Multiple-Choice Portion 60 min. for 54 questions 5-7 passages = 8-12 min. per passage 1-2 min. per question Big Picture What is the gist of the passage? Details Point to specific lines/ words in the text. These types of questions ask students to: Characterize the speaker’s tone, style or attitude as a whole. Fit particular details into the “big picture” or passage as a whole. Interpret a word based on context, tone, style, or attitude of the passage as a whole. **Big Picture questions appear at the beginning and end of each section** 1. The author of this passage is most likely (A) a scientific researcher (B) a lexicographer (C) a historian (D) a sociologist (E) a teacher 1. 2. These questions ask students to refer back to specific lines in the passage These questions may also ask you to reevaluate the passage as a whole. Tricks: Read the sentence before and the sentence after Only read this part of the passage – DO NOT reread the whole piece (too time consuming) 4. Which word from the passage gives the clearest indication as to where the author encountered the process of upknocking? (A) entry (line 13) (B) novel (line 7) (C) schooling (line 3) (D) employment (line 10) (E) clients (line 12) 1. 2 Pass System 2. POE (Process of Elimination) PASS #1: Answer easy questions first and circle hard questions PASS #2: Time permitting, go back through the passage taking time to answer the more difficult questions Keep track of you timing! If you have 8-12 minutes per passage. 1-2 minutes per question ***Each question is worth the same number of points*** Cross out answers you know are wrong Circle best guess of the remaining choices Guessing aggressively = increased chances for success! BIG PICTURE. Read for the overall gist of the passage: author’s goal, tone, and point of view. DETAILS. Reread lines before and after the lines indicated as part of the question. 2 PASS SYSTEM. Answer easy questions first, circle the hard questions. PACE YOURSELF! POE (Process of Elimination). Eliminate obviously wrong answers. GUESS AGGRESSIVELY! Turn to the person next to you. 1. Explain the format of the AP Multiple-Choice Test. 2. Explain the two types of questions. 3. Explain two strategies for attacking these questions. Let’s practice together! 10 min. to complete the passage Read the entire passage first Label each question (BP) Big Picture or (D) Details Use 2 Pass System and POE (Process of Elimination) to answer the questions With your partner, come to consensus. Identified question type correctly Used 2 PASS SYSTEM Used POE (Process of Elimination) 4 – 8-7 questions 3 – 6-5 questions 2 – 4-3 questions 1 – 2-1 questions Homework: Label each question Big Picture (BP) or Details (D) Use 2 Pass System and POE (Process of Elimination) to answer the questions Time yourself! ▪ 13 minutes to complete the passage