AP Language and Composition

Multiple-Choice Portion
60 min. for 54 questions
5-7 passages = 8-12 min. per passage
1-2 min. per question
Big Picture
 What is the gist of the passage?
 Point to specific lines/ words in the
These types of questions ask students to:
 Characterize the speaker’s tone, style or attitude as a
 Fit particular details into the “big picture” or passage as a
 Interpret a word based on context, tone, style, or attitude
of the passage as a whole.
**Big Picture questions appear at the
beginning and end of each section**
1. The author of this passage is most likely
 (A) a scientific researcher
 (B) a lexicographer
 (C) a historian
 (D) a sociologist
 (E) a teacher
These questions ask students to refer back to
specific lines in the passage
These questions may also ask you to reevaluate
the passage as a whole.
 Read the sentence before and the sentence after
 Only read this part of the passage – DO NOT reread
the whole piece (too time consuming)
4. Which word from the passage gives the
clearest indication as to where the author
encountered the process of upknocking?
 (A) entry (line 13)
 (B) novel (line 7)
 (C) schooling (line 3)
 (D) employment (line 10)
 (E) clients (line 12)
2 Pass System
POE (Process of Elimination)
PASS #1: Answer easy questions first and
circle hard questions
PASS #2: Time permitting, go back through
the passage taking time to answer the more
difficult questions
Keep track of you timing!
 If you have 8-12 minutes per passage.
 1-2 minutes per question
***Each question is worth the same number of points***
Cross out answers you know are wrong
Circle best guess of the remaining choices
Guessing aggressively = increased chances for success!
BIG PICTURE. Read for the overall gist of the
passage: author’s goal, tone, and point of view.
DETAILS. Reread lines before and after the lines
indicated as part of the question.
2 PASS SYSTEM. Answer easy questions first,
circle the hard questions. PACE YOURSELF!
POE (Process of Elimination). Eliminate
obviously wrong answers. GUESS
Turn to the person next to you.
 1. Explain the format of the AP Multiple-Choice
 2. Explain the two types of questions.
 3. Explain two strategies for attacking these
Let’s practice together!
10 min. to complete the passage
Read the entire passage first
Label each question (BP) Big Picture or (D)
Use 2 Pass System and POE (Process of
Elimination) to answer the questions
With your partner, come to consensus.
Identified question type correctly
Used POE (Process of Elimination)
4 – 8-7 questions
3 – 6-5 questions
2 – 4-3 questions
1 – 2-1 questions
 Label each question Big Picture (BP) or Details (D)
 Use 2 Pass System and POE (Process of
Elimination) to answer the questions
 Time yourself!
▪ 13 minutes to complete the passage