondary variables (that is, the control variables) are: number of crimes in the area last year, sex, gun ownership, and race. 2. Interpret the model-fit statistics associated with the model you estimated. 3. Based on the model you estimated, interpret (a) the y-intercept; (b) the slopes (i.e., the coefficients) of the primary independent variables; (c) the slope of the respondent race variable; and (d) their tests of statistical significance. Statistics Comprehensive Exam 1 of 5 4. Examine measures of collinearity and determine whether levels of multicollinearity seem problematic for the model you estimated. If problems exist, however, do not attempt to address problems with additional analysis. 5. Examine measures of outlying and non-outlying influence, and discuss whether levels of influence seem problematic for the model you estimated. If problems exist, do not attempt to address problems with additional analysis. 6. Assume the standard deviation of area crime prevention efforts is 0.621. A. What is the effect of home safeguards on fear of victimization when neighborhood crime prevention efforts are 1 standard deviation below the mean effort? A. -0.443 B. 0.026 C. 0.146 D. 0.162 E. 0.178 B. What is the effect of home safeguards on fear of victimization when neighborhood crime prevention efforts are at the mean effort? A. -0.443 B. 0.026 C. 0.146 D. 0.162 E. 0.178 C. What is the effect of home safeguards on fear of victimization when neighborhood crime prevention efforts are 1 standard deviation above the mean effort? A. -0.443 B. 0.026 C. 0.146 D. 0.162 E. 0.178 Statistics Comprehensive Exam 2 of 5 The data file contains data from 500 respondents. The variables relevant to the exam are named and described below. Variable Name fear Data File Contents for Exam Variable Description = A continuous measure for fear of criminal victimization. Higher values indicate the respondent is more fearful of victimization. Refer to units of this variable as points on the fear of victimization scale. guards = A mean-centered and continuous measure of safeguards in a respondent’s home. Refer to units on this scale as number of home safeguards. crprev = A mean-centered and continuous measure of crime prevention efforts in a respondent’s neighborhood. Higher values indicate higher intensities of neighborhood crime prevention efforts. Refer to units on this scale as points on the crime prevention effort scale. product = The product-term for the statistical interaction between neighborhood crime and age (that is, product = guards × crprev). ncrime = A continuous measure for the neighborhood crime rate. Higher values indicate more criminal activity in the respondent’s neighborhood. Refer to units of this variable as neighborhood crimes per year. male = A dummy-coded variable for respondent sex where 1 = Male and 0 = Not Male. owngun = A dummy-coded variable for whether respondent owns a gun. 0 = respondent does not own a gun 1 = respondent does own one or more guns white = A dummy-coded variable for respondent race where 1 = White and 0 = Not White. End of Option 1 Statistics Comprehensive Exam 3 of 5 Option 2: Background and Motivation This exam focuses fear of criminal victimization. The hypothesis here is that victimization in the past increases fear of victimization, but this effect depends on (that is, interacts with) the number of home safeguards (e.g., home security system, extra locks, extra lighting). The table below presents results from multivariate regression using data from 2,021 respondents. Fear of victimization is a continuous variable where higher values indicate higher amounts of fear. The number of safeguards is mean centered and prior victimization is a dummy-coded variable where a value of 1 indicates that the respondent has been a victim of crime in the last year. The product-term statistical interaction is based on these two measures. You may use a calculator. You will be assessed based on your responses to the following items: 1. Interpret the estimates and tests of statistical significance for the effects of (a) victimization; (b) safeguards; and (c) the product of these variables. Do the results in the table support the hypothesis? 2. The standard deviation of the age is 1.7. Allow its mean to equal the average number of safeguards, and let one standard deviation above and below the mean represent high and low safeguard levels, respectively. Based on the results, what is the effect of criminal victimization on fear of victimization at the lower level? Report the actual numerical value of this partial regression coefficient. 3. Interpret the coefficient for education in years. 4. Report the standard error (that is, the actual numeric value) for the education coefficient. 5. Based on the results and while being mindful of the table’s footnotes regarding variable coding, interpret the constant (that is, the y-intercept). 6. The authors reported a variance inflation factor (VIF) for each variable. Discuss (a) collinearity; (b) regression assumptions concerning collinearity; (c) strengths and weaknesses of using the VIF as a measure of collinearity; and (d) whether collinearity levels are problematically high. 7. The model sum of squares, which is sometimes called the sum of squared explained ̂ i -Y ̅ )2, is 1,094.65. The mean squared explained variation variation and notated as ∑(Y is 5.34. What is the total sum of squares? The total sum of squared deviations is notated ̅̅̅)2. Report the actual numerical value. as ∑(𝑌𝑌 − 𝑌 Statistics Comprehensive Exam 4 of 5 Table for statistics exam, option 2 Ordinary least squares model explaining fear of criminal victimization N = 2,021 Variables Coefficient t-statistic VIF Victim of crime last yeara Number of residential safeguardsb Victim of crime last yeara × Number of safeguardsb 0.210 0.209 -0.002 6.660 6.020 -0.100 1.14 1.32 1.30 Ageb Male a Married a Education in years b Whitea Years lived at current residence b Constant -0.025 -0.547 -0.400 -0.449 -0.216 -0.003 3.863 -6.160 -5.280 -3.660 -3.890 -1.430 -0.510 23.370 1.65 1.01 1.12 1.08 1.04 1.73 -- R2 = 0.0925 Model Statistics Root MSE = 2.3115 F𝑌𝑌1 =9,𝑌𝑌2 =2011, = 22.76, 𝑌 < .05 * p < .05 A dummy-coded variable where zero indicates absence of characteristic. b A continuous variable that is mean centered. a End of Option 2 Statistics Comprehensive Exam 5 of 5