Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities 2007

UNICEF’s Social Policy Agenda
Regional Workshop, Bangkok 12-16 May 2008
Gaspar Fajth
Chief, Social Policy and Economic Analyses
Policy, Advocacy and Knowledge Management Section
UNICEF Division of Policy and Practice, New York
Is social policy engagement new for UNICEF?
Global challenges and opportunities
UNICEF’s social policy agenda: 2006-2009
The Global Study and some other HQ initiatives
UNICEF's mission statement – a closer look
• UNICEF is mandated … to advocate for
– the protection of children's rights,
– to help meet their basic needs and
– to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
• UNICEF insists that the survival, protection and development of
children are universal development imperatives that are integral to
human progress.
• UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most
disadvantaged children
• UNICEF mobilizes political will and material resources
– to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a "first
call for children" and
– to build their capacity to form appropriate policies and deliver
services for children
– and their families.
Global challenges and opportunities
• Global agendas
Human rights
Sustainable Development
Market Reform/Structural Adjustment
Nations State/Democracy
Human Development
Human Security
MDGs/Global Poverty
Governance reform
Global challenges and opportunities
• Global trends
Integration through trade and capital flows
Rising inequalities
Demographic change, migration
New patterns of economic growth and employment
Environmental risks, climate change
Commodity boom/price hikes
More volatility
Global challenges and opportunities
• Global opportunities
The international agendas…
South-led development
Creating welfare states/inclusive societies in the south
Evidence-based, child-sensitive policy making (inc. policy
– Networking.
UNICEF’s priorities
(2006-2009 Strategic Plan) and the MDG’s
The MDGs
1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
3. Promote Gender Equality and Empower
4. Reduce Child Mortality
5. Improve Maternal Health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other
7. Ensure Environmental Sustainability
8. Develop a Global Partnership for
UNICEF Priorities (Focus Areas)
Young child survival and
Basic education and gender
HIV/AIDS and children
Child protection from
violence, exploitation and
Policy advocacy and
partnerships for children’s
Focus Area 5: Policy advocacy and
partnerships for children’s rights 2006• Four key result (activity) areas
collecting data and information
supporting research and policy analysis
engaging in advocacy and policy dialogue with decision makers
supporting participation by children and young people
• Current thematic agenda:
Child poverty and disparities
Social protection
Social budgets
Legislative reforms for children’s rights
UNICEF’s ‘implicit’ social policy objectives
The right to a family upbringing is realized for all children.
All children have access to basic social services (nutrition, WES,
health, education, protective environment including family
support/community services).
Equity-enhancing mechanism are in place (including genderequity!)
Children/families/communities are protected from and/or
empowered to cope with adversity, crises and dislocations,
including those stemming from economic reform, instability of
income/employment, migration or conflict.
Children/families/communities participate in resources allocations,
strategic decisions and policymaking affecting them.
Underlying assumption  current international policy frameworks and
growth, investment, trade trends associated with globalization (or
with the lack of it) will either be slow or ineffective in addressing all
these objectives!
Initiatives on Social Policy Analyses and
Community of Practice
• Examples
Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities
Budget Networking
Social Protection
Work on Child Poverty and Disparities
Builds on recent training courses esp. “Public Policy and Advocacy for
Children’s Rights” and “Social Protection”
FA5 Thematic funding (new round in May)
Started in September 2007 by launching the “Guide” and the web-link
Downloadable from:
The Global Study Guide
Table of Contents
Section I.
Welcome to the Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities
Section II.
Conceptual Framework
Section III.
The Country Analysis
Section IV.
Statistical Template
Section V.
Policy Template
Annex 1.
Detailed layout for Statistical Tables
Annex 2.
Terms of Reference for work on the Templates and Country Report
Annex 3.
List of Participating Countries/Offices and Focal Points
Note: Flexibility and adaptation to local context encouraged!
Work on Public Budgets
Training courses “Budget Policies and Investments for Children”
FA5 Thematic funding (new round in May)
Global advocacy:
• UNICEF conference on Budgets in Madrid (October) to share experience
of budget work for children’s rights.
• Side Event on national budgets and children at Doha Financing for
Development meeting?
Knowledge sharing:
• Budgeting for Children’s Rights Intranet page
htm including reference material, country examples, OR proposals,
learning materials, external references and more
• Eyes on the budget monthly newsletters (March, April)
• “Two pager” on UNICEF, Budget work and Children
Development of a Community of Practice (forthcoming)
Community of Practice in Economic and Social Policies
Who is it for?
• UNICEF staff and partners engaged in relevant work (e.g. budget,
What would it do?
• Capture existing internal/external experience, knowledge and expertise
• Systematize key internal and external reference materials
• Connect people to information and people to people
• Provide a mutual support network
• Identify support needs, knowledge gaps and barriers to success
• Help pool our efforts to address them
• Build our knowledge base through network queries
• Provide inputs to organizational strategy, policy, advocacy, fundraising,
How would it work?
• Dedicated collaborative e-space
• Active facilitation from HQ and with support from ROs
• Face to face meetings to discuss priorities and needs
Community of Practice in Economic and Social Policies
What do we need from you?
Your experiences
Your expertise and knowledge
To know what you need from us
To give us feedback on how we should help/do better
Your engagement to make this work!
Contact persons:
Budget networking: Ian Thorpe /PAKM/DPP (see
Poverty networking: Sharmila Kurukulasuriya /PAKM/DPP (see also
Migration: Rhea Saab /PAKM/DPP
Social Protection: Katherine Holland /PAKM/DPP
thank you for joining us and helping to move this
agenda forward!