
Repetitive calculations
› Frequency
› Complexity
› Different views
Analysis of data
› Explorative
› Manipulation
Column (letters)
cell (letter-number)
workbook = collection of worksheets
 Label
– identification for people
 Constant – any format
› Text, number, picture, hyperlink, …
› Value for computer
› Format for people
 Formula
– uses cells & constants
› Always begins with =
› “takes the value of”
 Why do you use it?
 Fundamental Principle:
› Never have to change anything in two
› Variant of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
 Copy-paste
› Fine if you really want a snapshot
› Does not work if data will change
Once you define the formula
› Can change the values as often as you like
› Automatically re-computes
Treats cells as variables
› Defined by location, not value
› Each cell constant or another formula
› Pay = hourly rate * hours worked
 Values can change
 Formula remains the same
Want the same information for different
› Example: min, max, avg grades for each
Can use copy or fill
Copying a formula moves it relatively
 Bottom
right corner
› One cell copies
 Value exact
 Formula changes cells
› Multiple cells extrapolate
Absolute positioning
› Can lock the cell, column or row
 Cell: $A$1
 Column: $A1
 Row: A$1
› To change a reference to absolute
 Insert $
 PC: Use F4
 Mac: Cmd-T
Can simply click on a cell on another
› Check the results; easy to get the wrong cell
as you navigate between sheets.
Reference it using
Use constants when they will not change
 Values that won’t change:
› Computing the area of a circle
 Π r2
› Computing the area of a triangle
 ½ base*height
What about…
› Minutes in an hour?
› Days in the year?
Use directly in formulas
 Place in cells
› Used frequently
› Precision: make sure it’s right!
Named elements are fixed locations
Name Box
Can use to name or manage names
› PC
Formulas -> Define Name
› Mac
Insert -> Name -> Define
Paste specials
› Values
› Transpose
› With and without formatting
ESC: This key is your friend
 Changing cell sizes
 Deletions and additions
Name spreadsheets (rename)
 Delete unused spreadsheets
 Separate input, computation, and
› Input: only page that you change
› Output: readability
› Computation: everything else