Reed 3rd 9 week’s S.T.E.M. Course Outline Course Description from the Mississippi Department of Education: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Applications is an instructional program that prepares students to engage in future academic and vocational courses of study in high school, community college, and institutions of higher learning. Student in STEM Applications complete study in technology literacy, the design process, emerging technologies, computer-aided design, sustainable design and technology, power, and energy, robotics simulation, financial and economic literacy, and workplace skills for the 21 st century. The STEM Applications curriculum framework is built upon 21 st Century Skills Standards, ACT College Readiness Standards, and the National Educational Technology Standards for Students. 3rd 9 Weeks Coursework Unit 1 Orientation and Ethics Competency 3: Identify emerging careers in the technology field. Unit 2 Technology Literacy Competency 1: Define technology Competency 2: Demonstrate understanding of the evolution of technology Unit 4: Emerging Technologies Competency 1: Evaluate emerging technologies in society. Competency 2: Develop a proposal for a new technology. Unit 7: Power and Energy Competency 1: Demonstrate understanding of the power and energy industry. Competency 2: Evaluate the effects of power and energy on the environment. Unit 9: Financial and Economic Literacy Technology Literacy Competency 1: Understand financial literacy and services Competency 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the understanding of credit Competency 3: Recognize the major financial decisions in personal financial literacy CLASSROOM RULES 1. At the sound of the bell, be seated at your assigned computer station reading the announcement on the front board. 2. Bellwork and get your work station ready will be the first thing you do every class day. 3. All assignments for this class must be completed in the school lab unless otherwise directed by teacher. 3. Drinking, eating, and chewing of gum are not allowed in class. 5. You should check your workstation at the beginning of class to check for any damage or graffiti and report it to the teacher. If you do not report it, it will be assumed you did it. 6. If you intentionally damage any school property, you will be held financially responsible for it. This includes the chair in the classroom. LAB RULES 1. NO food, drinks, candy, or gum allowed in the lab. 2. NO hair brushes, combs, cosmetics, perfume/cologne, lotion, etc. allowed in the lab. These items will be taken up. 3. Remain at assigned station, unless otherwise instructed by teacher. 4. NO magnets allowed in the lab. These can damage the computer. 5. Do NOT change the setting on the computer. 6. The internet access needs to be on MCSD. Even if you have lost access to the internet, do not change to Network A or guest….. Wait for instructions from the teacher. Positive Behavior Incentives! I love rewarding students for doing the right thing and we have lots of rewards for these occasions. You have to earn it!!!... But they are here for those that deserve a reward. You get rewards for doing the right continuously and for being a POSITIVE influence on the classroom. 1) Prizes 2) Bonus Points 3) Class Block Rewards 4) Computer time CLASSROOM PROCEDURES FOR… …ENTERING THE CLASSROOM Put your books and other materials in the designated area. Go straight to your seat and begin the assignment. First, you look at the announcement on the front board and Second, you go to the website. After class as started, Ms. Reed will provide instruction and guidance but class starts when the bell rings. Workstations are expected to be kept neat and clean at all times. …EXITING THE CLASSROOM Clean your workstation (pick up paper off the station and your floor area). Return any materials used. Log out. Push your chair in. The bell does not dismiss you—the teacher does. You will not be dismissed until all of the previous items have been done. WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT Make-up work is YOUR responsibility. Make-up work should be completed within 3 days of being absent. See the teacher with any questions or concerns regarding make-up work. Grading Policy: A--- 90-100 B--- 80-89 C--- 70-79 D--- 60-64 F--- 64-0 NC---Inadequate Attendance I--- Incomplete NG--- No Grade (if you see No grade for an assignment…. I am giving to the student time to make up the work and this will be replaced with a zero if not completed) Grades that will be given in class: 1) Bellwork and Procedure grade 2) Participation Grade 3) There will be 2-3 assignments for each unit that will consist of creating a document or research http://w w w .madi 8035