Psychology Intelligence Practice Test

Unit 2 Psychology: Intelligence Practice Test
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What new perspective did Howard Gardner bring to the study of intelligence?
A. He believed that the term intelligence should be abolished
B. He wanted to expand intelligence to include other dimensions
C. He wanted to redefine intelligence as ‘practical intelligence’
D. He hoped to find a biological basis for describing intelligence in terms of brain waves
2. The first test of intelligence was aimed at identifying children of ____________ intelligence.
A. Inferior
B. Average
C. Savant
D. Superior
3. What formula was created to express IQ?
B. MA x CA x 100 = IQ
C. MA/CA x 100 = IQ
D. CA/MA x 100 = IQ
4. A psychological test that produces similar results on separate occasions when used with the same group is
said to have:
A. Reliability
B. Dependability
C. Validity
D. Consistency
5. A person’s IQ score tells us:
A. The extent of an individual’s verbal ability
B. The scope of knowledge an individual has on specified themes
C. The level of an individual’s logical-mathematical ability
D. How well an individual performed on that specific IQ test
6. Vanessa has a mental age of 13 and a chronological age of 10. Her IQ would therefore be:
A. 130
B. 100
C. 77
D. 13
7. If you were to choose a person at random from the English-speaking population of Australia, the best
prediction you could make would be that the person has an IQ of:
A. 80
B. 100
C. 125
D. There is insufficient information on which to make such a prediction
8. A test for potential police recruits has been shown to accurately predict success on the job. As such, we can
describe the test as being:
A. Valid
B. Reliable
C. Unbiased
D. Standardised
9. According to Gardner, the types of intelligences valued by our culture are:
A. Linguistic and interpersonal
B. Interpersonal and visual-spatial
C. Logical-mathematical and linguistic
D. Intrapersonal and visual-spatial
10. David Weschler defines intelligence as:
A. The psychological potential to solve problems
B. What intelligence tests measure
C. Being able to behave in a consistent way
D. The global capacity to act purposefully, think rationally and deal effectively with the environment
11. The belief that intelligence is a general ability is a result of the work of:
A. Binet
B. Gardner
C. Sternberg
D. Spearman
12. A person’s mental age is based on:
A. The expected level of questions a person can answer
B. The level of age-ranked questions a person can answer
C. A person’s chronological age
D. The number of items correctly answered in an intelligence test
13. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences presumes that each multiple intelligence:
A. Is a subgroup of a ‘g’ or general intelligence
B. Is related to a specific area of the brain
C. Has no evolutionary history
D. Cannot be related to particular individuals in the community
14. Intrapersonal intelligence refers to:
A. The ability to relate to the needs of others
B. The ability to understand one’s feelings and needs
C. The ability to understand oneself and others
D. Intelligence based on responding to the environment
15. Which of the following is not one of Gardner’s multiple intelligences?
A. Bodily-Kinaesthetic
B. Spatial
C. Spiritual
D. Musical
16. Successful intelligence is:
A. The ability to achieve success in life in terms of one’s personal standards, within one’s social context
B. Achieving a good score on an intelligence test
C. Achieving a balance of the multiple intelligences
D. Effectively adapting to one’s environment
17. Sternberg’s theory of successful intelligence comprises the following components:
A. Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, verbal intelligence, spatial intelligence
B. Fluid, crystallised and general intelligence
C. Analytical, creative and practical intelligence
D. Verbal and non-verbal components
18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of emotional intelligence?
A. Ability to perceive emotions accurately
B. Ability to access and/or generate feelings
C. Ability to define words
D. Ability to understand emotional knowledge
19. A culture-fair test would:
A. Include questions related to a person’s cultural background
B. Avoid the use of visual and nonverbal test items
C. Be language intensive
D. Often use a wide range of nonverbal test items
20. Which of the following is not true about intelligence tests?
A. Intelligence tests assess a wide variety of mental abilities
B. Intelligence test results need to be used carefully
C. Intelligence tests are all the same
D. Intelligence tests have evolved over the years
Short Answer Questions
1. Define intelligence. (1 mark)
2. Explain the following forms of intelligence within Gardner’s theory. (4 marks)
a. Linguistic
b. Logical-mathematical
c. Visual-spatial
d. Bodily-Kinaesthetic
3. What was the equation for calculating an IQ score? Clarify what IQ, MA and CA represent. (4 marks)
4. Describe two limitations of the Triarchic model of intelligence. (2 marks)
5. Describe two advantages of Multiple Intelligences. (2 marks)
6. Name each of Gardner’s multiple intelligences as they apply to the following examples. (8 marks)
Understanding Shakespeare
Understanding the pattern of the tides and waves
Understanding logical reasoning
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses
Fitting lots of luggage in the boot of the car
Relating to and understanding others
Singing a melody
Playing netball
7. Explain the four components of Mayer and Salovey’s model of Emotional Intelligence. (8 marks)