Cathy Hizer


3/3/02 1

American Heritage and People in Societies…………………Slides 3-5

People in Societies…………………………………………..Slides 6-8

World Interactions…………………………………………..Slides 9-10

Citizenship, Rights, and Responsibilities.…………………..Slides 11-13

Democratic Process…………………………………………Slides 14-16

Decision Making and Resources……………………………Slides 17-19

Science, Technology, and Society………………………….Slides 20-22

3/3/02 2

1. Read Ka-ha-si and the Loon: An Eskimo Legend to the class.

Have the students act out the story.

2. Have the students brainstorm a story that they would like to tell.

Have them draw their story out on paper in pictures. Then let them carve from soap a “totem pole” that tells their story.

3. Have the students work in groups of 2 or 3 to make up their own traditional dance. Have them share their dance with the class.

They should also write out instructions for their peers on how to do the dance.

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4. Have each student write a poem about the Inuit way of life.

Publish them as a class book.

5. Show the students the symbols that make the written syllables in Inuit writing. Give them a copy of the symbols to refer to.

Have the students write a short paragraph with their name and favorite color, etc, using the Inuit language the best that they can.

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3/3/02 5

1. Have the students pretend they are an Inuit child from the past. Have them write a letter to a present-day child, trying to describe their lifestyle to them.

2. Have the students make their own pair of dancing mittens to wear when they do their traditional dance for the class.

3. Discuss Inuit beliefs about the spirit world with the class.

Talk about Shamans and what they did. Then have each student make a shaman’s drum.

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4. Give students a vocabulary list of

Inuit words. Talk about the words as a class. Have the students write a short story with Inuit words in it.

5. Have the students design and build an Eskimo house. They can choose any type of Eskimo house they want.

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1. Have the students mark on a map where Eskimos live.

2. Discuss with the class, Inuit relations with “outsiders.” Have them record what is discovered.

3. Have the students create a Venn Diagram of things the Inuit use to meet their needs, comparing them to things we use to meet our needs.

4. Read Eskimo Boy: Life in an Inupiaq Eskimo Village . Have the students write a comparison of their life to Norman’s life.

5. Have the types of Eskimos written on sentence strip pieces.



1. As a class, discuss and look at pictures of the different types of

Eskimo dwellings and communities. Then have the whole group build an igloo community containing tunnels to display in the classroom.

2. Move the students’ desks into groups. Name each group after a different group of Eskimos. Have the students function in these groups throughout the unit.

3. Have each student group in the room research and write a report about their group of Eskimos, to be shared with the class.

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4. Have each student group prepare a menu of what their Eskimo group eats. Have them explain to the class why those things are an important part of their diet.

5. Have each student group act out a typical day for their Eskimo group. Have the boys portray the men’s duties and the girls portray the women’s duties. At least one student in each group should portray a child too.

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3/3/02 13

1. Have a class discussion about the Inuit way of governing.

Compare it to the American way of governing.

2. Conduct a class vote on whether the students would rather live as Eskimos, or live as they do now.

3. Have the students design a bulletin board showing the customs of each student group’s type of Eskimo. Invite the principal or another class to come see it.

4. As a class, compare two groups of Eskimos by their different ways of life. Create a Venn Diagram showing their likenesses and


5. Have the students get into pairs. Let them have an argument as the Inuit do.

The first person to “get upset” over the insults is the loser of the argument.

Be sure that they understand that this activity is only pretend and for fun .

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1. Read the story Northern Lights: A Hanukkah Story . Have each student group put sentence strips with parts from the story on them into chronological order.

2. Have the students write letters to the Department of

Renewable Resources in Canada, asking for information about the organization, what renewable resources are, a list of them, and how we can help renew them.

3. Discuss, as a class, the resources that we use that come from the Eskimos, and how we use them. Discuss whether the class thinks we use them responsibly. Take a vote on whether they


4. Have the students write a story describing how they think life would be if those resources were destroyed.

5. Have the students brainstorm how we and the Inuit could compensate for our daily needs if the renewable resources were destroyed.

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3/3/02 19

1. Have the students create a bar graph of the computer, comparing Inuit homes to the homes we live in.

2. Have the students sort renewable resources into categories of their choosing. Have them create a computer chart showing their distribution of the resources.

3. Have the students do a web search for at least three websites about the Inuit. Have them come up with a few sentences to describe each site.

4. Have the students type their description of the websites using a


5. Arrange for the students to be penpals with an Inuit schoolchild. Have the students communicate with their penpals through email and online chatting.

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