Welcome to the SSI Algebra 1 HSA Parent/Student Workshop Your Hosts: Mr. Adam Ritchie, Algebra Teacher Ms. Kristen Roberts, Algebra Lead Teacher Mrs. Sheila Rosenthal, Academic Intervention Teacher Mrs. Melissa Sigley, Math Content Specialist Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 1 Workshop Agenda: Welcome and Introductions – Mrs. Sigley HSA Graduation Information HSA Scoring Information 2010 Algebra 1 HSA Test Administration – Ms. Roberts Absences Materials Algebra 1 Core Learning Goals – Mrs. Rosenthal Test Taking Tips – Mr. Ritchie HSA Sample Items – Selected Response and Student Response HSA to Final Exam – Mrs. Sigley After School Study Sessions – Ms. Roberts Calculator Preparation Sessions – Mr. Ritchie Student Study Resources – Mrs. Sigley Questions – group Computer Lab Practice – Ms. Roberts and Mr. Ritchie Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 2 High School Assessment (HSA) Graduation Information To graduate with a Maryland High School Diploma, students must meet all State course, service – learning, and testing (High School Assessment) requirements as well as all local school system graduation requirements. (MSDE Top 10 Things Parents Need to Know about the HSAs) Tuesday, April 20, 2010 The HSAs are given in four content areas: Algebra 1, English 10, Government, and Biology. Your child will take each test as he/she completes the related course. Scores for each individual test range from 240 to 650. (http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/hsa/pdf/242908%20HSA%20Grad.Req-ENG.pdf) Silver Spring International MS Math Department 3 High School Assessment (HSA) Passing Scores Students can meet the testing requirement for graduation by: HSA Passing Scores •Passing all four HSA tests (Algebra 1, Biology, Government and English 10) OR •Earning a combined score of 1602 on the four HSA tests Algebra 1 412 Biology 400 English 10 396 Government 394 Students may take the HSA’s as many times as needed to pass them. (http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/hsa/pdf/2429-08%20HSA%20Grad.Req-ENG.pdf) Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 4 2010 Algebra 1 HSA Test Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Time: 8:00 am until 11:30 am The Mod-HSA is an alternative test for students with an IEP who meet specific participation criteria. The test consists of three 50 minute sessions of selected response questions (multiple choice) and response grid questions with two 10 minute breaks. •The Selected Response (SR) items have either THREE answer choices (about 3/4 of the test items on each form) or FOUR answer choices (about 1/4 of the test items on each form). •Special educations students will receive their IEP accommodations during the test administration. http://mdk12.org/assessments/high_school/index_d2.html Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 5 What if I am absent for the HSA? Make-Up Testing Dates: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 OR Wednesday, June 2, 2010 Students will miss morning classes for make up testing. http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/sharedaccountability/testing/TestingSchedule_MS_2009-2010.shtm Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 6 HSA Materials Students need to bring: 2 pencils and a graphing calculator Materials not permitted in the testing location: •Reading materials •Cell phones •PDAs •I PODS •Other electronic communication devices Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 7 HSA Algebra 1 Indicators Tested Core Learning Goals for Algebra/Data Analysis http://mdk12.org/assessments/clg/algebra_data_analysis.html Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 8 HSA Test Taking Tips Selected Response •Read the question before you look at the answers. •Come up with the answer in your head before looking at the choices. This way choices given on the test won’t throw you off or trick you. •Substitute operation signs over words in the problem to help see the process (ex: “of” = x, “total” = +, “difference” = - , etc.) •Identify the number of steps involved to solve the problem. Does it require “order of operations”? •Estimate an appropriate solution before solving. •Look for patterns in the answer choices. •You may see a reasonably close answer to test as one of the choices. •Look for compatible numbers (ex: can the percents and/or fractions be compared to ½ ? Are they smaller or larger than ½ ? Etc.) •Eliminate answers you know AREN’T true. •Pay close attention to place value of decimals, positive & negative signs, etc. •Don’t keep changing your answer, usually your first choice is the right one (unless you misread the question). •Usually the correct answer is the choice with the most information. Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 9 Response Grid Questions Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 10 Algebra 1 HSA Sample Problems Algebra/Data Analysis Public Release 2008 Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 11 Algebra 1 HSA MOD Sample Problem Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 12 Algebra 1 HSA to Final Exam Test Algebra 1 High School Assessment (HSA) Algebra 1 Final Exam Date: Tuesday, May 18 all students same day Thursday, June 10 through Tuesday, June 15 Time: 8:00am to 11:30am Three 50 minute sessions Assigned class period One 2 hour session Indicators tested: Units 1-6 of the Algebra 1 curriculum Units 5-7 of the Algebra 1 curriculum Impact on student: Graduation requirement – passing score of 412 (may take again) Course credit requirement – passing score of D or higher OR must repeat course Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 13 How are we helping the students prepare for the Algebra 1 HSA? •HSA Practice Test administered April 15 and 16 •Analysis of data by class and student •Weekly practice packets – classroom After School HSA Review Sessions will be held on the following days from 2:45 to 4:00pm in room 123. *All students are invited to attend each session.* Tuesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 5 Thursday, May 6 Ms. Roberts Unit 1 Equations and Inequalities Mr. Ritchie and Mr. Williams Unit 2 Functions Ms. Jackson and Ms. Doris Unit 3 Linear Equations and Inequalities Tuesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 12 Thursday, May 13 Ms. Roberts Ms. Doris and Ms. Jackson Unit 4 Systems of Unit 5 Data Analysis and Equations and Inequalities Probability Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department Mr. Ayuk and Mr. Sheku Unit 6 Exponents and Polynomials 14 Algebra 1 HSA Calculator Preparation Mr. Ritchie will also be hosting HSA after school review sessions that focus on using the graphing calculator from 2:45 to 4:00pm in room 129. Tuesday, April 27 Expressions and Inequalities Tuesday, May 4 Matrices/Measures of Central Tendency Tuesday, May 11 Systems of Equations Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Wednesday, April 21 Linear Functions Thursday, April 22 Linear Functions Wednesday, April 28 Line of Best Fit Thursday, April 29 Line of Best Fit Wednesday, May 12 Systems of Equations Silver Spring International MS Math Department Thursday, May 6 Probability, Sampling, and Simulations Thursday, May 13 Analyzing Graphs/Nonlinear Functions 15 Algebra 1 HSA Student Practice Resources The SSI Student Mathematics Webpage http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/ssims/departments/mathematics/student.aspx Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 16 Please complete the survey before leaving. Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 17 Algebra 1 HSA Computer Lab Practice Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Silver Spring International MS Math Department 18