World History


World History

Common Exam Preparation and


Common Exam

• Two Parts- Timed

– No Substitute for Preparation

– 40 Minutes- Multiple Choice

• Answer Every Question

• No Pattern

• Look for Key Vocabulary and Clues

– 40 Minutes- Constructed Response

• Answer Every Question

• Provide specific examples/answers to the questions

Key Terminology

“American Dream” is a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success. It is the aspiration of

Americans to live better than their parents did. The American Dream is a concept that builds the aspirations of Americans to live better than their parents upon the traditional social ideals of the US, such as equality, democracy, and material prosperity.

Chronological thinking refers to the way that historians make sense of events by placing them in their order of occurrence in time.

Economic issues are matters, which directly or indirectly affect the distribution of intellectual and material resources in a society.

Founding Principles - The constitutional values and principles held by Americans that provide the foundation for American attitudes regarding political life. These principles have influenced the development and maintenance of American constitutional democracy.

Global interaction refers to the development of international systems of exchange that result in networks of trade and communications and cultural and political exchange.

Historical evidence is primary artifacts used to support a historical point of view or perspective.

Philosophical theories are the theories and ideas that shaped the development of intellectual philosophies and spanned many popular political, social and economic debates. The point of a theory is to explain observations, which in turn seek to explain the world or society in which we live.

Political issues are matters, which directly or indirectly affect a system involving government and its politics and are considered to be problems and controversies related to power and authority.

Principles of American Constitutional Democracy – Popular sovereignty and constitutional government. Constitutional government includes rule of law representative institutions, separated and shared powers, checks and balances, individual rights, separation of church and state, federalism, and civilian control of the military.

Public interest - The public interest refers to the welfare of the general public (in contrast to the selfish interest of a person, group, or firm) in which the whole society has a stake and which warrants recognition, promotion, and protection by the government and its agencies.

Social issues are matters which directly or indirectly affect a person or members of a society and are considered to be problems, controversies related to moral values, or both.

Historical interpretation occurs when a certain historical event is described from different points of views. When this is done in firstperson, it is sometimes referred to as living history.

Historical narrative is an account, report or story of events or experiences that is based on factual evidence from the past.

Historical perspective - describing the past on its own terms, through the eyes and experiences of those who were there, as revealed through their literature, diaries, letters, debates, arts, artifacts, etc.

Literal meaning refers to the meaning of a passage, text, etc. as the original author would have intended and what the original hearers/readers would have understood.

Multiple causation is the mutual effect by many different forces to cause a particular action or occurrence.

National identity is the depiction of a country as a whole, encompassing its culture, traditions, language, and politics.

Ancient Civilizations

Concepts- Civilization, Achievement,

Growth, Influence, Trade, Innovation,


2.1 Geographic Issues

Geographic Issues

• Flooding

• Fertile Crescent

• Early River Valley


• Natural Barriers

Ancient Civilizations

• Nile

• Indus Valley

• Yellow River

• Tigris-Euphrates

• Mediterranean Sea


• Trade

• Technology

• Communication

• Nomadic vs. Settled Groups

Spread of Civilization

• Phoenicians

• Minoans

• Mycenaean

• Persians

2.2 Governments

Types of Government

• Theocracy

• Democracy

• Oligarchy

• Tyranny

• Aristocracy


• Religion

• Interaction

• Values and Beliefs

• Culture

• Diversity

• Examples: Greece, Rome,

India and China

2.3 Law Codes


• Hammurabi

– One of first written law codes

• Draco

– Codified law in Athens-


• Justinian

– Roman Emperor law code-

Natural law and Civil law

• Theodosius

– Published laws in the eastern half of the Roman Empire

– Christian law


• Acceptable Behavior

• Unity of Society

• Written Law

• Centralized Power

• Leads to Democracy in



• Mongol

• Mughal

• Ottoman

• Ming

• Mesoamerican

• Inca

2.4 Rise of Empires


• Conquest

– Cultural Exchange

– Religion

– Culture

– Economic and Political Influence

– Silk Roads

• Decline

– Internal and External Reasons

– Legacies

• Pyramids

• Art

• Literature

• Technology

• Monetary System

• Architecture

• Irrigation

• Math

• Military

• Religion


• Buddhism

• Christianity

• Confucianism

• Hinduism

• Islam

• Judaism

• Shintoism

2.5 Growth of Religion


• Geopolitical Expansion

– Christianity and the Roman


– Buddhism and the Han Dynasty

– Islam

• Religious Toleration

• Monotheism

• Polytheism

• Constantinople

• Tenets of various religions

2.6 Interaction between Islamic World,

Europe and Asia


• Trade

• Technology

• Innovation

• Scientific Thought

• Art


• Interaction between Islamic world and Medieval Europe

• Factors leading to the


2.7 Decline and Development of Major



• Ghana

• Mali

• Songhai

• Greece

• Rome

• China

• Mughal

• Mongol

• Mesoamerica

• Inca


• Territorial Conflicts

• Tension and Conflict

• Commercial and Agricultural


• Trade Routes

– Exchange of Ideas

– Urbanization

– Transportation

– Communication

– Balance of Power

2.8 Social Conditions


• Social Classes

• Castes

• Slavery


• Social Hierarchy

• Religion and Economic


• Limited Diversity

• Limited Social Mobility

Medieval Civilizations

Concepts: Power, Authority,

Government, Innovation, Conflict

3.1 Religion Influences Culture


• Carolingian Dynasty

• Holy Roman Empire

• Ottoman Empire

• Mughal Empire

• Safavid Empire


• Religion often unites people and groups politically and culturally

• Complete religious authority can lead to absolute power

• Medieval

• Early Middle Ages

• Middle Ages

• High Middle Ages

• Feudalism and Manor System

• Medieval Popes

• No Unity in Germany

• Blended Greco-Roman, Germanic and

Christian traditions

• Causes and Outcomes of the Crusades

• Expansion of Empires

• Power of The Church

3.2 Religious and Secular Struggles


• Cluniac Reforms

• Common Law

• Magna Carta

• Conflict between Popes and


• Religious Schisms

• Hundred Years War


• Conflict = Change

• Struggle can lead to Nation-


• Religious Conflict led to

Economic, Political and Social changes in Europe

• Monarchs vs. Popes and royal authority

• Lay-Investiture

• Magna Carta

• Nation-States

3.3 Agriculture, Trade and Business

Medieval Changes

• Feudalism

• Agricultural Revolution

• Commercial revolution

• Banking System

• Manorial System

• Growth of Towns


• Innovation and Technology

• Population Shift

• Urbanization

• Revival of Trade

• Bill of Exchange

• Emergence of Middle Class

• Bourgeoisie does not fit in

Medieval System

3.4 Farmable Land and Physical



• Agricultural Revolution

• Muslim Agricultural


• Meso-American and

Andean Agricultural



• Slash and Burn Agriculture

• Step Terraces

• Feudal Lords

• Chinampas

• Two Field to Three Field


• Enclosure Movement

First Age of Global Interaction

Concepts: Reform, Exploration,


4.1 Classical Learning and Religious


Global Interaction

• Renaissance

• Protestant Reformation

• Catholic Revolution

• Printing Revolution


• Quest for Knowledge and lead to

Global interaction

• Innovations of Asian and Islamic

Civilizations as well as Greco-

Roman Culture foundation of


• Renaissance Art

• Reformation and European Politics

• Geographic location of Italian City-


• Reformation and Religious Reform

• Printing Revolution and the


4.2 Centralized Nation-States and



• Political, Economic and

Social Reasons for Rise of


• Reformation

• Absolutism

• Limited Monarchies

• Empires


• National Monarchies of the High

Middle Ages

– England- Parliamentary Monarchy

– France- Absolutism

– Germany and Italy- Failure of


• Protestant and Catholic


• Treaty of Westphalia

• Glorious Revolution

• English Bill of Rights

• English Civil War

• Louis XIV

• Peter the Great

• Catherine the Great

• Catholic vs. Protestant

4.3 Agriculture and Technological



• Growth of Towns

• Creation of Guilds

• Commercialization


• New Markets

• Urbanization

• Migration

• Specialization of Labor

• Diet Change

• Standard of Living

• Communication,

Transportation. New Energy


• Europe

• Southwest Asia

• America

• Africa

• Mercantilism

• Inflation

• Capitalism

4.4 Global Trade


• Marco Polo

• Desire for Resources and Markets

• Movement and Interaction of People

• Desire for Wealth

• Colonization

• Trade Competition

• Spread of Christianity

• Trade Routes

• Affect of Crusades on European


• Conquest of Asia, Africa and the


• Genghis Kahn

– Unification of Mongol Empire 1200’s

• Black Death

• Spread of Disease

Age of Exploration and Expansion

Concepts: Exploration, Expansion,


5.1 Motivation for Exploration

Motivations and Global


• Religious and Political Motives

• Adventure

• Economic Investment

• Columbian Exchange

• Commercial Revolution

• Conquistadors

– Aztecs

– Incas

• Triangular Trade

• Middle Passage

• Plantations


• Imperialism

• Portuguese and Spanish


• Scientific Revolution

• Sea Route to Asia

• Conflict between Europeans and Native Americans

• Columbian Exchange

• African Slave Trade

5.2 Cause and Effects of Exploration and Expansion


• Technological Innovations

• Acquisition of Colonial

Possessions and Trading


– Africa

– Asia

– Americas


• Imprint of Culture and Religion on


• Shift in the Balance of Economic and Political Power

• Technological Innovations in

Shipbuilding, Navigation and Naval


• Printing Press

• Compass

• Cannonry

• European Domination of the Globe

• Migration of Europeans to the


• Deaths of Millions of Africans and native Americans

5.3 Colonization


• Resources and Markets


• Commercial Revolution

• Columbian Exchange

• Religious Conversion

• Spread of Christianity

• Conquistadors

• Encomienda System

• Mixing of Populations

• Enslavement of Indigenous


• Increase of Wealth for Industry

• Conflict Between

Industrialized Nations

5.4 Role of Investment

Global Exploration

• Transatlantic Trade

• Mercantilism

• Joint-Stock Companies

• Trading Companies

• Corporations

• Government and

Monarchial Funding


• Financial Risks

• Economic Revolutions

• New Business Methods

• 16 th – 18 th Century

Age of Revolution and Rebellion

Concepts: Revolution, Conflict,

Industrialism, Power, Change

6.1 New Ideas and Theories


• Scientific Revolution

• Enlightenment

• Rationalism

• Secularism

• Humanism

• Tolerance

• Empiricism

• Natural Rights

• Contractual Government

• Laissez-Faire Economics

• Inductive and deductive


• Heliocentric

• Geocentric

• Inquisition

• Popular Sovereignty


• Bacon

• Descartes

• Galileo

• Newton

• Locke

• Montesquieu

• Rousseau

• Bolivar

• Jefferson

• Paine

• Adam Smith

6.2 Political Revolutions


• Glorious Revolution

• American Revolution

• French Revolution

• Russian Revolution


• Conflict

• Compromise

• Enlightenment

• Independence

6.3 Industrialism and the Environment

• Agricultural Revolution

• Geographic Factors

• Technological


• Deforestation

• Pollution

• Urbanization

• Mining

6.4 Industrialization and Urbanization

Social and Economic Reform

• Urbanization

• Growth of Middle Class

• Economic Status

• Labor Organizations


• Specialization of Labor and


• New Wealth

• Middle Class

• Labor Unions

• Socialism

• Marxism

• French Revolution

National, Regional and Ethic


Concepts: Turning Point, Competition,

Nationalism, Imperialism, Conflict, War,

Power, Change

7.2 Economic and Military Competition

• Nationalism

• Imperialism

• Militarism

• Industrialization

• Ottoman Empire

• Japanese Empire

• Prussian Empire

• German Empire

– Otto Von Bismarck

• Italy

• Hapsburg Rulers

• Russian Empire

– Revolution of 1905

• America

• Markets

• Resources

7.3 Causes of War

• Causes of WWI

– Militarism

– Alliances

– Imperialism

– Nationalism

– Assassination and

Serbian Nationalism

• Russian Revolution

– Karl Marx

• Causes of WWII

– WWI and German


– German Debt

– Treaty of Versailles

– League of Nations

– Axis Expansion

7.4 Nationalistic Movements

• India

• Africa

• Asia

• Mahatma Gandhi

• Mao Zedong

• Chiang Kai-Shek

• Economic Imperialism

7.5 Response to Capitalism

• Utopianism

• Social Democracy

• Socialism

• Communism

• Marshall Plan

• Truman Doctrine

• Eisenhower Doctrine

7.6 Economic Crisis

• Great Depression

• Colonial Africa

• Colonial Asia

• Socialism

• Communism

• Unequal Distribution of


• Social Equality

• Credit

• Debt

• Balance of Trade

• Mao Zedong

• Chiang Kai-Shek

• Korean and Vietnam


Global Interdependence

Concepts: Politics, War, power,

Influence, Interdependence, Change,


8.1 Global Wars

Global Wars

• Spanish-American War

• World War II

• World War II

• Vietnam War

• Colonial Wars

• Persian Gulf War


• Nationalism, Imperialism,

Industrialization lead to Economic and Military Competition between European Nations

• Failure of Treaty of Versailles

• Global Depression

• Totalitarian Governments

• Total War

• Genocide

– Jews, Armenians, Poles, Ukrainians,


• American Isolationism

• Vietnam- Political Instability

8.2 International Politics

• Berlin Blockade

• Korean War

• Hungarian Revolt

• Cuban Missile Crisis

• OPEC Oil Crisis

• Iranian Revolt

• 9/11

• Terrorism

• Containment

• Brinkmanship

• Flexible Response

• Peaceful Coexistence

• Brezhnev Doctrine

• Glasnost

• Perestroika

• Czechoslovakia

• Warsaw Pact


8.3 Balance of Power

• Post WWII

• Cold War

• 1990’s Globalization

• New World Order

• Iron Curtain

• Berlin Wall

• Destruction of the

Berlin Wall

8.4 Innovations

• Satellites

• Computers

• Social Networking

• Information Highway

• Global Economies

• Ethical Dilemma

• Military Systems


• Sputnik

• Space Race

• Science, Math, Foreign


8.5 Environment

• Deforestation

• Pollution

• Clear Cutting

• Ozone Depletion

• Climate Change

• Global Warming

• Industrial Emissions

• Fuel Combustion

8.6 Political, Economic and Social Life

• Human Rights

• End of Cold War

• Apartheid

• Glasnost

• Perestroika

• Tiananmen Square

• UN Declaration of

Human Rights

8.7 Terrorism



• Tamil Tigers

• Al Qaeda

• Chechnya's

• Hamas

• Hezbollah

• Muslim Brotherhood

• Palestinian Islamic Jihad

• Fundamentalism

• Jihad

• Sharia Law

• Political

• Economic

• Religious

• Social

• Intellectual

• Artistic


• Author

• Place and Time

• Prior Knowledge

• Audience

• Reason

• The Main Idea

• Significance

