Tax Remittance For Local Marketing Districts
Calendar Notification: Friday, February 28 2014
7:30 a.m. Room LSB-A
(3) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Tax Remittance For Local Marketing Districts
A local marketing district (district) may levy a marketing and promotion tax on the purchase price paid for rooms or accommodations.
Currently, a person or entity that provides rooms or accommodations and is included in a district is required to remit the marketing and promotion tax it collects to the department of revenue on a quarterly basis. Due to the quarterly remittance, a district receives its revenue on a quarterly basis. Beginning on July 1, 2014, the bill requires a person or entity that provides rooms or accommodations and is included in a district to remit the marketing and promotion tax it collects to the department of revenue on a monthly basis, thereby allowing the district to receive its revenue on a monthly basis.
Status: 01/08/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Finance
01/29/2014 House Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations
7:30 a.m. Room LSB-A Cal. Notif. Action:
Expand Availability Of Affordable Housing
Calendar Notification: Friday, February 28 2014
7:30 a.m. Room LSB-A
(10) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Cal. Notif. Action:
Expand Availability Of Affordable Housing
In connection with the existing housing investment trust fund, the bill:
* Changes the name of the fund from the home investment trust fund to the housing investment trust fund (trust fund);
* Expands the sources of moneys that may be used to support the trust fund to include any moneys made available by the general assembly, all moneys collected by the division of housing (division) for the purpose of the trust fund from federal grants and from contributions, other grants, gifts, bequests, and donations received from any other organization, entity, or individual, public or private, and any fees or interest earned on such moneys;
* Clarifies that the division is authorized and directed to solicit, accept, expend, and disburse all moneys collected for the trust fund from the various public and private sources identified in the bill for the purpose of making, not just loans as under existing law, but also loan guarantees, and for program administration. The bill specifies that any moneys in the trust fund at the end of any fiscal year do not revert to the general fund and that moneys in the trust fund are continuously appropriated to the division for the purposes specified in statute.
* Under current law, upon the approval of the state housing board, the division is authorized to make a loan from moneys in the trust fund to any local housing authority, public nonprofit corporation, or private nonprofit corporation for development or redevelopment costs incurred prior to the completion or occupancy of low- or moderate-income housing or for the rehabilitation of such housing. The bill deletes the enumeration of the entities entitled to borrow such moneys and also eliminates the requirement that such loan moneys may be used for development or redevelopment costs incurred prior to the occupancy of low- or moderate-income housing; and
* Permits the division to charge the borrower an origination fee for loans made from the trust fund. The fee must be used for direct and indirect costs associated with the administration of the trust fund. In connection with the existing housing development grant fund (fund), the bill:
* Expands the permissible uses of moneys in the fund to include program administration;
* Strikes existing language authorizing the division to make a grant or loan from the fund to finance foreclosure prevention activities, which has been repealed effective June 30, 2011;
* Eliminates the requirement that the borrower is required to seek replacement loans or funding no later than 180 days from the date of the loan; and
* Under current law, not more than $250,000 may be appropriated from the general fund in any one state fiscal year for any uses not related to construction grants or loans. The bill changes this requirement so that not more than 20% of the balance of moneys in the fund calculated as of July 1 of any state fiscal year may be appropriated from the general fund in any one state fiscal year for any housingconnected uses not related to construction grants or loans. The bill also deletes obsolete language in existing statutory provisions governing the 2 funds. In connection with the existing state low-income housing tax credit, the bill adds as a requirement for establishment of the credit that, where the qualified development contains 100 or more total residential units, at least 10% of the residential units in the development must be occupied by qualified residents. Where the qualified development contains less than 100 total residential units, not less than 15% of the total number of residential units in the development must be occupied by qualified residents."Qualified resident" means an occupant of a residential unit in a qualified development whose household income is not more than 30% of the adjusted median income of the area in which the qualified development is located.
01/08/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government
01/22/2014 House Committee on Local Government Refer Amended to Finance
02/19/2014 House Committee on Finance Refer Amended to Appropriations
7:30 a.m. Room LSB-A
Drug Testing Criminal Provisions
Calendar Notification: NOT ON CALENDAR
Short Title: Drug Testing Criminal Provisions
The bill establishes a level 1 drug misdemeanor for an employee who is legally required to undergo drug testing as a condition of the person's job and who:
* Uses a controlled substance without a prescription; or
* Knowingly defrauds the administration of the drug test. The bill establishes a level 2 drug misdemeanor for any other person who knowingly defrauds a drug test. The bill also creates a level 1 drug misdemeanor for a person to offer for sale or to manufacture or sell a device adapted or designed to defraud the administration of a drug test. It also creates a level 2 drug misdemeanor for the possession of such a device.
Status: 01/08/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development + Judiciary
01/30/2014 House Committee on Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development Refer Amended to Judiciary
02/06/2014 House Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole
02/11/2014 House Second Reading Laid Over Daily
02/13/2014 House Second Reading Passed with Amendments
02/18/2014 House Third Reading Passed
Cal. Notif. Action:
Deadly Force Against Intruders At Businesses
Monitor – killed in committee
Voter Approval For State Branding Program
Monitor – killed in Committee
Summary: On August 29, 2013, the state unveiled the "brandCOLORADO initiative" (branding program) to create a new brand and help market the state. The branding program includes, among other things, a new triangular green and white logo to promote the state as well as the catchphrase, "It's our nature". The bill suspends the branding program pending the submission of a question to the voters of the state. If the voters approve the question, the branding program continues to be implemented and used in the state. If the voters do not approve the question, the branding program is permanently suspended; however, a new program could be implemented based upon the colors and elements contained in the state flag or other symbols that are readily associated with the state.
Accurate Experience Modification Workers' Comp
Actively Monitor
Calendar Notification: Thursday, February 27 2014
Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
(1) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Cal. Notif. Action:
Short Title:
Accurate Experience Modification Workers' Comp
The bill requires each workers' compensation insurance carrier to notify the authorized rating organization to revise the experience modification factor of an employer to reflect the actual dollar amount paid for a closed claim instead of the amount reserved prior to the closure of the claim and the amount recovered through subrogation of a claim. The bill requires the authorized rating organization to revise the experience modification factor to reflect the revised claims information. The carrier is required to credit the employer for the premium change as a result of the revised experience modification factor.
01/13/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
Tax Deduction For Affordable Care Act Penalty
Monitor – killed in Committee
The starting point for determining state income tax liability is federal taxable income. This number is adjusted for additions and subtractions (deductions) that are used to determine Colorado taxable income, which amount is multiplied by the state's 4.63% income tax rate. The bill allows a taxpayer who pays a penalty for failing to maintain minimum essential coverage under section 5000A of the internal revenue code, which was enacted by the federal "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", to claim a state income tax deduction for an amount equal to the penalty.
Tax Credit For Donating Food To Charitable Org
Not really applicable to us based on the requirements
Tax Credit For Donating Food To Charitable Org
The bill creates an income tax credit for taxpayers who make food contributions to a hunger-relief charitable organization in an amount equal to either twenty-five percent, but not to exceed a maximum dollar amount, of the wholesale market price or twenty-five percent, but not to exceed a maximum dollar amount, of the most recent sale price of the food contributions for tax years commencing on or after
January 1, 2014, but before January 1, 2019.
Keep Legal Marijuana From Those Under 21
Calendar Notification: Wednesday, February 26 2014
1:30 PM SCR 356
(1) in senate calendar.
Short Title: Keep Legal Marijuana From Those Under 21
Under current law, medical marijuana-infused products must be sold in either child-proof packaging or in packaging warning "medicinal product - keep out of reach of children". The bill removes the option of selling the products in the packaging with the warning. The bill makes an exception to the child-proof packaging if the purchaser has a doctor's note explaining he or she has a condition that makes opening the child-proof packaging difficult. The bill gives a retail marijuana store the ability to confiscate a fraudulent identification and detain and question the person who provided the fraudulent identification. The bill makes selling marijuana to a person under 21 years of age at a retail marijuana store a class 1 misdemeanor and creates the various licensing penalties for selling to an underage person.
01/15/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
02/06/2014 House Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole
02/11/2014 House Second Reading Laid Over Daily
02/13/2014 House Second Reading Passed with Amendments
02/14/2014 House Third Reading Passed
02/17/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Judiciary
1:30 PM SCR 356 Cal. Notif. Action:
HOAs Publish Member Info With Permission
Actively Monitor
Calendar Notification: Tuesday, March 4 2014
2:00 PM SCR 353
(5) in senate calendar.
Short Title:
HOAs Publish Member Info With Permission
The bill specifies that, notwithstanding the general prohibition against sharing personal information about members of a common interest community, the unit owners' association may publish members' and residents' contact information with their prior written consent. Written consent may be given electronically.
01/15/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
02/11/2014 House Committee on Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development Refer Unamended to House Committee of the
02/14/2014 House Second Reading Passed
02/17/2014 House Third Reading Passed
02/18/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government
2:00 PM SCR 353 Cal. Notif. Action:
Hours Alcohol Sales On-premises Consumption
Killed on the House Floor
Current law prohibits a person licensed to sell alcohol beverages for on-premises consumption from serving alcohol beverages between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. The bill allows a local government to establish the hours during which alcohol beverages may be sold for on-premises consumption at establishments within the local government's jurisdiction.
Private Construction Contract Retainage & Payments
Calendar Notification: Thursday, February 27 2014
Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
(2) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Private Construction Contract Retainage & Payments
The bill requires property owners who contract for improvements to real property to:
* Pay 95% of the amount due, which limits the amount retained to ensure the quality of work to 5%; and
* Pay subcontractors the retainage after the work is finally accepted. If a person fails to make required payments, the person must pay interest and is liable for attorney fees. These requirements are enforceable in court. Contractual provisions that do not comply with the requirements are unenforceable. A statute of limitations to enforce the bill is set for one year.
01/21/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development Status:
Cal. Notif. Action:
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
Repeal Health Benefit Exchange
Calendar Notification: Tuesday, February 25 2014
Public Health Care & Human Services
1:30 p.m. Room 0107
(3) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Repeal Health Benefit Exchange
In 2010, pursuant to the enactment of federal law that allowed each state to establish a health benefit exchange option through state law or opt to participate in a national exchange, the general assembly enacted the "Colorado Health Benefit Exchange Act" (act). The act created the state exchange, a board of directors (board) to implement the exchange, and a legislative health benefits exchange implementation review committee to make recommendations to the board. The bill repeals the act, effective January 1, 2015. The bill requires the state treasurer to transfer any unencumbered moneys that remain in the exchange to the general fund.
Cal. Notif. Action:
01/29/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Public Health Care & Human Services + Health, Insurance, & Environment
1:30 p.m. Room 0107
Clarify Mineral Rights Property Owned By County
Calendar Notification: Thursday, March 6 2014
Local Government
Upon Adjournment Room 0107
(2) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Clarify Mineral Rights Property Owned By County
The bill clarifies the legal rights of county governments in connection with real property owned by the county in the following respects:
* Section 1 of the bill modifies existing statutory provisions pertaining to county powers in connection with the purchase and possession of real and personal property to clarify that the county may own, besides purchasing and holding, such property and expressly specifies that such property includes oil, gas, mineral, and other property interests for county revenue generation and other county government operations, projects, or purposes.
* Section 2 of the bill clarifies requirements relating to the publication of notice of a sale by the county of mineral rights. This section of the bill clarifies that oil and gas reserved rights are included within the mineral rights that the board of county commissioners (board) may lease for exploration, development, and production purposes. The bill deletes language placing a time limit on a lease of mineral rights by the county and clarifies that leases entered by the board prior to January 1, 2014, are legal and within the board's authority.
* Section 3 of the bill clarifies that revenue generation is among the purposes for which the county may lease real estate or other interests and that the board has authority to approve the terms and conditions of such leases. This section of the bill also deletes existing statutory requirements imposing time limits on the length of a lease of oil and gas rights and imposing other conditions on the lease.
* Section 4 of the bill adds oil, gas, and minerals to modify the word "lands" in the definition of "public projects". This section of the bill also provides that a public project may be acquired, owned, held, or developed by a county to generate county revenue.
* Existing statutory provisions hold that certain places designated as public use on a map or plat are the public property of a city or town and that fee title is vested in the city or town. Sections 5 and 6 of the bill add counties and city and counties to the list of local governments whose interests are protected under these provisions.
* Section 7 of the bill eliminates outmoded legal language from an existing statutory provision specifying when a fee simple estate of land is a fee simple estate of inheritance.
* Section 9 of the bill clarifies that, whenever land is acquired for road, transit, or mass transit purposes, the right to subsurface support of
Status: the land surface is deemed to be acquired as well regardless of whether a fee, limited fee, or right-of-way is acquired. This section of the bill also deletes existing statutory language denying a governmental entity the right to acquire certain mineral resources beneath the real property through condemnation under certain circumstances.
* Sections 10 and 12 of the bill modify existing statutory provisions allowing the acquisition by counties of land for highways including by means of condemnation to specify that nothing in these provisions modifies or restricts the powers or authority conferred on counties or the board with respect to county roads or revenue generation.
* Section 11 of the bill addresses existing statutory provisions governing the declaration of certain land as public highways. This section specifies that public highways include all lands dedicated to public use by deed conveying a fee simple, limited fee, easement, or right-ofway, filed with the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the land is located, when the dedication has been accepted by the board and board has approved the surface of the land for use as a public road. The bill goes on to clarify that the fee or other estate conveyed from the grantor to the grantee is conclusively established by the language in the deed of conveyance that is pre-printed or inserted by the grantor or the grantee. This section also clarifies that roads include certain strips of land, and that the acquiring government also owns in fee simple mineral rights under such strips of land.
01/30/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government
Cal. Notif. Action:
Upon Adjournment Room 0107
Retail Marijuana Fingerprint Check Local Authority
Calendar Notification: NOT ON CALENDAR
Short Title:
Retail Marijuana Fingerprint Check Local Authority
For retail marijuana licensing purposes, the bill allows a local jurisdiction to submit fingerprints for purposes of conducting a criminal history background check or to acquire a name-based criminal history check if the licensee's fingerprints are unclassifiable.
01/30/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
02/13/2014 House Committee on Judiciary Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole
02/18/2014 House Second Reading Laid Over Daily
02/19/2014 House Second Reading Passed
02/20/2014 House Third Reading Laid Over Daily
02/21/2014 House Third Reading Passed
Cal. Notif. Action:
Limit HOA Transfer Fees & Late Payment Penalties
Actively Monitor
Calendar Notification: Tuesday, February 25 2014
(5) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Limit HOA Transfer Fees & Late Payment Penalties
The bill requires a licensed community association manager who performs services for a homeowners' association (HOA) through employees or subcontractors to fully disclose to the HOA, during contract negotiations and annually thereafter, all fees and charges that the manager will bill to the HOA for services performed by those employees or subcontractors.
02/03/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
02/20/2014 House Committee on Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development Refer Unamended to House Committee of the
Marketplace Fairness & Small Business Protection
Calendar Notification: Wednesday, February 26 2014
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
(2) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Cal. Notif. Action:
Marketplace Fairness & Small Business Protection
The state imposes a sales tax collection obligation on every retailer or vendor, and the terms "retailer" and "vendor" are defined to include every person doing business in this state and selling to the user or consumer, and not for resale. The state also imposes a use tax collection obligation on every person in this state for the privilege of storing, using, or consuming in the state any tangible personal property purchased at retail. By operation of law, the definition of the term "doing business in this state" establishes which retailers must collect sales and use tax on behalf of the state from its customers. What qualifies as "doing business in this state" is what is understood as "nexus" among sales tax experts. The bill modifies and expands the state's sales and use tax nexus provisions by:
* Expanding the types of activities that will create nexus with the state if conducted by any person that already has a physical presence in this state, other than a common carrier acting in its capacity as such, pursuant to an agreement or arrangement with an out-of-state retailer;
* Clarifying that the expanded nexus provisions create a rebuttable presumption that the specified activities create substantial nexus for the out-of-state retailer;
* Requiring an out-of-state retailer to collect and remit sales and use taxes if that retailer contracts with the state for the sale of tangible personal property or taxable services; and
* Limiting the effect of the expanded nexus provisions to sales and use tax by specifying that the nexus does not apply to franchise, income, or other taxes.
02/04/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Finance
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
Wage Protection Act
Calendar Notification: NOT ON CALENDAR
Short Title: Wage Protection Act
For purposes of duties, obligations, and liabilities related to the payment of wages, the bill:
* Expands wage claims to include violations involving the state minimum wage;
* Requires an employer to maintain records reflecting information in an employee's pay statement for at least 3 years after payment of the wages and to make the records available to the employee and the division of labor in the department of labor and employment
(division). The bill authorizes the executive director of the division to impose a fine on an employer who fails to retain or make available the records.
* Requires an employer to mail a check for wages to the employee's last-known address within 60 days after the check was due if an employer is unable to otherwise deliver the check to the employee. Under current law, to recover penalties in an action for unpaid wages, an employee is required to make a written demand on his or her employer to recover penalties, and the penalties are increased by 50% if the employer's failure to pay is willful. The bill:
* Provides that failure to respond to a written demand creates a rebuttable presumption that the failure to pay was willful;
* Provides that service of a small claims court complaint serves as the written demand; and
* Reduces the penalties for failing to pay wages by 50% if the employer makes legal tender to the employee of the amount that the employer believes in good faith is due the employee. The bill authorizes the director of the division to establish an administrative procedure to adjudicate wage claims. For wage claims filed with the division for $7,500 or less, the bill establishes procedures for the division to adjudicate the claim and issue citations and notices of assessments for the amounts due. A person dissatisfied with a decision may commence a de novo civil action in any county or district court of competent jurisdiction. Current law provides that fines collected by the division are deposited in the general fund. The bill provides that the fines are deposited in a new wage theft enforcement fund. The bill provides that an employee is entitled to reasonable attorney fees in an action to recover the minimum wage.
Status: 01/08/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Judiciary
01/22/2014 Senate Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to Finance
02/04/2014 Senate Committee on Finance Refer Amended to Appropriations
Cal. Notif. Action:
Disclose Separate Ownership Mineral Estate
Calendar Notification: Thursday, February 27 2014
Transportation & Energy
Upon Adjournment Room 0112
(3) in house calendar.
Short Title: Disclose Separate Ownership Mineral Estate
Sponsors: HODGE / MORENO
The bill requires a seller to disclose in the sale of real property that a separate mineral estate may subject the property to oil, gas, or mineral extraction. This requirement does not include a duty to investigate.
01/08/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Judiciary
01/15/2014 Senate Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
01/21/2014 Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 01/23/2014
01/23/2014 Senate Second Reading Passed with Amendments
01/24/2014 Senate Third Reading Passed
01/24/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation & Energy
Upon Adjournment Room 0112 Cal. Notif. Action:
Hospitality Career Ed Grant Program
Actively Support
Calendar Notification: NOT ON CALENDAR
Short Title:
Hospitality Career Ed Grant Program
The bill creates the hospitality career secondary education grant program (grant program). Hospitality education programs that operate at the secondary education level (hospitality programs) may apply for a grant from the grant program. The department of labor and employment (department) administers the grant program. The hospitality secondary education fund is created to fund the grant program.
The department is directed to provide an annual report on the activities of the grant program.
Status: 01/08/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Education
01/30/2014 Senate Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations
Cal. Notif. Action:
Limit Use Of Ag Water For Lawn Irrigation
Calendar Notification: NOT ON CALENDAR
Short Title:
Limit Use Of Ag Water For Lawn Irrigation
The bill prohibits a local government from approving an application for a development permit unless the local government has adopted an enforceable resolution or ordinance that limits, as a prerequisite for approval of the development permit, the amount of irrigated grass on residential lots in the development to no more than 15% of the total aggregate area of all residential lots in the development. "Irrigated" means supplied with water for lawn grass and does not include the use of raw water for irrigation. The 15% limit applies only if any part of the water supply for the development is changed from agricultural irrigation purposes to municipal or domestic use on or after January 1,
Status: 01/08/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Energy
02/06/2014 Senate Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Energy Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
02/11/2014 Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 02/18/2014
02/18/2014 Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 02/21/2014
02/21/2014 Senate Second Reading Passed with Amendments
02/24/2014 Senate Third Reading Passed
02/24/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources
Cal. Notif. Action:
Alcohol Beverage License Suspensions Fines
Calendar Notification: Thursday, March 6 2014
Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
(2) in house calendar.
Short Title:
Alcohol Beverage License Suspensions Fines
When the state or a local licensing authority issues a final decision suspending an alcohol beverage license or permit for 14 or fewer days, current law permits an alcohol beverage license or permit holder to petition the licensing authority for permission to pay a fine in lieu of the suspension. The licensing authority, in its sole discretion, may permit the licensee or permit holder to pay a fine if it is satisfied that:
* Public welfare and morals will not be impaired by allowing the licensee to operate during the suspension period and that payment of a fine achieves the appropriate discipline;
* The licensee's books and records show, with reasonable accuracy, the licensee's projected loss of sales if the suspension occurs; and
* The licensee has not had a license or permit suspended or revoked and has not had a suspension stayed by payment of a fine within the last 2 years. The bill allows a licensee, regardless of the length of an ordered suspension, to petition the licensing authority for permission to pay a fine in lieu of the suspension. Additionally, the licensee may petition to pay a fine, and the licensing authority may grant the petition, regardless of whether the licensee had a license suspended or paid a fine in lieu of a suspension within the prior 2 years. The bill retains the requirement that a licensee must not have had a license or permit revoked within the prior 2 years in order to petition to pay a fine in lieu of a suspension.
01/10/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Business, Labor, & Technology
01/27/2014 Senate Committee on Business, Labor, & Technology Refer Unamended to Finance
02/06/2014 Senate Committee on Finance Refer Unamended - Consent Calendar to Senate Committee of the Whole
02/11/2014 Senate Second Reading Passed
02/12/2014 Senate Third Reading Passed
02/12/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A Cal. Notif. Action:
Recommendations For Financing Capital Construction
Calendar Notification: NOT ON CALENDAR
Short Title: Recommendations For Financing Capital Construction
Joint Budget Committee. In Senate Bill 09-228, the general assembly set a 5-year block of statutory transfers from the general fund to the capital construction fund and the highway users tax fund. The transfer for capital construction was scheduled to begin in the 2012-13 state fiscal year, provided a trigger was met. Since the trigger has not yet occurred, the block of transfers has not started. In addition to the transfers, Senate Bill 09-228 also required the capital development committee to develop and make recommendations concerning new methods of financing the state's ongoing capital construction and controlled maintenance needs prior to January 1, 2016, which would have been just prior to the last fiscal year of the required transfers, if the trigger occurred, so that when the transfers end a new funding mechanism could possibly be in place. Since the transfers have not yet occurred, the bill changes the deadline for the development of recommendations concerning new methods of financing the state's ongoing capital construction and controlled maintenance needs to align with the fourth year of anticipated transfers to the capital construction fund. The bill also moves the responsibility for recommendation development to the joint budget committee rather than the capital development committee.
01/27/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Appropriations
02/07/2014 Senate Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole
02/11/2014 Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 02/14/2014
02/14/2014 Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 02/21/2014
02/21/2014 Senate Second Reading Passed with Amendments
02/24/2014 Senate Third Reading Passed
02/24/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Appropriations
Cal. Notif. Action:
Prohibit Discrimination Labor Union Participation
Killed in Committee
The bill prohibits an employer from requiring any person, as a condition of employment, to become or remain a member of a labor organization or to pay dues, fees, or other assessments to a labor organization or to a charity organization or other third party in lieu of the labor organization. Any agreement that violates these prohibitions or the rights of an employee is void. The bill creates civil and criminal penalties for violations and authorizes the attorney general and the district attorney in each judicial district to investigate alleged violations and take action against a person believed to be in violation. The bill states that all-union agreements are unfair labor practices.
01/27/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
02/05/2014 Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely
State Employee Workers' Comp Account Approp
Calendar Notification: Friday, February 28 2014
7:30 a.m. Room LSB-A
(11) in house calendar.
Short Title:
State Employee Workers' Comp Account Approp
Joint Budget Committee. The bill continuously appropriates moneys in the state employee workers' compensation account in the risk management fund other than the direct and indirect administrative costs of operating the risk management system. The bill requires the general assembly to make annual appropriations from the account for the direct and indirect administrative costs of operating the risk management system, including legal services, litigation expenses, and third-party administrator expenses, that are attributable to the operation of the state employee workers' compensation account. The bill also specifies that all unexpended amounts in the account remain in the account at the end of any fiscal year.
01/27/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Appropriations
02/07/2014 Senate Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended - Consent Calendar to Senate Committee of the Whole
02/11/2014 Senate Second Reading Passed
02/12/2014 Senate Third Reading Reconsidered
02/12/2014 Senate Third Reading Passed
02/12/2014 Senate Third Reading Passed
02/12/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Appropriations
7:30 a.m. Room LSB-A Cal. Notif. Action:
Marijuana Criminal Provision Clean Up
Calendar Notification: Tuesday, February 25 2014
(8) in senate calendar.
Short Title: Marijuana Criminal Provision Clean Up
Section 1. The bill adds consumption and possession of marijuana and possession of marijuana paraphernalia to the crime of underage possession or consumption of alcohol. The bill changes the penalty structure for the crime as follows:
* For a first offense, there is a fine of up to $100 or a requirement to attend substance abuse education classes;
* For a second offense, there is a fine of up to $100; a requirement to attend substance abuse education classes; if appropriate, an order for a substance abuse assessment and any treatment recommended by the assessment; and up to 24 hours of public service; and
* For a third or subsequent offense, there is a fine of up to $250, an order for a substance abuse assessment and any treatment
recommended by the assessment, and up to 36 hours of public service. Section 2. Under current law, the P.O.S.T. board is encouraged to offer an advanced roadside impaired driving training course at basic academy training. The bill encourages the P.O.S.T. board to offer the course as an elective to basic field sobriety training recertification. Section 3. The bill changes the open marijuana container crime to require that prosecution prove that the container has a broken seal, that the contents were partially removed, and that there is evidence that marijuana was consumed in the vehicle. Current law only requires proof of one of those 3 elements. Sections 4 through 9. The bill makes conforming amendments.
01/27/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Judiciary
02/12/2014 Senate Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to Finance
02/18/2014 Senate Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations
02/21/2014 Senate Committee on Appropriations Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
Certification of Workers' Compensation Forms
Calendar Notification: Tuesday, March 11 2014
Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A
(1) in house calendar.
Short Title: Certification of Workers' Compensation Forms
Current law prohibits workers' compensation carriers from writing any policy of insurance or any endorsement, rider, letter, or other document affecting an insurance contract on a form that has not been previously filed with and approved by the commissioner of insurance. The bill allows the forms to be used without prior approval and to be certified on an annual basis after submission by the workers' compensation carriers.
01/27/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Business, Labor, & Technology
02/12/2014 Senate Committee on Business, Labor, & Technology Refer Amended - Consent Calendar to Senate Committee of the
02/17/2014 Senate Second Reading Passed with Amendments
02/18/2014 Senate Third Reading Passed
02/18/2014 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business, Labor, Economic, & Workforce Development
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A Cal. Notif. Action:
HOA No Lien Without Full CCIOA Applicability
Actively Monitor
Calendar Notification: NOT ON CALENDAR
Short Title: HOA No Lien Without Full CCIOA Applicability
The bill requires that, in order to establish or foreclose a lien for assessments, a homeowners' association must be subject to the entire
"Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act".
01/27/2014 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
02/17/2014 Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only