Works Cited How To - Ms. Davidson's Classes

Angelou, Maya. “Alone.” Echoes 12. Eds. John
Kinglsey et al. Toronto: Penguin Press, 2001.
 In the essay I am just putting a
symbol/abbreviation to help the reader find
that information on the big Works Cited list.
 So all I need is the abbreviation- the author’s
last name and the line or page number:
She states “I am lost” (Angelou 2).
If you are doing a film, there is no author.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dir. Michel Gondry. Perf. Jim
Carrey, Kate Winslet, Elijah Wood, Thomas Jay Ryan, Mark
Ruffalo, Kirsten Dundst, Tom Wilkinson. Focus Features, 2004.
If you are doing a website sometimes there is an author and
sometimes there isn’t.
“Literary Career.” The Victorian Web. 10 November
2010. 13
February 2014.
thors/c rossetti/rossetti5.html >.
So in these cases you use the title or an abbreviation of the title in your
(Literary Career).
Three Lines or Less- type/write out as normal
 Three Lines or More- indent and single space
However, his need is Ignored when King Claudius
My Will
Do I impart toward you, For your intent
In going back to school in Wittenberg
Is most retrograde to our desire.
(Shakespeare I.ii.112-114)
Claudius sees Hamlet’s mourning as dangerous
and wants to watch him.
Author. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher,
Date. Text Type.
Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. Oxford and New
York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.
Short Stories and Poems found in an anthology:
Author. “Title of story/poem.” Title of Anthology.
Editor (Ed. Or Eds. Abbreviation). Place of
Publication: Publisher, Year. Pages (Pp.
Abbreviation). Text type.
Birdsell, Sandra. “Flowers for Weddings and
Funerals.” Making a Difference: Canadian Multicultural
Literature. Ed. Smaro Kamboureli. Toronto:
Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. 387-402.
If there are several places of publishing:
Three and under, list them all. More than
three, list the first two.
If there are several editors: Three and under,
list them all. More than three, list the first
editor and then write “et al”.
Rossetti, Christina. “Goblin Market.” The Harbrace Anthology of Literature.
Ed. Jon C. Stott et al. Toronto and New York: Nelson Thomson
Learning, 2002. Pp. 194-208. Print.
Title. Dir (Director Abbreviation). Perf
(Performers Abbrviation). Studio, Year.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dir.
Michel Gondry. Perf. Jim Carrey, Kate
Winslet, Elijah Wood, Thomas Jay Ryan,
Mark Ruffalo, Kirsten Dundst, Tom
Wilkinson. Focus Features, 2004. DVD.
Author. “Web Page Title”. Web Site Title.
Date Last Updated. Date Accessed. Web.
Cody, David. “Christina Rossetti’s Literary
Career.” The Victorian Web. 10 November
2010. 13 February 2014. Web.
victorian/authors/crossetti/rossetti5.html >.
The citations are listed in alphabetical
Citations are single spaced.
Works Cited
Birdsell, Sandra. “Flowers for Weddings and Funerals.” Making a Difference:
Canadian Multicultural Literature. Ed. Smaro Kamboureli. Toronto:
Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. 387-402. Print.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dir. Michel Gondry. Perf. Jim Carrey,
Kate Winslet, Elijah Wood, Thomas Jay Ryan, Mark Ruffalo,
Kirsten Dundst, Tom Wilkinson. Focus Features, 2004. DVD.
Rossetti, Christina. “Goblin Market.” The Harbrace Anthology of
Literature. Ed. Jon C. Stott et al. Toronto: Nelson Thomson Learning,
2002. Pp. 194-208. Print.
In MLA the spacing and formatting matters
Write in present verb tense
To Quote is the Verb, Quotation is the Noun
Ensure your verbs and subjects agree
Review Apostrophes
Review Semicolons and Colons